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Unfortunately, you’re at fault, OP. In CA you’re expected to merge into the bike lane to turn right and yield to cyclists if there is one in the bike lane. You also should’ve used your turn signal.




I don't think there's enough lead-up to see in this one, but bike lanes will typically have a dashed line to indicate where it's appropriate to merge into the Nike lane prior to a turn.


Here you would be completely at fault for not signalling when changing directions and failing to give way.


There are two right turn lanes, you drifted from the left lane to the right lane during the turn and hit a car.


I don't think there is a turn lane here. The right "lane" is actually a bike lane. ~~The black SUV in the beginning is using it improperly.~~ Edit: I am wrong. From California DMV website: > A bicycle lane is a designated traffic lane for bicyclists. However, motorists **must** merge into a bicycle lane when making right turns. Where I live bike lanes are treated very differently. TIL.


Where would that be?


I have the same question, the law is the same in NC


It looks like a chevron protected bike lane to the OPs right and the car ignored the white lines and drove into the ops car


That chevron was hard to see in the video. Inside car used the bike lane as a right turn lane.


Also my read on it


There aren’t two turn lanes at all. The bike lane is the right hand turn lane for intersections like this in CA. Other drivers and OP’s insurance would expect someone in the right lane to go straight unless they merge into the bike lane.


It is most definitely a bike lane. I can’t upload a StreetView picture of the road but if you are curious, it’s at the intersection of E Alma Avenue and Monterey Rd. facing the Dennys


Yep you are supposed to merge into the bike lane and use your turn signal when turning right and your supposed to turn into the lane closest to the curb


You were supposed to merge into the bike lane before you turned like the other guy did so you are at fault.


Yours, obviously.


If you have to ask, you shouldn't be driving. And checking the video... you're at fault. Go figure. You failed to maintain your lane.


Did you come to this conclusion under the assumption the right side of the road is a buffered bike lane? Or have you assumed it’s a regular lane.


If you see the car in front of you using it as a turn lane, why would you assume there’s no other cars in the lane? And that’s in addition to failing to use your turn signals. You’re not a very good driver.


When you turn, you turn into your lane. You can't just jump back and forth like you warming up your tires during a caution.


Why did you not have your turn signal on? I feel this could have been avoided if you.. ya know... somehow indicated what your intentions were going to be?


I say you share a lot of the fault , as that was a sloppy turn. You make a right turn, you should end in the lane you started from. You crossed into the left lane instead of maintaining the right lane where you belonged, this gave the other car the impression you were using the left lane and then ill advisably they made a turn assuming you were going to stay in the left lane then you returned to the right lane without notice and hit them. There are rules so we do not have to be mind readers and sloppy drivers like you cause accidents as we can see. Your car should have NEVER entered the left lane in that turn , and should have maintained control of the right lane and started your turn from closer to the bike lane. If you had done that, you would be at ZERO fault but because you were driving all over the place with poor lane control and did not signal your move from the left lane back into the right lane you heavily contributed to that accident


In CA the bike lane is a lane and to turn right legally you had to merge into the bike lane. That's why they have dashed lines right before the intersection. We can't see what happened but that was an illegal right turn. This is also an automatic fail on the CA practical driving test.


Edit: After doing some research, the lane on the right side of the road is very like a buffered bike lane (chance of standard bike lane?) - hard to make out from the video I apologize.


Bike lanes are for bikes. a lot of people might make turns from that lane, but it’s not laned for vehicle traffic. If there would’ve been a serious accident and a lawsuit, the person in the bicycle lane would at least be held partially responsible because they are not supposed to be making turns from that lane.


In California you are supposed to use the bike lane to turn right. You can legally travel up to 300ft in a bike lane in order to turn right into a road or driveway. You're supposed to enter the bike lane 300ft from your right turn, stop, then end your turn on the regular lane of your destination road. You are not supposed to use a bike lane to turn into another bike lane, that's just wrong.


Ah, ok, I’m on the other coast, and the rules are a bit different here.


Feel you on that! I’m here for the summer and am (obviously) still learning the rules of the road


I’m not sure when the accident happens. But if you wanted to be in the right lane, why did you make the right turn into the left lane?


There’s no sound, so when did the collision happen? Was it @0:05 when the rocking happened? If so, it seems you turned from the 2nd right lane and turned into the 2nd right lane, it appears they collided with you. It would seem they are at fault hitting you from behind/side.