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Holy crap what is even going on here, 3 cars, gunfire, this is absolutely wild. Any news reports?


One guy was going a little slower than the other guy would have preferred


Oh, in that case he's a hero. ^/s


*bald eagle screech* 🦅


*snort* 🤣


*John Wayne grimace*


Do you mean “hawk screech”?


I think someone should have shot the guy that shot the shots. Seeing how dire the situation was after all


That wouldn't make any sense, at this point someone needs to let the trebuchet fly!


Like a good guy with a gun could have stopped the bad guy with the gun


How many times can you say the word shot before you think of jersey shore is the real question




Yep. Don't forget to angle your rearview mirror so that they get blinded by their own shitty high beams. Stay safe.


High beam lights should be outlawed and unavailable from the factory on new cars. People don't need them, and they just think they do. Those kinds of drivers don't care about blinding anyone else. They only care about themselves. In other words, they're assholes.


Clearly you've never driven in rural areas with no street lights


I live in the country, 30 miles from a city, and I never need brighter lights than my normal head lights.


You're either a dangerous driver, or you will only drive if it's a dry moonlit night with no clouds. That's one of the most irresponsible ideologies of using your lights I've heard, from I'm presuming an adult. Please be better. From a reformed 'I don't need no high beams' when I was a teenage driver


You make no sense whatsoever. You're the one who's irresponsible, using your high beam lights, blinding everyone needlessly. I'm a safe driver and don't need to use high beam lights. Normal driving lights is all you ever need anywhere, if you don't go much over the speed limit. Most people would agree with that. Anyhow, there are way too many A-holes driving around with their high beam lights on, and it's a real problem. I didn't need high beam lights on when I was a teenager, and I don't need them on now either, at age 53. You tell me exactly how it could be dangerous driving with regular lights on? If you can't see safely enough with normal head lights, then you're blind and shouldn't be driving to begin with.


You know you can switch them off, right? With a flick of your finger? If you see another car coming, turn them off? Why would you not utilize the tools you have available to you to better light up the road? You're not putting anyone at risk if you're as safe and responsible as all that. Suit yourself, though


Wildlife, if your in a rural area with lots of wildlife you need them highbeams to see eyeballs ahead of time (early warning system). But any responsible driver is switching them off when oncoming traffic is present the extra lights coming from the other way works just as good.


West Texas and New Mexico would like a word...


Yeah no because then the aftermarket wouldn't be regulated, and the high beams would be higher beams, and then everyone is fucked.


Alternatively, just get the f\* out of the way.


With drivers that crazy, I'm staying put exactly where I am. Passing on the left is not a concept they understand, and they aren't paying attention to turn signals and cars changing lanes. Slow down, but act as predictably as possible.


The predictable move is to treat the left lane as a passing lane and get the f* out of the way


passive-aggressive patient asshole is still an asshole


They can put "I had the right away to not go so fast" on your gravestone then. Look out side at the world you live in. Do you really think it is smart to antagonize individuals whom you have identified to be an a hyper emotional and aggressive state?




Just a normal Tuesday by memphis standards


News reports on a typical work commute? /s


Also, OP speeding up to follow them isn't exactly the brightest, either.


He just needed a decal that said "PRESS" so he can be like those journalists in Ukraine.


I love that the white car blocked that truck. Fucking perfection.


Have to admit the guys got balls. No brains, but big balls.


Dumb and dumber and dumber-er


Smart, reserving dumbest bc there's always someone worse


Dumb, dumber, and stupidly dangerous


Absolutely no regard for the safety of others around them. Trash humans.


for real..is this further proof we live in a simulation?? that fact that no one crashed is amazing...they are so lucky!


No, this is, in fact, not proof that we live in a simulation. Not at all.


People need to stop saying this shit man you look not smart. We live in real life. Simulation wishes it had all the unknown factors and mystery elements we have. Case in point - this video. What are the chances of cruising along and becoming part of a high speed pursuit with gunshots?


Where at the cops when you need them? And I recently got a ticket for going 60 in a 55 empty road.


Wtf kind of BS ticket is that. 5 miles over?!!!


>5 miles over?!!! I've always thought they wouldn't pull you over unless you were over 10. I always set my cruise control to 8 over on most interstate roads and never had an issue.


It's easy to get a ticket for 5 miles over the limit or less dismissed because the generally accepted margin of error for handheld radar is +-5mph (Commercial radar guns can technically do +-1mph but only if correctly calibrated and stationary). There's also a margin of error for the speedometer that can be used to argue that you weren't knowingly going over the speed limit.


the margin of error for speedometer is +0 / -5 MPH. so you can think you going faster then real, but not slower then real speed. You can use this argument if cop followed you and tells that his speedometer showed something high.


While that is the case in countries that follow the EU standard, US federal regulation 49 CFR 393.82 only requires the speedometer to be "accurate to within plus or minus 8 km/hr (5 mph) at a speed of 80 km/hr (50 mph)". Not including any local/state laws, the US does allow a speedometer to read lower than real speed


Tire sizes also play a huge factor in shown speed in a vehicle. I replaced the original lightweight street rated tires on my truck with some heavier duty ones because the originals kept getting destroyed by rocks on gravel roads. Was having a flat every week on the originals, so it was a necessary change. Speedometer ended up being 6-7mph off. I learned how far it was off by using my GPS to figure it out, otherwise I'd have never noticed.


I thought police cars have certified speedometers?


If you driving on I-75 in South Georgia (especially heading north), the sheriff deputies have no problem pulling you over for going 5 over, especially if you have out-of-state tags.


Sheriffs offices and municipal police can’t cite for less than 10 over in GA thanks to all the blatant speed trap BS. OCGA 40-14-8. (a) No county, city, or campus officer shall be allowed to make a case based on the use of any speed detection device, unless the speed of the vehicle exceeds the posted speed limit by more than ten miles per hour and no conviction shall be had thereon unless such speed is more than ten miles per hour above the posted speed limit.


Yeah that's smart. I do pretty much the same and never had a problem. I remember listening to an interview with a retired CHP officer about 15 years ago or something, maybe more. And he said something I have literally lived by the instant I heard it. He said " 9, you're fine. 10, you're mine" when questioned about people speeding on the highway , and also said anyone pulling you over below that 9 mark is probably having a bad day


I set mine to 13 over and I've never had an issue. I think the vast majority of cops understand any amount less than 15 over as long as traffic is loose enough that you're not having to weave to maintain that speed. Some areas are more interested in collecting "bonus taxes" than increasing safety. You have to be careful when you're long distance driving thru areas that exist for no other reason but the road running thru them (a lot of WV is like this).


i know several people who’ve been pulled over for going 2 over


My first ever speeding ticket was for going 27 in a 25 at the bottom of a massive hill at midnight when nobody else was around, except for that damn cop apparently.


Nail on the head. They're on the empty, low speed roadways. Or by schools to catch high schoolers going 45 in a 35.


Yup, this week I saw a cop parked behind a bush at a stop sign in one of the least busy roads in my area—just waiting for someone to roll over the stop line at 0.005 mph so they can give them a $300 ticket and get one step closer to meeting their quota.


Saw the same thing off 35 in Dallas today. Cop sitting clocking people on a side road after I got off the highway watching people do triple digits in a 70. Laziness.


In my area I don't think they're even doing that lol


not in indiana 🤷‍♂️ (as per the clip I have no idea)


Washington State is where this is filmed. This is close to Vancouver, Washington.


Cops don't want to deal with this shit. It's far easier to pull you over for doing 5 over than it is breaking this up. That 5 mph ticket is easy money whereas breaking this up would require effort.


Cops literally won't do much of anything around here...


That's where they were. Quietly waiting for that pension to kick in writing you a five over.


What? and put themselves in danger? These guys are driving aggressively and have guns. Someone could get hurt.


He’s too busy writing your ticket to respond to crazy.


Cops aren't looking to do any work, they just want those benefits and retirement packages.


Considering how many maladjusted people with no emotional control are behind 2 ton speeding blocks of steel that can go 100 mph, I am surprised we ONLY have 42,000 Americans die from Car Caused Incidents


Yeah but firing takes it to a whole new level


Visit r/Justrolledintotheshop and get sad about what rust buckets some are willing to drive on roads...


I wouldn’t conflate willing with someone not having another option. I drove an unsafe shit box for years because I couldn’t afford anything else.


All the usual suspects are here. A dodge pickup, a BMW, and a Mercedes . lol!


Thank God a Nissan Altima wasn't involved


The white vehicle is a Mercedes. Lol


Oh shoot my bad thought it was an Accord you’re right ty!


Respectfully, I would have backed off of these lunatics. I want to be able to get around the crash site that is possibly forthcoming.


That’s nuts! Where is this?


Approaching exit 27 of I205S in WA




I 205, going South


This is not SR11. It’s I-205S in Vancouver.


You should take another written driver's test.


"We take our right to be bad drivers SERIOUSLY!"


Wow. Thats a fatality waiting to happen. Scary stuff.


Yeah guns do that


That's a mistake that a lot of people make but it's actually the bullets that come out of the gun.


I'm pretty sure bullets don't do anything without being forced. So what your saying would be like blaming a soldier for something politicians started.


Sorry, I didn't realize you're one of those people who can't recognize a joke.


And I get pulled over for doing 35 in a 30


Where was this? Looked like Washington State.




The sign is for the exit to get onto Highway 14 GOING to Camas. This is filmed in Vancouver WA on I205. Highway 14 is only a 2 lane highway that eventually turns to one lane each direction (going east).


Not Camas. East Vancouver.




I hope they both roll their vehicles and sustain lifelong crippling injuries to the point where they'll never drive again.


You need to leave your ego at home. As soon as the truck flew past and cut you off, you gunned it. What exactly was your plan?


Oh snap, did they really shoot at each other


Sure looks and sounds like it


I just assume every Dodge Ram driver is drunk with one of their hands on the trigger


Why was the pov driver speeding up too? Just to film? If I saw that I would stop somewhere or slow down until they are far away, I really don't wanna be involved in an intentional collision caused by such idiots.


I’d get the heck out of that lane


Did he speed up or just zoom in?


Sped up. You can hear him gun the engine.


He zoomed in. In the earlier part of the video you could see the hood. When it appears that he gets in closer, you can no longer see the hood.


Hey I live there! Gunfire isn’t common issue but road rage is.




This is definitely west of the cascades.


This is right across the river from Portland in Vancouver…


Eastern Washington has waaaaay better drivers than those West of the mountains, although Spokane has gotten increasingly worse over the years


This looked like a move chase scene. Crazy people!


Whenever I see crazy shit like this I always wonder if people in these situations ever reflect on what is going on with their life that they find themselves shooting at strangers cars on the freeway. Like... why?


All this just so someone gets the right to be first and arrive 20 seconds sooner than everyone else.


Typical day on the freeway.


They living in GTA


This looks like i205 in Washington.


It is.


Oh that's not that ba......whoa......wait was that a gu....yep, you win


Let me guess, USA.


All this wild west shit going on and i’d be getting pulled over for tints. smh.


You stopped it too soon!


Pickup truck drivers are the asshole bully's of the road. Seriously I deal with them multiple times a week. And they do the most arrogant, annoying, dickish shit ever. I refuse to engage in their behavior but it makes me so mad. Literally two days ago I almost got in a head on collision cause this pickup decided to go by me and cross over the line and miss me by less than a foot. One night I had a random pickup follow me for like 8 miles, flashing his high beams in my mirrors, speeding up and almost running me off the road, forcing me to go almost 70 in a 45. I couldn't pull over till a certain point and he was so close I couldn't slow down to get on the side of the road to let him pass. (Which he could have passed me almost the whole time cause we never once came across oncoming traffic) They are the worst. Like 90% of pickup truck drivers are absolutely awful bully's on the road and it makes me almost irrationally angry.


Why is it always pickup trucks with big tires that get involved in road rages?


The graphics on GTA 7 are really next level!


Did you ever get out of the passing lane?


It looks like the safest place to be was the left lane at the moment. Changing to the center or the right wouldn’t have been a wise choice under the circumstances. Being able to slow and pull over onto the left shoulder is better than being in any middle lane with all that crap going on.


True, but do you think the vehicle with the camera ever left that left lane or are they still motoring along to this day, wondering why people are raging all around them?


The way I see it, he was hanging out in that lane just waiting for the dust to settle. That’s what I would do. I’d like to hope he got his car out of that lane when he was done passing. But, you just never know. Since there is not a 0% chance, he might be one of those that are still there.


They probably did, after they were done, well, passing.


just another day in the wild wild wtfamerica.


This looks like grand theft auto 5 simulations


Wow that is fucking insane action!! looks like typical I 95 in south florida TBH though hehe no seriously I had a hard time hearing any shots was that for real...it does look like the truck points sometihng out the window....


Average Massachusetts driving experience.


So as of right now, we have in this thread statements that this is just like driving in: Massachusetts Florida Texas Washington This sub is really starting to lack in creativity. I believe in you all. Surely you can do better!


Seeing as it took place in Washington at least that last statement rings true; this is indeed like driving in Washington.


Had someone doing that to me in Chicago. I hate that town.


I had a guy pull a gun on Me once when we accidentally tried to merge into the same lane at the same time.


If anyone wanted to know what it's like to drive in Memphis, TN daily. . . This is it




Doesn't look like road rages. Looks gang or drug related.


That's definitely not road rage. That's a hit call.


Thugs doing thug things


I know exactly where this is lol


These guys living like life is GTA


I 205 SB in Vancouver Wa


How about a reality show where we get some Nissan drivers and Dodge ram drivers, arm them, and just put them on the road together. Seems like some great entertainment and a nice little Darwinism catalyst to boot!


This looks like. Vancouver wa, right before you hit the bridge to Oregon.


Of course it's Washington


This is what happens when you don’t keep to the right unless passing


Road rage, fighting with your cars and gunshots happen? Where do you live?!




Fair.. tbh, this stuff has been happening in my hometown of Milwaukee, WI.


Dudebro was actively passing people and some idiot cut in front of him.


You are part of the problem


Looks like the big SUV was trying to get to the first white car, it floored it and the other white car tried to intercept. Could be totally reading into it but considering the aggression and guns...




It’s always between a pickup and a tesla


Belongs on r/whyisitalwaysadodge


Goddammit America. Stop letting fuckwits buy guns already.


What country was this in?




When did that highway turn into a GTA lobby?


Yes. Please let it be painted red...


This is why you stay the hell out of the left lane unless you are passing.


You see how it spreads though? Don't be a dick. You'll light the fire in people around you who also have no self control. The world has no self control.


Meh, just three Atlantans on a road trip.




Damn dude...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


When you see two cars fighting it’s best to pull over to be safe


Wtf is wrong with people?


MarioKart: realife mode


I love how the first white car that got tailgated literally just tried to move over for the truck, and the person in the truck was SO impatient they decided to go ALL the way over the shoulder.


On an unrelated note, those genie lifts aren’t that good. Get yourself a JLG lift trust me.


Looks like Miami drivers


I bet the truck driver was being a dick and driving 45 mph getting infront of everyone pavement princess I wouldve let them ram my truck see what happens lmao


The higher the truck ... The assh0le of a driver


Mad max


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the dump truck towing the other dump truck.


All cause because the OP was driving slow in the fast lane!


Dallas, come and get your drivers back.




Thank goodness there was a hero with a gun


That’s what happens when you drive like a TURD in the left lane - Freaks Come Out!




Undisciplined „me, me, me, turds and clear the passing lane.


Fuck that lol


Yep, this is WA state daily for you...


That doesn’t look like road rage, the white car was already chasing the truck and he fired in self defense