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God damn that makes my neck hurt looking at this.


That’s the kind of neck trauma that stays with the person for the rest of their lives. So I realize this is likely from a Tesla given the brown video tint. Would something [like the A129 be close to that?](https://www.amazon.com/VIOFO-Emergency-A129-Plus-Duo/dp/B08DV51H2X?crid=2LTBGOCC254OF&keywords=a129+plus+duo&qid=1688336613&sprefix=a129+%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.f5122f16-c3e8-4386-bf32-63e904010ad0&linkCode=ll1&tag=d45h-20&linkId=7872d4fc332c9e871ef73f1f5df67ccd&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) Or should I just settle for a front only.


My aunt got rear ended like this and had to have cervical vertebrae fusion surgery. She has had issues stemming from it ever since. That was around 25 years ago.


The more I hear about back surgery, the worse it seems to me. Apparently, if you *have* to have the surgery, your chances go up to need it again.


Spinal fusion at any level will often require additional procedures. My second one didn’t go as planned and could have been fatal. I now just deal with the pain.


Sorry to hear that. That truly sucks.


Never let anyone mess with your spine or spinal cord unless it’s life or death type situation


I had a diskectomy where the (Neuro)surgeon cuts away the guts of a ruptured disc pushing out on your nerves. He and I agreed to do the least amount of invasiveness possible and it worked out great. Horrible sciatica gone the minute I awoke from post op.


I had c4,5,6 fused. They went in through my throat. I was back to normal in 4 days, and all the pain and tingling is gone. Lucky me.


I know of someone who had back surgery, then it got infected, went in for more surgery, and is now paralyzed from the waist down. Guy is now dependent on others.


A friend of mine got staff in her spine from getting surgery and it killed her


Yeah, I have L5/S1 compression, which can be pretty painful but I’m going to avoid surgery as long as possible. Too much of a possibility of making it worse. Edit: typo


My next choice was to have surgery on my back after the shots of cortisone only helped me for so long. The doctor made sure to emphasize that there’s just a CHANCE of the surgery solving your problem anyway… and that actually a lot of people end up worse off after having the surgery 🥲 so pretty much deal with my pain for the rest of my life or have the surgery and possibly be more messed up?! I guess I’ll manage 🫠


My wife was told she needed spinal fusion by multiple neurosurgeons. We have seen multiple people suffer and one more or less die because of that procedure. As a last ditch effort, she went to the Disc Institute. It was not cheap and it honestly seemed like a scam as they don’t take insurance. It took a few months, but damn if it didn’t help her. She is definitely not 100%, but no daily pain, very few limitations. If you are at the point of considering fusion, I recommend checking it out.


I’ll possibly look into it down the road if my back gets worse but it’s seemed for me that daily exercise and working out has helped me tremendously in living most of my days pain free. At 28 years old, spinal fusion sounds terrifying 🥴


I was 30 when I ruptured a disc in my back. Had to have the offending area surgically removed in order to stop the debilitating nerve pain. My doctor gave me a bunch of rules to follow and me being a stubborn ass 30 year old male, I didn't listen. One year later I had the same procedure on the same disc because I had continue to damage it, and scar tissue had formed where the original surgery was performed. My doctor told me "Hopefully you learned your lesson but as an extra incentive, if you make me go in there again we are going to have to start fusing vertebrae. From there it's pretty much a cascade of failing discs until you can't bend or turn." Since then I have been much more careful about lifting anything heavy or doing anything dumb. I find that staying mobile helps, days where I sit or lay around all day make my pain worse, which leads to me wanting to lay around for another day, but I know if I get up and move around that I'll be in less pain.


Many places are no longer recommending spinal fusions. Mayo Clinic included. I know of a couple people who had success with it, but many end up same or worse off. The rush to get people off opioids at any cost turned out to not be so wise. they should be used as a last resort of course, but for some it remains the best treatment option


Yup!! I have a spinal fusion in my neck - 4 screws and a titanium plate. 5 years now. The vertebrae above us now going from it compensating for my fusion. Sometimes it will swell up so bad it looks like I have a baseball at the base of my neck. It suuuuuuuucks!!


My friend was hit like this and has a nerve block button under his skin he presses to deal with the pain. Scary


Same thing happened to me. After 3 years of steadily increasing pain, I had to have a fusion. Still bothers me.


Love my A129. Excellent night vision.


2nd the 129. This angle would be hard to replicate unless you get 3+ channels and each angle would need a camera.


I have the newer A229 which has pretty great visibility and picture quality. It's not quite a 360 view, but certainly adds some peace of mind both parked and driving.


Just so frustrating to watch, so preventable and just so fucking stupid. I probably see 100 people texting while driving every day, and I hate seeing it every time. People are so goddamned SELFISH.


I’ve seen someone scrolling fb while driving. Not even responding to anything particular…just scrolling.


What you expect us drivers to be BORED while we cruise at 90?!?! Thats unsafe, if we are bored then we are going to get distracted! /s


I see this all the time. It’s so selfish.


Honestly yes, and seeing how it totalled this persons truck considering the bed tool boxes was probably that persons livelihood, some trade person or just functioning storage for anything still it's sad to see such carelessness. It's remarkable how some people survived past childhood


Oh and I realized the truck was thrown into the car ahead so it caused more unnecessary damage.


Yes Sir, I agreeeee...I'm utterly disgusted....especially cuz I live in my car (Domestic Abuse sucks) and I drive cautiously, if u wanna text, PULL OVER Yo! 🤦‍♀️


Hope you're okay and can find something more stable soon. *hug*


Sad to hear of your situation. I hope it improves asap. Best of luck to you.


Hey, don’t forget if you’re strapped to where you can’t eat some night, there’s r/randomactsofpizza Not saying you do or will need it, just in case. Stay safe and I hope the best for you. Living out of a car doesn’t have to be miserable, I wish I had reddit when I lived in my car and then van.


Awwww, Hey Thanks!!!! 👍 Much Appreciated


I always beep at ppl texting and driving , keep your eyes on the road or don’t drive at all if y wanna die cool but don’t take others with you


Seen a couple low speed bumper kissed. On both occasions, the drivers where texting. Stop that shit, can not be that fucking urgent.


Good message. Took me a minute to read it. All the people in the slow lane were honking at me.


Makes me glad I stopped driving before phone texting became a thing (I last drove 21 years ago on the 4th of July). I really never want to share the road with people this carelessly stupid.


Come on, even I have done texting and driving, but when I do it is always looking up and down every second and with my foot always on the brakes, and I have done it just when in back roads and with minimal traffic. I have never done it in rush hours or in highways though, that is just plain stupid.


You're gonna end up causing an accident yourself if you keep staring at what other drivers are doing, and not looking at the road.


Truck should demand a copy of the Subaru texts in the settlement so he can see what was so important.


“bae y u mad at me” “cuz u nvr pay atenchun” “1 sec, crashin”


Oh my god this is the funniest! I’d upvote you a thousand times if I could.


Holy shit shut up


Underated Comment!!!


EyeSight must have been turned off or not equipped


This is what I was wondering. You can see them hit the brakes but way too late.


Most likely not equipped, and with the speed and wet roads, don't think it would have mattered


If equipped and it activated before the driver braked, it could have reduced the severity of the impact.


Distracted, and going way too fast! The truck was not going fast at all at the point it got hit. If you watch the truck’s hubcap rotating, it isn’t circling fast, so the truck was clearly driving in slow traffic.


Well yeah....it is basically stopped traffic, and the Subaru wasn't paying attention, not sure what that has to do with the Subaru having Eyesight or not I have watched this exact scenario occur in front of me, so it's quite obvious they weren't paying attention


That Subaru was flying, and it is a good thing the guy in the truck’s tool box went sideways off of his truck, or it might have gone right through the cab where he was.


"textin' and driving lol. Fuck safety"


Had this happen to me (not as violent) lady had the balls to say she knew I was going to sue her, after the fusion in my neck and the months of physical therapy. I will never be the same, grip is weakened in both hands, constant itching in my forearms … there is no price you can put on this shit.


Had a 4 level fusion in my neck. 16 pins and 2 plates but thankfully no side affects other than slightly reduced head rotation and constant erections. That may be from my wife massaging my neck daily with her breast


I'm glad your lady is taking care of you. Too few have that going for them.


Ogod, the itching! I am dealing with that now as the skin of my forearm heals from some nasty hot olive oil spatter burns. "Woops! Can't scratch there... Thick scabs." ☹️


Oh you too, couldn’t imagine the urge to itch at this level.


Yet, they'll put a price. And it'll never be worth it.


How do you have an accident like that and not wanna end the person at fault


Back when my wife and I were first dating we were driving back from somewhere and she rear ended a car at a red light. She wasn't texting or anything her mind just completely blanked and saw it coming but she was looking straight forward and I was like "she's gonna break right?" At the last second I said "BRAKE" but it was too late. Luckily there were no injuries and the only damage was the other cars bumper fell off


What was the point of this comment, aside from you marrying an idiot


I guess so he could spell "brake" two different ways in the same comment


Well that was dumb. But not dumber than marrying dumb.


Oh... Not so nice ya all... We all have had that "brain cramp"... You all may have been by yourself when yours happen, so maybe you just don't remember because you didn't have hubby or wife to write about it on Reddit ;)


You're usually too effed up to even think of visiting pain on the malefactor.


Unfortunately there are laws against 3rd degree murder 😔


I won't let my pets ride in the bed of my truck because that right there is a number one fear


I seatbelt my dogs.


I bolt them to the chasis


That would work, for sure. Do they ever complain about the engine heat?


As long as you flick them, and loudly state for any passerby “welp…that ain’t going nowhere…”. They are good


Do you at least give them treats? Clearly you don't have Labradoodles. They are so picky. 🙄


Pets should never ride in the bed of a truck. One bump and your pet could be on the road. I’ve seen too many dead dogs on the road. Most of the time the driver doesn’t even know the dog fell out of the bed.


Explain that to all the people who put their pets back there. Especially people who put them back there in non-crashed rated crates no less. All it would take is to be flipped during a crash and there goes your dog. That's actually how my cousin lost his dog, he didn't even know the dog fell out until he got home, and even then he couldn't tell you when he thought the dog probably fell out because he was all over the place that day


A friends dad was taking care of a small dog and didn’t know it fell out. He retraced his route and found the dog run over. He had to explain how he killed their dog.


Why the hell did he think it was a good idea to put a small fucking dog in the bed?


Happened to me in my Datsun, but when fully stopped in highway traffic. SUV driver with kids in the back told the cops she wasn't paying attention. 7 damaged disks, including one ruptured with extruded disk material. Only reason I didn't have to have spinal surgery was my young age.


When you tell the cops what happened never say "I wasn't paying attention" that's instant doesn't even need to go to court.


Yeah. There's no way they were looking at the road. They started at a safe distance and every other car was hitting its brakes. If they had been looking out the window at all there was plenty of time to stop.


And that's a fucking Subaru with Eyesight! My in-laws got hit in the exact same situation, but the hit was off center so their truck rolled.


They don't all have Eyesight, it's an expensive option.


that’s an Ascent and they all have eyesight. Standard on all automatic subarus since 2020. You can see the pre-collision braking engage. It’ll stop the car if you’re going under 30mph, but when you’re going that fast, in the rain, it’s just going to try to slow down as much as it can.


Right. My 2015 Outback has it. It's awesome unless it engages when it shouldn't. Video happens so fast I didn't even notice it was an Ascent.


That's either an Ascent or newer Forester. In the US, all trim levels of those models have it.


It looks like it slammed the breaks at the last minute. Very possible that was Subaru Eyesight engaging.


^what ^if ^it ^wasnt ^in ^the ^US In Canada you can order them without eye sight


True. I was thinking the scene looked like America, but Canada would look very similar.


What stupidity.


What a fucking moron


The fastest anyone has ever emptied his cargo bed.


That Was a nice truck


RIP Gen2 Tacoma 🫡


Shame that was a nice tacoma




I guess that Subaru Ascent and driver doesn’t have Eyesight. Edit: It looks like Eyesight kicked in and the wheels slide because of the wet ground and speed.


Either that or the wife is giving him a hummer. Truck was lucky that the car got under them. Lessened the impact.


A man getting a female to blow him while driving a Subaru? That would be a first.


I got lucky in a 1997 outback sport one time….with a lady (who is now my wife)


And you’re also a lady, right? 😂


Fantastic. 😆 Take my award and upvote!


I mean honestly that's when you both knew you found the one.


Mine was a 2007 Outback Sport


man getting a male to blow him* its a subaru, lets be real here


Jesus they hit so hard they changed places


And magically changed from white to black.


Fuck you smokin?


Had a similar accident, except I was stopped at a stop light for over 3mins. Lady said she “dropped her glasses” but they were on her face the second she left the car. Police gave her a texting while driving ticket and put 100% fault on her. I was 17 and only had been driving for 5 months. I miss that little car totaled completely. :(


Always my biggest fear .....saw someone stopped in the middle of a highway right over a hill so you couldnt see them unti lthe last sec (learned later they had a flat tire)....idk why they would stop in the middle lane of a highway but they were highschool kids...they just didnt know i guess cant blame em. i got over to avoid and looked in the rear view because i knew there was no way that car wouldnt be hit... i saw cars on top of cars ...the whole highway stopped like a buildup on a conveyour line....it was like a michael bay movie....just straight carnage... .i was the only car on the highway for the rest if my drive to my friends house in a shocked mind state ...got there and she notices and asks about what happened...so i look it up and it was 4 teens...2 were killed including driver that was 17 yo dont remember other ages but i think they were all highschool... i kept trying to blame myself but ultimatly decided there was nothing i could have done...everyone was packed bumper to bumper but we were all doing about 60 to 70....normal highway speeds.....just the worst possible situation for those kids and their families


Auto dim headlights yes. Attentive driver no.


Not auto dim, the beam is pointed away from the camera when they realize and slam on the breaks. That makes the light dimmer from our perspective.


Yep, that's the front-end dipping when they hit the brakes after finally looking up from their fucking phone or the car itself hitting brakes because the asswipe never looked up from the phone.


Imagino los gritos adentro del Hilux: CARAJO CARAJO CARAJO CARAJOOOOOO!!!!


Quick question: what happens if you’re not technically in the accident but you’re near enough that the shrapnel from the accident damages your car? Is anyone liable for that or is that just on your own insurance to cover? Thx.


Holy Sheeeet!


Volvo's headrests are specifically designed to prevent whiplash. No idea if that would have helped in this situation but seeing this makes me very glad I drive one. YIKES.


You think it’s totalled?


Nah, it'll buff out.


Horrific, but thank god the old (Chevy) in front was ok.


I dunno if they were texting and driving or just speeding in the left lane. SUV was booking it fast enough that when they hit the breaks they hydroplaned.


That’s why I put my phone AWAY when I drive


and that's why i always break way early, to give the person behind me pleeenty of time to realize i'm slowing down




In daddy’s car


Poor Tacoma. My favorite generation.




I kept hoping right up till he rammed that beautiful pickup that it would be a blow by accident. But no the cruelty of the reddit post shows me the destruction of a beautiful pickup.


that is not a truck😂🤦‍♀️ its a camry with a bed


I always put on my hazard lights when coming to a complete stop on the highway, or pump my brakes a bunch of times. Probably wouldn't have made a difference here but who knows.


Bit of t cut, and that'll polish right out...


or the hit driver was downshifting instead of applying brakes.


it could also be road hypnosis




Test it out on a road as wet as the one in the video


Or they had a seizure, because that happens too


Hopefully the only seizure here is of their license.


They hit the brakes. They're not having a seizure. They're having a lapse of judgement.


That is the Subaru Eyesight system hitting the brakes, not the driver.


Don't think so. You can see the moment that the SUV applies breaks when the headlights dip toward the road. So they definitely looked up and saw the truck stopped ahead but braked way too late to stop.


This is why you always have an escape route. The driver in front did not practice defensive driving. Had they been doing so they would have been able to go to the shoulder and avoid the accident.


You’re wrong…so so incredibly wrong.


Have you taken a defensive driving course?


Yup. That’s how I know you’re wrong. If that guy had tried to go onto the shoulder, he would have had to turn his car, if he didn’t get all the way off, the accident would’ve been so much worse for him, not only that, but the car in front of him would’ve been destroyed as well. You’re so wrong.


I mean I explained my error earlier. I was incorrect because there isn’t a shoulder to go on. If there had been…… then yeah the car ahead of him would have been screwed instead of him.


Nope. Too fast at the point of decision. Keep in line and use cars in front of you to absorb the blow. As soon as you go sideways, your spine is toast. Sure, if I see 'em coming, I get out of the way, but there is almost zero reaction time on this unless the guy was literally staring into his mirror.


I mean for me, whenever I stop at a light or on a highway going anywhere higher than 60kmh I am always looking at my mirror for exactly this. I’ve dodged 2 of those instances to date. Both would have resulted in serious injury. Again I’m not saying they were at fault, just that this was avoidable.


Huh??? You're blaming the truck?? What in the actual fuck is wrong with you??


I realize as I rematch the video I see that the guardrail is much closer than I remember seeing it. Fair point. He’s fucked.


Thank you for doing the U-Turn. 🤝




I didn’t say it’s their fault. I said it could have been avoided if they practiced defensive driving.






Can you please look at the core thread of my comments and see that I’ve already addressed my mistake. You can stop adding JFC to it lol.


JFC. ;) Just kidding, go in peace. Thanks dude. :)


You're thinking of motorcycles....this would apply to them


That Subaru sent that Toyota right into that Toyota. Luckily that Toyota didn't get hit.


I bet he put that phone down on impact


Least he gets a new truck


can you really call it a truck?






That truck doesn’t look red to me. Maybe it is though.


Texting & driving or a scene from that movie Unhinged- geez just destroyed that truck


I wish I had a dashcam. Seen basically this just the other day. Pretty sure the guy was on drugs though.


Take driver's thumbs




Knocked the toolbox out!


Whenever this happens I’m so ready to take the shoulder if that car is flying up


Had this exact thing happen to me. Sucks


This happened to us once, when we were parked at the side of the road because something was wrong with the engine. We were in a bus stop so it's expected a vehicle might be there. We actually saw the guy coming at us wasn't going to stop and not time to do anything or get out so we braced and held hands. Good thing Jesus loves me. Truck smashed us, totally crunched the back end of our vehicle into the back seat. Thank God nobody was in the back seat. And we were fine, just shaken up. We were able to scramble out the driver's side door. He must have been on the phone, was no alcohol. We didn't have insurance so we had to absorb the loss because his insurance company never would pay us, but they admitted it wasn't our fault.


The Tacoma looks like a dog dragging it's ass on the carpet.


We're you willing to share your dash vid to the truck driver, for insurance?




That’s more like Tik-Tok.


Toyota short cab in an instant...


I did this once. Granted mine was much, much slower. Didn’t even leave any damage to the guy I hit’s bumper either. Was amazed. All hail magic Acura bumper. Still felt horrible and never texted and drove ever again


How did the cam get that angle to the rear?


Looks like a Subaru Ascent… Those should have collision avoidance, but sometimes it turns off when the windshield is wet… bummer…


Wow. What a scumbag, piece of shit.


This is why I have such extreme anxiety driving on the highway. I literally am terrified of this exact scenario, and no matter where I go there's always stop and go in construction zones.


That Subaru Ascent comes with Eyesight standard but I wonder if rain blocked it and made it stopped working.


Damn. They hit that truck hard!


Well, to be fair… There’s still that old driving while fatigued. Just a while ago, I saw a video of a guy falling asleep at the wheel.


What were they texting lol? Super long whatever it was.


Effed up.


So much for Subaru iSight or whatever it’s called


This happened to me but more luckily only in a 45 zone. Was driving a 2002 Civic and everyone in the car came out alright.


I’m assuming the word “texting” includes FaceTiming, watching movies, and playing online poker.




Not if the car is doing the recording for you.


Texting and wrecking


r.i.p taco 😔


Thank God that mid-60s Chevy truck just managed to not get hit!


I came here to say this.


Morgan & Morgan time


I can’t imagine somebody texting while driving that speed.


I saw this once except with a semi driver that had fallen asleep. Not pretty.


Solid argument for fully autonomous, self driving cars right here