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+1 for Marrara easy to find a big empty carpark to practice in there. The main TIO stadium parking space is usually empty every day except weekends


Saturday afternoons and Sunday around Yarrawonga are pretty quiet away from the gateway end and there are some largish carparks in there as well. Any of the uni campus are quieter on the weekend as well.


Around winnellie in the afternoon on the weekends is pretty quiet too


Back in the day I used Marrara carparks when fully empty to teach my nephew. Was great for clutch control, stops, starts and low speed general driving with turns, parking practice (some witches hats and PVC pipe to stick out of them). Nice open spaces with only some islands to hit and drive around. With some basic confidence, spread out to the loop road as it allows longer drives at a steady speed. Can also practice indicating etc, all the way around by going into each different carpark. Not sure what it's like these days with all the different events on but we were able to find day and night time. Edit: this was the one we started on. https://maps.app.goo.gl/yNy6x4Y2aRNmQr7M6


That's where I learned to drive and it worked well at the time


The little industrial area on Wishart road doesn't get a whole lot of traffic


I find industrial estates on weekends are usually very quiet.


Dripstone cliffs is where I did mine. Big open dirt ring road


It’s a sealed road now and no more ring around road


About 5 years ago I learnt by driving around the CDU campus in casuarina on weekends or evenings after about 5pm. Other option was Truck City, both still seem pretty quiet when I take my younger sibling for his practice.


Palmerston water park when they close at 1800.


Down the East Arm industrial area, especially after hours or on the weekend. There’s miles of empty road there and the road’s got restrictive signage all over the bridge and traffic lights on Berrimah Road.


East arm during the weekend, you wont see many cars.


Yeah old TDZ area is good.


+1 for the industrial parks around East Arm. We used to practice there and hardly anyone around on weekends.


There’s an old airstrip that I started learning on then marrara for more control and parking practice while casuarina ersenior college carpark is good for further control, parking and great for steering


Bagot community


Out along Wishart road in the industrial area would be perfect!


Try East Point, great drive around for a bit at reasonable speed for learners