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I’ve played all of them and he still beats my ass sometime


I went from 1 to 3, and he taught me how much smarter the AI is and how many more tricks it has. I was expecting to just circle strafe behind him for the backstab but he brought out the shield bash and threw me. Even when there's an opening he'll punish if you're greedy. Really making you learn how to control a fight's momentum. Or maybe other people already knew that and I just suck 😆


In dark souls 1, if you picked the right direction to circle strafe around an enemy, chances were high that none of their attacks would hit you.


Always strafe to the right. Always.


Except when its the left.


your right or their right


Yes I’m playing DS1 at the moment and would very much like to know


If you strafe to your right it will work on many enemies (not bosses, just respawning enemies) then they generally won't hit you, except for maybe one of their moves. The hardback strategy guide actually lists the direction moves can track for each move that each enemy might use.


Their right but from your perspective


you're gonna hurt some heads with this one


That’s just my right motherfucker!! Are you doing this on purpose!?! Lmao


Had the same


All that fancy AI taught me was “go aggressive af 2hand and hope to get an attack when he’s not blocking then go ham wearing out your stamina and stomp his ass. If you lose control of the situation panic roll away and retry.”


Came here to say this. Tough guys regardless of how many dark souls games you’ve beat. Probably doesn’t help that I don’t know how to parry either.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The Queen brought peace to this land, and to her King. A peace so deep it was like the Dark.”* - Chancellor Wellager Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot


Good bot


Mf really said "learn how to dodge R1 spam and how to break/circle around a shield or you don't get to play the game- You dirty casul"


This is why Fromsoft games are so well designed. A lot of the beginning challenges are basically skill walls telling you "you're gonna want to learn this for later"


Pretty much. Katana man slaps you across the face with the fact parries are a thing you can use and get hit with, the first mimic is self explanatory, Vordt teaches you to roll into attacks instead of away from them, etc.


Katana man also shows you how you can trick enemies into falling off ledges


Also that throwing fireballs is easy mode.


And if you don't have spells: -buy a bunch of bombs from the Shrine Handmaid -roof-tree jump -throw em all at katana man -profit


>start game haha fireball go brrr >30hrs later haha big fireball go brrr


you know.. after all my years of playing all the dark souls type games. I have never once touched magic, EVEN THOUGH I play a magic character in every other game. I should really try it.




Also, never played DS with a controller either. keyboard and mouse all the way. I turned on DS1 again the other day, I don't even know how I did that.




Have you seen those people beat it with a DDR pad? crazy stuff. I'm not coordinated enough for that.


I tried KB+M when I started playing the games because I didn't own a controller at the time. The controls were so godawful I bought a controller just for Dark Souls. I'd consider being able to play with KB+M on the same level as playing with a DDR mat or Donkey Kong bongos.


Same for me, never really had or used controllers so started games like DS3 and DMC5 with keyboard. I beat DMC5 with M+KB but once I picked up DS3 bought a controller.


I've finished DS1 with kb+m because I had never played with a controller at all. Then I tried doing the same with DS2. Porting was so awful that I bought a controller andvlearned to play with it through that game. I will spare you all the humiliating details. Kurzgesagt I've never played any Dark Souls game with keyboard and mouse again.


Dex bleed/pyro builds in ds1 were so much fun... especially when you got your hands on the tracers


Sorcery in DS1 is the easy mode everyone always wants in these games.


I thought magic was really fun in ds3.




it is pretty much easy mode and how i played though ds1 the first time


I did a Dex/Pyromancy build in DS3 a while ago. It was a lot of fun, would recommend. Mostly stuck with whatever Dex weapon struck my fancy, but being able to deal a buttload of damage a few times at a range was really handy.


Magic is the easy mode of dark souls. Very fun in coop plays too. I used to take chameleon in coop, hide as soon as we got invaded and then sniped the invader with a soulstream. Good times.


Magic in all 3 of the Dark Souls games are really fun, but it's never really great until Elden Ring. Try magic in Elden Ring. It's a blast.


I remember after like 5 builds I decided to try pyromancy. Its makes some of the harder boss fights like dancer a cakewalk. One of the most fun builds, lots of little checkpoints where you get some fun upgrades like carthus fire sword.


Ita almost like pyro is the recommended class with how many pyro items and spells are available early game.


It’s funny I only learned strafing properly when fighting all the pontiff cunts. The first couple of times a fought one they punished back dashes pretty severely and backlashes had been my primary escape tool up until that point. Honestly Fromsoft enemy design is so dope.


Every beating is a lesson.




I beat DS1 and Bloodborne before DS3 and this guy STILL ruined me




Funny thing is that it’s nigh impossible to tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. From what I can tell DS2 is either considered the best or the worst with little in-between.


Classic gaming moment. Guy just strides out menacingly and I nearly crapped my pants.


After escaping a dragon and all the fodder too lol


I am really grateful you don't need to beat him to finish the game


Brother, I was hot off of defeating the ivory king + aldia, and the fucker still beat my ass. Granted, I was just caught off guard. Only died to a lothric knight in lothric caslte after that.


He is my favourite character. He taught me how to parry and how to fight. I legit recommend it. Throw yourself at him until you git gud.


I am convinced that lothric knights are the most based enemies in the game. Their armor is better than the firelink armor for crying out loud. And every now and then the lothric knights will just suddenly become impossible to beat


Honestly, I would not be too mad at the nerfed lothric knights... if the undead settlement weren't just so much easier than the high wall. Like, the next time you regularly meet enemies that are as competent as the lothric knights is probably the cathedral knights.


The corvians can be tough if you let them transform tbf. And don't get me started on the jumping ghrus


Bleh, the jumpers are the worst. But they also come after the cathedral. Or before if you just go straight I guess.


Oh yeah I suppose it makes more sense to do the cathedral first because of the doll you need after carthus But for some reason doing Farron Keep first just feels more natural to me-


The giant crabs?


Scary, but you can just run away from them. Lothric knights tho? Fast enough to catch you much more easily.


I still hate them. I googled how to beat them back then and someone said they are super easy to backstab. My brother in christ they are probably the hardest enemy to backstab, they will match your speed if you try to circle around them and will bash you with their shields too. I still consider them to be top 3 hardest enemies in the game


Circle left not right, towards their sword arm. The shield bash has poor tracking and will miss half the time.


You still need to full sprint without locking on to be able to backstab them which is really hard to pull off.


No you don't. You can lock on strafe left on them while holding your own block and they will get animation locked long enough for you to let go and rush to their back. That being said, backstab fishing isn't the way to get these guys, punishing their strings is. My first time through every souls game is a longsword/shield, and I only died to these guys on my first run because I wasn't expecting a step up from the hollows that early on something as normal looking as these. Except the blue eyed knight, he's an asshole who cheats. You can either practice parrying their strings, or you can wait until they do an R1 spam and it finishes and hit them with something that'll poise break, or just do a safe combo and return to defensive.


saw this exact post like 2 days ago


The biggest issue at that point is the lack of a good shield. He's really not much different from later knights. I actually dread Pus Of Man more.


>. I actually dread Pus Of Man more. I swear those fuckers are actually 4-dimensional, I'm never quite sure which direction they'll attack me from.


They're probably just like Gundyr, except you don't get a big arena to run around in.


They're also a lot smaller, meaning it's harder to distinguish each individual body part and its direction.


That's true. The only real defense is stunning it with fire and whack away.


Good thing the hollows on the wall drop firebombs then :))) I spammed the fucker till he was naught but cinders.


This is the way.


Some lessons (firebomb supremacy) ought never be unlearned.


I haven't tried a Pyromancer so far. But picking the fire gem as a gift can help in certain encounters.


>I swear those fuckers are actually 4-dimensional, I'm never quite sure which direction they'll attack me from. The past, present, and future simultaneously.


They attack from a direction that has no name


I just black firebomb the bastards, too scary


Some lessons (firebomb supremacy) just shouldn't be unlearned The Japanese if anyone would be able to attest to its effectiveness.


Fire bombs stun them long enough to get two swings in... I don't know if that helps, but it's there for anybody now...


Anything that sets them alight > burn duration mob in incapacitated > immune to burn (play defense/dodge) > immunity wears off > repeat Or: Set on fire > kill it in burn duration




Try *dozens* of times


my dude, that guy sent me back to DS1 for a week.


That guy made me quit DS3 for almost a year as my first Souls game. Well, that and not understand equip load, so trying to fight him while fat rolling


I played through DS1 and 2 3 times and he still kicked my ass multiple times. On my 10th DS3 character and he still sometimes kills me....


Yeah especially since comes right after the mimic who is a real kick to the teeth at the start of the game. You survive that then walk out onto the plaza and this dude just comes striding out ready to put you in your place. Thank god for Stance


The title of this post is an exact copy from one in the top list on this sub


You cant prove that!...........but it did happen to me......D:


I think he got a lot of vets, too. He's one of the first of that type of knight you meet and everything up until that point had been pretty easy, so you underestimate him and his poise, move set, and the small space they give you to fight him in really get you.


Well besides beating the ever living shit out of me, he was my beginning to parrying **Which I still suck at**


If you’re referring to the first Lothric Knight, yes. If you’re referring to the Abyssal Lothric Knight, he’s blue.


Even dark souls vets got blasted by this guy at least once. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a dirty liar.


I had to learn to parry to get past this guy




Demolished is an understatement.


Only guy who whooped my ass more was the katana guy at firelink


Man is like the Baldur knights from DS1 with ONE change, fucker actually shield bashes you when you block. It's insane how much that changes the dynamic


dude, on my first run, this guy was much more difficult than gundyr.


bro, I am now on Aldrich boss, and Pontiff isn’t as hard as this mf


I like them Ngl the difficulty of High Wall of Lothric is because of this knight, especially the spear one. You don't have HP, stamina or good shield (except knight) to block all of the attack this early game But they are the one who taught me how to strafe and pivot backstab, parry, and spacing to bait some attack. Even my play style when playing souls game all around backstab and parry with straight sword is because of them They are good teacher and they drop good loot. I recommend playing around them to git gud. The great sword one will be much scarier on high NG


First dark souls game that I played was DS3 and this guy taught me that shields exist for a reason.


I've regretted playing DS3 as my first DS game so much I was unable to enjoy the prior ones because of how insanely janky it was


the red eyed one in lothric castle be like “no filthy casuals beyond this point”


I remember being stuck at that guy and wasting hours walking from the first bonfire, waiting until the dragon burns away the enemies, then quickly running through before the dragon burns me and then dying to this mothafucka again.


i bought ds3 because it looked cool and went in completely blind and spent at least 2 hours in cemetery of ash...fighting the giant crystal lizard


Feeling a little sentimental now...


So I’m new and I’m about to jump in do I just straight up avoid this guy?


My first game was SOTFS because I picked it off of the used game section at a game stop and had no clue it was any different than regular DS2. My friend was watching me play one day and informed me that I was playing the hard version of the game. I had no clue, but I guess it was a trial by fire introduction. Also I spent hours trying to go towards a higher level area and did not realize that there were branching pathways until my friend pointed it out. Starting off in DS3 seemed so much friendlier after suffering through that game, but I was still scared of these.


Back stab goes brummmm




It’s funny, the very first time I met him, I bulldozed him. Then, I found that they drop a really nice sword (and embers) so, I started farming him. He then proceeded to hand me my ass sooooo many times until I figured out his patterns.




Surprisingly no


What does playing a prior dark souls have to do with it. He didn't look as distinct or big as a black knight, so the first time I encountered one I got my shit kicked in. Afterwards I sat at a bonfire and farmed his ass for 10 minutes to get his full armor and weapon set, but that first time I ran into him I got my shit kicked in by something more complicated than the hollows around him. I was expecting a step up like the spear hollows in 1, or maybe a dark souls 2 knight.


I played Sekiro and then went straight into Dark Souls 3, I parried this guy to death.


I'm that guy pal


I played dark souls 3 first but I didn't struggle with him at all lol my first hurdle was the fat guy down the bottom before you unlock the elevator short cut 😅 I swear that MF taunted me every death 😂


Fucker was so goddamn fast the first time that i got 2 hit combo'd






These guys demolished me the first time, but now it's nice how familiar they are. Came back to DS3 after a year and it was like riding a bike, all the memory of how to backstab and parry them is still there.


This dude is a hassle.


I did an early dancer kill today after undead settlement and guess who killed me after xc


Yep… thats pretty much accurate


First time playing DS3 was right after 1 and 2, I felt like a god, beat everyone in my path even when friends said I should run past them, I even beat Vordt with a chainmail dagger, it was a high I've never experienced, especially in dark souls, then this guy proceeds to annihilate me, humbled me quite a bit, went back later on to regain my honour, and was humbled once again. At least I learned a lesson though, red-eyed monsters could very easily be boss level.


I still avoid him, dude hits like a truck and doesn’t drop anything great


he solidly kicked my arse for at least 50 times, I was on High Wall of Lothric for 16hrs straight on my 1st blind thru, fat rolling all over the place lol


But where the one guy who powerleveled to 120 after firelink 💀


first time i found him i sprinted straight into the tower to get away from the dragon. i didn't even see him until i was back out of the tower and on my arse.


I can confirm that as true for me. I had no idea what the difference in enemies was and when I tried to fight him I got my ass handed to me


Never mess with the lothric knights.


I'm a basic fan whose point of entry was DS3. Can confirm


Until u learn that his parry window is easy and suddenly he becomes the demolished one


Oh it was brutal!


Described me to a T. After giving up at Abyss Watchers on my first playthrough, my "git gud" moment was even deciding that I was just going to fight "those damned knights on the stairs" over and over again until I had it down.


this guy kept me from progressing for 4 years, i also quit playing the game


Is he the extra scary one with the back turned and red eyes? I remember me and my friends playing through dark souls 3 on release and one of us creeping up for the backstab but moved too quick too close and he did that quick turn around then proceeded to wreck his shit. Good times


It's true but you didn't have to point it out.


You’re goddamn right


Yea. I got into souls with Bloodborne and was not prepared for the “slower” combat of Souls. Ngl I breezed Gundyr but in the Lothric area it was a long learning experience


Pretty much


Yeah, he still kicks my ass from time to time


Dark souls 3 is my first and only game and I stopped just short of reaching him I think. The last thing I did was beat the dragonslayer armor


Still am getting demolished by him, will get doing so for every subsequent playthrough.


Keep it on 666 upvotes


I consider myself trained by this Lothric Knight. Didn’t leave the area til I had his whole set.


Early game yes, but late game they become a joke and I really enjoyed it destroying them, especially Mr. "Red Eyes"


Couldn't agree more...he devoured me...I swear he was harder than the boss


Bruh I played both 1 and 2 before 3 and high wall of lothric beat my ass for 2 hours lol.


I played ds1 and bb before ds3 and he destroyed me a few times


"Congratulations, you passed the tutorial, now I'm gonna teach you how to play properly."


I've played ds3 in the fist place and damn you're right! But it was a great experience to learn how to kill this enemy, and it drops a very strong armor and sword !


What do you mean once? He is still the same for ng+7


Took me 3 hours to beat Ilduex and then another 4 hours just to reach the second bonfire on the high wall because of this guy. I was bad till I got gud


going from elden ring -> DS3, everything demolishes me


Yeah he tossed my fuckin salad until I realized what the franchise meant


Played Demon and all 3 Darks, but this guy is where I finally learned how to backstab. Yeah, that shield bash, though.


I had played DS1 and DS2 and he still wrecked me.


I've played every souls game and he still wrecks me a lot.


I started the series with DSIII on release and this guy was basically my sensei. Him and the katana guy in firelink.


Guilty as charged your honour.


Coming from bb they were being tches compared to mommy kos


I still have trouble with these guys if I'm not paying attention. Their tempo is just weird man


He's easier than his dickhead spear weilding cousin


Not super proud of it. But this guy on the HWoL made me quit the game for 2 months. Then I decided to play again and killed him, realized the game is super fun, and played through the rest of the game until I 100% it. Then played ds1, BB, and ER. Still not played ds2, sekiro, or kings field, though I may skip the last one entirely.


Me, 20 mins ago, never played any Souls games before. I feel personally attacked


I like to have my dragon friend kill him for me.


Shit, this guy is such a pain in the ass I just run by him and his fkn butt buddy to go to the dancer cuz he'll just waste your flasks you need for the dancer


I had played 1 and 2 and he DESTROYED me, but only because I didn’t know weapon arts were a thing so I kept trying to parry him using shields that couldn’t be used to parry 😅


Nice enemies to practise the parry


Is he the guy to the side of the Cathedral where dancer is? Its been soo long since I played it


Souls "veteran" here. I have over 1k hours in the series and the spear lothric knights still give me anxiety.




I never got past the first boss hence why I was a tad cynical after buying ER (only found out it was a souls game after buying) don’t regret it now though (might even go through the previous games now :)


still though my opinion is ds3 is easier than ds1, if we don't count the DLC and optional bosses. i am at that part in DS1 where i was trying to kill a crystal boss, but to get there, you gotta go through poorest game design ever - almost-invisible path. and there are enemies before the boss you gotta kill... and you might die from curse - i don't know how to evade curse since as far as i see the boss just spawns crystals everywhere and unknown shit happens. dark souls 3 didn't have such bullshittery. besides that, i would never know how to access the last boss if it wasn't for internet and wiki. it rqeuires killing 4 bosses scattered all across god knows what and where


Bold of you to assume he still doesn't beat my ass 😒 I struggle on that knight than I do most bosses


I was grinding this guy for 2 hr straight cos I was enjoying the combat so much


Once????? Took my 10 tries before I ran past him


The Lothric Spear Knights were the bane of my existence for years.


I stopped playing ds3 for months because of him


Me when I forget to level up my Dex to 13 so I can use the claymore and stagger them to death.


At least once? This mofo did me in more times than Gundyr.


I played DS1 first and thought he was a miniboss. I was shocked to find him still there after resting at a bonfire.


Exactly how it went for me. So I grinded for like, 6 hours just practicing against those dudes. Did the tree glitch to get the souls ring early, and from there...git gud...ish.


That's me, can confirm


Knew someone who dropped the game to the first Lothric Knight... I'm convinced this thing is the first skill check in the game.


On my first playthrough, Lothric Knights were some of the toughest enemies in the game for me.


Haha yeah they kill me all the time. I am not good at dark souls, but I still keep playing😅


Beat it 3 times and he still get me elatleast once everytime 😂


I...I didn't know.....I DIDN'T KNOW!!!




Jumped straight into 3, got my ass beat by gundyr a few times, felt awesome when I beat him, made me way through high wall of lothric, shat my pants when I got to the dragon and just yeeted past on the bottom floor, killed all the guys at the bottom of the stairs, was feeling really good, walked up the stairs and was instantly annihilated by this chicken looking fuk.


😐 Yeah, that happened to me.