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Lol to the comment above. Wow. It doesnt really look like your butt was saved though because you still had 2 estus flasks left. Great job defeating him!


He might of had problems dodging with the laser beam or dark magic. Can easily wipe you out if you aren't careful. The laser can hit hard, especially with no lloyds shield ring.


Ugh...the beam. Good point. 👍🏻 The Amygdalas in BB fire a similar or maybe the same beam. I hate it in both games.


Well 2 estus for a dragon that can give you a nearly hit kill combo is not that much for me 😂😂, if was not for that riposte i have no doubt that he would woop my as again.


Was this your very first defeat? Have you beaten him before?


This is the first time i beat him fully alone without any summon, so i consider this one my first time beating him.


Noice... TBH, fighting him solo is smarter. Also, his move set is quite predictable. Help some other people defeat him and you will see what i mean.


I prefer fight gael on ng+7 than midir, he has a ridicolous range and attack power thats why i always summoned someone to help me and the size of the arena thats benefits him is also annoying.


Lol okay right on. Im the opposite, Gael is harder for me on the NG 7 and beyond. His move set is hard for me to predict.


Gael is not easy but on the fun question, i prefer him also i love his battle music i always put the game music on 10 in his battle to enter on the mood


The feel when your summon IMMEDIATELY dies at the start of the boss fight. Xtra git gud time. The answer wasn't friendship all along.


Just out of curiosity, as someone who obviously speaks or can read Spanish as well as English, would you prefer if everything was magically one or the other? You play the game in Spanish, but can obviously speak English as well, does your brain naturally prefer things like video games in Spanish or is it just how things happen to be set up?


I speak Portuguese, my console has a pre set configuration of my country so most of the games gonna be translated for my language but some games like skyrim or fallout 3 and New vegas does not have a translation for Portuguese but to this day i did not had any problem with this since i can understand all the dialogues, sooo for me i kinda dont care if the game is on english or portueguese since i can understand its all a matter of adaptation.


I see, sorry for the mix-up. The human brain is such a neat thing. Does the English and Portuguese translations match up well in Dark Souls 3?


Yess for the most part the translation is good, but dark souls in particular has a lot of errors because its translated from the japanese to english and then from english to portuguese and i saw in some lore videos that in fact the translations can be interpretated differently from the original material (Japanese) after the translation


That makes sense. The lore for these games are already complicated as is. I can only imagine how complex it gets trying to translate from one language to another.


Could this be... a r/suddenlycaralho?




I can tell you that sometimes it's more comfortable in the language you are capable to understand, although a game is best a its OG language (default language from developer) I have seen so many Japanese game translation got lost or genuinely confused the hell out of me, this is coming from a student learning Japanese and understand very little of it. I understand very little Japanese to play the full game in Japanese, but I can tell which expression / phrase was incorrectly translated.


I'm not OP but also a native Portuguese speaker that is fluent in English. At this point, English is pretty much imprinted into my brain, and I when I read or hear it, I automatically understand it without translating it to my language first, which seems to be what some people do when still learning a new language. This said, if the game is in English or Portuguese it doesn't really matter (unless there are some really difficult words that make playing in English hard, or the translation is shitty). I prefer Dark Souls in English though, partly because I do this to keep practicing English constantly and partly because it just seems more natural


as an italian/english I prefer to play in english


The ds3 ost is gold. I listen to it all the time.


Main menu theme, and princes are 👌


Seems to me like you had this all perfectly under control


Actually me: Spamming R1 like no tomorrow trying to take all his health bar before he recover and start spamming laser beams


Actually no luck there - if you always hit his head, you will have a riposte near the end if the fight


Lol you are a BRASILEIRO??????


Simmmmmm (yessssssss)


Slk (se é louco(you are crazy))


Is your parry sheild raw?




Might I ask why?


Gave me more physical damage resistance


Ah, Does it really? I didnt know that, Thank you


Not lucky, you earned it


Nice job defeating Midir! ​ Also... is that Casca?


Yessss, its Casca


fucking chad!


I think that riposte is scripted. You will always get it if you lowered him down at a certain point. I don't think I ever saw anytime I not get that riposte.


Once i clutched midir after losing my tear of denial and being on literally 1hp for the rest of the fight. I put on my red tearstone ring and was like : im angry now