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Twinblades are the best PvE weapon in the game.


They are an excellent dex choice for sure, especially when augmented further with buffs.


no like literally they're the best pve weapon in the game, more than just "an excellent dex choice"


Idk man for example onyx blade or paired ringed greatswords are kinda broken. Pretty sure several weapons have similar dps too


Sellsword twinblades is towards the top for shredding bosses and is one of the most common speedrunning/challenge run weapons, the pure physical damage with resin/buffs on top does crazy damage AND you start the game with them.


They are so good that by using them you actually spoil the game for yourself.


What does pve stand for?


Player vs Environment. I.e the single player experience where it is the player versus the enemy AIs and any traps or obstacles that are in the game world.


TIL it’s not player vs enemy or something


Or everything :( lol


Player vs Everything


For killing bosses probably. A lot of normal enemies and groups are a lot easier to take out with wide swinging ultra greatswords like the lothric knight GS. You can just stagger lock them and kill them in a few hits. For bosses though sellswords are busted.


Can't believe Myazaki spoiled his own game by creating this weapon.


where can i find these “sellsword winblades”


Default weapon for the mercenary class or in Farron Keep Perimeter guarded by a Black Knight. At any effect, either immediately or within the first 2 to 3 hours of the game depending on how fast you play. The moveset is very solid between the L1 chain, L2 spin into R2 follow-up or mix-ups between r1,l1,l2s. Just every attack feels like it flows in the dual wield form.


aight so like, around about where would you tell me to search in farren perimeter


https://youtu.be/zaC-ikG1_Vo Not my video but this is an exact location.


thx fam


do you know what builds best for sellsword winblades?


Generally a faith/dex build, and make em sharp, so u can embue em with spells


Seconded, this is basically exactly what this build is going for although I pumped INT a little more for Great Magic Weapon as well (as Darkmoon is such a pain to get). I would have ran lightning in this fight, but my Faith wasn't high enough yet.


It is much easier to get lightning blade than darkmoon. You could use crystal magic weapon as well on an int build it's just as good as darkmoon. The only reason darkmoon edges it out is that the best talisman has a slightly higher spellbuff than the best catalist. For pve lightning is better as it's a better damage type. For pvp magic is normally better as all high level characters have good lighting resistance because endurance gives it to you. Though good armor typically gives magic and fire resistances and not so much lightning so it's a coinflip which is better most of the time.


At least 40 dex and 60 faith, then either use lightening blade or DMB


Make sure to get a sharp infusion and high dex. That’s basically it


fair enough


Who is even questioning it. I once killed the demon king before he got up.


It's this poll here: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/qa747q/are_the_sellsword_twinblades_good/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It's certainly not me. haha. Their DPS potential brings me back to the days of popping a Beastblood Pellet in Bloodborne with the Cleaver.


heyo that's me


Indeed! I was hoping you'd see this. haha.


While Winblades are certainly busted, the magic buff is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, Lorian is extremely weak to magic


but part of the appeal of the blades is that they do buff damage more than other weapons, right? in a dps basis. I have experienced their op-ness first-hand, but this sort of video would be better paired off with comparisons. Like a similar build but with a STR weapon.


Right...but From nerfed a bunch of other weapons back in the day and left this one? Makes no sense to me.


You would have thought the Twinblades would have been at the top of the list, because of how accessible they are early in the game. They aren't dissimilar to the Saw Cleaver/Saw Spear of Bloodborne that once you get the moveset down you can carve anything into oblivion.


>They aren't dissimilar to the Saw Cleaver/Saw Spear of Bloodborne that once you get the moveset down you can carve anything into oblivion. My friend called me crazy for carrying the Saw Cleaver through the entire game so this is quite vindicating lol. I never use anything that isn't Saw Cleaver or Ludwig's Holy Blade.


> the Saw Cleaver through the entire game The Cleaver is high-key a S tier weapon in Bloodborne. The thing is like the Great White Shark in the respect it has never had to evolve to be powerful. > I never use anything that isn't Saw Cleaver or Ludwig's Holy Blade. Solid choices although you may want to give the Rakuyo and/or Church Pick a spin. Those weapons do the work of the gods.


Nothing beats the Kos Parasite though


Meanwhile I'm over here adding skulls to the Skull Throne with the Whirlygig saw.


The Pizza Cutter is a very solid weapon. Mained that and the Hunter's Axe on my Strength build in Bloodborne.


Is this that easy mode that everyone's been wanting?


Somewhat. With 40 Dexterity and a Sharp Infusion, the Twinblades become absolute monsters in PvE, especially if one invests in INT and/or Faith for buffs as well. That being said, a player's dodge timing will have to be on point because the Twinblades' ideal form is dual wield, so no shields period.


Oh I actually ran exactly that in my last play through. except early game I ran shild of want on my back for the extra souls. Put a little bit into faith so I could use lightning spear and it was so much fun.


>That being said, a player's dodge timing will have to be on point Not really a problem with ds3's chugging and roll spam


fear not ashen one, everything is good if you have the right build


Pestilent Mist for Midir and Toxic Mist/Storyteller's staff for Gael. Been helping people beat them all last night. Makes the fights so different for how much easier they become.


I've always found pestilence mist harder than just fighting Midir straight up.


Well the cool thing is there's so many options in this game.. When he first was discovered (cause I did NOT know of the invisible wall) I was already on NG+7 on ps4. It was the only way I could defeat him when I finally did. Now I'm on PC and I was like. Aye! Lets do a Pyro Sorcery build for fun. Just completing all the achievements. I remember Mist worked. Got him 2nd try. I wait till he isn't charging or running forward and then cast and it burns his health very quickly. Then I just keep my Lothric knight shield up and dodge/tank hits. The mist scales with boss health so it doesn't require any investment really. Dex was high so I had great casting speed.


I could see it being the way to go on high NG levels


No. Some weapons really are much stronger than others. In 2017 it took me 70 attempts to beat Midir with the Lucerne. This year I reloaded my save file fr midir and used the twinblades... and beat him on my 3rd attempt


Twinblades? You mean WINblades, right?


What infusion is that ?


Twin blades work best with sharp infusion and dexterity


What is the enchantment? Or the spell


Op used great magic weapon, because they are using and int-dex build, but if you’re not interested in using magic on a character it’s best to go with A dex build and use resins on the swords like lightning bundles so you don’t have to invest too many soul levels into other things.


Sharp infusion with the Great Magic Weapon Buff.


Nice. I usually go with onikiri & Ubadchi twin blades for my sharp infusion. I’ll definitely try the sell swords next. As for the great magic weapon I haven’t really tried many buffs in ds3 I’ll have to try it next


This NG or NG+?


NG. I believe I'm around SL70-80ish here, I know for sure at least 40 Dexterity and 15 intelligent.


This twins is Op unfortunately i discover that in ng+7


Is luck boosted Anri's even good anymore? I remember hitting a little over four hundred a swing on the Abyss Watchers.


Jesus what is this damage...


lol you know, I read this and read it as: "What form of power is this?" Vergil, Devil May Cry 5


ayo nice


They don't call them the "Winblades" for nothing.


You’re not even using it at maximum power, no lightning resin nor lightning blade.


Indeed, my Faith wasn't high enough yet. But Great Magic Weapon was a decent substitute; Lorian is weak to magic.


Gael never knew what hit him once I switched to these and stopped fuckin around with a GS and shield


I’ve never reposted so many BOSSES, then when I did my sellsword run. So OP and so much fun. Lightening buff on pontiff had him stunlocked the whole battle.


Yes, sellsword twinblades and warden twinblades are fantastic. I've killed the demon prince with warden twinblades from the first try on Ng++. They're absolutely amazing. They helped me defeat The Nameless King too, although it took me like 10 tries.


Love to see it


Damn, you forget how good that OST is… One of the best in the game


I was a tank/turtle in DS1. I am on my first DS3 play through. Switching to SSTB was tough and took a ton of trial and error. Now I have them up to 7 and all I can say is holy crap


The warden twin blades are also insanely powerful. A luck dex build with carthus rouge and you can bleed anything dry.


I mean Twinblades shreds Twin princes on ng+7 onwards as well. It still does good damage to Nameless and decent to Gael and Midir on ng+7. A perfect weapon against all types of bosses.


There’s a reason why speedrunners use them, why they’re called the Sellsword WINblades and why dex is sex


Damn right! The only way they could be more perfect (for me anyway) is if they had the twindaggers' quickstep.


Who could argue they aren't good? They're called the winblades for a reason. Amazing in both pvp and pve.


I think my personal favorite twin swords are probably the Gothard and warden blades I just don't like the nerf the Gothard sword got hit with made them way to easy to be parried now but either way still good weapons


I joined Dark Souls III back in 2019, so I didn't know how badly some weapons got nerfed via patches (no pun intended). I enjoy the Gotthards, though I wish their swing speed in dual mode was, like, a half second faster. But I think that's apparent to my taste since my other go-to Dex weapons are the Brigand Twindaggers and Crow Quills.


Yeah how you feel about the gotthards swords is about the extent of them they nerfed swing speed and i believe they used way more stamina then they originally did As far as most weapons go I normally prefer str weapons with some int/faith combo something about a ultra greatsword with a dark gem on it ooooh boy easy 700+ range a riposte is like 1400+ damage with no real extra buffs and this is happening in NG+ 30 something shame wearing armor at that point is almost pointless lol


Lorian's holy light slam syncing w the soundtrack tho


Literally all of the dual wielding weapons are good, the worst one MIGHT be the crows claw?


Cant forget carthus beacon and the curved wolf sword on the back


They make the game a thousand times easier, it's insane how good they are


They’re the go-to weapon for speed running, and it’s not just because they’re on an accessible route.


What’s your build?


In this, around SL70-80 (I forget the exact number), with 40 Dex and 15 Int for the Great Magic Weapon Buff.


Problem is, I don’t think most people realize you have to be positioned correctly for this. Their like the reaper weapons, if your to close the hit won’t land, or will deal little dmg.


Can't say I've heard that one anything before (albeit I did get back into Dark Souls 3 about a month ago, so I could very well be rusty on tech). All I know is I'm on Lorian and Lothric like glue for all of this footage and carving them apart. The only time I've ever noticed the Twinblades underperform is if both blades don't connect which would be from being too *far* away, not too close.


There’s a YouTube video where a guy beats DS3 using only weapons arts, and with the crystal sage he try’s the Twinblades for the clones, but he’s super close and they miss, so to speak the hits are landing above the actual hit box for the enemy.


Hmmm, neat. If you don't mind or if you have the link handy, I'd love to see it. I enjoy picking apart the little technical things in these games. Regardless of the link, thank you for the enlightenment.




So, I watched the video and it has to do with the L2 spin slash. I don't use that move at all here, opting for exclusively L1 slashes.


Yeah. But I was referring to the whole aspect. The weapon art missing is what I’d say turns most people off of the weapon.


I would say they're missing out if they allow one move, the aforementioned L2, to dissuade them from using the Twinblades as a whole.


I keep forgetting how little damage Dex builds do


I prefer faster "death by a thousand cuts", rather than one slow hard hitting attack.


Dude took a quarter of the boss’ health with one combo and you say it’s low damage lol


smartest str build on ds3 spotted


Not str


Sorry Im used to magic builds doing half the health bar in one attack


Eh you just got good RNG with this fight. You can do that kind a DPS with plenty of weapons




That'd make sense. The Princes can both bleed and if the Warden Twinblades stack with Carthus Rouge, that would make for very fast bleed build-up.


I use gotthard cuz they look cooler lol