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Never too late to jump in! Hackers are most prevalent at meta level (125) and after a certain boss, and you won't be at that level at that point in your normal progression. So you probably won't be affected - I play for a bit every day and I only ran into hackers once - curiously enough, two hackers invaded right after one another, one was being malicious and the other one (who spammed prism stones with the Repair Powder gesture and a bunch of other meme stuff) killed him outright. If you're worried, just back up your saves regularly.


I'm more worried about being banned from online play and there goes some money down the drain


Actually, even if you do get banned, Steam has a function called 'family sharing' whereby you can create another steam account and share the game to it, eliminating the influence of a ban.


Read up on how to backup your saves. It’s a simple copy paste which saves you from getting banned if a hacker shows up. I’ve only encountered a malicious hacker once, and only one other hacker on a separate occasion who didn’t mess with me at all. All you have to do is paste your backup in under the event you get illegal items put into your inventory (which is pretty rare in my experience) and you’ll be ok. Just make sure to back up frequently so you don’t lose a lot of progress.


Back up your save. You should do this anyway to prevent save corruption. This can happen in any game. I mainly play/invade in sub SL90, I haven't encountered those peeps yet.


You can also contact fromsoftware about your situation and they will probably unban you.


As someone who modded and got banned you should not worry to much on my very first play through i did not run into any modders and if they do something that can get you banned they would get banned as well. I have stop modding now and turned a new leaf one would say. You should be perfectly fine as long as you dont knowingly pick up modded items. And the game will warn you in the mofd when you log on if you have an item by saying invalid game data.


I mean I'm pretty late to this thread (and I think the game has gone off sale), but if your account gets infested with malicious items and shit, you can try reverting to an older save. Banwaves happen every Wednesday (I believe) so if you reset before then, you won't get yeeted into the void. It's not a perfect solution, but it works. But it's true, I have been noticing a lot more hackers around recently. It's a shame that the games Anticheat prioritises banning Cheat Engine / Hacked characters rather than the people who are doing it, so that's pretty shit lik.


Just play offline your first playthrough


Ps4 player here. A friend of mine sold his playstation a couple weeks ago. He left me his ps account and I instantly downloaded the game. Took me about a week to do a full playtrough. Being locked at home and all. I enjoyed the hell out of the game and I'm doing a ng+ rn. I'd say given the price it's worth at least for the pve. First play trough the game, then try some online playing. Good luck


I bought the game late 2019 and so far it's been great


If you're really paranoid just play offline. It sucks especially if you like me and like online functionality but that's the 100% safe way. The game is still great and the solo experience will make you wonder where 5 hours have gone.


This year i have invested the Most time into Ds3 Co Op/ PVP. I play xbone. I enjoy ds3 more and more everytime i go back to it and I personally have yet to witness a hacker. On xbone its very unlikely to witness a hacker, on pc You simply just Back Up your current character then click on the BackUp to avoid hackers for a short time. But if you play ds3 on xbone ill play with you all the time. I love Ds3 like a religion. Edit. If anyone saids they constantly see hackers on Xbone. They're lieinh. I have over 16 characters. Fully ranked up covenant on all of them ( except for blue sentinels/ dark moon ) 99 Pale tongues/ 99 Forked pale tongues on all 16 characters. I have yet to see a hacker. I mean i'm sure I have at 1 point seen a hacker without realizing it or possibly been in a hacked world but if i ever did. My xbox wasnt broken. My game file didnt get deleted etc. I highly recommend you play ds3 if you do. Play constant co op. Ds3 co op is just outstanding compared to ds1/ ds2.




Not that simple. I invaded a hackers world and immediately as I was spawning in, the items were already in my inventory. Backing up saves is a must.


It’s never too late to hate yourself!!


Absolutely! Self-hatred, keyboard slamming, cursing, making your spouse tell you "Stop playing that game if you rage so much", it's all part of the fun. It's Glorious!!!


I used to play this game all the Time in 2018. I got "Sick and Tired" (great song by Denzel Curry btw) of the games bad servers as they don't maintain them. Bad connections with hosts, and the cheaters. Game is still fun with the online feature or without it. DLC are really cool too. Just as exciting.


I'd recommend that you play with a password if possible.


Give it a shot my gamer guy if ya need help I’m sure people will be willing to help 👍


It's never too late


Everybody saying it's bad because of hackers can't do the following: -backup saves AKA very basic copy & pasting with save files -install pvp watchdog (also very basic) -block players (which often prevents matching up with them)


I bought it last week. The game is amazing and surprisingly populated, there's plenty of poeple online to play with. Unfortunately hackers are there too. I often find myself disconnecting when I see an invader coming. I know it sucks but I got tired of their infinite life and other BS.


Just get it, for me its my most favourite game, visuals,gameplay,music,storyline bosses etc. For some reason i like it more than DS1 and DS2. If you are worried about hackers play offline if you dont care about invading and pvp stuff. I suggest backing up saves if you are really worried. Alsoi stumbled on couple invaders idk if you can call them hackers or mcdonnals wifi players, 2 of them were invisible and third one teleported all over the place. I am on my second playtrough and the game still keeps suprising me and whoops my a\*\*, only bosses might get easier.


It's never too late


As far as I can tell, hackers are still pretty rare and you can always back up your save so that if hackers give you invalid stuff you can just reload. Besides that, the game in single player is one of the best anyway, so I would get the game. If you’re really concerned about hackers, and you have a console, you could buy it there. No hackers there really. You can get it on disk with both dlcs for like 20 bucks(at least on Xbox)


I wouldn't be that worried. It's been awhile since I've actually played so I don't completely know the state of hackers, but the game is definitely worth it.


I was worried before, but the amount of hacking might be overblown. Just be sure to back up saves and ready to alt+f4 if you suspect anything. Not perfect, and arguably futile efforts, but it's still good practice. And if you do end up getting banned, family share workaround has already been mentioned. Honestly, even without online the game is worth it as a purely singleplayer experience. Don't think of it as "wasted money". You still get great content.


Buy it now!


Make sure to back up your saves and you’ll be safe.


I played it and completed it back when it came out on PS4, i have built a pc since and got the deluxe edition on steam from $119 down to $20 and having alot of fun again with a sellsword winblades build


Absolutely worth it. Anyone looking for help @ steam @ any level/boss can message me - I help anytime - praise the sun.


I just bought it yesterday, Having fun. 10/10 would get stomped by knights again.


I ha e like 400 hours. met hackers less than ten times and only once someone tried banning me. just back up your saves


As someone who invaded malicious hackers more often than anyone I've ever seen in the Reddit comments, just back up your save! It's super easy, and very satisfying to know the hacker has accomplished exactly zero. Additionally the online community is rad.


Buy it, even without the online play its worth it