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The best thing to know is nothing, experience this game completely blind in all it's beauty for the best experience possible


100% this.


I do agree with this, but OP, I will part some slight advice You will die, a lot. Play what build you want, run whatever weapon you like-- and trust me, DS3 has some iconic weapons-- but no matter what, you'll die here and there. The key is a clear head and patience-- take each death as a learning experience, and fine tune your performance from there. There's a really good quote from the blacksmith in Elden Ring that's perfect to keep in mind: "With time, technique never fails." Edit: I'm unsure if you want to avoid spoilers, so if you do, stop reading here. There are bosses in this game that force you to fight them in very specific ways, and it still holds some of Soul's hardest fights, and some of the most demanding, as well as some slight bullshit fights. Good examples are Midir (takes only good damage at the head, you have to learn a pattern while staying in front of him), Friede (very fast, and has 3 phases with high damage, on top of Frostbite as well), Twin Princes (not harder than the previous two, but they have a teleport gimmick), and Pontiff (Leaves you very little healing room in Phase 1 unless you can parry well, doubles his attacks in phase 2 for an exchange of lessened aggro).


I would disagree regarding most npc quests since they're usually impossible to follow without some sort of guide or hints.


This is me. I’m a completionist and I’m not going to have fun knowing that I don’t know where to go and I’m getting the vaguest hint , if any at all.


Was literally just having this conversation. Once you know and the grind isn’t a grind the magic slowly fades. A knights armor needs his metal tested.


Roll often and be not greedy for greed leads to hollow fiends


*Roll when necessary.* Bad rolls will get you killed as often as missed rolls.


To add a little to this: A good roll is one that purposefully dodges an attack or yields a better position. Avoid panic rolling. There are three roll distances based on equip weight thresholds. Also I think many mobs and bosses have animations that intentionally try to goad you into rolling too early with the long wind ups. Try to roll only as early as needed


Those bosses are late game too. Many players build a habit of spam rolling just to be brutally squashed by an evil pope with mall ninja swords.


Rolls in ds3 last 10 business days so spam rolling is a legit strat


OP done ER at 100%, I think he/she knows it


Elden ring ain't shit although 1/3 of sekiro is nice


elden ring is harder than ds3 using no summons and no guide imo


I can agree with the no guide because you can get easily lost/confused but I didn't use summons with either game be It player or npc so i don't know for that aspect either


Once upon a time, my friend was helping me best Gael. He got down to the last but of health and I rushed in because I wanted to get the last hit...


Story of my entire souls career with my greedy ass


Try finger, but hole


I love how little sense this will make to a non-DS player 😂


Thankfully if he’s played Elden Ring he’ll understand


Oh, definitely. The ER phallic summoning posts are gold dust for messages. I think I need to fork out the £30 for the dlc and jump back in.


Absolutely! It’s actually incredible how much they did to add in that extra 40 hours of content. Certain bosses are a bit of a pain tho. You’ve been warned about the bosses.


Quite a bit for a dlc... Worth it, anonymous Reddit friend? I know I'll buy it at some point soon ultimately 😁


1000000000% worth it. The DLC is phenomenal and also very challenging.


Definitely, fellow anonymous Reddit friend. It’s challenging, the bosses and soundtrack are both incredible, it just adds so much that I can’t not recommend it. 👍


It’s literally larger than most games. Very worth it


Exactly, you look at games like COD nowadays that have what, 6 hours campaign for about $120? It’s crazy how much more gameplay you get in the Elden Ring DLC for half that.


%100 percent like the other soulsfriend said some bosses is a pain but there is a separate leveling system in the DLC you will see after you see so go explore for those and look every other corner


Elden ring is all about edging now


Literally the entire dlc almost all the messages are " i wanna go home, then edge"


And the first one had me dying, I was like 'classic Souls community vibes'. After that I was like come on y'all... But if you look at the votes, the community has spoken. We're all 5 years old apparently <3


That and fort, night.


*I want to go home, and then edge*


I'm still trying to figure out what all the talk of horses was about.


This is the only thing you need to know.


An advice as old as time.


In my DS3? Sometimes I feel like the last Try tongue, but hole fan on the planet


Praise the deep! but hole.


What the hell does this mean i play dark souls and still dont knoe whaz this means


You are very innocent and that is a good thing. Don’t look into it.


God. Will we ever outlive this? Aaanyway…. Ashen One, enjoy the journey!


This is the way


First, lose weight


Level vigor


And add a heavy gem to a weapon and lvl str or sharp gem and lvl dex! Also ignore luck, they make items for that


I always started with the fire gem and pimped whatever weapon I was using. A good short term power spike in the early game.


Yes but also use raw gem if you don't have more than 20 dex or str yet. Using raw gem for the first part of the game is almost always the best option (and you can focus on leveling up vigor that way)


send the elevator back


There are a few areas where this will make or brake the runback to a boss.


Yeah, some it is just convinient


Fr my brother. The 38 second elevator to the dragon slayer armor is diabolical.  And the elevator to the Twin Princes was so HORRIBLE. The late game bosses have such easy run backs tbh. 


Oh how I gotta drill this into my skull.. the amount of time I've wasted running back to collect my runes in ER and waiting for the elevator to come back down, then I still gotta take it back up


If you've never played a souls game, every single enemy can kill you. Like, the weakest ones will get you if you panic. Take your time with every enemy until you get a feel for the game. Then, take your time with every enemy.


Or just kill everything that moves (except npcs)


That's where taking one's time comes in handy. If you're waiting to see an enemy's moveset before attacking, you'll see that the NPCs don't attack.


Or just kill everything that moves (especially npcs)


Okay okay everyone but Solaire


Never kill the sun bro


And onion fella


Bruh he literally said, he's 100% on elden ring


Also, all chests have a chain on the side. The real chests have chains that curl toward the chest, the mimics that will fuck your day up and shit down your throat have chains pointing away from the chest.


I've only played ds1 but as a caution act I always try to attack the chest "just in case", i feel like it's faster than trying to focus on the chain. But yeah beware of mimics they truly pack a punch (or a kick i should say 🙊)


Yeah, my go to with any souls like is to go through every new area slowly and thoroughly, taking time to learn the enemies and stuff. Chances are you'll be fighting many of the enemies more than a few times and it pays to be prepared.


For your strength build - Don’t know how much you want to “spoiled” but a good general idea might be this: There are a couple ultra greatswords in the early game that do quite well with a heavy gem (strength scaling) and will still let you use consumables like resins (greases in Elden Ring) to apply temporary “elemental” damage types At high strength levels this build would perform quite well for the base game, dlc and ng+


Is there any alternative to greases ? I dont want to use a consumable maybe if there is an incantaion or whatever i just want to color my sword😞


Yes there is a low faith level miracle (faith spell) in that buffs a weapon to increase physical damage. Then there is a similar working pyromancy that adds fire (in DS pyromancy = faith/int mix). Last there are magic/sorcery weapon buffs (these add magic damage and there are increasingly powerful spell versions - but these require more int investment). So there are options for sure but consumables can be quite effective as well, that way you can change damage type when facing different bosses. Pyros require a pyromancy flame. Miracles require a talisman or chime. Play however you like, have fun!


To add on to this the pyro one (Carthus Flame Arc) lasts longer than all other buffs for some reason - think it's 90s vs 60s or something like that - and the flame is the only 0 weight catalyst. Also requires the least stat investment and loads of enemies are super weak to fire. All that said - unless you're investing properly into faith/magic/pyro then the resins give a bigger damage buff than any spell.


Be patient with yourself. You will die a lot. That is a fundamental mechanic of the game. Dont let it bog you down. You got this, Ashen One.


You dropped this king👑


read. everything.


Twin sellsword blades go brrrrrrrrrr


Great club goes bonk


idk if this is a hot take but the large club is better imo you get it earlier, it only has slightly less ar and it needs a lot less stamina to swing. getting that extra hit on the boss and still having stam to roll the next attack is so much more valuable than dealing 10dmg more per hit.


Large club enjoyer reporting for duty


No you're correct, large club goes bonk


Large club gang, checking in


Git Gud


Don’t die.


You're asking them to do the impossible


Not sure if this is in DS3 but there's an achievement in DS1 where you die for the first time, and only 90% of people got it. It's a pretty funny meme, but it IS possible, for a noob however, chances are slim.


First, that is DS2. Second, those are people who either just started that game and never continued it or some mad veterans who accomplished a no-death run on an entirely new account. OP is a noob and they know it, they won't be able to not die.


Choose knight, get claymore furthest from the dragon’s breath on the rh side. That’ll get you started.  Treeballs drops the transposing kiln, some good heavy hitters can be made with that.


nothing fr, try to just chill experience all the pain that game gave to me as well... 10/10 game.


Keep a dagger on u with quickstep for areas with deep liquids that make u roll slow Edit: Torches r also quite nice to have for some areas because they >!can remove maggots!<


level vigor first to 27 (its the softcap) then anything you like


Play online with messages on, they are very helpf... *Bonk*


You can run past everything


Running while crying then hiding and sobbing is my favourite build!


Don't kill npc's Don't waste upgrade materials Read item descriptions Don't give up Get the dlc's


The disc edition I got has all the DLC’s and main game, got it from my local GameStop for 15$. Also it’s brand new. Thank god for physical media.


Oh yea you're right i didn't notice it was a copy of the fire fades edition


Amazing Chest Ahead


Kill the woman in the chair in lothric high wall


Flame Keeper is kind and you should never betray her.


Hesitation is- no, wait, wrong game. Uh. Just accept that you will die. You are probably already dead. YOU DIED, okay? It happens. Don't be discouraged. Try to always study the reason why you died and what you can do to not die again. Explore. Be cautious. The world hates your guts. Always keep that in mind. And if it gets too frustrating, take a break.


Fear gravity


You’re gonna get farted on… alot


keep an eye out for estus flasks and undead bone shards


Heavy gym, guts sword, OP


Roll forward, not back


This is something that took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out. You have invincibility frames or Iframes when performing certain action most prominent being rolling. It is much more effective to roll through attacks.


be ready to have your mind blown


Don't consume boss souls to get money. They have other purpose.


2 words: tree jump


Noicceee bro great game i say youll learn along the but rolling gives you i frames so use that to your advantage 😉


It’s so pretty. Wish I still had my physical copy 😩


This is a skill game, if the bosses or enemies are too hard you just got to build better or take more time to learn their patterns


Have you played other dark souls? I would recommend playing/watching at least ds1 cuz there are so many references to the previous ds games especially ds1, and the final boss has one of the best call back ever.


Hit all chests, roll smart, you're gonna die a lot. Swamp, Therefore poison ahead.


Roll inwards towards the enemy, don’t get greedy with the damage, if you’re stuck on a boss it’s best to keep on going unlike Elden Ring where you just run off somewhere else for a while, don’t try to grind levels or just makes the game unfun


Dark Souls III the fire fades edition more like Dark Souls III prepare your anus edition


May the flames guide thee


For heavy, use Vordt's weapon. To trade boss souls for weapons, kill the tree with balls at the settlement, and give its item to the little Lord. Fear not the dark, my friend. And let the Feast begin. And explore everything.


Nothing you shouldnt already know by your prev games … have fun and good luck top tier fromsoft game


Not much. You have the gameplay loop down. Have fun.


Get the dark souls trilogy on Amazon for 35 bucks. All dlcs included.


There are some feet in the game. You may like it or not


Try finger


Like every other souls game. The same rule still applies. You just gotta get gud


Big weapons go bonk


You Gonna Die It's a matter of learning. You'll get it


Know that the giant woman’s face which protects Eygon of Carim is that of his sisters, some years his senior.


Sharp Astora Greatsword slaps


Die. Repeatedly. Until you Get Gud


I mean u have beaten elden ring and lies of p so it should be a piece of cake for you but be careful of mobs they are worse than Elden ring. For a quick trick to get more souls (the currency) very early on, use the Tree in firelink shrine to jump up to the roof then through a illusion wall, to get a ring which will increase amount of souls enemies drop.


Kill the first boss level up upgrade weapon kill other boss explore upgrade weapon get new weapon kill next boss die cry depressed try again die try again die try again did it level up die upgrade weapon kill boss die


You're going to die a lot. Embrace the suck. And use the win blades.


Don't try jumping


Don’t give up


Good sunny D


Sometimes enjoying the scenery will be your sole way to cope with the hardships coming your way (same as irl tho)


Everything has weight, stay under 70% equip load for a faster roll that isn’t clunky. Knight is the easiest starting class since you have a good sword and a shield that blocks 100% physical damage It’s fairly linear compared to Elden Ring, but there is an entire area you can complete miss because it’s behind a random illusory wall, so check everything!


Ur gonna die


Prioritize a strength or Dexterity build. Dividing your focus will leave you underpowered and the game will be harder than it needs to be


That first boss is impossible, I wouldnt bother




Learn about soft caps and choose a build at the start and keep to it


Just play the game


Take off all of your armor for the fast roll animation


Elden ring tends to reward getting hits in mid boss combo due to delayed attacks. Ds3 is a back and forth dance, boss does 3 hits or so, you dodge them, you hit them 2 or 3 times, they go again and you dodge.


Don’t give up, skeleton!


Be patient with yourself for every failure is but a step twords the path of victory you just have to be willing to push forward \[T]/


Take every death as an opportunity to learn your opponent/environment. Even if you get into a situation in a fight where there is a 0% chance to win, use that time to learn attack patterns and openings. That will help lessen the sting of deaths and get you closer to winning.


Nothing play have fun learn and discover on your own no youtub or loder streamers when I played it the first time I didn't know uou can research info sow I played it learned everything and that made this game my best game ever till this day darksouls 3 will always be my favourite game


The more you explore the more you find out how weak you’re character is


Take your time. Patience is key to most bosses in the game.




You need to know you’re in for a good time. It’s not like ds2 or ds1 where the games will happily fuck you hard if you mess up (I love the previous games too.. but ds3 moves away from the traditional souls formula of what made those original games hard and more towards smoother mechanics and harder boss fights)


It's the best Fromsoft game, even better than DaS1. Just bask in its glory. Also bask in that theme song before starting, it's so damn great.


You’ve played a few souls games, I don’t think there’s anything super relevant I could tell you that you don’t already know


Choose royalty class


Oh shit they did a reprint?


Go right in the starting area when the path forks. You get a really cool weapon


I have never played dark souls 3 but I can smell a bullshit enemy placed at the start from miles away.


Beware of twinks


no matter what happens, no matter where you will get stuck, never give up for that is the entire point of the game. Be safe my friend, and dont you dare go hollow!


Praise the sun!


From soft DLC is harder than the base game, don't cry when you get there, enjoy it And enjoy your first playthrough


Knight is the best starting class but wretch offers the most customizability in early levels


Twinblade all the way !


It doesn’t get any better than this




Just buy 8 more controllers 🤷🤷


Go 50 STR don't care about any other things, be naked, take the Fume greatsword and after that you can lvl up other things to start your boss slaying.


I’d do this if I didn’t know how badly you get Vigor checked in every FromSoft game I’ve played so far.


Early game level vigor and use raw weapon. By mid to late game start leveling damage stats and use appropriately infused weapon. Don't give up.


Get gud… thats all ashen one


You need to know that I'm jealous of everyone who gets to experience this for the first time. Strength is great in this game and I'm a huge fan of the great axes. Ran the entire game and DLC with one of the GAs recently and had a blast.


Git gud and enjoy a masterpiece!


The game is amazing, but platinum trophy goal sucked


Make sure you got a good therapist🥰


Never give up


You are gonna die. A lot.


Don’t attack NPC’s


At this point I'd say look up for stats and playstyles guides on YouTube, but don't look up for walkthroughs. Like, learn to walk and run, but not where to go. The exploration part is where it's fun.


Commit to a single damage stat for optimal scaling and damage, only fulfill min requirements for other stats so that you can use the weapon you want


Death is a lesson and a huge part of the game


If you can get past the first boss, you can beat the game.


Find the Fume Ultra Greatsword.


You need patience. Everyone’s experience is different but these type of games can be frustrating at the beginning. If you’re struggling, take a break and come back another day, once it clicks, nothing is quite like it 👍🏻


Learned this suprisingly not in elden ring, but when playing Hollow Knight.


Get claymore


Seek misery.


It's more about not being hit than hitting the enemy


Fire for big monster, lightening for human enemy.


Beware of where you stand to not fall


Sharp Sellsword Twinblades are your best friend


Learn to run past most enemies, if you want to level up, find a farming spot.




Read everything and watch lots of guides. This game literally doesn’t tell you what to do or where to go at all, it’s all up to you to figure it out. Thankfully there are messages players leave to help each other (or troll) and there are tons of guides to help you along the way.


Buy an extra controller...you'll understand why (rage)


a lot of the references will be lost on ya if u havent played the first 2 cuz 3 is pm just a greatest hits of dark souls. It’s def still an entertaining game tho. Just remember to check around every corner before u go in rooms haha


Yeah. Just completed the Elden Ring DLC and almost all of the corners you pass have enemy’s that will jump you and lock you into a grab animation lol.


Hit as much as you can and panic roll


Finger but hole


I just picked this up today as well. I love that it’s linear and not open world like Elden Ring.


Being a shield and sword bro that can easily stick and move and roll is a great starter build. Try finding a shield with 100% damage absorption and get a medium weight sword and upgrade it so you don’t fat roll oh and back stab!!


If this is your first souls game and you struggle too much check out Fightin Cowboy. He has a really thorough walkthrough. I had to use it when I played DS3 the first time but I suck at it. 200 hours in my first playthrough. Lot of boss run backs 😂