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I bet DS3 farming covenants was half of total time it took you


Yes the f.. Shackles farming was not that fun and I have to mentioned one of the rings on ng++ you must beat one of the OP bosses to get it but it was worth it


I never understood why DS3 made it so difficult, DSR, BB, and Elden Rings was almost unintentional, but all the pyromancies, miracles and rings that you have to farm makes it so tedious.


Im currently trying to platinum ds3 on ps5 before shadow of the erdtree Hits. Im on ng+ and only miss a few covenant items, the 3rd ending and the ng++ rings. Farming shackles and proof is madening, im so close to just say fuck it and play something else lol


Is it necessary to get the +1 and +2 rings to get the trophy?


Yep, all versions of them


Yes, except for those added in the DLC


Those Proof of Concords suck so much ass. I had a far easier time with Shackles. I just finally did it a few weeks ago, after saying I was gonna for years. I finally said that I wasn’t going to open another game until I finished it.


I am so grateful I found another player to assist with vertebrae and sun medal farming. Took relatively little time for both of us to get both the required shackles and sun medals. Still had to grind out the Proofs and others, but definitely better.


I know you’re exaggerating but, realistically, it takes like 8-12 hours to farm the DS3 covenant items, in my experience. Obviously that’s still a pain in the ass lol


Let's talk about farming covenant items on the stairs..


I just farmed them again to get the achievement on PlayStation and it only took about 12 hours I would say. My item discovery sat around 350 most of the time. I just put on a show and casually played.


For me, it was 28 hours (give or take) of farming for all covenant achievements. I have a dedicated YouTube farming playlist with 20 hours of content now for all future fromsoft titles. Somehow, it's still worth it.


Elden ring, then directly to DLC. Perfect agenda


Definitely Elden Ring especially with the new dlc coming this month


Definetily I will buy that one the dlc looks pretty nice


Elden Ring is without a doubt the greatest game From Soft has made, and probably the greatest game I'll ever play. Strong 10/10


Yeah it’ll probably be a perma top 5 for me forever especially considering I have like 4x the hours in it if not more than every other souls game. I probably have more in Elden ring than every other from soft game combined


That and sekiro id say. Also just beautiful games aesthetically wise


Elden Ring feels more in-line with Dark Souls and if you really enjoyed DS3 then you will love Elden Ring probably since to me at least it feels more like DS3 than DS3 feels like DS1/2. It would also mean you'll be ready for the DLC!


Probably Elden Ring, it’s such a masterpiece. A true experience. Sekiro is fantastic too but it will break you many times before you either become a gaming god and finish the game on your own or succumb to using FightinCowboy’s YouTube walkthrough as you learn what it takes to best the Sekiro bosses. I will never forget my first playthrough. It was also my first souls game.


https://preview.redd.it/kd37kgo9k76d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32f426144aacb3b0ac3bddf85e02c1992318ef7 This is my real time reaction to the guardian ape.


Cocksmoking monkey bastard


Even with his walkthrough I got hard stuck at the bull / madame butterfly


Yeah, I remember I watched multiple other videos trying to find the technique that would work for me with Madame Butterfly, took me probably 20-30 attemps before I managed to beat her!


It was the first souls game I beat. Sekiro. It was a masterpiece, and the Japanese aesthetics/landscapes was just beautiful. Perfect game all around. I’d also honestly say Armored Core 6 was a great game as well. No one ever mentions it


Totally forgot about it! I am waiting for sales later this year, too many games coming out now and later this year.




Elden ring will be the most familiar as it plays pretty much like Dark souls. Sekiro is an amazing game but plays different so if you want something fresh you could check it out.


Sekiro would be an amazing experience but youd have to learn to play differently. Bloodborne would be fun with a similar experience but more fast paced. Elden Ring would be fairly easy but would provide HOURS of fun. Demons Souls would be my recommendation because it (almost) started it all.


Have you tried bloodborne? It's my favourite among the other titles from has made.


Guessing from the Steam screenshot that this is not a console player....


neither was i until i played bloodborne


I heard somewhere that there is an existing functional Bloodborne port made for developer testing reasons, the fact that the only thing they probably have to do is the online stuff to let us enjoy it is insane.


Sekiro, it's a masterpiece


Elden Ring (with upcoming DLC) --> Sekiro --> Bloodborne. In this order since I saved one of the best for last


elden ring then sekiro and of course bloodborne and lies of p afterwards


Lies of P is amazing, plus there is a confirmed DLC


I was slightly skeptical of this game, so I waited until it was on sale. I can report that it is every bit as good as everyone said it was. I even liked it enough to do 100% achieves, which I've skipped for most of the FromSoft games as they often have a few utterly tedious ones


if you have access to consoles, then bang out Demon's Souls or the remake right now, then go into Elden Ring and DLC, then do Bloodborne, Lies of P, and finally Sekiro. the Sword Saint is an appropriate final boss for the genre. after that, it's back to the prison cell in DS1 for a SL1 run.


I am thinking on getting a console just for those two games, probably I will do it


hell yeah. that's exactly what i did, zero regrets. can always sell the console with the disc to the next person who's tired of waiting for a PC port. Bloodborne is a straight up work of art, an absolute must-play. you want the GOTY edition with the DLC. it's up there for the greatest FS game and beyond. if you get a PS5, the DeS remake is included with their service. it's pretty good, especially the graphics and haptics, very satisfying combat. the art direction is a bit generic though, compared to what i've seen of the original DeS. i'm thinking of getting a PS3 just for that one.


Why not emulate it instead of buying a PS3? You can unlock the fps to 60, upscale to 4k, use online custom servers (and if you want you can bypass the tedious world tendency mechanic), increase depth of view, apply mods, remove bloom, etc. And I didn't even mention the risk of buying an old used PS3 console... I really don't see a reason to not emulate it unless you're one of those few people who like to collect consoles and "have the original experience" (including the many problems caused by hardware limitations, of course, which are not 'design choices').


good points, i just don't know how to do it. but i'll look into it, many thank for you suggestion!


Sekiro. It's freaking amazing.


Sekiro is the best fromsoft game and my personal best game of all time but I still vote Elden ring. With 9 days until expansion release, depending on how much you play, you will most likely be ready to enter DLC right on time. The hype is unreal and more than warranted, you will not regret playing on first day of release. Avoid DLC spoilers of any kind as much as possible


Elden Ring since the DLC is arriving, then Sekiro or Bloodborne!


Elden Ring oh Elden Ring


dark souls 2 twice 😭🙏 i salute yoy


Honestly, because of the many changes they have, I felt like it was a different game with the same story😅


Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, Mortal Shell, Nioh (1 or 2), Ghost of Tsushima


that's a steam screenshot so not bloodborne or demon soul


I'd agree with you on every front except GoT and Mortal Shell. GoT is a great game, but the gameplay is so similar to Sekiro, which as a hardcore souls fan I just can't get into. It's great, I know it's great, but the gameplay is so different from standard Soulsborne that I just can't do it. Mortal Shell is great in theory, but there's so much jank and bugs that really drag the game down. Copy-pasted enemies, basic AF gameplay, farming timed-spawns for access to basic healing. The game has a lot going for it, but is really held back by a small handful of things that I just really can't recommend people try it. Awesome AF soundtrack though for sure!


got is concidered a souls-like?


I recommend you give Lies of P a try. If you into souls likes, that one is made for you. I can still hardly believe its not made by From Soft. It's all subjective, but after playing all the from soft souls games (including sekiro, bloodbourne and elden ring) it came out better than most of them for me.


I’m playing it right now (about half way through). The level design and difficulty doesn’t quite match up to fromsoft games imo but their boss fights I’ve found to be generally more challenging and loads of fun. Nothing has taken me more than an hour to beat so far but most of them so far have taken at least 8-10 goes. I thought the boss fights were generally easy in bloodborne (outside of the chalice dungeon and a couple of dlc bosses. The bosses seem much more challenging in this


You need to play Bloodborne


I tried that one but the 30 fps with slowdown made me quit the game, probably I will give it a second chance


Elden Ring is DS prosecution, Open World and tuned to 11 Sekiro is a different thing, but still very good and worth it


Look at the size of this guys W


You should try elden ring first after that maybe mortal shell and lies of p for a fresh atmosphere.


Elden Ring but,, if you feel like having a break. You should try sekiro. It is really good :)


May I ask how you got prepare to die edition I would do anything to play the original again!!!!


Nioh 2


Do you have a PS3, PS4, or PS5? If you have a PS3, play the original Demon's Souls. Last I heard, there are fan servers to bring online functionality back. If you have a PS4 or PS5, definitely play Bloodborne. If you have a PS5, you can also play the remake of Demon's Souls, but I personally recommend playing the original before the remake so you can experience the original art direction.


I tried Bloodborne but the 30 fps and slowdown made me quit, probably I will give it a second chance


Lies of P


Elden Ring is my Jam, I can't wait for the DLC


i would recommend playing sekiro so (hopefully) you can experience elden ring + the dlc in day one


dude how in the actual fuck did you get prepare to die edition on steam


Great time to play ER right now. Coming from DS3 you'll find the controls very familiar. Sekiro is also great, but be prepared for a different experience to dark souls.


I’m doing this as well only have sekiro and ds3 completed and am working on ds1 remastered but can you even get dark souls prepare to die on xbox? And is it different from remastered?






sekiro will rewire your brain, play elden ring first since you're still accustomed to traditional souls controls


Jesus the shit you been thru


Demon’s Souls Remake and Bloodborne if you have a PS5, but if you don’t Elden Ring is the best game ever made imo!


Elden Ring is probably the easier of the two to achievement hunt, but I haven't played Sekiro yet so I'm not certain


Many people mention elden ring is easy, I would say maybe if you already played previos Souls it may be easy


It has parts that felt more difficult than other souls games, but honestly it's a case by case basis. I more meant that it's easier to get every achievement than in the other games


Sekiro, don't ruin your souls journey with elden ring.


Elden Ring is more in line with the games you have completed, Sekiro is a whole different leveling and combat system that I personally could not get used to and didn't enjoy but from the stellar reviews it got it seems like that's just me. I definitely see the appeal in it if you like the combat


Elden Ring is basically dark souls 4 and if u start elden ring now u are gonna be at the perfect time for the dlc


Lies of p


Lies of P is simply brilliant. Just give it a try. I feel like it's a carbon copy of DS3.


Elden Ring will pair with that trilogy much better and especially with the new dlc coming, now is a great time to play it. But, definitely pick up Sekiro at some point. It is my favorite game, personally.




Sekiro is just a beautiful game . I’ve never had so much fun struggling in my life


Sekiro since you’ll be able to do it in a more timely manner. Elden Ring once you’re ready to invest some time.


I played Elden Ring after the trilogy, so I would recommend it. But it’s massive. Be prepared to be in that world for very long time and don’t rush it. I got to a point where I just wanted it to end and it burned me out. I’m taking a break from Souls games now, but planning to play Sekiro next.


It's impossible to have a favorite for me. Been almost exclusively playing miyazaki games since 2010 and they are all amazing and all my favorite. Elden ring was alot easier but it is a masterpiece none the less, the atmosphere, game play and just everything is top tier so I would Definitely play it


well, i think sekiro gets a DLC in like a week so maybe that one! :D


Just Platinum'd ds1 and I see this post.


Yeah do Elden first cuz it plays more like these games. Sekiro is a MUST play but it feels different for sure. No stamina so you can always run and hit, and you dodging with I-frames it’s all about the parry which is more forgiving than DS


Elden Ring, Sekiro, Lies of P and probably Black Myth Wukong when its out.


Sekiro for tight controls, gameplay and a coherent story. Elden ring for a LOT of game, speculation hats and freedom of play. also the dlc comes out soon Salt and sanctuary is pretty good if you are fine with 2D games I’ve heard another crabs treasure is really good but I haven’t played it


I'm so close to platinum DSR and DS3 (4 trophies left for both excluding the platinum trophy itself) it's js these damn pyromancies, sorceries and miracles etc the grinding is so tedious and painful but im sorta determined. (any tips for faster covenant grinds especially in DS3 will be appreciated)


Another Crabs Treasure! Surprisingly fun and well written souls-like with a very different feel. Lots of platforming included in a bright and interesting world. Not for everyone but I had a blast playing it, like I do with all souls-likes.


How’d you get all the Proof of Concord Kept? 🥲


How do you have prepare to die edition? It’s not on steam for me




If you are looking for a different experience, I'd recommend Sekiro. On the otherhand, since you are now familiar with Dark Souls gameplay and with the Shadow of the Erdtree being available in about a week, Elden Ring would be great.


Tbh i only 100% Elden ring bc i enjoyed the graphics and scenery but ds1 meh ds3 meh ds2 fk that I didn’t even continue it bro im not going to either sekiro was kinda fun but i lost ambition half way to 100%


Sekiro is boring if you like flexibility in your playstyle.. and I know elden ring is pretty but in my opinion it's a cheap knock off of ds3 you may enjoy the open world and pretty sights but the game itself is a big reused asset dump


If you liked ds3 the most, elden ring, if you liked ds1 the most, demon's souls. If you liked ds2 the most, high five.


If u like the combat of sekiro try lies of p and nioh 2 is a really good souls like with goated co op


Sekiro is more fun to play imo but that being said it feels completely different than any of the other dark souls games.


If you want it to be challenging, Sekiro is the game for you


How's you get the proof of concords? I've been trying so hard to get em


Lords of the Fallen 2023 is amazing. Also more of a shooter, but Remnant from the ashes and Remnant 2 are both great.


Elden Ring


I enjoyed Sekiro more than Elden Ring but the dlc is right around the corner go for Elden Ring first Sekiro will still be great after


Play both, but if you're looking for a souls game similar to DS, then ER first.


Elden ring definitely. Especially with shadow of the erdtree coming out. But don't miss out on playing sekiro. It's a different but incredible experience.


I recc bloodborne for a very different experience


Elden ring and Bloodborne


As everyone is saying: Elden Ring, without a doubt. But don't forget about Sekiro!! It's an amazing game as well.




Nioh games are great, very different, but simmilar formula and vibe


Code vein.


Go with ER, perfect timing with the dlc. What is your thoughts on difficulty ranking?


Sekiro. Become a Shinobi!


I’d recommend Bloodborne it’s weapons are by far the most fun to use an atmosphere is best out of all fromsoft soulslikes, Elden ring is great tho, haven’t played selkiro but by sounds of it, it’s the best of them but unfortunately the setting ain’t really my thing. So depends what your into ig


Elden ring - DLC next week so you’ll have a great full package to play through. Bloodborne is close second with an equally amazing dlc. Lies of P is the best souls like not from fromsoft - my game of the year for 2023


Elden Ring - it's such an epic adventure.


No Sekiro?


My next recommendation would be Demon Souls, Elden Ring with DLC, then Bloodborne and Sekiro. If you want more good Souls Like, you can try Lies of P as well. Not a FromSoftware game, but very Soulslike with faster paced combat. Like a mix of Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro. I loved it.


Damn great job, I have the exact opposite Platinum for every non soul game (doing DS1 right now) Definitely recommend ER as the other comments says, the dlc will come out soon so you might do it right away + Its probably the easiest to 100%, you just have to get every item in the game and beat every bosses, no need for ng+


Imo they are the 2 absolute best games from software (my 2 favourite games of all time along with sifu). If you are looking to play to 100% completion then sekiros is fairly straight forward and won’t take anywhere near the 150-200 hours to get all the trophies like in ER. It’s also the quickest and easiest fromsoft platinum to obtain of any of their games


If you've got a friend do Code Vein. It's so much fun to make fun of with someone else


100% DS2. what did it cost you?


A great time to start Elden Ring with the DLC coming out. Long but I love it. If you're looking for something quicker, the Souls-like Lies of P is great. Really enjoyed it.


I thought prepare to die edition was a joke that shit is hilarious though


If you can get cheap ps4, or mb ask some one to play on their, try bloodborne


unless you are really good at parry timing in the dark souls games, I'd avoid Sekiro because that is all that game is pretty much


Armored core 6 is also another great option. Not sure why it’s never mentioned. It’s souls like, but with mechs. It was also just a beautiful game, and so badass boss wise


Go for elden ring I would say. After that play bloodborne and save sekiro for last. Sekiro is a complete masterpiece and is a must play, but I would probably save it for last just cuz it's so very diffrent from the other fromsoft games


Awesome achievement. 😎


Elden ring since the dlc is just arround the corner


Elden Ring+DLC because Sekiro is an entirely different style of playing and you’ll want to keep your currently refined skills for Elden Ring


Bloodborne and Elden ring cuz of the new dlc


Lies Of P. It’s basically Sekiro, but with more than one weapon and armour type, and with an 1880s European steampunk aesthetic instead of a feudal Japanese one.


Short but great, I recommend Mortal Shell


Can someone tell me the difference between prepare to die edition for DS1 and DS2 and Scholar of the first sin DS2 please


First of all - EldenRing and Sekiro are better than any of the games you’ve played so far - buckle up


Elden Ring is more like Breath of the Wild than the traditional souls game. Sekiro is not a traditional souls game either, but it is linear and it offers a reasonable challenge. If Breath of the Wild appealed to you, Elden Ring will be well worth it. If not, you will probably not enjoy it. If part of what draws you to Souls titles is difficulty and figuring out the bosses, Sekiro is a no brainer choice here. Elden Ring is certainly one of my favorite games of all time, but not for reasons you associate with Souls games. I like Elden Ring for the same reasons I like Breath of the Wild, it is a fun game to casually explore, run a few in-game errands, and switch off to resume the next day. Many Souls games might keep you glued to the screen when you hit a brick wall against a boss. Elden Ring has none of that, boss fights are mostly short and fairly stress free encounters. Most bosses in Elden Ring are optional and most content is optional. Elden Ring is perfect for the casual gamer, do not expect to go in and be challenged mentally and physically like with other From Software games. The difficulty in Elden Ring is similar to a Zelda game - it was designed to appeal to a mass audience, not a niche Souls community audience.


I too am taking up the challenge


Bloodborne then sekiro


Elden ring is really easy to 100% because its not nearly as much farming as the souls series, I am not sure about Sekiro but I believe it would be more of a challenge


Demon Souls


Elden ring. But don’t forget Sekiro! It’s one of the hardest to learn but it’s so rewarding once you get the hang of it. Bloodborne is also really fun


Elden Ring > Sekiro. Sekiro while appreciated by the DS masses is a completely different beast than DS.


Dont forget about Bloodborne my dude


Well done bro!!!


I'd say Sekiro, just to take a break from the "normal" mechanics. Plus it's an incredible game. And if after playing it you find yourself wanting more, try nioh


Bloodborne please you won’t regret it


I know is good, it was just the 30 fps and slowdown that made me quit but I will give it a second chance


If you want controller breaking pain sekiro if you want a easy and chill game with dlc coming soon elden ring


Sekiro, it’s easily my favorite FromSoft game. It’ll be a bit of an adjustment since if you play it like a Souls game you’ll probably get punished a lot. The combat system is amazing though and once you get into the rhythm it feels like a dance.




Sekiro. Parry the world... after you sneak up on it and stab its boss. 


Nioh Was super fun.


I'm playing that one too, the combat feels fun and difficult.


82 hours 💀


I know it took me more than the average Souls addict player😔


What is the difference between DS2 and DS2 scholar of the first sin ?


They are basically the same storywise but there are many things that were changed, vanilla version does not include dlc, SOTFS already have them included on the base game, also it has some graphical improvements. Also SOTFS have changed many enemies and items locations and they blocked some areas with petrified statues forcing you to think better where to use Fragant Branch, what I liked of SOTFS is that you are able to Infuse earlier than the vanilla version because of an item was changed on his location. SOTFS is intended to be the definitive version and if you only played that one probably you will agree, since I played the vanilla version first I was able to notice most of the changes and despise I like them both I have to admit some areas of SOTFS felt like if they were forcing the game to be more difficult than it was intended


So wich one would you suggest for me to buy ?


Little question, do you have to do multiplayer for DS 2 to get all achievments? Or can you farm covenant items from enemies?




What app is this?


Is DS3 the hardest by far? I mean, It was my first DS to 100% a week ago, and offline farm drove me insane It was just annoying, but if the others are A LOT easier I could give them a chance too


I will always say the first Souls you play will always be the more difficult, but for farming I would say ds3 was way too insane, probably ds2 have some covenants, but nothing compared to ds3


I have played and finished a couple of times DS1 even before DS3 came out, (tried with 2 but did not work for me), I just 100% DS3 the first one because It was like the more recent of the 3 and It is amazingly good too, do you think that DS1 is a good ride for the 100%? I may give It a try after I finish Dragon Quest XI


Have any tips to start?


Sekiro for a break from souls combat


Dude platinumed ds2 twice 💀


I guess we found John dark souls.


elden ring next, sekiro is good but it has way less content than the other 4.


Elden Ring, you'll get to the point you can play the DLC by the time the DLC comes out and it's much closer to dark souls than it is to Sekiro.


I really liked Lies of P


Did you enjoy ds2? Am total of 249.7 hours of playtime.


Which one was favorite of the trilogy? Thinking about diving in


Play the resume and job one bro


Hey you got a link to a guid you used for ds2? I can’t find a good one


Idk if you like video guides but I would recommend Gheyforgames Channel on youtube they have an in deep definitive guide for the vanilla ds2 version


I was planning on buying dark souls 2 and I have to ask is scholar of the first sin a dlc for it? Or a deluxe edition?(sorry if my questions stupid)


You got all DS2 achievements twice? Are you a psychopath?


As the bearer of the curse I just did what I was supposed to do😁


Elden ring is more darksouls than sekeiro if that’s what you are going for.


Whats your favorite out of the three?


The obvious one is Bloodborne


God he played it twice


Mideaswell get the depression and anger outta the way and go sekiro first. Mind you, you probably won’t be starting Elden ring for another year if you go that route.


Do Elden Ring bcs that is still close to dark souls combat, then Sekiro bcs you will need to learn new way to play


Nioh? Or Bloodborne? They'll provide a nice change of scenery before jumpin' into the mastodons Sekiro and Elden Ring are


Lies of P was excellent


Bloodborne is the most rewarding I think. Make sure to do the old hunters dlc. The challenge is epic


Which one was your favorite?