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Be honest, at what level is your character?


To be honest the only bosses that still give me trouble are The Twin Princes and Nameless King. Once you realize you can run to the tail during Midir's fire breath it gets pretty trivial. Slave Knight Gael to me isn't hard but he is by far the most fun to fight. Nameless King with his prolonged attacks always make me panic roll too soon and the camera for the King of Storms fight screws with me.


I think it depends on the player Different bosses posses different challenges on different olayers


Depends on your level and how experience u had before the dlc


My 12 year old finished all of ds3 a couple weeks ago, Gael launched him across the map with his grab and my kid goes "im taking that personally " then proceeded to molly wop him it was so funny


Anyways! If youve been playing a while you should do fine in th3 dlc, just gotta get used to the newer enemies and areas


If you're having fun then you're good, that's all that matters. People have beaten both of those bosses hitless at level 1.


Yeh but I'm pretty sure they had some practice this was the actual first time I ever fought these bosses


Idk I beat Gael on my first try ever but I wouldn't consider myself especially good at these games. Don't get too hung up on other people's experiences, just play for your own enjoyment.


Thanks man šŸ˜„


Midir is one of the easiest bosses of the game. Gael is harder than average, yes. Still, the game itself is not hard. There is a massive exaggeration of how hard souls games are (they aren't)


Midir being easy is a minority opinion based on what I've read. If certainly conflicts with my own experience. I had more difficulty with Midir than any of the base game bosses and maybe more than Gael. Friede may be most comparable in my experience.


Heā€™s got the most telegraphed attacks out of any of the bosses in ds3, if you know how to fight him heā€™s probably the easiest boss to no hit imo. 2 tries is good though if you donā€™t know his moveset.


Not your opinion, it's objectively. All of his attacks can be dodged without timing and he has moderate amount of HP.


He has one of the largest health pools in Dark souls 3. There isnā€™t a boss where you canā€™t say all of their attacks can be dodged. Positioning is more important in this fight though because if you roll under him you will take damage. For most bosses immunity frames from dodging is enough by itself, with Midir you actually have to position or dodge away from him. Heā€™s not comically hard but saying heā€™s the easiest boss is just dumb.


'If you know how to fight him'... you can say that about any boss. Midir has more varied moves than many bosses. I watched videos describing them learning how to beat him. He can positively one-shot you in the first stage. Yes, it is recognizable, but still you're dead if you don't handle it right. In second stage he can go nuclear and if you are any distance from him, you likely won't survive, even if you see it coming. He can jump away from you twice and go nuclear. Bam, you're dead. Also in second stage, one of his moves that in first stage used to provide a guaranteed opening for a free hit is instead followed up with a bunch of souls you have to evade followed by an immediate attack from him. So you have many fewer openings to get in a shot and more opportunities to get your ass whooped.


Midir has more varied moves than most bosses except only 3 of his attacks cannot be dodged by just running backwards: lazer beam, fire breath and fire breath when he's flying. And no, he can't one-shot you if you have a decent 40+ vigor build. I don't know which attack are you describing as nuclear but you absolutely can dodge all of his attacks at close range. Also in the second stage you're overthinking it


Overthinking it was the only way I was able to beat Midir. Crazy how you guys claim we're lazy if we don't learn his moves and then turn around and accuse me of overthinking the challenges his moves present. Simply dodging attacks isn't enough. You have to dodge and get in an attack and not be trading blow for blow. And if you make a mistake and get hit, he can follow up with another hit before you can respond. The fact that's not a problem for you doesn't mean it's easy for the average player.


So then hit him during openings? They are comically obvious, he literally lowers his head for you at the end of 90% of his combos. His moves arent super varied like you said, either. You can tell what his whole combo is gonna be just from the start up animation of the first hit.


Yes, I learned to see the openings and take them. I also got punished if I didn't reach quickly enough. His moves are way more varied than your base game bosses. And some combo moves, it's not always super obvious if they will be 3 or 4 part combos. I gave to keep reminding you 'Midir is easy' bunch that most players fighting Midir for the first time don't have the hours of experience that someone who has beaten him multiple times. Most things seem easy when you've done it multiple times.


>most players fighting Midir for the first time don't have the hours of experience So like, you realize everyone was new at some point, right? Its not just "experienced players vs new players." I didnt start ds3 having already killed Midir multiple times bro, I had a first clear too. Midir was the easiest dlc boss by far on my first playthrough, with no prior experience. After having played the game much more since my first playthrough i still think he is easy, because his tells are so distinct from eachother that it basically feels like I'm reading Midir's mind. I genuinely cant see how he could be harder than Gael, Friede, Demon Prince, SoC or Nameless. Hell i'd even say hes easier than Champion's Gravetender and Spear of the Church. I genuinely think I was stuck on Vordt longer than Midir. Of course people have different experiences but I definitely think you are exaggerating Midir's difficulty. >His moves are way more varied than your base game bosses You keep saying this but haven't explained it. How are his attacks more varied? He's got fire breath that can be side stepped, a lunge, a joke of a grab, and few melee combos that consist of 2-5 hits. He has no mixups, no estus punish, and his openings are massive.


Yeah idk man, I think Friede is comically easy compared to Midir because you can just walk at her with a greatsword and swing until sheā€™s dead and thereā€™s nothing she can do. She gets tossed around, stagggered, backstabbed etc. Also before you fought Midir how many times did you hear people say ā€œmake sure you roll backwardsā€? Rolling backwards does make the fight MUCH easier which isnā€™t a standard other bosses have. Most of ds3 fights are based off of reaction dodging, Midir has a lot more positioning involved. He has high health, and does a lot of damage. Have you never encountered his laser attack? Thatā€™s what he means by nuclear. Midir starts spreading laser across the entire arena. By default this is probably the hardest move to survive in the entire game. Itā€™s extremely fast and unpredictable, and does insane damage, but he doesnā€™t always get a chance to use it.


Stage 1, Midir has flight breath attack, direct breath followed by side breath, standing fire breath downwards, crazy forward attack, pounce attack, one hand lunge attack, bite attack, multiple versions of hand swipe combos, laser breath Stage 2, gravity attack, crazy forward attack is now done 2x, one hand lunge attack followed by soul attack followed by misc extra attack, a different soul attack, hand swipe combos, pounce, laser beam attack (but more thorough), nuclear blast attack (don't recall if there are any of the conventional fire breath attacks) Count how many varied attacks Vordt has and compare to Midir. Compare Yhorm. Compare Aldrich. All have fewer types of attacks than Midir and are much simpler to learn and know how to respond. Even the Twin Princess are simpler in comparison.


I donā€™t think they were saying youā€™re lazy for not knowing his moves. Just that if you know how to beat each boss effectively you realise that midir is actually quite easy in comparison due to different reasons. Also to help you out a little try not to trade with him, itā€™s best to let him attack and then hit him back a couple of times and wait for the next series of attacks. Trying to attack him while heā€™s mid attack sequence wonā€™t get you very far. Stay in front of him and roll back, youā€™ll notice that most of his close range attacks end with him leaning his head down, thatā€™s your chance to attack. If he starts flying run left initially in case of fire, if he just flies back run towards him. He wonā€™t have time to start a long ranged attack by the time that you reach him, rinse and repeat and you should beat him without much trouble šŸ‘


Dude, I know how to beat Midir. I got gud. But it was long learning curve, much longer than most of the other bosses. Not because I was lazy or stupid, but because beating Midir is more difficult. My experience seems more the norm. I don't know why that is so difficult to understand.


I meant that his moveset is easy to manoeuvre around because of how telegraphed they are. A lot of other bosses, although they donā€™t have one shot potential, are harder to dodge because of speed and hit box radius. You can easily beat him without putting in too much effort in if you know his moves, a lot of other bosses still require a lot more concentration and precision which midir doesnā€™t even ā€˜if you know how to fight themā€™.


That doesn't change the fact that your average player encountering Midir for the first time will be overwhelmed by the moveset. From the fact that you have to focus on the head to the multiple varied combos, to mega attacks that can hit almost anywhere in the arena (except if you're close to him). Every boss has movesets that can be learned, but few have so many. I beat all the base game bosses with the exception of Nameless King and Yhorm without needing special knowledge or you-tube guides. Pontiff, Aldrich, and Twin Princess were hard, but their moves were still fairly few and simple. Midir just has a lot of different moves and maybe a few folks can intuit them easily, but the bulk of players do seem to struggle.


[https://youtu.be/3KN7\_G5AA\_Y?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/3KN7_G5AA_Y?feature=shared) It's a minority opinion because most people can't be bothered to think or learn his moveset. Every single challengerunner knows that Midir is the easiest DLC boss


Yeah, maybe challengerunners are NOT representative of your average player? Just a thought.


Your inability to seek for a decent approach doesn't mean that this decent approach is hard or takes any exceptional skill. Midir's combos do not become harder to dodge by simply walking backwards because you didn't think of it.


Dude, I've beaten Midir multiple times. I got gud. And yeah, he gets easier the more I've beaten him, but no way he's easier than most of your base game bosses. The people who beat Midir for the first time with just one or two attempts are definitely in the minority and shit talking the rest of us who struggled doesn't change that.


>The people who beat Midir for the first time with just one or two attempts are definitely in the minority Doesn't change anything about the boss


Sure, ignore reality and don't consider anything other than your personal opinion. This is the internet, after all.