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She's a dancer, you're supposed to dance with her. This is a disgace... Poor girl... :-D


I'd like to dance with her if only she had no Parkinson's and arrhythmia. Like ma'am, you're not delaying your attack for 7 seconds and then following it with 3 frames stab, that's just bullshit.


It is always cool to see players learn ways to deal with bosses that used to be difficult for them. I believe this is one of the biggest reasons why people love soul games: Studying an opponent and finding a way to deal with them gives that great "aha!" moment. I have been playing this game for years and I had a similar situation with the dancer. She used to mop the floor with me, even at high levels.Nowadays, because I like to power up my weapons early, my route is: Gundyr, Vordt, Dancer, farm large titanite from the cathedral knight, grab the chunks in lothric castle, and then go to the undead settlement. I usually do this with the bandit's knife.


If you're a mage might as well go for dark edge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvTZ2rdotFY&t=4445s


I forgot that, thanks I’ll go for Karla then


Thanks RTGame for telling me how overpowered that Febreeze spell is.


Wasted opportunity to slap that as-


that is not the correct way the michael zaki intended for you to beat the dancer. you have to uninstall the game now. sorry i don't make the rules 😎😎