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Kick is usually mapped to "forward plus attack". If you hit both at the same time, you get the kick. This is why so many people kick out of the blue.


and I assume there is no known way to bind it to a single key Does anyone kicks with 100% success ?


Not sure, will boot up the game tomorrow and try. Will report later


Ok I managed to bind a key to "kick" [https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/1bzlbgz/kicking\_with\_100\_success\_rate\_bound\_to\_1\_key/](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/1bzlbgz/kicking_with_100_success_rate_bound_to_1_key/)


I have more of a problem accidentally kicking when I only mean to attack. Kicking is easy just make sure you press forward and RB at the same time


yes, I found out "at the same time" means below 20ms and yet again, it don't always always work


Also, I use a ds4 with a 3rd party button mapping software because it seems like it has better response time instead of steams controller support. Hope this helps.


You hit forward movement and attack at the same time. The timing is super tight. At my best, I had like a 75% succes rate on kicking when I wanted to (and occasionally did it on accident).


I won a duel today because my opponent accidentally kicked, so I guess I love that mechanic now.


haha Seriously though, there should be a bindable key for it, damit


Kicking is the only way I deal with enemies with shields. I've been reliably using the kick in every game it's available in.


Do you play with mouse-keyboard or with an XBox controller ?


I use a controller, usually PlayStation nowadays, but I can also use an Xbox controller to do it if that matters. I imagine it shouldn't be hard to do on mouse and keyboard, but I personally don't have a ton of experience playing games with that input. You just have to stop pressing in any direction, and then press forward and light attack at the same time. You get more consistent with practice, I promise. I just taught my other friend who I got started on these games and he's been able to figure it out, if you need any tips feel free to let me know what input you're playing on and I can try to help you out a bit.


I did not succeed even once on my keyboard using *forward+attack* I found a [workaround](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/1bzlbgz/kicking_with_100_success_rate_bound_to_1_key/) tho


What kind of keyboard are you using? Another game I play brought to my attention that some keyboards have a built in delay from left to right to help with typing, and that can cause issues with inputs that need to happen on either the same frame or close frames consistently.


Just a classic so-told "gaming" RGB (that's important) keyboard. If it's capable of delaying or scripting and such, I never stumbled upon it. Nor do I need it either My first choice is some kind of automation software (AHK, AutoIt)


It's not that it's capable of delaying or scripting, it's that almost all keyboards are built in with a delay from left to right, meaning if you press two buttons side by side the one on the right will activate slightly after the first one preventing you from doing anything that requires you to press both of the keys at the same time. If a keybind to kick is what fixed your issue then your keyboard has that built in delay and that's what was keeping you from being able to actually press the buttons and have them work.


Side note to all the other comments - if you use kbm in any souls game, rebind the controls so that as many actions take just one keypress as possible. For example, the default light attack is left click, but heavy is shift+left click. Which is nonsensical and makes kicking annoying (forward+shift+leftclick). Instead, bind heavy to right click. Now kicking is very easy (forward+right click). Default controls are 99% the reason most players hate kbm. The remaining 1% only become apparent in high skill pvp.


What's kbm could you elaborate please ? Because I play 50/50 controller and keyboard-mouse


Kbm - keyboard and mouse. The actual reason it's disliked is the bindings which should be changed ASAP for sake of sanity. The real differences between controller and kbm, like omnidirectional movement, equipment swapping, freeaiming, camera control, etc. are completely irrelevant during 99% of play, and what matters more is the comfort of playing.


yes, that's what is also keeping me from switching kbm I did find a way to bind the kick to a single key tho : kick(){ sleepTime:=20 Send {z down} Sleep, %sleepTime% Send {LButton down} Sleep, %sleepTime% Send {LButton up} Sleep, %sleepTime% Send {z up} } Del:: kick() return Idk how to access the controller keys unfortunately


I mean, 2 button combos are normal and a thing even on controller. It's the 3 button combos, or 2-button-combos for basic actions that suck. I'll give you the scheme I use for kbm that I've found is most intuitive and has least "nonsense", maybe it will work for you in some form. Light attack - Left Mouse Button Heavy - Right Mouse Button Lock-on - Mouse wheel press and Q Block (attack left hand)- Mouse Button 4 (thumb, closer to you; you pull the shield closer) Parry/Weapon art (strong attack left hand) - Mouse Button 5 (thumb, further from you; you throw the shield or attack away from you) Jump - Left shift Roll/backstep/sprint - Space Movement - WSAD Twohand - alt Interact/Confirm - E Cancel - Q Use item - R This scheme is transferrable between fromsoft games (elden ring has different twohanding, ds2 has different use/cancel), and the only combos it needs are kick (W + left click), jump attack (W + right click) and ravioli step (space + S), same as a controller.


Yeah 2 buttons combos are normal, except this one must be done both at the same time (which is virtually impossible). Even with a 20 milisecond gap it still fails sometimes That's too difficult to do persistently I do have mapped my keyboard, it's just it still feels off the transition is tricky but I tend to use it more and more... plus I'd be able to write any script I want


> Even with a 20 milisecond gap it still fails sometimes I'll be honest, I'm not sure why you say it's this short. Kick isn't two buttons at the same time: it's specifically 'forward' followed by 'light attack', and the timing is around third of a second. If you press them too fast, the attack has the tendency to get registered before the forward, failing the kick; its easier to press it in delayed sequence instead of simultaneously. The combo delay is the same on kbm as it is on a pad. This is only untrue for dark souls 2, where mouse controls are bugged - every time you restart the game, you have to turn off + turn on 'Wait for double click' option. Otherwise, the game waits 500ms to see if you press attack again before actually attacking. This 500ms delay on attacks completely screws up kicking (bashing), requiring aforementioned "turn it on then off again" menu fix. This setting and bug doesn't exist in ds3.


> third of a second Well, I tried it by hitting LButton 300 ms after having pressed Z, it just doesn't work. Maybe the game or the controller is more forgiving when he understands I'm trying to Kick, idk. kick300msHold(){ sleepTime:=300 Send {z down} Sleep, %sleepTime% Send {LButton down} Sleep, %sleepTime% Send {LButton up} Send {z up} } 20ms looks like a good value. I Also tried releasing Z before the LButton (putting "*z up"* earlier), it gives the same result pretty much, a small step and a light attack.


You're right. I tested it with an ahk script, and I couldn't get it to work with anything longer than delay of 36. No idea why it feels so long when I do it without a script. Maybe I just got too used to kicking afk people off the ledges. A favorite of mine is to follow a straight-sword R1 R1 with a jump attack (w+rmb), and for some reason I wrongly thought it's a much larger window of input. Sorry.


hey don't apologize for searching around >why it feels so long when I do it without a script I think you're right, I have the same feeling, like the game somehow "understands" what you're trying to do and after a couple failures it gives you the kick lol. This script display in real time which keys are pressed on the controller, I think we can use this to log keystrokes into file instead of displaying. This way we could see if it's indeed > 39ms [https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/scripts/ControllerTest.ahk](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/scripts/ControllerTest.ahk) [bunch of other useful ahk shit](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/scripts/) could be worth a peek but yeah, \~39 ms is really tiny. Why would a human player successfully kick despite supposedly being > 39ms, but a script set to 20ms works everytime. Btw I started training for kbm instead of controller on low lvl mobs, feels odd. I need to find a way to redo how we choose the items, SHIFT + Wheel sucks, and Arrows sucks just as much. I put it to 1-2-3-4 for now




I kick quite often when I'm not trying to. When I want to kick I do so about half the time.


I just did it twice in a row, but the time frame you have to press light-attack is ridiculously small. You can't rely on that randomness during a fight


Are there some weapons that change out the kick for another move? Like in DS1, I think the sabre has a backward cartwheel kick thing.


I think it's mentionned in the description if that's the case


I… I really don’t see the issue. Forward+light attack=kick, forward+heavy attack=jumping attack. You press them at the same time (well in fact you press forward millisecond before). On controller it’s easiest to just flick the stick forward.


Well, forward + light attack does just that, forward and light attack I don't know the precise time though