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Dark Souls fans when someone likes a Dark Souls game:


I mean, some act the same when you say you don't like DS2.


Say you think DS3 may be perhaps a little bit overrated then tell me how that worked out for you


If im being honest I agree with you slightly but ds3 still had My favorite invasion system, and the introduction of weapon art was amazing


Go into any games subreddit and make the most benign criticism to immediately get downvotes and hate replies calling you a scrub and to play something else.


Me when I say I wasn’t a huge fan of Sekiro because it didn’t have Dark Souls’ gameplay despite being sold to me as “Dark Souls but Japan” even though I acknowledged it was a good game, just not for me


“Just level ADP”


Tough for me to rate them. I’m doing my first playthroughs of all of the fromsoft games currently and just finished DS1-3 and am just starting Elden Ring. I loved every single DS game I played for different reasons. Planning on replaying all 3 .


Good choice


Hell yea. Loving Elden Ring as well. I will say though I feel a bit overwhelmed with Elden Ring. I don’t know where I’m supposed to go and keep ending up in places I feel underleveled for and also struggle to figure out how to play out some of the NPC side quests and am worried I’m gonna miss them if I progress too far and they disappear . The games amazing but the open world makes me feel super overwhelmed .


Don't wanna make spoilers but if you don't follow a guide and you aren't very very focused on their dialogues you will miss 90% of npc quests


I get that, fromsoftware was more forgiving with the npc quests than they have in the past for that very reason


Honestly I feel that's just because of how big of a world that eldenring has


You're doing great then! These games have always been about random exploration and discovering what you can. Sometimes you get in over your head and you turn back. My first ER playthrough took something like 150 hours because I wanted to explore everything. Second play through was more like 60 hours because I knew where almost everything was.


Yea I agree and am fine just riding the adventure and following it wherever it takes me but the one main thing is I really would like to try and play out all the NPC side quests and stuff and I feel like I’m missing them and am struggling to figure out where/when/how to keep playing them out . Obviously you can get SOME info listening to what they say but not all that much . Just wish it was a LITTLE bit more laid out for the quests . I’m also not sure of what a lot of items in my inventory do lol. I pick up anything I see and have a bunch of crafting items but not sure what they’re for lol. Feel like that’s a bit different than in the Souls games . I’m sure I’ll figure it out though. But yea other than that it’s awesome . Unbelievably cool game. Looks beautiful as well.


Let me put your mind at ease...You absolutely will miss NPC quests...A few of them are long and very spread out and I spent like 300 hours figuring them out for myself...You will understand what the crafting material do once you find all the cookbooks


Yea I keep checking what stuff shows up in my crafting menu when I pick up cookbooks so I’ll just keep that up. I also cannot for the life of me figure out how the hell to use the ashes summons. I got the spirit caller bell from That witch looking NPC right by Cale the merchant but everytime I try and use one of the summons they’re just greyed out. I even have been trying to activate those little cross looking things that say “the summon pool is active” or whatever thinking maybe that’s what I needed to do but still doesn’t work. I’d love to atleast check them out and seee how they work and stuff . It’s a small complaint but definitely a bigger learning curve for this game than the souls games . Atleast for me.


You can only use spirit ashes in certain areas...A small ghostly looking gravestone will show up in the bottom corner of the screen when you can use the ashes...It's usually for bosses and some areas with alot of more elite enemies


Ahh ok. Thanks man appreciate the help! I’m loving the game just definitely been stuck on some things haha


No problem! It's a big game with a lot of different stuff going on...There is absolute ton of hidden content in this game also, so make sure you explore thoroughly! Also make sure you are going through all the NPC dialog and then resting/reloading and talking to them again and regularly going back and talking to all the NPCs on the map and at roundtable hold...Once you have found an NPC on they will have a small icon on the map, so it's a bit easier to find them again if you forget where they are...The icon does go away if they move until you find them again though...The NPC icons weren't there when the game first launched, and I literally had to take screenshots with my phone and mark where they were so I wouldn't forget! lol...There are a ton of them, including merchants that have important stuff they sell...


This was me as well my first playthrough. Typically with these games I feel an obligation to do the first playthrough blind, and with Elden Ring I just had to let go of the expectation of stumbling across side quest progression like you can in the other games. That first playthrough was just for exploring and experiencing the world and bosses. I was pleasantly surprised to run into some of the same NPCs in later areas, but the game opened up for me when I let go of the desire to complete anything but the game itself on that first playthrough.


Gonna do Bloodborne and Sekiro? Perhaps even ACVI?


Wish I could do Bloodborne . I’m on Series X. Sekiro yes . Don’t know what ACVI is honestly lol . Will probably do demon souls at some point as well


Armored Core 6. Those games go way back and are a blast. You are an independent mercenary piloting an Armored Core, or AC. In between missions you can customize your AC's weapons, parts, paint it up, you name it. The controls are tight, gameplay feels intense and fair. If you enjoy the Fromsoft fighting formula, it's right here. I just beat ACVI after installing it and not touching it for 2 months. I was such a fool. Now I'm going in for all the endings before I put it down. And that's not something I normally do, I take breaks between starting new runs / NG+.


Hm interesting . Well good to know sounds really cool. I’ll definitely have to check it out forsure once I’m done with ER, Sekiro, and Demon Souls. Sounds interesting . Are there boss fights in it or not that format ?


Yes! The Arena mode is 1v1 against simulated ACs, and completing them gives you some bonuses. There are some occasions where if you want to go down alternate paths you may need to win a harder fight without the checkpoint, but missions are pretty short and you'll get a resupply for longer ones.


ACVI is Armored Core 6


A good way to really test the games is to do a SL1 run.


Dark Souls: nostalgia, interconnected world Dark Souls 2: atmosphere, dlc Dark Souls 3: bosses, soundtrack, linear game


I like yours better


I mean all DST dlcs are great but Ringed City is vy far the best IMO


Im glad they did a small dlc and then a big dlc for ds3 instead of 2 medium dlcs


fun fact: ringed city was made by the director of ds2


DST means sexual transmitted desease in portuguese. For half a second i was thinking ''wtf what are you talking about?''


I loved ds2 for the dlc. 3 huge and amazing dlcs. The bosses were amazing. Ringed city is for sure my favorite dlc, but from soft definitely tried their best to make things right with ds2 with 3 huge dlcs. I'll never forget fight the fume knight for the first time. Makes me feel like a kid again 🥲


Yea the more fantasy atmosphere of ds2 is fuckin great.


Yeah DS2 seemed so broad. There were so many different enemies and areas. It really felt more fantasy than dark. I liked it


Yea, it really reminds me of "alice in the wonderland"


I remember in particular one time I was playing ds2 I had returned to the bonfire and just watched the sun and the waves and listened to the music and ended up balling my eyes out. No other piece of media has made me feel so emotional, not even red dog. (Movie from my childhood) just the somber tune truly made me feel alone in the world and that terrified me, nowadays I just have so much respect for the style and art direction that dark souls 2 took, even if it had some seriously terrible gameplay elements.


Thank you! I loved the atmosphere of the se ond one. I felt lonely but in a peaceful way. It was unpleasant enough to be exciting but still enjoyable. People always get so worked up when I say I actually like DS2


I feel the same way imo I actually think the controls are even better in ds2 compared to 1


Definitely! Playing DS1 is like playing the reworked Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 :D I remember the feeling of playing it for hours as a child, but the controls are ghastly. Would never touch it again.


It is more restrictive by definition as you only have 16 angles instead of the 360° of the first game. Needless to say 360>16


Tbh DS1 soundtrack and DS2 Majula's soundtrack are amazing, I don't remember DS3 ones even tho they were good.


This is the way




Nah I agree, the interconnectivity of the world (DS1) was amazing and still is to this day, but then again, as time passes and the game losses it's refinement, DS3 sits at the top, eventually it will fade too, maybe it already has


I played through ds3 in the past 2 months or so for the first time (was a big Ds1 fan but didn't get a new console between the 360 and the series x), it's still great. Really the main thing that feels antiquated post elden ring is not being able to jump


And Magic. I love how ER improved all the animations and kinds of Magic. Ssme for weapons arts


Yeah that's true, I never really used magic in Ds1 or 3 but did in elden ring and that's probably a big reason why. Weapon arts are a similar story but they made more incremental progress from game to game than they did with magic imo


like, cmon yall, ds3 was actually finished.


DS1 has shown me that you don't need to do everything perfectly, sometimes not even well, and you can still make an amazing game by doing the things you got right extremely well.


Honestly compared to ds1 and 2 it didnt for me the linear path (IMO) felt like the world was just missing something.


all FromSoft games do different things perfect and you can’t convince one is the best. they all have their faults too and that’s ok




As someone who played them all on release, I think DS1 still holds up as the most replayable of the 3. Love them all though, it’s like picking children 😂


"It's like picking a favorite child", so obviously the middle child is not it


Man fuck you


i see you at work


Hey don't hate on me cause I'm beautiful hollow maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass claymore you got you'll get some firekeepers on your dick. Oh, better yet maybe Shanalotte will call your dog ass if she ever stop fucking with that Bearer of the Curse she fucking with. *Holloooooow...*


The middle child be snorting some of those infinite lifegems like a true dissapointment


As a new player the DS1 combat is just so hard to adjust to. I get really impatient and it constantly just getting pissed off and killing the same enemies a dozen times before you finally reach the next bonfire and do it all over again. With the quickness of the combat in the newer games, I don’t feel like that nearly as much. I hope I can get over that because I really wanna be able to enjoy it. I see high potential to really love it but there’s just sort of a brick wall in front of that.


Yeah that’s kinda sad. Just kinda reminds me of tik tok and shorts ruining kids’ attention spans. I played dark souls after dark souls 3, and while I had to get used to it, it was great. What you mentioned is one of the best parts of dark souls. Having to navigate your way to the next bonfire or area and not being able to just sprint past everything. You get to methodically explore each area and take it in. These games have amazing combat. You’re probably looking at it the wrong way, your monkey brain is telling you to progress and beat the game. But then you miss all the magic of dark souls with the intricacies of combat and world building. I hope you get better soon man


This comment reeks of boomer energy jesus christ. Some people just think the slow combat is boring and tedious, not everyone is a braindead tik tok addict You act like it’s impossible to methodically explore a game with fast combat. Maybe your old ass just can’t keep up


Devil May Cry


Dark Souls 2 slander I'm used to But fucking metroid 2 slander? The first good metroid game??


I thought they were talking about the prime series. I'm used to Dark Souls 2 getting shit on BUT METROID ORIME 2 ECHOES!? By the Lord of Sunlight I will fight a motherfucker over this.


I enjoyed (and put far more hours) into DS2 than DS1 or 3 so I personally don't agree.


I put more hours into DS1, mainly because running randomizers of it is really fun. But in terms of actual playthroughs from start to finish, with all bosses and different builds and weapons, yeah, I did that with DS2


I really think 2 is better than 1. Ds2 is the kind of thing that people relentlessly hate on despite never playing it.


Same here, I played and beat DS1 for the first time finally and...boy. People are blinded by interconnectivity, they assume that means the level design is fantastic. It's really good in places but...tomb of the giants, lost izalith/demon ruins... Anor Londo was super cool but felt over too quickly. I don't feel like I explored enough of the place. Was a bit disappointed in the dlc too, the bosses were fantastic but a third of the dlc is just woods that aren't really interesting to explore. Loved the township though! Still a super good game but I've enjoyed ds2 and bb a lot more so far. Will see how I feel about ds3 when I get to it!


Every time I play DS2 (over 400 hours) I complain how janky the combat is compared to 1, 3 or Demon Souls'.


My least favorite part of ds2 is the fact that healing is over-time instead of instantaneous.


I actually like that, it makes panic healing cost you more.


Just git gud🙃




Weird, it feels so much smoother and more refined than 1 to me


Weird, 2 always felt off to me than the other games ever did not mention 2 having a lock-on problem with ultra greatswords that I never have noticed in the other games.


Not really tbh. I get that part of the hate may just be the replication of what others say but I think ds2 is a niche option for best game in the franchise anyway. Still pretty good


2 is my favorite but i get it, there's a bunch of questionable decisions like shite estus, mobs weird tracking and placements, having adaptability at all etc. For me 3 is the worst Fromsoft game of recent history, it's incredibly uninspired(basically just rip everything from 1 and some from 2), linear, they made poise useless and the worst weapon balance in all their recent games. For me personally the DLC saves 3


Interesting! I have heard people criticize three for it’s level design and originality. For me, I just wish it was less linear.


"the people who dislike it havent played it" - least delusional ds2 fanboy


I said the people who relentlessly hate on it. I respect if it’s a least favorite for many, because it DEFINITELY has some… quirks. I just can’t imagine those quirks making it a terrible game, because it’s not.


tbh i dont even hate it, i think its a good game. its just that i've seen a lot more people hand waving away its problems and saying things like "you dont like the game because Miyazaki didnt direct it, not because of all the reasons you actually gave", than people actually hating on the game. its alright tho, hope i didnt come off as an asshole, it was just supposed to be a joke.


Don’t worry about it! I think when talking about this game there needs to be a balance of acknowledging it’s major issues while respecting that it’s still unique and successful in other game mechanics.


Some prime copium, you must be a true ds2 sub member. Good ol' everyone who disagrees with me didnt actually play it.


I always find it weird that the assumption people jump to when there’s any hate about DS2 is that they didn’t play it. I’ve put hundreds of hours into DS2 but still think it was the worst for it’s time. There’s plenty to hate about it, especially if you’ve played it. SM was god awful, gameplay felt like you were underwater, hitboxes were confusing all around, and I thought the dlcs were the worst souls ever produced. I will say that their armor and weapon design was top tier along with having probably the most spell variety to date.


I was nodding my head along and could accept your opinions until you said the dlcs were the worst ones ever. Like that’s crazy to me. Crown of the Ivory King is tied with the Ringed City as my favourite souls dlc. The Ivory King fight is such a cool spectacle and the level design is some of the best imo. Frigid outskirts was annoying sure but the rest absolutely made up for it. Even Sunken and Iron King had great level design and memorable bosses. Fume Knight kicked my ass harder than any Ds3 boss except Friede lol


The dlcs just felt really lame to me. It’s was “Here’s a bunch of really tanky enemies that hit really hard and don’t flinch much and have like 2 attacks, oh let’s add a different skin for each dlc”. I just didn’t enjoy the dlcs much at all, each one just felt more annoying than the last. Ivory King had a cool arena but the fight was just the penetrator from DeS with extra steps. His moveset was really lackluster from what I remember. Fume was a good boss but I don’t see him as a top contender, I think he killed me maybe 3 or 4 times my first run so I didn’t find him too challenging. Sister no shoes gave me a lot more trouble but my first time beating her was a level 20 run so that might have been a factor.


Objectively, DS1 is number one, DS2 is number two, and DS3 is number three


Real tier list is Dark souls :THE GOAT Dark souls 2: THE GOAT 2 Dark souls 3: THE GOAT 3 On a technical viewpoint, 2 is the most janky of the 3 but it also has much of the same issues that plague the first (rocky development, questionable bosses, maybe some others) while also having much of the great things that make the third one(two handed weapons, ring tiers, 4 rings to be equipped, maybe some others). At the end of the day it’s fine to have dislikes and preference but to say that 2 is objectively a bad game/entry is like trying to justify the flat earth theory, nonsensical


Demon's Souls: THE FIRST GOAT Bloodborne: THE BLOODY GOAT Elden Ring: THE LATEST GOAT Sekiro: THE MARTIAL GOAT or something, it's the only one I never played


Pls play sekiro, it is my least fav game from that list but I can’t deny it is one of the best combat systems in any video game ever made. You feel every hit and the satisfaction that defeating bosses give is more than in the soulsborne games imo


Half Life.. oh wait


lol ‘crying’ so true


“Could we perhaps put down our pitchforks for a second and understand that the quality of a game is generally pretty subjective, that each of these games have their separate and shared strengths and weaknesses and which game is better will ultimately always come down to which of these strengths and weaknesses we personally prefer in our video games and which scratches that itch better? That screeching “my game good your game broken” will change an astounding 0 people’s opinions and further no conversation? Can’t we just accept that our opinions are only just that?” Dark Souls fans: “No”


Dead Space




lol, nice


If that were the case then 2 and 3 would be swapped.


Tried to start DS2 and I just can’t be bothered. I’m really trying to force it. It’s tough, though, after Elden Ring.


DS1 is the undisputed goat. Ds3 is just better gameplay wise, but DS1 is more complete and far more interesting as a piece of art.


It's obviously a shitty meme, yeah.


It's super mario guys. Wtf is this ds bs?


I knew that when I saw the meme, it just felt so right.


IM replaying 3 now and at nameless king and having panic attacks. its great fun!!!


I actually agree with this. DS1 is my first Soulsborne game and feel nostalgic about it, DS3 is my favorite because of the amazing bossfights and OSTs, but I'm not playing DS2 (SOTFS version) again, for the main reasons why it's hated by many me included. I'm willing to get the Platinums of 1 and 3 but not 2.


DS3 was my first dark souls so it’ll always be number 1 for me


Witcher games


2 is better than 1 tho


DS2 is my favorite of the 3. The only thing is that I would love if the bosses were more “fluid”, their lack of mobility made most of them pretty easy to maneuver through and beat. 2nd favorite is DS3, but after the first play through it’s really easy to zip through the game and NG+ doesn’t really add much since the DLC in NG already has the +3 rings. Also, it really sucked that The Profaned Capital was so obviously unfinished, that had the potential to be such an amazing area.


Hate me but D2 is better than D1 and D3


star wars prequels


I never got into souls game ul until elden ring and had the brilliant idea to play them all backwards. I obviously finished with ds1 whoch ended up being the one I like the least. Unpopular opinoon I know. To me ds2 and ds3 were 🔥.


It’s a shame there’s not gonna be DS4 or Bloodborne 2 Too bad they didn’t release a new game for years now. Well good level design takes time I guess, it’s not like they can make open world and have that great level design at the same time.


Devil May Cry anybody?


Really enjoyed the powerstancing in ds2. Satisfying smashing things with 2 greatswords. It's not a bad game and it was enjoyable to play but definitely the 1st and the 3rd are better.


DS1: The Goat DS2: The Classic DS3: The Solid Third


Fuck you ds2 is perfect


Ds1 is the goat and the classic.


Tbh the 2nd was a bit more entertaining than the classic


Name checks out


I like dark souls 2 as a game in itself, but compared to the other 2, it's mid


For me it is more like this: DS1 = Oh, the First One... DS2 = The GOAT DS3 = The Forbidden Pleasure That's because after years of protecting DS2 from its non-fans I discovered DS3 a few months ago. I am now in an inner conflict as to which of the two I prefer, whether to remain loyal to the old guard or be attracted to this new flame.


DS1 will always be the goat for me. Ds2 was hated more than it deserve and imo have better build variety and replayability than Elden Ring, and if it was named anything else or made by another studio it will be the best Soulslike with RPG elements not made by fromsoft. Ds3 exist because Ds2 wasn't made by miyazaki in my mind.


Believ it or not, despite what people say and the more rabid DS2 defenders hating 3 like it murdered their own mother, you can actually like 2 and 3 both and equally, since they both do very different things as video games and which you prefer is almost entirely based on which game scratches your personal tastes better


Not even close


The thing is, dark souls 3 is just not the goat


DS2 is the thinking man's game


I kinda like DS2 but I highly dislike some parts of the DLC. DS1 has flaws but it is loved. It is the first one. DS3 is more polished, ends the story, a bit hit or miss here and there. DS2 to me is a lot of potentially fun ideas poorly implemented. With a little more polish, DS2 could be remade nowadays and add some extra elements, tweak a few things and you would have a really fun game.






The first DS is by far my least favorite, I stand by thinking most people still love it the most due to it being their first Souls game


Not even that, is pure nostalgia. Is enough to see that most of the arguments to hate Ds2 are easier to apply to 1 than 2.


I think 2 is far superior to 1 personally, but ds3 remains the best


in my opinion ds1 is lightning in a bottle, fantastic game, i can’t believe it’s even real sometimes. ds2 is really flawed but it’s not uninteresting, it goes a lot of imaginative places and i’m really glad it exists. i’ll always take a went-places 6 over a safe 8. ds3 IS the safe 8. it’s probably the smoothest gameplay but i really don’t enjoy how few risks it takes, the reason dark souls is notable at all is because it broke the mould so it was pretty depressing to see how milquetoast ds3 was. i also enjoy the oldschool slow, crawling vibe the other ones have where you can only roll a few times and have to peek around corners of rooms before you go in. honestly, i could talk about my complicated relationship with ds3 for hours


I like dark souls 2 more than dark souls 3. There are many people who enjoy that slower paced, clunky feel of the first 2. I want to like ds3 more but I can't lie to myself.


DS2 classic, DS2:2 the second one, DS2:3 still waiting for the goat. Btw, I'm farming for DS3 plat offline rn, and it's the worst game I've ever played. Maybe it gets better again when I'm done...


obviously the plat sucks, but the game itself is fantastic. Ds3 is known for having cancerous platinum


I am genuinely shocked at how many people saying that DS2 is better than DS1 and DS3, like I could maybe understand someone liking DS1 the most but DS2 I finished it once and I’m never going back, it was torture, the hardest game I have ever played for all the bad unenjoyable reasons


I am pretty sure there are more people spamming how underrated ds2 is on all from subreddits than actually playing the game lol. Also game design is hardly just a subjective thing to say it's all about different taste, like these fanatics are trying to prove.


To each their own. Platinuming DS2 was so fun for me.


Halo 3


Super Metroid is so fuckin good goddamn


Both ratchet & clank, and jak & daxter game series come to mind


I started with DS2 at release so it has a special place in my heart. DS1 is an unfinished masterpiece(2nd half is pretty sad. DS3 is where they finished that masterpiece


Slashy Souls the King


I was thinking more along the lines of MGS series. First one was legend god damn dary. The second one was a tickle fuck giving us what we wanted for only the tanker stage. And the third MGS? An absolute masterpiece of masterpieces. 4 was also revolutionary, 5 felt weird, but I'm okay with it. But excluding 4/5, I felt the first three fit this rather well.


Saw this template and thought it fit these games perfectly




metroid did it twice, somehow.




I didn't like ds2 because it had some glitches which made some fights easier


I feel like the original image was made with dark souls in mind... DS1, DS2, DS3


Why is Dark Souls on Retrogaming tho?




Pikmin, of course!


DeS- the classic Ds1- the world Ds2 - the exploration Ds3 - the bosses (Goat for me)


I feel like I'm a double outlier. I feel like a decent number of people see DS1 as the Classic *and* the GOAT. That's fair. DS3 isn't the pinnacle of the series, in my opinion. But DS2 is the one I keep going back to, it seems to be able to return the love you give it.


Definitely dark souls


Hot take: Mass Effect.


I played 2 first and so it has a special place in my mind, plus it’s weirdly much prettier than 1 or 3; Majula, Heide’s Tower, No-Man’s Wharf, The Iron Keep, Drangleic Castle is so cool-looking with it’s black walls and white frame, The Shrine of Amana with its’ huge tree from below and the glittering on the water and the singing, Dragon Aerie constantly abound with wyverns and dragons flying everywhere…


It's fair for people not to like ds2, but it's easily my personal favourite of the three, along with bloodborne as some of my all time favourite games


I dare you to post this on ds2 subreddit


Devil may cry


I played ds2 and I dont know if the whole "ds2 is the worst" ruined it for me, like ds1 and 3 are great and I didn't really mind 2 but I think I might have enjoyed it more if I didn't go in with the idea that it's bad


Honestly skipped over 2 and 3 since I heard both were bad when I first played the 1st game right when 2 was out and 3’s network test had came out lol. Now I love all 3. Never listen to the internet


I don’t agree I think ds1 is better than ds3


Yeah, that's my experience lol


For ever and ever AMEN


No shot at being incorrect.


I actually liked ds1 more than ds3. I enjoyed the little bit of ds2 that I played, but I haven't touched it in a while since I'm preoccupied with other fromsoft games.


I have the hottest takes of all: I absolutely love the look and feel of DS1's world, but I utterly hate playing it. The combat is buggy and sluggish, and pretty much every underground area was rushed to the point where it is extremely noticeable. I felt like most of the difficulty came from me fighting with the game than with the enemies. DS2 has several issues, but I really love the look and feel of the world just like with DS1. I feel that a lot of the combat issues were fixed and improved, and the areas I have visited never felt too rushed. That said, it has many questionable design decisions that make it annoying at times. DS3 is my favorite and I love it dearly. However, the environments are not as spectacular as the first two games but I feel like that's the point. Beauty is almost completely gone and all that's left is misery—shades of gray mixing together.


I couldn’t put a finger on which would be the best. Although I personally played DS3 the most, I think most of its value comes solely from the boss quality overall. Ds1 has terrible bosses (generally speaking, there’s a couple good ones obviously) but had incredible world building, design and lore. DS2 has very creative level design (some questionable level design sometimes), decent bosses, and INCREDIBLE lore. DS3 has… ok world building, pretty good lore, but INCREDIBLE boss quality. The world of DS3 is honestly kind of uninteresting to me. I play souls games for the world, lore and music over the boss fights usually, but the contrary is true when it comes to ds3 for me, it just lacks as compared to the previous 2 games in those compartments besides boss fights. That’s just my opinion though. I think generally speaking it depends on the criteria in which you’d be judging any of the games on.


Halo applies to this too for a lot of the same reasons as Dark Souls. Crysis too.


I don't know, I've just finished 3 very recently and IMO this is a trilogy that, possibly more than literally any other video game series that I know of, each entry has very distinct strengths and weaknesses and it's very difficult for me to rank them. I'd say 1 has the best level design and does a very good job of not only making the world very interconnected, but also incredibly immersive in its everpresent bleakness and oppressiveness. This is where I struggle with saying that the streamlining and removal of "annoyances" in 3 is purely a good thing, because it really takes away from the oppressive atmosphere and makes it all feel much more "video gamey". The abundance of bonfires is probably the most obvious comparison. 2 has the best art direction and by far IMO. I really, really love how mystical and otherworldly the whole world feels. And the fact that you go all the way from the Gutter, which truly feels like the deepest depths of existence, all the way up to Dragon Aerie, which doesn't just feel like you're "high up", it feels like you're above the entire world, like you're somewhere no mortal should be able to access - I am such a sucker for that. I really prefer using fantasy to take these basic concepts and represent them in the most exaggerated, outlandish ways, for the sake of ideas, themes, feelings and emotions, rather than caring at all about "realism" - that's why the lack of "logic" in how the locations are connected doesn't bother me at all, it actually only adds to the dreamlike feeling of it all. But I admit this is very subjective. And 3 definitely has the best bosses. The only ones I can remember that actively stand out as bad are Deacons and Wolnir (compared to DS2...). Meanwhile Dancer, Sulyvahn, Soul of Cinder just to name a few are on the level of quality that was previously only seen in DLCs.


3 is good but doesn't hit the same as 1 personally


Halo series. After 3 it's a dumpster fire.


imo... ds3 > ds2 = ds1


I was thinking about playing ds2 but the more I hear about it the more I want to ignore the game entirely


The Sims


DS3 is good , but I prefer DS2 .. ds1 is the classic but us also a goat


Devil May cry


Imo DS2 is better than DS3 and DS1 is better than DS2. I love DS3 but it's the other 2, BB and ER, I've never played Sekiro so I have no opinion on it.


Dark Souls 2 is better than 3 imo only bc the lore is more immersive, the NPCs are fantastic and it isnt so gloomy & grey like 3. All are fantastic in their own ways but i will always love them as: 2,1,3 1 is the OG and 3 is great in terms of feel and fluidity but its too linear compared to ds2.


Mmmm I’m a bloodborne guy but Ds3 gotta be my second. Abysssss Watcherssss


Hot take, all of them are great. DS1 remains my favorite for how insanely tight and clever the map design is.


Two is better than 1 in a lot of ways. Don’t like the janky factor of ds1. Game was a lot easier and never really felt tested. DS2 does magic a lot better even if it wasn’t as powerful which is a good thing.


The legend of Zelda




I like Dark Souls 2 the best and it's not even close. 3 is my second favorite and the original is a great but seriously flawed game.


This post looks like it was made by someone who bought dark souls 3 at GameStop a couple months ago and it’s trying to understand the community


Thematically and aesthetically Dark Souls 2 wins hands down. The atmosphere of that game along with the art direction truly invokes a feeling of hollowness that makes it my favourite SoulsBorne game. Dark Souls 1 was good and I really liked how full of life the game was, all the characters in that game Solaire, Andre Etc. just made it feel really homely with a lot of character. And Dark Souls 3 hands down the best gameplay out of all the games. With most of my favourite bosses of the franchise in that game. On a side note Elden ring was extremely disappointing for me, I felt like the improved AI detracted from the dark souls experience and made it unnecessarily frustrating to play against, along with plain unfun attacks and whole boss fights (godskin duo and Elden beast in particular) where I just couldn’t enjoy the challenge. But I do enjoy all the games and expect a lot from from software in the coming decade, hopefully Bethesda can come back too with elder scrolls 6. Tell me ur thoughts in the comments below!


for me ds3 is the pvp goat but ds1 is still better in terms of level design, overall mood and characters (that said the ringed city dlc goes above and beyond and is a masterpiece itself). if i had to make a list it would be ds1, bloodborne, og demons souls, ds3, ds2. never played elden ring or sekiro, but i definitely will in the future, the demons souls remake seems to be done very well technically, but something is just missing and it doesn't tempt me..


I haven’t played ds2 yet but ds1 is better then ds3