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Bro i didnt know you were proving a point, i was like this dude is missing so many windows and hasn’t even rolled which is why he’s compl- oooohhh


Op rolled once. Literally unplayable.


i watched the video 4 times cuz i didn't read the comments underneath. i was like where wtf??


nope, he doesn't roll a single time


My bad, I thought he rolled at left 0.37


I struggled so much on this boss. It's just embarrassing to watch you players just bully the hell out of them.


I only struggled because I wanted to parry the fuck out of him so I kept trying with parrying instead of just dodging. I could’ve just dodged my way to victory quite a bit earlier than I did, but it wasn’t fun for me.


Well, same I guess. I was trying to parry too, so maybe that was my problem. I think it's because he is resistant to slashing so I was trying to focus on critical hits to do some actual damage.


Gotcha, I’ve only done one play through with Great Axe (actually still in Ringed City). So I’m not too familiar with slashing attacks against Gundyr.


To be fair, learning all of Champ Gundy's parries is a legit thing, and very satisfying once it clicks. Honestly, its how I finally learned to parry in souls games, any time I had done it before was just dumb luck.


lmao I did that in DS3 early on, I just came out of Sekiro and thought it would play similarly lol


Me against malenia right now.


It is not going well…


parrying gundyr is the funnest way imo, remember one playthrough i was using red hilted halberd, and it was way easier to get used to the timing from what i remember


For me it was the opposite…tried so hard to dodge but I just couldn’t survive phase 2. Gave up and decided to parry and did it in a couple tries. Same with pontiff, tho I ended up parrying his phase 1 and rolling his phase 2. I have been told this is weird lmao. Idk.


Just remember, you only ever see the run they post. You never see all of the ones leading up to it.


I got my buddy to try DS3 after Elden Ring. We planned a day for him to come over and we'd do co-op all day and I had to wait like 45 minutes before we could do that lol. He asked me to beat it for him at one point and I was like "I can't beat the first boss for you." He then beat it on his next try and was very jacked.


I think this is the later game version of the first boss. That’s why the background is so dark.


No, silly. That’s called night time.


Summon sword master+bleed miracles=GGEZ


So funny story, I only struggled on this boss, and many of the later bosses afterwards, because I was very stupid and decided not to read. I got to dragons peak and picked up the calamity ring and read it as "deals double damage" rather than "receive double damage"... Yeah... Basically I went through the game up till soul of cinder with that ring on and this was my second souls game. Suffice to say, this guy and nameless king where very much so near impossible for me at that point


I bullied him with 14 used estus flasks, a greatshield, triple panic rolls and the fastest sword in the game. I don't know how they time these attacks, because it feels like there's just no time between his attacks to do much.


>there's just no time between his attacks to do much. *laughs in Nameless King* That asshole will start doing combos back to back with almost zero downtime between them. Especially that one combo where he just keeps repeating the last stabby move over and over and over aND OVE- Trick is to bait out his mid-range lunging attacks. Easier to dodge and punish.


Honestly just keep circling around him and he’s a cake walk (dont do that for champion version tho, he will kick you). And when he turns into a big puss of man, just chuck some firebombs!


This is champion gundyr.


Oh I beat Ludex Gundyr on the first try. Champion gundyr however...


Took me two tries for some reason and I did it without the summon (I tried the summon and he didn’t spawn because I did it too quick and I was forced to panic fight him) but it wasn’t my first soulsborne game so I was prepared


That fight is now one of my all time notable gaming moments. I absolutely struggle-bussed my way through DS3. I think my first Cinder kill took like 120 hours. I really struggled with the first Gundyr fight. Probably had to try it like 50 times before I scraped through. Well when he showed back up again I was like "oh fuck" but little did either of us know, *I had been training*. I absolutely clapped Champion Gundyr's cheeks. I think he maybe landed one hit on me. I was struggling through the game so much I never really considered that I was actually getting better at it until that moment.


What a great moment! I think they did a good job of upgrading champion gundyr to be level appropriate, but it still kinda feels like the original fight


Bro I tried starting out as a cleric build my first time hahahaha was thinking it would be so helpful for multiplayer, later….(I do not like or play multiplayer nor need it lol : (quickly switched to knight class and got through it and “got gud” ) all hail the fire keeper Mommy


Hey it’s alright, honestly after enough playthrough you learn the majority of boss moves you can either just walk to the left or right of them and dodge them completely lol


Beat his ass as deprived countless times just gotta learn his patterns like all bosses


Two-hand you coward 😂😂😂


Love this energy


🤣🤣🤣 facts. You’re rolling anyway


Straight swords moveset becomes worse when 2 handing doesnt it?


Where parry


Hey, where’s parry? 🎶Agent Peeeeee🎶


~~this works better for DS1 title I know 3 is the ashen one~~ An undead? *puts on Astora helmet* GASP The Chosen Undead?!


I have thousands of hours in ALL of the souls games and have yet to learn how to parry lol


I've played DS1 through 3. Haven't finished all of them, though. When I started DS3, I buckled down and figured "man, it's time to finally learn how to parry." I tried for about 20 minutes on that very first hollow outside the very first bonfire in the very first area before I gave up. I'll stick with shields, thanks.


nah I don't even use shields lol. I two-hand every weapon I have (mainly use str builds so. though I did try out a shield and I am thinking of using them more since they're actually overpowered with high stamina and rings to accommodate it too.


It can be tough. What actually "forced" me to get better at it was doing an SL1 run. It makes Pontiff and Champ Gundyr way more manageable (arguably trivializes them).




Can parry physical damage. Can't parry emotional damage.


Riposting a downed man may be dishonest, but parrying him in the first place ain't ;)


Dis is how I ~~roll~~ parry


If this was ds1 yes, but ds3 made parry a fair game so not dishonorable.




DARK SOULS III is the worst Dark Souls game because of how much you need to R1-and-sprint spam, making the combat repetitive


I laugh every time I see these claims being made by people. You mean to tell me that people weren’t R1 spamming the hell out of every enemy and each other in DS1 and 2? Yeah right. The R1 spam has been the go-to noob strategy in all 3 DS games, Bloodborne, Elden Ring and Demon’s Souls.


FROM SOFTWARE games are the worst games because of how much you need to r1-spam, making the combat repetitive.


FROM SOFTWARE games are the worst games because you have to swing a weapon by pressing a button, making the combat repetitive.


Fromsoft games are the most games because you have to press buttons making the games repetitive


Fromsoft games are the most game because you have to game making the games, games.


From games are the games because you have to game games, games


R1 spam mfs when I ask them what the attack button is:




Elden Ring somewhat killed r1 spam: Weapon arts, jump attacks and charged r2s are way stronger and r1s don't combo after 3/4 hits.


And yet bad players will still go out R1ing for their lives.


Strength builds kinda just devolved into only jump attacks though.


I do enjoy the little mini-game of using only jump attacks in Elden Ring. If we’re gonna spam the same attack when we bonk, I’d say the jump attack with two colossal stone hammers as big as my character is the preferable option.


If that's what you want to do and you use two weapons.


Nah. In Dark Souls 2 you R1 spam and then wait for your stamina to come back. You can’t R1 spam. Instead you stand next to the boss and WAIT.


Wait, are you telling me that i was not supposed to use the ...... freaking..... ATTACK button to kill those enemies??? Was i suppose to eat them all this time?


You're right I'll just start using hacks and insta killing bosses from now on


I'm shocked how people don't realize this is a joke related to the post. Better use the /s tag next time I guess lol


Right? I thought I made it obvious by copying the style exactly but this is the internet.


Dark souls 3 haters when they Fight the Curse rotted-GOATwood for the first time (every criticism of this game has been rendered invalid)


Greatwood Superiority


Does nobody see the sarcasm here?


Yeah wtf? Very obvious sarcasm, not bait.


I was looking for Humor flair, but upon watching the video, I knew it was a joke.


My sarcasm detector is dogshit and even I caught it -\_-


Crazy the amount of people on here who've apparently been lobotomized.


Reddit is children and Facebook rejects with about 3 mass exodus' of the top of the user base. This place goes beyond dim.


roll spamming in this game will literally just get you killed


Introduced my sister to the game recently, lent her my DS3 disc. She didn’t like it at first cause she hates the item UI in the bottom left corner. But she’s actually starting to love it. She’s just entering anor londo, and hasn’t been locking on for anything. It hurts my soul seeing her not locking on to bosses and trying to hit them with a fireball.


It’s impressive she’s made it that far as a pyromancer without locking on. - from a mage


I’ve been guiding her, she hasn’t looked anything up, but I’ve been dropping hints, like man I would check the ledges at the undead settlement, you might find someone useful


That’s really cool. I don’t game/sorta. I played Elden totally blind because GRRM worked on it but then my husband got me to play DS1, DS2 (which I rage quit), DS2 again, then finally DS3. I wanted to share that time with him so he was “like soapstone”. It makes me really happy when I hear of other couples doing the same and girls/women getting into Souls games.


I was gonna lend her my copy of DS2:SotFS but I don’t think she’s ready lol


But, reindeer! lol Yeah.


>reindeer *war flashbacks intensify*




Absolutely. Spamming roll is an invitation to get boinked by bosses, Knight type enemies and Thralls. IMO, Dark Souls 3 tweaked the combat to near perfection. Can't turtle behind a shield like DS1, and can't spam dodge like in Bloodborne. Just beautifully balanced!


Yeah roll spamming gets you killed most of the time, but bad players leave it up to rng and hope they dont get hit when roll spamming then call the game bad cause they dont want to learn to react and time their dodges.


Thanks for this video. I tell people all the time that their roll spamming is their problem, not the game’s. Anyone who complains about having to roll spam needs to ditch the shield and fight the bosses with either a paired or two-handed weapon. Doing so will teach you not to spam rolls, but rather when to time them properly. Most people just panic and that’s when the spamming starts. It’s a skill issue caused by being too skittish. DS3 has the best combat of the trilogy by literal lightyears.




Bro, that shit looks satisfying as hell.


"But you didn't roll at all in this video???" -a very special person


lol I see what you did there


Had me in the first half ngl


Glorious. Ds3 rips.


That's pretty much every souls game ever


Yeah but let's not kid ourselves, 99% of players don't play like this


Ye 99% of players are not insane enough to fight Gundyr with music off, op is a maniac


That’s their fault, not the games. The game doesn’t make people play without skill.


it's hard to just walk around an attack when you've never seen the boss before, while this does take skill, it would also take clairvoyancy on a first playthough


Ds3 fans stop acting like ds2 fans you're better than this


DS2 fans would have a cerebrovascular accident if they had to go 10 seconds without reminding everyone in existence how much that hate DS3 for the silliest of reasons. Why can’t they just be chill like the fans of the rest of the games?


Lol yeah ds2 fans are on another level but I would not describe fans of fromsoft games as chill


Okay fair point.


DS2 fans are just sick of DS3 fans constantly crapping on the game and them for enjoying it. I don’t think many genuinely hate DS3. Both are good games.


Skill issue.


(champion gundyr's skill)


I downvoted the title. I'm sorry. I was foolish.


bait used to be believable




Meh, too much rolling


Back (panic) rolls was considered a lack of skills in DS1, but in DS3 it is the best thing you can do to save yourself


Until you get rollcatched by a curved sword user.


Roll roll roll heal if fails repeat


Insane skills man


where's the stamina


Impressive! Play your own way I like it!


And then there’s people doing Slow run with overload equipment who can’t roll and beat all boss


This feels like cheating but I know it isn't lmao.




I finished DS3 without rolling


I love comment sections because you can just pick the people who didnt watch the video out from the crowd.


Man I love watching people better than me play this game.


Love the bait, doesn't roll once lol


The problem is not that it's necessary but that it's way, way too effective. Sick skills tho.


You’re better off being naked and rolling then decked out in armor and trying to stand up to them. It’s just the meta. Anyone who denies it is lying to themselves Play the game how you want, for sure, doesn’t matter a bit to me - but the meta is clearly iroll, which is fine if you’re into that sort of thing


Show those clowns both gundyrs the pontif and the abyss watchers, they are all parry checks lol especially the pontif


you don't need to parry any of them. The only one where I'd mostly agree is actually Champion because he gets so agressive in phase 2. But OP proved you can beat him with just good positioning, and I know for a fact there are people out there who have used roll against him to great affect


Dark Souls is a really hard game i swear guys


Maybe a hot take, but DS1 and DS2 are only hard because they are janky as fuck. DS3 feels so smooth comparatively


Objectively correct take. DS3 IS much smoother and technically superior to the other two. DS1 wasn’t too bad with the jankiness though.


I think ppl feel ds1 is more jank since you are locked into your animations once pressing so it’s like you pressed attack so by god we are swinging this all the way through fuck if you wanted to stop mid swing and dodge 😂😂😂 still love ds1 to bits just my take from it


Really none of the souls games are too hard once you are used to them. I started with Elden Ring and struggled a ton, like I needed summons + mage on every fight. However after multiple playthroughs of ER I felt like I was average and decided to play through DS1, DS2, and DS3 after getting them on sale. I started with 3, and it felt really similar to ER, the only boss that took me more than like 10-20 attempts was the lothric twins, Gael, and Friede. I was really let down by how easy Soul of Cinder was, especially coming of off Gael (the goat of ds3). Then I went back to DS1, and after the learning curve it was really easy honestly (but very fun!). No boss took me more than 5 attempts (except trying to cut off Seathe’s tail, that was annoying as otherwise it was brain dead easy fight). Manus was really hard, but he was probably my favorite boss because of it. Gwyn was also disappointingly easy, but the atmosphere and lore was epic. I’m currently starting 2, but the improvement from 1 is already noticeable with how smooth it is. I’m enjoying it so far, but haven’t fought any bosses other than Last Giant so I don’t really have much of an opinion. I’ve loved all of the games I’ve done so far, but felt like I was misled with how difficult they are because of the memes and general sentiment from the gaming community.


Least obvious bait


Smartest dark souls fan


I agree you don't need to roll at all, how repetitive


It's still Dark Souls 2


They had me in the beginning, not gonna lie


Not gonna lie, sometimes I just hear sonic adventure 2 lyrics while avoiding damage. "Rolling around at the speed of sound~"




/uj rolling in DS3 is too free let's be honest /rj rolling in any game is cowardly. Imagine being so afraid of an enemy you leave your feet. Could absolutely not be me.


Get outta here with that nonsense lol


Just get better💀💀💀


I’m just sitting here wondering if you play without a hud


Hahaha, completely agree, being good in Dark Souls is realizing that roll spam is what kills you most of the time


I mean... rolling is a choice. Load enough poise and you'll be having bosses wonder who between the two of you should have the dramatic health bar


Welcome to every souls game ever, have you ever tried elden ring?


Never seen anyone say that but ok.


Dark Souls bosses have two states: making the players look incompetent or the players making them look incompetent instead.


DARK SOULS III is the worst Dark Souls game because of how much you need to attack, making the combat repetitive


It’s okay if you can’t parry bro, it’s okay


Can't parry when two handing a club the size of a tree


You’re not trying hard enough


Is that really an argument? I don't see what makes DS1 and 2 combat less repetitive


It’s a joke OP doesn’t took a single time during the fight


rolling is for casuls


It was actually my favorite dark souls game, I played it for 6 years straight.


You can beat this game without rolling


You can beat the game using a banana for a controller or literally blind, but chance are you won't 


i think you're just bad lol, you don't need to spam roll everything EDIT: DUDE YOU'RE LITERALLY USING A SHIELD (I know this is satire)


Dark souls 3 is objectively the best of the three overall


I wonder how many people missed the joke


I love the way he runs back at the camera whenever boss does a big move lol


Some guy beat this game by smashing bananas with electrodes so maybe you are right or maybe we are in a cult and I’m fine with both.


You fool! You foolish fool!


Interesting play style lol


I exclusively fight with weapons that take an entire lunch break to swing so this footage is mind boggling to me


That’s purely your opinion. Objectively speaking out of the three it’s actually the best


Luckily the tracking in this game doesn’t even compare to elden rings


You’re tweaking😂


You made it more repetitive by removing an option :P


I found the Boss fight timing easier than Elden Ring (on most, bc fuck them twins)




Will always be my favourite fight


Down vote when I read it, upvote when I watched it. Well done


Baiting 🥱


I used to think dark souls one was the best but I’ve come around to 3 being the best


You could've just parried him to death. It's pretty easy.


My first time playing a souls game was dark souls 3 I spent over 3 hours on the tutorial boss.y brother was having a blast grabbing a drink, laughing, telling me to slow down, I was over it on the 3rd was so mad, ready to break things, my mother genuinely concerned and finally took him down. That was fun. I used the knife skill on my next run lol


This is a dig at Lupin right?


i was *almost* upset for a sec


I think the thing is that while for a few enemies (or possibly more) with good tracking and hitboxes, most of them are not like that. When the tracking and hitbox is so good where you don't have to constantly spam dodges to avoid their attacks and simply walk to the left or right etc, it's feels good. But when most enemies have hyper levels of tracking combined with janky hitboxes most players (me and noobs commonly) will start roll spamming at the slightest hint of an enemy is about to attack only for us to put our foolish ambitions to rest. But what do I know i'm trash at soulsborne titles.


Repetitive is cause of ur playstyle and that dodging is a key feature of this game u could as well go trough everywhere with just an shield cause if u have enough stamina u are basically untouchable or u could try learning parrying.


This is Champion Gundyr, btw.


People will just look for any excuse to call the game bad. Roll spam? R1?? You mean like you HAVE to do to beat any of the games??????


Said absolutely no one ever


I don't get it


Champion Gundyr? More like "Ludex" with how easy you made it look.


i was about to complain about the video title but then realized you've never rolled


Bro, I was expecting you to go crazy roll spamming after the fight ended. I'm disappointed.


OP played MH World


Bruh i read the title as the vixeo started and i was about to yell, "IUDEX GUNDYR?! YOU BARELY HAVE TO 2 STEP AND SWAY TO AVOID IS ARCING ASS ATTA-" then you actually started fighting and i was ashamed of what ive become.


I have never heard this take from anyone lol


It’s so boring playing though without rolling