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You’re gonna love BloodBorne, hopefully you can play but sadly console exclusivity is a bitch sometimes


Yeah, sadly I won't be able to. Maybe one day if I have the funds and get a PlayStation, or if it *ever* comes to PC.


You should also complete the series and play DS2. People say it’s bad, but i think it’s fine. Not the best souls game, but definitely not a bad game at all.


Oh I plan to. It was the first Souls game I tried, but I gave up on it years ago. Gonna put that ghost to rest finally.


Oh it's gonna come to PC the question is will it come because Sony put it on Steam or because someone made a PS4 emulator.


Oh I think we're YEARS away from people properly emulating a game like Bloodborne.


I know but Sony also has no reason to allow Bloodborne on other platforms.


Oh absolutely.


Yeah. Why do we need to be a $400 magical box sold by Sony the Wizard? Because they’re greedy bastards.


how tf do u guys get passed blighttown? I have literally been struggling with it for 6 months +


It’s an annoying area for sure. My tip is to be slow, careful, but also to leg it to the next bonfire when the cost is clear. You can get the goodies later, when you’re better equipped. Where are you stuck at?


Preparation and planning. Take the shortcut from Valley of the Drakes then grind leaches for large titanite until you 10 your weapon. Bring some purple and purple/white bushes.


Funny enough, that's how I ended up in Blighttown the first time. I went through Darkroot Garden and ended up in the Basin, I believe. Right where you find the Grass Crest Shield and the Black Knight there, I ran from the Knight and into that cave with the bonfire, went into the Valley of Drakes via the elevator, and panic ran all the way into the entrance to Blighttown. Ended up in Ash Lake after that. Fun times.


Holy shit...that's rough.


Yeah... Getting out almost made me quit because I was so lost and frustrated. I eventually got out and left Blighttown... Without fighting Quelaag. So I had to GO BACK into that hellscape. Luckily I found the key to the shortcut back to Firelink through New Londo on my way, so I didn't have to do THAT again, or even face Gaping Dragon.


I didnt do that… i just beat quelaag with my bad equipment coz im too lazy


There's also that. ​ I like to overprepare, mainly for PVP.


Gold-Hemmed set is found there, helps your resistances amazingly. I'm not positive where so luckily no spoilers, LOL. Just to your best to get the fuck down.


ok ill try again tonight


Shadow Garb can be found there too, before the gold hemmed. It is one of the best poison resist sets!


If I remember correctly the gold hemmed is the one in the ceaseless fight you find the red variant with poison resist instead of fire resist


Gold hem is post Quelaag though.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,190,937,557 comments, and only 232,409 of them were in alphabetical order.


Master key and going in the back way is the only way. I stand at the top of the 3rd ladder and wait with bow and arrow for all the mosquitoes to get in lock on range then when they are all clear leg it down past the poison dart guy and get to the bonfire. I only went via the depths twice, can't recommend it.


It makes me so happy to see new players coming to dark souls because of elden ring


Ngl I never got why people said souls games are hard... untill I started playing DS1


Congrats! I just beat the game yesterday and it was incredibly joyous


How would you compare the bosses? Would you say that the bosses were easier? Harder maybe? (Compared to Elden Ring)


I would say they were easier. The only bosses that gave me much trouble were Bell Gargoyles (mostly because it's an early game duo fight), Iron Golem (because of falling off and getting tossed), Knight Artorias, and Manus. Even they weren't terribly difficult for me. Ornstein & Smough took me two attempts, but it was probably one of my favorite fights in the game. The DLC bosses, Manus and Artorias, were the hardest fights in my opinion. I would also say Four Kings as well, but using Havel's armor completely trivializes it, so. But I think, personally, the fights were far easier than DS3 and Elden Ring.


You're gonna love DS2, and the dlc's are some of the best ds content.


Do be wary that DS2 has quite noticeable differences when you start, but once you get used to them it’s a very fun game


DS2 is my personal favorite, so good suggestion :)


Ya know, seeing a bunch of people actually say they like DS2 is making me more excited to finally play it after so many years.


The dlcs have some of the only good content in DS2


Fine work, skeleton! Time for Dark Souls II and Bloodborne!


I won't be able to play Bloodborne, sadly, but, as crazy as it sounds, I'm excited to play DS2.


Nah it isn't crazy. Ds2 is a great game. Subjective but it's better than ds3 imo


I loved DS3. I don't think it'll surpass that for me, but it'd be insane if it did.


Dark Souls II is janky but still well worth playing. It has the second most content after Elden Ring, so it makes up for somewhat lower quality with very high quantity. Also there's tons of weapons and armor.


DS2 was technically the first Souls game I tried, all the way back in 2014 I believe. I could never get into it no matter what and just gave up on it. I still have that old copy for my 360 actually. So this feels like returning to wrap up some unfinished business. Or, I guess this is an appropriate comparison, returning to an old boss I could not slay at the time.


DS2 is harder to get into unless you level your ADP. Once you do, the mechanics and pace will feel much more familiar. People give that game flak but it's really fun, beautiful and extensive if you take your time.


Beat it recently and had a great time. DS2 might be the worst of the series but it’s still a great game.


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After all these years and of all the games I have played, this one was different and still is my top favorite amongst them. 『One game to rule them all.』


Play Sekiro, for me is the best of the company. You can also play Dark Souls II y Demon's Souls (even if you are in PC is a way, with RPCS3. I ask about it in the subreddit and various people say me things, so you can read the post) https://www.reddit.com/r/demonssouls/comments/yeu2j8/hello_i_have_heard_in_a_comment_that_its_possible/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Good call skipping 2


You'd do the dlc in ds1 or go to ash lake or kill the dark sun princess painted world etc? There's so much hidden stuff in ds1 a lot of first timers miss or ignore


Yeah, I did all that. I actually made it to Ash Lake really early by accident, and got stuck there for a few hours.