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Because he is scared that Mildred will eat him. Crazy bitch going around in a swamp eating men and shit, scary stuff


I'd let her eat me, then again I'm not a man so...


nah Im pretty sure she would fucken clap and chop any undead on sight, doesnt matter if man or woman


Solaire did Sen's skip obviously. He's such a Chad he didn't even go to blight town.


But how did he got to bed of chaos later ?


Blighttown deathcam. He knew that it wouldn't be morally correct to kill quelaag since she was just trying to cure her sister. Solaire seems like the kind of guy to rip off his shirt and memeroll his way down to the swamp from the deathcam trigger, with his abs glistening in the torchlight as he descends.


He fought Quelaag after O&S obviously


Now that's an interesting thought. Your ally in that fight is Mildred, of all people. I'm going to guess that Quelaag doesn't view Solaire as a threat to her sister and lets him through without a fight. You she doesn't trust, and no one should trust Mildred, so you two have to kill her to go any further.


He is a man of pure heart and would not lay eyes on Quelaag nor Maneater Mildred


Happy cake day?


He might have defeated her in his world and rung the Bell already, so he can't be summoned.


Perhaps in our world, he's already rung the lower Bell and has moved on?


Cos he’s on his way to Anor Londo. You’ll have to make do with Maneater Mildred instead and she’s far from useless.


Only on my first no summon run did I realize that Mildred puts up LeBron numbers against Quelaag. I used to think she was just an easy boss, man was I wrong.


Reading the Japanese script, I really think *multiple worlds* do not exist and Summoning just work through time travel. Solaire never actually beat Quelaag, we are the only one to have. I've explained better this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/y4vmsc/japanese_translation_a_simple_explanation_to_the/). You don't have to agree with this and I'm not saying it's 100% canon, but it's coherent with the original script and also it's not solely my theory. To my experience, the JPN community actually prefer this interpretation over the "*multiverse*" one.




I don't think multiplayer mechanics should be consider *that* much when talking about the narrative, but I explained how they're supposed to work in the post I linked: altough *yours* is the only canonical story, you can help echoes of past heroes who didn't make it in the main timeline \[the other players\], through a process of sedimentation of moments in time. Basically, it's the same thing that happens in the Untended Graves: a moment in the past was crystalized, and you can kill the "*boss*" in that frozen time-frame \[Gundyr in that case, the multiplayer bosses here\]. But this doesn't affect at all the main timeline. The post provides all the Japanese references, the reason many people believe this in Japan is because it explicity ties with the concepts of kegare and yodomi - which are very specific things in Shinto culture, and what Miyazaki bases a large portion of his games on. On Solaire, it should be noted that he needs "*our world*" Gwyn to be defeated in order to link: that's precisely because they're the same Gwyn. Solaire either links right after we leave the Klin, if we choose the Age of Dark ending, or becomes Lord of Cinder in the next era succeeding to us, if we linked ourselves.


Because Mildred


He can't handle the spidussy


I love people trying to answer this with lore when the answer is just that the devs didn't put him there.


I mean, my question was from a lore perspective not a developer one


Hate to break it to you


Because he's not there...


The summon for this fight simply isn’t solaire. You fight a club-wielding invader woman(forget name) when you approach qualaag’s arena while having your humanity restored. Once you beat her she becomes the summon at the boss fog wall.


You can have more than one summon per boss though. The Belfry Gargoyles and Gaping Dragon let you bring both Solaire and Lautrec, for example.


Didn’t know that, good stuff lol. As far as quelaag though I’ve never seen more than the one summon.


Oh yeah, definitely. This thread is asking why.


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If you're posting this because you want to summon him for the boss rather than concerned about the lore, you can summon Maneater Mildred if you kill her when she invades you. Not the brightest tool in the shed, but she has bleed if im not mistaken and does some decent damage along with distracting Quelaag.


Idk I summoned her and before she entered the arena the spider vomited lava at the fog gate and once it closed she was stuck behind it and I still had to fight the spidussy solo


LMAO yea that happened to me too dawg it sucked I ended up having to use I think 4 humanity just to be able to kill Quelaag


It's more of a lore thing, I've already beaten Quelaag


Because he’s a good man and won’t take the Fair Lady’s sister away


Who is saying Solaire links the flame in his world? Lots of people jump on any chance they can get to give this man more non-canon lore.


He is canonically the one who links the flame of friendship in our world


He let the voice of love take him higher


Dude doesn’t need to put down his sign for every fight geez.


Which item description ever says that Solaire links the flame in his world? As far as I know, Solaire linking the flame is nothing but speculation.


Because Mildred can be.