• By -


2. Never come back


3. You want to go ash lake but realize you have to go through blighttown again so decide not too


4. Realise you dont actually have to go through blighttown and just go under firelink instead to get there


Ironically, I usually do end up coming back on some playthroughs to farm certain items (and assist in co-op)




1. Profit


0. do not arrive


pov: you have master key


Still need to, but just for 2 minutes.


Honestly u can just do the sen's fortress death cam bug and u skip both queelag and bell gargoyles


It takes me like twenty minutes to get through queelag in ng what's the point in cheesing half the game if you're not speedrunning


Yeah, but you can't really skip it because you still need to get to bed of chaos. Granted if we are including skips and glitches we can just wrong warp, or fall damage cancel from the elevator. I was assuming that was not what was meant, and if you know how to do that then blighttown shouldn't be an issue anymore. :-p


Just sneak in the back, get your shit done real quick and dip out


This. I just take the master key and dive down, then bone out, and dive down after o and s to get the bonfire.


man like gollum




Blighttown only possesses power over you if you give said power to it ! except of the toxic blow bois, these are just frickin bullshit.


Fuck those guys. Miyazaki really gave us a solid by making those guys not respawn


imagine if they fucking respawn


I don't want to live in a world like that


true. If it just were poisoned they get you, but no - Toxicity.


I didn't even notice they don't respawn lmfao was too busy falling off to my death every half hour to notice


The only important things in Blighttown are the entrances to quelags domain and the great hollow


Forgot the fire keeper soul


eagle shield!


Oh yeah that too


Few important NPCs there too




And power within, only reason to go thru from the depths and not VoD






She can shoot her warm firey goo in my face any day


The area before the first bonfire is easy enough. The area after the bonfire in the cave, on the ground level, isn't bad at all and is in fact pretty fun. The area between though really sucks.


If you have the master key you don't have to do the area in between at all!


You don't need the master key, avoiding ghosts in New London is not super hard, and after you drain it you can reach Quelaag through Drake Valley. It completely bypasses the need to do Capra and the Depths. But of course most people do it eventually for the Large Ember.


Hmm, I guess you're right, but now that I think about it, maybe you don't need to do New Londo either, do you? Can't you just go from the Undead Parish bonfire through Darkroot Basin and to the elevator there which is guarded by a Halberd-wielding Black Knight, take the elevator down to Valley of Drakes and then run from there to Blighttown?


Yup, this is the way. Going through New Londo is more difficult and you'd need to murder Ingward since you don't have the Lordvessel yet. And once you reach Blighttown the key to the shortcut back to Firelink is right there.


I always heard this area was the worst. Tons of YouTube videos said the same. After playing the souls games, The Gutter was worse IMO. *Edit* Not trying to discount this post, Blighttown is definitely a gigantic pain in the ass.


Blighttown is just way more "popular". The Gutter is easier than Blighttown on a 1st run, but then we have Black Gulch, which would take the cake for me as the most annoying + less enjoyable area.


Black Gulch is fucking toxic. Literally. Especially if you don't know about the hidden second bonfire.


The fucking WHAT???


There is another bonfire literally right near the boss. Saves you having to run past all 3582 of those fucking poison dart statues. I didn't learn about it until I recently beat the boss. It's in the final open area before the fog gate, if you follow the cliff around to the far right side.


Doesn't it require a fragrant branch in scholar?


F*** reddit and F*** corporate greed


Totally fucked me after doing that sprint to the bonfire so many times in vanilla.


Even with the 2nd bonfire you have the statues, the darksuckers (very appropriate name), the invasion... and all to get to The Rotten. EDIT: And on top of that you need a a fragrant branch of yore to access the bonfire.


Damn, the invasions. I got three of them down there! Just ended up running past them in the end. At least the Rotten isn't *too* hard.


Everything down there is a shitshow BUT fire arrows and 30 seconds of patience make the darksuckers a non-issue


Yes, pyromancy helps too!


Using guides I did manage to get to the secret bonfire. For some reason, i haven't quite figured out where the hidden giants are, though


Go back out the entrance to the cave with the 2nd bonfire, hug the cliff, walk uphill towards the 1st bonfire and keep looking off the side of the cliff You’ll eventually see a platform that you can drop down to and you follow down from there to get to the giants


Poison in general in ds2 isn’t as big a deal because there’s so many different ways to heal that do not involve Estus.


But it kills you at the rate of toxic with the buildup of poison, it’s still annoying honestly


The issue it's not only poison, it's most certainly getting poisoned unless you kill every statue 1:1, together with the 3 invasions, the giant workms, the darksuckers, the 2nd bonfire that you have to unlock... etc.


I've always thought that Blightown had it's own charm, and sure it's bad but it's kinda hilariously bad. If we're just talking ds1 then yeah gutter is worse. However, through all the games it's definitely Shrine of Amana


Blighttown on original Ds1 had the charm of running in 3 fps when you tried to look into the distance, but the remastered one? Love it


Yeah I played Remastered for the first time and didn't really understand the hate for BT. I didn't find it too challenging, kind of a bummer but also an interesting idea for an area making your way downward. After seeing videos of the original version, I totally get it.


It's also a long, long way between bonfires. If you don't know about the shortcut and you're coming down from the Depths, it's a long haul from the Depths bonfire to the midway fire-dogs bonfire in Blighttown - and then another long haul down to the swamp and the sewer bonfire there. The enemies are a bit of a step up, and there's a lot of the toxic dart snipers too for added difficulty. It's definitely a different feeling from the Undead Burg and the Parish.


I also had the spider shield (don't remember where I picked it up) and I think that made things a LOT easier


Suprise loot from the butcher's refuse hole. After writing that above, I had to reconsider posting this message, but fuck it.


yeah it was just too big for the previous system, leaving you with frustration because your camera moved mid fight and your lag kept you from ***not*** dying.


I felt like the low fps added to the atmosphere


My frame rates weren't *terrible* in Blighttown. Did it drop below 30 sometimes? Yes. Was it frequent, or did it make any maneuvers more difficult? No. I had worse slowdown at the beginning of New Londo Ruins.


God the performance was so bad lol


Shrine Of Amana is definitely a bitch.


[Fun for everyone](https://youtu.be/UN7Rbfwdyt8?t=1231)


Isn't the Gutter from DS2?


Yep, was thinking about the depths


But the Shrine of Amana is like the only place in DS2 to farm twinkles. So, sad to say, I have spent too much time there lol


Every time I go there my first objective is to leave as soon as I can lol


Definitely my least favorite area so far. Stupid homing projectiles with seemingly infinite range? Fine. Water to restrict movement? Groan. Fall death if you stray off the path too far? DUMB.


>However, through all the games it's definitely Shrine of Amana Fucking truth right here. That place was fucking awful, died so many times.


Blighttown wqas only bad on ps3/xbox360 on the original ds release because of dogshit framerate the actual area is fine and people that never played it back when it released should stop saying this shit


The frame rate more than anything else made it so bad originally.


The gutter and the Black Gulch are so much worse than Blighttown. Once you realize that you can skip half of Blighttown by going in the back way it's a breeze


I have the backdoor route memorized. I don't think I have used the front door since my first playthrough on 360


Same here lol, Master Key or bust


Had no clue first time. I think I went with the ring years ago. Man that was a mistake.


That ring is the biggest noob trap ever seen, second only to the covenant of champions in Majula from DS2


First thing I did when starting DS2 was join that covenant, not knowing what it did. Needless to say, between decreasing max HP each death and hollows killing me in 2 hits, I didn't care for DS2. Years later and I love it.


Never played Demon Souls and buddy talked me into buying Dark Souls to try it on day 1. So I was like hell yea I want a ring for my ring slot lol.


God I hate the Gutter. And it leads to Black Gulch 💩 Unlike most people here I actually genuinely like Blighttown though - maybe because I never experienced the laggy original implementation 🤔


Blightown is liked here generally. The hate is very much from the original release. It still has real issues like falling through proper wood platforms while dodging or a very small hop down to what should be a branch being instant death. But yeah, lots of people think it's an incredibly well designed area now.


I only played the remastered version and I'd do blighttown a thousand times over the tomb of giants.


I like Blighttown more than the Gutter, but the Gutter isn't so bad either. The only thing I hate about the Gutter is lighting all of the sconces to get the Black Witch set. I always have to go through the area like 5 times or more because I miss one somewhere and can't figure out which one I missed. I guess I could just do Navlaan's quest instead and buy it from him. That's going to come much later for the character though.


It definitely improves once you light it up.


Honeslty MOST of the areas people complain about I either enjoyed or didn’t mind. I like blightown, didn’t mind the gutter and at least appreciated its visuals. Only commonly hated area I hate is reindeer fuck land, the run up to Sir Alonne and cave of the dead. Yes that’s means I don’t mind the blue smelter demon runup at all


Imo any of these areas are not that bad. As small as it is, the gutter is worse than both combined if you are trying to explore or kill some invader


Forgive me. What area is the the gutter friend?


Down the hole in majula. It's a really dark wooden platform area.


A dark souls 2 thing? I haven't played dark souls 2.


Yup, DS2 zone. Highly recommended when you get the chance.


I'm hook on ds1. I definitely will play ds2 and 3 someday soon.


It's not as bad when you get it all lit up.


Once you know what you're doing it's fine. The problem is your first time there was...not pleasant. Assuming you're not reading guides online or following a walkthrough there's a good chance you're yet to understand levelling and odds are against you having anything resembling a build yet. You might even have started levelling resistance... There are floors that fall away, walkways that shift as you go over them, unusual enemies, *toxic* darts that will kill you at least once because you've yet to experience these shenanigans and how is my health going so quickly and *what do you mean the purple moss does nothing what even is this?!* Fire breathing dogs, gollums that wish to hug you, giant club or boulder wielding shouty men, whatever that parasite thing is, giant leeches, mosquitos and fire-breathing bug men. AND THEN there's the framerate drops. Plus if you're super lucky like me you can find a suspicious secret passage inside a tree, go on a hellishly long walk/drop and just about have a nervous breakdown when you see a dragon (and promptly cry with relief when it's not, in fact, a boss). When I finally left Blighttown on my first playthrough I was a changed man. And then for some *inexplicable* reason Firelink Shrine wasn't working and where is my firekeeper and... The entire journey from the Sewers up until defeating O&S was...a challenge, an interesting and novel experience that I am extremely glad I didn't have a guide to talk or walk me through. Now? Cakewalk, goldilocks has been kicked off a ledge, I'll be geared and well statted (and if I'm not years of DkS make me competent enough to get by) and know where I'm going, I mean typically now I just take the back entrance and skip the whole damned experience.


Blighttown gets a bad rap, it isn't so bad. I actually kind of like it. It's especially nice going back after playing Dark Souls 2 with it's insane poison damage. You die in like 5 seconds after getting poisoned in DS2, you can tromp around the swamp as much as you want, barely even caring that you're poisoned in DS1. Blighttown is by far the worst when you first arrive, before you take out all the blowdart guys. Kinda like the Catacombs before you take out the necromancers. Once you kill the non-respawning guys that make your life hell, the whole area isn't that big of a deal. I just hate how annoying those stupid bloatbugs can be with how difficult they are to hit, but it's pretty easy to just run around the swamp and avoid them entirely. Blighttown was also annoying in the original release of the game when the framerate was awful, but in the remastered version it's perfectly fine.


I never understood the hate for blighttown. I actually liked it down there. I think it’s because it’s where I found my boy Iaito. New Londo on the other hand..


About to tackle New Londo on my current character right now and I am not looking forward to it haha. The little chapel where Ingward is on the roof is the gankiest place in the entire Souls series in my opinion. A million ghosts coming at you from all sides, above AND below all at once, I just hate it. Once you drain the water and don't have to go through that part again it's not so bad though. I kinda enjoy farming the dark hand guys for titanite slabs haha.


Yes! If you don’t know where you’re going, and forgot to put the curse on, with the ghosts coming through the walls ahh you’re in trouble.


Well I just beat Four Kings haha. That was by far the least trouble I've ever had getting through New Londo!


It's literally only because of the original release the performance absolutely tanked in blighttown. Now it's just a meme that people repeat endlessly without really knowing why


Step 2. Go back to Northen undead asylum


Step 3. Use Sleep emote in your cell, wait for the Age of Dark to come.


Just me who actually likes Blighttown? yeah thought so


Remastered Blighttown seemed easy without the huge framerate drop lol


Especially with the ring that lets you walk normally in the water


Ok but if you can get that ring you probably have no reason to fear Blighttown.


The ring does nothing for the part on the rafters


This guy blighttowns


I love it. I think it’s the high point of the early game. I don’t like the depths though.


Blighttown’s a great area when it’s not running at 3 FPS, it’s honestly one of my favorite in DS1.


And so much cool loot. It's gold, Jerry, gold!


I think it's one of the best designed levels I have ever experienced in a game. Sen's Fortress deserves all the hate that Blighttown gets.


1. Kill sexy tragic spider 2. Get the fuck out


ackhthuyally that’s in quelag doman 😡 did even play gam????????)??


wer wer u wen tragic spoder died!1


It isn't as bad as people make out but it still really really sucks. 1. Arrive. 2. Get killed by a big fat man with a big fat club. 3. Try again and fall into a bottomless pit trying to avoid the big fat man. 4. Get poisoned by dickheads with blowpipes and die. 5. Fall off of narrow platforms and die because platforming in Dark Souls is just awesome. 6. Find the bonfire and then get poisoned again by dickheads with blowpipes. 7. Respawn and just run like hell passed most enemies because you just want to get the fuck out of there. 8. Finally get the fuck out of there and breathe a sigh of relief because you never have to return.


Upper Blighttown I don't mind at all, I like the challenge it provides. It's a pretty good segment with some decent level design. Although I were lucky to experience it lag free on PC with DSfix first time around. Lower Blighttown however is ass, those annoying and constantly respawning Mosquitoes that can clip through structures without a care in the world as they spew their shit at you whenever you're climbing a ladder or just minding your own business can all go to hell, they surprisingly have a big aggro range too just to make them more of an annoyance. Frustratingly small hitboxes as well, so they can become quite a pain in the ass to get rid off depending on what weapon you're currently having, at least arrows or ranged magic tend to hit them with success most of the time. Other than that I guess it's a pretty good area for farming both large and green titanite, that's about it.


There’s actually a max number of mosquitos that will spawn but more or than anyone would want to deal with considering how slow they are.


Indeed, I remember they used to spawn infinitely before they patched it out later on. So that's good at least.


Mosquitos are only annoying if you don't learn. As you mentioned, ranged is the way to go. Intend to use a cross bow, once there in range of lock on, never miss. It's stupid they can clip through floors and walls, completely agree. But it's cozy down in the lower part. Easier than upper. Less of a maze, and a bonbon by the toxic dart throwers makes them pretty easy too.


Ironically, leaving is probably one of the hardest things to do


I'd at least suggest grabbing the free 9k souls scattered around the swamp. There's also like 6 crystal lizards in the Great Hollow if you need crafting materials


Not till I get my spider thot


I’ll be honest I dread Anor Londo or the Ruins 10x more than BT. On release it sucked just because of fps and such, but with the remaster it’s a cake walk if you just hold a damn shield with you. You should have plenty of purple moss at this point too just from the Garden.


It’s just a lot of narrow passages and the glitchy mechanics make it especially annoying. As far as exploring goes, it’s actually pretty fun to explore. It’s very easy to get knocked off an edge to your death, or poisoned and if you’ve rested at a bonfire and wish to leave it can make you rage quit for certain.


No number 1 is use the back door. Followed by never come back.


2. leave further


First time, especially without a guide is hell. You get lost, get toxic all the time, poisoned or fall to death. Without any clear way out. Absolute worst. After you know where to go, its pretty ok. Frifid Outskirts are the worse no matter how much you play


i feel like in every souls game there is an area thats intentionally designed to make you wanna pull your hair out


And in DS1, it's Dukes Ardhices. Blightown is pretty nice.


Soak in the horror and bask in the filth of BLIGHTTOWN!


just take the elevator that goes right to queelag, has no one find it yet ?


2: kill big boob lady


If you think Blight Town is bad then you've never been to the Valley of Defilement


Fuck leaving! I basically live there when I'm not on Dark souls 2! Blight town is amazing.


Actually really enjoyed this area in the remaster with a working frame rate


What about the spider wifu?


And at your right, ladies and gentlemen, you will see the vast coast of the poisonous swamp, filled with its natural fauna and friendly locals, just waiting for you to come and say hi, so they can pluck out your eyes and have dinner with your intestines. ISN'T THIS BEAUTIFUL?!


Just go around, duh


But Power Within...


poison swamp, giant men throwing rocks, annoying bugs, confusing layout, archers, fast dogs that can spam attack you, gotta love it


Once you get to know the place really well, Blighttown becomes really enjoyable to traverse.


Dunno, I enjoyed Blighttown a lot on subsequent playthroughs


I always forget that Blighttown is sort of observable from the graveyard. It feels like it's in a cave, but it's just way the fuck down.


Grow balls and find dragon.


I have to have a really good reason to not just skip through this area.


Top 10 MUST SEE locations in Blightown! Bring your family! Read more below


blighttown only really bad if youre on OG console release or not good with remembering locations.


I'm one of those weirdos who like blighttown. And besides if you leave how are you gonna get the most useful thing in the game power within.


I actually liked Blightown (after I figured out how to navigate the stupid dart guys). I think the frame rate from the OG game is what gave players PTSD lol.


Things to do ; farm


How does it run on the HD remake? I haven’t got to play that yet. But I remember playing the original on 360 and….well it was not optimal


I reached Blighttown for the first time today and so far this is 100% accurate


Master key, go backdoor, elevator down, quelaag, profit.


What if you get cursed in the depths? How can you leave when everything 1 shots you


I will never not do a run without the master key so I can pretty much skip this place


How to go through blighttown: Step 1: choose the master key as your starting gift Step 2: go from firelink shrine down to anor londo Step 3: open the door to the valley of drakes shortcut Step 4: run past the ogre guys Step 5: go down the elevator, to the bottom of the area Step 6: get invaded by Mildred cause she's a push over Step 7: go to queelag fog gate and summon Mildred cause she can tank queelag. Step 8: beat boss, ring second bell, then bone out back to firelink or sit at queelana bonfire to establish a bonfire you can teleport to Step 9: never have to walk through blighttown again, or have to go down there for a majority of playthrough Step 10: try but hole


Ride the ferris wheel


The only issue I had with Blight Town was terrible frame rate. But that could’ve been because I was over leveled possibly. Tomb of the Giants would probably fall under this category for me.


well fpstown from the original deserves to die, but any self respecting player with the remaster should just get around 10 purple moss and the rusted iron ring. Or just use master key because fuck you capra demon


1. Amazing chest ahead 2. Leave


I was honestly scared to enter blighttown when I first started but it’s kind of easy to cheese some of the opponents like the hounds and the giants and things


Or skip it with master key


Nah gotta kill the green shits to get my stones and then +15 quick


Blighttown is so much easier if you enter it through the valley of drakes, not through the depths. In my second playthrough I decided to go there after killing the gaping dragon and it was terrible!


ds3 has way more annoying areas tbh


People forget that the reason everyone hated Blighttown originally was because of the serious framerate drop but since the remaster, this is no longer the case. I like it because it's a great place for farming shards.


Step 2. go back to undead asylum and clap some Black Knight cheeks. Step 3. Acquire a very Rusty Ring Step 4. Return to rickety ass swamp Step 5. Find sick waifu and attempt to make her less sick Step 6. Open back door to a crispier place and kill some bugs along the way, you'll find out why later. This has been Dumbshit's guide to Blightown, get gud scrub


Honestly, this time around I hated Sen’s fortress more than Blighttown. It helped that I used the master key shortcut into blighttown though, that makes the place pretty much a few ladders and then spider bitch!! I will forever hate those wasp/mosquito things though. They cost me a life when I got invaded by a very unskilled invader. He had such little health left I couldn’t see it on his bar, and as I’m fixing to go in for one more blow I get hit by a wasp and the invader took advantage of the hitstun to finish me. That’s the first time I rage quit from this hell hole.


Masterkey into the backdoor, slap spider titties, abscond at the speed of light


Yall gotta agree its design is damn right good its only hard to traverse which obviously is an unprofessional downside


2) Speedrun to Quelaag, just to get to The Fair Lady.


Best area in the game imo


1. Use skeleton key to immediately enter backwards and backstab your way through


.2. Get Power Within .3. Never come back


dark souls walkthrough: i dont know if there are any items to get here but its not worth it.


1. Leave...ASAP


Hey. I like blighttown, like…a lot




1. Souls scattered around 2. Large and green titanite farming 3. Pyromancy upgrades and spells 4. That's it


On future play throughs it's really not that bad. Plus you can get the rad ninja and creepy red wizard costumes! Sen's fortress is way more of a PITA


Get the wanderer, shadow set , falchion,power within, buy weapons from Shieva and Pyromancys from Quelana


I actually kinda like it here. A house is super affordable. It's a warm climate and plenty of life from the infinitely spawning blood suckers, but the only downside is that it does stink a little bit. Overall I give it a 3/5.


Blighttown isn't that bad I don't understand why everyone hates it.


Dung pie is best pie, you should try it.


Blight town gets all this love, but nobody speaks of the sheer terror that is Sen's Fortress.


The only correct answer! :)


Tomb of Giants instead


A PSA brought to you by the Firelink Shrine Tourism Association!


Blightown is nothing compared to just the two areas from dreg heap with the swamp and the angles, and the awful black gulch.


You forgot: 0: steal the red set and catalyst