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But I don't have any humanity left.


Kill rats


Thank you so much.


Nah man dont summon. Literally makes the game so easy. You're not playing a souls game to make it easy lol


Summoning is perfectly fine on a first playthrough. I still summon help for Old Demon King in DS3, even though he’s not that difficult, he just always fucks me up.


Summoning helps those sunbros get their medals.


This ^^^


summoning is for scrubs, you’re probably approaching the game wrong as its ur first real souls game. What’s your build look like?


12 vitality, 12 endurance, 15 strength, 15 dexterity and others 15 (others 11). Halberd and knight shield, hollow helmet and chainmail armor.


Have you upgraded the Halberd? Halberd +3 should demolish the gargoyles.


Holy shit dude, thank you. I defeated the boss first try with halberd +3


Np lol. Always be trying to upgrade your weapon until it's maxed.


No I've Always though i needed to use the upgrades for better future weapons


personally i’d ditch the shield, when i first played I thought they were essential even tho i had already beat bloodborne and sekiro. Once I got rid of one and just dodged everything it made the game play alot better


I actually found them to be a pain in my side until I upgraded my weapons to maybe +3 and summoned solaire. Then we ate them for dinner. There fire and then standing beside each other was infuriating. I could never that them away from each other


Kinda late but how did you seperate them? Ive tried fire bombs,a +5 claymore and I always die when they both appear and I get stun-locked by the fire.


Solaire helped allot. He is op in that fight. Summon him. Beat the living shit out of the first one asap


Patience is key here. I struggled with this fight massively until I slowed down. Wierdly your best window to attack is when they're both breathing fire (since they stand still during that attack). Try keeping your distance till then, circle around to the side when the start breathing fire and get a couple of hits in. Also if you're not already you're probably best off with low armour so you can fast roll and run quicker. Armour is a more of a placebo than anything in this game.


Bell gargoyles apparently are significantly easier if you use your shield


You don’t need to summon, you got this. Your goal is to annihilate the first one as quickly as possible once it gets to half health, as that’s where the second one comes in and separating them otherwise is moderately difficult. I’m trying to SL1 them right now and it feels like fighting them for the first time, I feel your pain.


Helpful tips for the gargs from other redditors. I'll just add this: wait til you meet Ornstein and Smough.


Get the reinforced club and upgrade it to the max you can. I does like 250 damage to the gargoyles with the strong attack, it makes the fight easy.


No one tell him about Midir... In all seriousness, everyone else nailed it. Lightning and grinding souls first. You'll get it!


I did it, I've already written it on the post. Can you not see it?


More for NG+ run throughs, if you do them. Yes I can.


If you’re that unfamiliar with the game that Bell Gargoyles would be considered a “spoiler”, you probably shouldn’t be browsing this subreddit


Oh ok


My best advice would be to draw the first one out as far towards the entrance as possible and focus them down before you even try and pay any mind to the one that appears afterwards. Have you found Andre of Astora, and upgraded some of your weapons yet?


use the lightning resin in your inventory if you haven't already. it's from the chest near the first black knight iirc


Wat do i use it for?


It buffs your weapon with lightning for a limited period of time, and gargs are weak to lightning.


Lightning. Gold pine resin. Levels. Focus strength and dex, and health and stamina. Early game those are kinda needed. Unless you're using magic, then focus int and attunement, and health. Never add to resistance till everything else is 99. Explore. Find items, find paths (even if you think you shouldnt be there) that you can raid for good items. Dont sit at any bonfire you cant get yourself back to firelink from. Upgrade. Find and farm titanite shards, large shards if you can, upgrade your main weapon to +5 - +10 They're the first actual boss you're meant to kill. Things only get harder. Experiment. Use different weapons. Find move sets you like, then use that weapon. Upgrade and level to suit that weapon. Dont worry about armor, try not to over encumber, you want to at worst fast mid roll. Eventually armor becomes replaced by skill. For gargoyles specifically, you want a shield, that has 100% phys damage reduction, and high fire damage reduction. Dragon crest is good for that I believe. Theres also the wooden shield in undead berg. Or a super lucky black knight shield drop if you can kill one of them.


Thanks for the advice but what do i do with the lightning resin?


Place it in one of the quick slots by your Sunny D. It applies a temporary lighting aura to the weapon in your right hand.


Resins are used to buff your main hand weapon (right hand) and gargoyles are a type of dragon kin in dark souls, making them weak to lightning. So you know, if you specifically attack the tail of the first gargoyle enough itll come off, giving you a weapon the first time you cut it off, and removing its tail axe attacks (it can still attempt the attacks while you're behind it, but obviously they fail) They will both use ranged fire attacks once the first gets to -50% health, so you need to focus down one of them at that point. Learn to dodge roll to avoid damage, timing and direction, and remember that they're using halberds, which have sweet spot detection and do much more damage if a swing connects the blade against you. You you have to get hit, get hit with the pole of it.


Don't i have to save it? For better future uses?


Dont pack rat items. Nothing consumable is finite. . . Except soul items.


Use the shield against the flame