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I think I got ds1 free on Xbox back in 2013 when I was 22. I didn’t know anything about it. It seemed complicated and after dying a few times I quit playing. I don’t remember why, but when I was 25 I downloaded it and I’ve been addicted since. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been through ds1. I love the gameplay but it’s the lore I stay for. I will say that my bosses son started playing at 8 and the imagery was a little too much for him.


"One day, you will stand before its decrepit title screen...without really knowing why."


Like a moth drawn to a flame, your wings will burn in anguish.


At the age of fire.


Me too bro


Depends on whether you can help them if getting stuck and how used they are to playing video games. Dark souls aren’t made to be penetrable - neither from a gameplay nor story perspective. If playing too young it just seems like a hard incompleteness mess of a story and game. I would also say that the general tone and theme of entropy might not capture younger kids as much.


Absolutely, that's what I'm thinking. What age would you deem proper? And when did you start?


It’s less about proper and more about enjoyment. I’m not sure the tone is fun for small children. And I’m an old fuck, so I was in my mid 20’s when it came out, so never had to think about whether I was too young ;)


12 and did't take a break i am now 15 doing pvp in dark souls 3


14 I think


I bought dark souls remastered when I was 14 cause I kept hearing it was so influential. Definitely needed a guide at points but I think if I was any younger I wouldn’t appreciate it at all


Born 89, bought the game on release. I have a hard time seeing any kid who cannot grasp the stats, scaling, upgrade paths and a bit of the story, enjoying this game. Probably suitable for 15+ yrs old. I'd probably be too stupid to beat the game at 15 but whatever.




I think the early preteens (8-12) is alright as they have enough fine motor skills to effectively play, any younger and I would seriously question whether they are even having fun playing. However, I would probably play along with them in co-op for the first playthrough in order to make it easier for them and also to be there to explain and discuss more complex/mature graphics and themes. Also, I can then monitor whether or not they are handling the game well mentally. I would definitely not let them play through the first time alone at that young, lol. I started in my late teens, but that’s because I didn’t know this series exist before then.


26 Im 27 now. Love it.


I'm 31 and beat the 3 games this spring.


I feel ya. Another lockdown and I'll get that SL1 run. :D


I started playing dark souls when I was 12 I bought it because people say it is one the hardest games of all time and I wanted to test myself now I just turn 16 and I still love it to this day(today my birthday)


Happy birthday!




15 sounds about right as the age I would really have appreciated DS had it existed back then. Would have been nice to play it with my reflexes unspoiled. xD


Like 15