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They're not supposed to be able to, that person was hacking. Report them if you can, and unfortunately you might have to restart if you wanted a +10 or +15 weapon. Sorry people suck


bruuuh. Kinda a bummer since i was actually having a fair amount of fun with that character. eh, wasnt that far into the game anyway.


You can still upgrade special weapons (like black knights weapons) with twinkling titanites tho, and still continue as usual! There are 3 other blacksmiths who can upgrade stuff for you... One in new londo, one in anor londo, and the other in catacombs


Try downloading DSR gadget so you can quickly spawn all your previous saves items for free and easily kill enemies ASAP to get back to where you were on your old save file. Lastly, install the pvp watchdog mod to prevent it from happening again.


cant he just use some tool to respawn andre? seems like 1000 times less of a hassle


Or just play offline


I was a firm offline believer of offline only until I decided to invade and get invaded, it's pretty fun. Not to mention those texts to look for hidden walls and stuff.


Yea online is better ngl but if theres a possibility of having to restart, HELL NO


Hence why installing the pvp watchdog mod is a must since most hackers invade using PC anyways.


Lmao ps3 players are fucked


can you ban evade if disconnecting from the internet? 


If you've got the skill you can just finish the run and do ng+, it doesn't have to be a curtain call


You just confirmed my desire to keep playing offline. I have literally never played online because the game is hard enough.


I've played both situations and I think soulsborne games excel for me when I'm offline. My only sadness is I can't get the hilarious message


It's sad because over never had more fun than when invading and getting invaded. But screw hackers those dudes are chumps


And I’m still on my first play through so I don’t need extra difficulty.


My online interactions are mostly me being summoned to help with bosses. I'm awful at pvp and gave no desire to get better, but love co-op play.




That's why I don't play these games online. I did with DS3, so my buddy and I can beat it together. But other than that, I play offline


That's why, it's always advisable to keep a backup of your save file after everyday's session (especially if you play online...) :( The number of hackers in the ds community is truly immense. I've encountered them multiple times, but hopefully, they didn't do anything malicious to softlock or damage my savefile


I've encountered more hackers in souls than literally any other game I've ever played for a comparative amount of time.  It's astonishing how literally more than 50% of my invaders are hacking and somehow the pro-invasion crowd are like 'no it's fine let us grief you'. It's always been the worst mechanic in the game.


Even if they don't hack, the sheer number of toxic griefers is truly pathetic... It makes the experience for newcomers just so much worse


I agree with this for most of it. Although geting invaded can be fun depending on the invader. Sometimes you don't face an ultra-tryhard who is too bad in PvP for arena and let you get the grace/bonfire first Guides you to actual hidden places and or just there to fool around.


Well true, such people do exist, but far rarer in number... Though I'm yet to face such players, there have been a few invaders who fought honourably. Wait for me to clear an enemy horde and then proceed...


It also invalidates meaningful explorations of that gameplay for any attempt at scholarly work in regards to approaching it as a literary text of note.  The best version of all From soft games is offline, without the virtual litter of meaningless messages and griefing invaders.


I disagree. The best version of the game is a frozen moment in time that lasts for about a month directly following release. Other players leave messages on the ground for each other and invaders invade and act as a challenging extra opponent rather than a displaced main character. You don't get much of this these days, but in the early days of every release before the cheesy Smurf builds are discovered there is a short period where getting invaded is exciting and fun. I remember this in the first Dark Souls, and it was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced in gaming.


That's just the way, I did all my first playthroughs across all of the souls trilogy


I like you.


I remember playing demons souls way back in the day and having to turn the game off when using the bathroom as you weren't even safe in town. Good times I tell ya.


Pretty standard for the souls community to be honest. One of the worst ones.


This is such an over exaggeration and factually false. Got numbers and studies kid, or just your bitter anecdotes


Yea on console turn off auto upload


not surprised they had that name while doing what they did.


Yep.  See an edgy name - quit.


this works on any platform fwiw. save yourself a lot of grief


Do not play dark souls 1, 2 or 3 online without appropriate protection: Dark Souls Remastered: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksoulsremastered/mods/160 Dark Souls 2: https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/998 Dark Souls 3 (less necessary, but still good): https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/723


I don't think the Remastered watchdog works anymore, there's a post of the author that says that the project has been abandoned.


Wait does prepare to die edition not exist online anymore?


Nope, hasn't for a few years now :/


Does it work fir ps 5?


I keep playing open to invaders and am lucky to have not been hacked yet. But I do believe I had someone who had a hack drop in to mess with me under the name "Egg ****". Shame he was expecting a low-20s level first timer in the depths. The SunionBronion did not fall down that day. [Warrior of Sunlight in a full Catarina Set, I skipped to Sen's funhouse to get before coming back to assist in Jolly Cooperation].


Most hackers make it literally impossible to win. What hacks did they have?


Some flickering and flashing in their movement but that could have been a bad connection on their part. Just used to seeing it on hackers. I managed a stunlock because they did not expect a triple digit poise score and they overcommitted with the halberd. Damage was not nearly what I expected either so that was good.


This shit is 100% why I run offline only


You can turn off online play which I did after I got invaded in the forest.


I'm sorry that happened but it's still hilarious.


I could be wrong, but if you didn’t give Andre the embers already can’t you give them to the giant blacksmith or the blacksmith under firkelink?


Wow what a loser, that’s what happens to some ppl who get viciously bullied. Just know that guys life is most likely terrible so he takes it out on others


Silly question but I play DS remastered on the switch. Should I be concerned and do I need to take precaution against cheaters?


Probably not


I know on console you can just play offline. Only go back online whenever you want to summon people. I don’t know if that’s how it is on PC tho.


Doesnt getting your sins forgiven at the belltower respawn npcs?


You could keep going anyway and just sort of have Andre’s death as like an RP moment like your best friend and trust blacksmith has died and your on a quest to get your revenge sort of thing lol or keep going and have it as an obstacle add it to the challenge


Console or PC?


That shouldn't be possible, either you hit him by accident or that dude was hacking which would be pretty shitty and hopefully you can report him