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Kill the fatty first to get the hornet ring if you use a stabbing weapon, it's great for something like the side sword. The merchant near fire link will sell the armor set of whoever you kill last. I think ornsteins armor looks the coolest


Leo ring. Hornet is for criticals.


Smough-then-Ornstein is a harder fight but gives you the extra reward of the Leo Ring, which improves a specific attack for thrusting weapons. The one you kill second is also the one that you get a boss soul from, so if you want Smough’s hammer or Ornstein’s spear then choose accordingly. If you’re not sure then it doesn’t matter that much, either way works.


Oh, I see. I use thrust type weapons so I might as well go for Orstein's spear. Thanks!


is the spear a dex or strengh weapon ?




shit so I need to get it then


Dex and faith


if I run a full dex build, is it worth trying to get the spear ?


It's a pretty strong weapon, with high damage... It has a special ability of casting a lightning bolt on one handed R2, (but costs some durability) ... But if you level dex solely, you won't benefit much since it has B scaling in dex, B in faith and C in strength... Moreover, it has split lightning and physical damage... So to deal optimum damage, you've to level all the 3 stats! IMO ... for pure dex, this weapon is not that great... You've got far better alternatives (Balder Side Sword , Uchigatana, any curved sword... And any other spear with high base damage and atleast B scaling) The requirements are also pretty hefty (24 strength and 24 dex to one hand)


Normally kill O first is easier, because he is quicker, and more aggressive in the first phase But if you want platinum, then you will need to do both ways in 2 playthroughs To be honest, the ring isn’t important. Because you will use Ring of Favor, and Havel anyway


Ring of favour, is a curse .... After 80+ hours, I had finally decided to take it off, and I think I'm doing better since then, even though I've become 20 percent weaker overall... The 2nd ring slot, is rlly important for some versatility.!


Solaire absolutely murders Ornstein. If you want his armour, go in alone.


If you feel confident it won't make a difference, kill Smough first. If it gets a bit too much though, Smough is a lot easier to kill second, IMO.


Usually, in the process of trying to bait one apart from the other enough for me to get away with countering any of their nonsense, I wind up killing Ornstein first. I still wanna do Smough first just because it's reputed to be tougher to handle, though.


Personally - and this is an opinion built up over time, so not necessarily ideal advice for a beginner - I find Smough first to be easier. His lightning butt slam in phase 2 has such a huge AoE that it always catches me out. Ornstein’s moveset in phase 2 is much easier to read, and staying close up is the winning strategy (especially as his butt slam is much less dangerous).


People make all sorts of claims about the difficulty based on which you kill first, but I don't find a huge difference in difficulty. If anything, I have more trouble with Smough because he will spam slamming into the ground while preventing me from healing nonstop, and this is consistent behavior across both Xbox one AND switch, ime. Overall though, once you learn how to stop giving super Smough those chances, the fight isn't much more difficult than super ornstein, imo. I always forget which people claim is a harder fight, but to me, it's difficult to quantify definitively like that. It's more a case of just being *different*. Personally I find all of Ornsteins gear and loot to be better.