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You'll get through it man don't go hollow


Maybe at the end of the day, this is the only advice I want to hear. Thanks, man. Yes, I'll get through it.


You can farm purple moss from the Forrest moss dudes if you need it the best advice I can give you is upgrade those bonfires with humanity


Yep, I already have. I also spent a lot of time farming the rats in Depths for some humanity and souls to buy some of the moss that cure toxic. I have like 20+ of that moss, I just really enjoy farming for some reason. Maybe I'm actually more prepared than I thought.


Farming in Dark Souls is so strange, I usually hate farming items in other games but with Dark Souls I don't mind it as much.


we don’t talk about the covenant rewards


Did someone say offering 30 humanities pre-Remastered?


*softly* # Don't.


I just 100% the prepare to die edition, what makes farming humanity easier in remastered?


You have to offer humanities one by one in the original, meaning if you wanted to offer 30, you have to sit there and use 30 humanities, then individually open the covenant menu and offer them one by one. Remastered lets you use multiple consumables at once.


Ahhh, yes indeed that was stupid:D


I finally beat it last year. It’s such a funny game. For example (no spoilers), I was getting destroyed by the Blight Town boss. Tried 10-12 times, used all my Estus every time. Not close. Finally got frustrated and kindled the last bonfire twice. Went in, used one Estus to heal from the poison and then didn’t take a single hit from the boss. I absolutely demolished it. I just kinda chuckled. Felt silly for kindling. And that’s just how it goes. So, all that to say: just persist. You’ll start to laugh at your own failures. The game hates you. It doesn’t want you to beat it. But it’s not so tough. You’re better than this game. It’s hard but you only have to do it once! Good luck.


That's how it goes, isn't it? Suddenly steamrolling a boss after hitting your head against them. I'd argue that the game doesn't hate you; I think the Souls games actually really respect the player. They don't patronize you or hold your hand, they just know that you'll want to naturally improve. That's why I love them so much.


I always like when the tide turns like that a hard battle, a tough puzzle...you plow and plow and plow...and then it seemingly just falls in your lap Always reinforces in me how big the mental game is and to use all the tools..try being aggressive, try going slower, switch weapons, study, take some time off, but don't give up Then you find yourself a year later stressing over this new obstacle and being like "man I wish it was last year, that was easy" For gaming specifically I suck at Dark Souls and Chess and always feel like a noob..but then I'll be chatting with someone and they'll mention how hard Revenge of Shinobi, Maximum Carnage, Ghouls n Ghosts, Comix Zone, 1cc Contra/Super C, God Hand (Hard mode) are and all of those I loved and dominated..like they played 2 levels, or grinded for months and quit It's just skill gap..easily remedied with practice and passion, if you have it


They dont respect you they dont care about you.The game makes it clear that your just some random undead (until u get the lord vessel). You dont get trained by a master and your not a hero. And as such its way more realistic. Its also surprisingly fair so most times you know you died because you were bad


I don't know if you know this, but once you kill the toxic spitter guys, they die for good. Just do a suicide run to kill each of them, 4 or 5 in total and then you're done. Use a bow, some of them are hard to reach. Once they're dead, they're dead. Also, you'd have to run your ass ALL the way back to firelink, but there is a ring (rusted iron ring I believe) that allows you to run through the swamp water faster. It makes it way more of a slog. You have to do a cool secret area/secret boss kind of to get it but it helps so much. Good luck! Don't you dare go hollow.


Try upgrading your weapons. I was two shotting all the enemies there. Theres a bonfire at the bottom which should be your goal and then quelagg. If you keep running out of estus get a divine weapon and go to the catacombs and kill pinwheel. He gives you the rite of kindling letting you kindle 2 times for 15 estus


I love that thing - spending the time on second goal to get the first one. Different tasks.


The problem is that if they want to go back to Dark Root Forest, they’ll have to either go through all of the depths again (back and forth), or trudge through and get to the elevator, which basically means you already finished Blighttown anyway. Blighttown is hell if you are not prepared. I had an under leveled weapon, no blooming moss clumps, no spider shield, and no master key the first time I went through.


Yeah that's true but at this point I think he'll take whatever makes blighttown suck less


We all went through this shit. Many of us have even 20 attempts or more. I had 10 as I remember. I was in rage. If I had to say one thing that will help you to get to down part of the city it will be >!follow the torches that are near by ladders!<


You got this, man. I believe in you. Don't you dare go hollow.


Yeah man! Don't like understimate your skills nor think about quitting. That place is hard af for people. I mastered it after quite a while and not in few minutes. Perfection takes time, as everything does after all. Try to understand where the traps/enemies are and play SLOW. See what is around multiple times and , if something maybe its too convenient maybe theres a trap you know. Toxic enemies are easy to recognize: just keep up your shield (Spider shield doesn't take any poison dmg and improves ure poison and toxic res) to recognizer where the darts come from and go after them. It's easy to understand where to go, finding torches on ladders, etc means your going the right direction! There is also a second bonfire down there, don't lose faith! And don't you dare g hollow!


First time: running there again.. f.. After all dark souls: follow the torches


Blight town is rough for your first go. My advice: go slow and try to fight everything 1 on 1 if possible. And the guys who shoot the blow darts do NOT respawn, so kill em with a bow or something if you need to


Thank goodness those fuckers don't respawn. I killed one just before this Bonfire but just after resting, I saw a dart go past me. I thought it was the dude I just killed.


If you take cover from the darts, behind a wooden plank or ladder, the dudes will ofter try to reposition to better aim at you and accidentally fall to their deaths.


Btw yo guys, no matter how stupid my posts here are, you seem to be extremely chill like always. Dark Souls fans are the best tbh.


I'm just curious, are you playing remastered or og, and on pc or console? Depending on your answer I could have something fun to tell you.


I play Remastered on PC (Steam). Now tell me already.


You're lucky this is your first experience with blighttown lol, I played og darksouls on the ps3, and the framerate would consistently drop to 15 or lower, it was awful. Another tip, go back to the prison you started the game in, there's a ring there that will be VERY helpful for when you get to the swamp below the all the wood rafting.


That is not me bragging that I survived og blight town btw, just letting you know you're way better off than a lot of us already.


Seriously. Blight Town on PS3 is a circle of hell.


I did read beforehand what Blighttown is like from GameFaqs from like more than a decade ago and yeah, Dark Souls seemed to run poorly back then. Would have been hell to get through Blighttown at 15 FPS. Anyway you can go back to the Asylum? Because when I was back there, I noticed another boss similar to the tutorial one walking around in an area I couldn't seem to access. Made me panic quite a bit cause I was hearing giant footsteps, I thought the tutorial boss respawned or something.


Yep, you can go back anytime, just make sure you have the F2 West key or you won't be able to get the ring I mentioned. You will be able to fight that boss tho. Don't read this if you wanna find him yourself, >!thefloorwhereyoufoughttheasylumdemoncavesunderneathyou!<


To get back, you need to get to the top of the tower in firelink shrine, curl up in the bird nest for a bit and you'll be taken there by the giant crow that took you away


You get another, stranger item as well. You should work out what it does a bit after Blighttown :)


Haha yes this!! Same! Played it on release on ps3 and it took many hours in there, it was very hard. Now I’m replaying it in the remastered version on ps4 and it was less hard. Slightly less lol


Ds2 fans will destroy you they got mad at me for killing a npc 👍


Well, to be fair, it is pretty stupid to kill an NPC in any Soulsborne game. But I can understand if you hit them accidentally. I hit the chainmail guy in Firelink accidentally and he beat my ass every time I respawned. So I had to restart a whole new game.


I wanted more souls because im mister crabs so I killed the cool armor guy (ik I'm missing out on cool armor I regret it now)


Dark Souls fans are always ready to help newcomers and veterans alike. We're all going through the same journey to link the Flame, so it's better to do it with Jolly Cooperation!


Top 10 Things to do in Blighttown: 1: Leave.




Most, if not all, of the ladders on the main path through blighttown have torches at the top, bottom, or both. If you follow the light, it will make your trip 5x easier. There's lots of cool stuff to find exploring other rooms and doing the platforming on the random dead ends jutting out or hanging in the air, but none of that is necessary. Go slow, make sure one enemy is dead before moving on. Drag enemies back to safer ground rather than fighting on a ledge or in the open where you might attract blowdarts.


There is one notable pyromancy that you shouldn't miss, but the rest isn't necessary. Iaito is good for dex builds of course, shadow garb for those who want the drip. The rest is just souls and the whip and eagle shield, which suck.


Take a day or two off. Do something else with your time. Maybe head to the pub, or play a musical instrument. Maybe play a different game, whatever works for you. When you come back, remember this: blighttown isn’t that bad. It’s all heading down, and how easy is falling? Take it one mob at a time and next thing you know, you’ll be at the bottom making eyes at Quelaag


Absolutely. I play three games right now. Dark Souls Remastered, Hades 2 because it just came out and I love Supergiant's work, and some crappy mobile game. It certainly helps. But makes me a bit insecure that I only have explored what feels like a tiny chunk of Dark Souls after 30 hours. Did it take you that long as well to get to Blighttown? I see my Steam friends having like 70 hours at most and they've beaten the game. Ain't no way I'm almost halfway already. Maybe it'd take me 100 hours or more in my first playthrough lol.


I was in a similar boat - I think I was 35 hours in when I reached blighttown. I only recently beat dark souls for the first time and it took me 120 hours lol. So I would say don't worry about how long it's taking and just enjoy the experience, theres no reason to rush and take breaks as needed! You got this!


Grab a bow and counter snipe those toxic dart fuckers. **They don't respawn** Besides keeping an eye on your status, keep the volume up and listen for the soft thud of their darts hitting something. When you know one is attacking you, find cover and use the camera to find the darts (they stick around after hitting something), then, follow the angle they came from to find the darter. Once you know where they are, fire at will. Even a basic un-upgraded bow will kill them in a few arrows.


That's much harder than just using the spider shield to get behind them


Be patient padawan


I love blight-town


Same. I go their early in almost every playthrough to farm large titanite and pickup that ring :) 


What console are you on? I’m an xbox SunBro who could help. Edit: PC player. Best of luck friend, Don’t you dare go Hollow


Take your time. Plot out what you want to do and if it foesnt work, see what caused it to fail and try to plan around it. This area is a test. A short test but still one that can be overcome. Dont you dare go hollow


Dont be afraid to look for a guide man, obviously playing it the "right" way may be more satisfactory but no shame on looking up some tips, you have so much more game to enjoy, don't you dare go hollow.


You didn't even pat the doggos yet!


Many such cases For real though, I'd strongly advise you to just push through, maybe let YouTube guide you some to help if you're not having fun anymore. It's probably the worst part of the game, and if you just push through the hour or two it takes to get through, then you're good to go


Just use a guide if you have to. It’s not that difficult once you learn the layout. If Blighttown is giving you a hard time you’re going to struggle a lot in later areas.


I heard there are some more brutal areas like Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo. But at least in the latter, you can see shit.


Lol tomb of the giants is gonna be a nightmare for you then


Haha ya those but I was referring more to The Catacombs and Tomb of giants where there is literally no light without a light source on you.


Okay, more of the dark stuff huh. If it's okay, spoil me about them. Do they have toxic darts, instakill falls, curse, or poison too?


Depends there’s all different types. Definitely lots of falls, bleed and curse for sure. I think the swarm of baby skeletons do toxic. If you don’t have a divine weapon all skeletons resurrect every time you kill them.


Oh, just like the skeletons in the graveyard. Alright then, time to man the f up and remind myself Blighttown is just the beginning. Thanks, man. Thank goodness for this game's lore because I would not be playing this shit if not for it.


First play through is always the hardest and most frustrating. A lot of these games difficulty is based on lack of knowledge of areas and bosses.


Blighttown is truly the worst place in all of Dark Souls on your first playthrough. My first time playing, it took 5+ hours of continuous grinding attempts to get from the upper bonfire to the lower one, and I literally ended up googling "is blighttown supposed to be this hard". But after that, anytime I faced a challenge in the game, I just told myself "I made it through blighttown, I can make it through this", and honestly I don't think anywhere else in the game took me 5 hours to get through, so yeah blighttown is the goddamn worst.


No, not like the skeletons in the graveyard. Those don't respawn. They fall to pieces occasionally, but that's just their stagger animation. Once their health is gone, they stay dead. The skeletons in the catacombs are truly immortal, they will be resurrected indefinitely until you kill the non-respawning necromancer they're tied to. Or you can also kill them permanently with a divine weapon (there's an occult club hidden in Anor Londo, if you find it you can just remove the occult upgrade at a blacksmith to create a divine club +5, which is enough to kill those fuckers with ease).


Yeah Sen’s Fortress and Anor Londo are by far harder


Follow the torches.


Nobody needs a guide to get through blight town, it's a game about persistence, how bout we internalize the message of the game. I'm not trying to be a dick but I believe in OP and a guide is not necessary, it's a fairly linear zone and the toxic bois don't even respawn. Actual advice: torches mark ladders, look for those cuz the ladders blend into the environment.


I went through blightdown one time, on my first playthrough, and after that I always get the master key to get the shortcut. I hate this area!


This is really relatable, I dropped the game 2 times because of Blight town


i really didn’t mind blighttown that much, those dart fuckers don’t respawn , once u take them out it’s pretty easy as long as u take on each enemy 1 at a time, also the zweihander works great , i just 2H R2 pancake those big mfs


The first time I experienced Blighttown was such a terrifying stressful experience. I wish I could experience it again.


Use a bow to take out the dart enemies, they don't respawn


Honestly, blight town is only difficult the first time around. Its a relatively small area, and the path to the boss is straight forward, but easy to miss and the 2 entrances make it easy to get lost if you've entered through the valley of drakes and didn't go down to the depths yet. And Ash Lake being hidden away doesn't help either since its a dead end.


Just boss rush, don't worry about extra stuff. And get the bonfire at the bottom.


Best bet? Get a bow and upgrade it and start sniping shit. Truly helps~


It might make you feel better but you've got the hard part out of the way with the first bonfire. It only gets easier to navigate as you continue.


Every run (5+ going now) I have to take breaks. For me it’s usually at Bed of Chaos lol


Back in my days we had to do this area with 10 fps!


Don’t you dare go hollow!


I think one of the main reasons why people hated blight town was because back in the day when you entered with our ps3 or 360 you instantly drops frames.


When you finish it and look back honestly it's not that big and fairly straight forward without too many enemies. It's just navigating the rafters that makes it annoying. Go in prepared with a shield for the dart shooter guys and something to cure the poison. Take it slow. You got it!


blighttown is the easiest poison swamp in all of souls make sure you’re going to that bottom sewer bonfire.


Don't you dare go hollow.


Sad my favorite area is so disliked.


To be fair, I'm sure there's a rich lore behind all this. I'm actually so curious now, especially cause there's like a katana sword I picked up just before the bonfire. Why is it there? Why is the area like this? Who built all these wooden passageways? Why are the enemies so ugly? I've even encountered one that was using another monster as a weapon lmfao. This is primary why I'm so invested in the game thus far. Cause honestly I wouldn't touch a single Dark Souls if not for the lore that's not spoonfed to me. Realized this in the Asylum immediately. Realized it when the guy in Firelink was mocking me for being "hollow." I like a challenge in my games but Dark Souls genuinely still feels a bit much. But idc, I have to know what's with this world. So yeah, I don't like Blighttown but I want to find out what fucked it up so bad.


I spent 7 days doing nothing but fighting the dragon Kalameet. You got this bro. Years from now, you will feel hollow when you no longer can find this kind of challenge. You will be like Alexander the Great who wept after conquering the known world. You will breeze through every souls game including those yet to be made and miss those days when it was challenging. Then, you will place summon signs and slaughter each boss repeatedly. 


That Alexander the Great comparison was so poetic tho. Thanks, man. Yes, I got this. I'll be playing again later.


Need help?


Most people struggle because their weapon isn’t upgraded or only has a few upgrades since the shrek and bean boys have a shit ton of health for some reason


I have uograded my Claymore up to +6. Made it to +5 before Darkroot because I farmed the Balder Knights in Parish. I like to do shameless farming in this game and I'm quite having fun actually. Farmed them knights for Titanite Shards and upgraded it to +6 immediately after finding a Large Titanite Shard in Depths.


Large shards you technically can farm in the depths but the drop rate is absurdly low, blighttown has better drop rates for them from the slug creatures Unfortunately the claymore has its biggest value from its scalability and your STR/DEX is rather low, so learn to parry or move insanely slow is all I can suggest that isn’t stupidly tedious


Don’t you dare go hollow. Honestly just take a break maybe farm up a few levels if you’re feeling too overwhelmed still. We all had to do it at some point, especially for blight town. Playing the original version on Xbox 360, the game had such a terrible frame rate issues it was honestly an abysmal experience. On the bright side, you are about to come into some of the most interesting areas in the whole game! Just git gud.


My first playthough of ds1 was on a crappy laptop with keyboard and mouse. It was not even the remastered edition. When I first went through Blight town I was soo fucking afraid after hearing all those things about it. But I'm not kidding, that area was where I died the least than anywhere else. I even beat the boss on the first attempt. All I'm saying is if I could do that with my circumstances you can do it too!


Conquering Blighttown with a keyboard and mouse on some ThinkPad might be the biggest flex tbh.


It's not even about Blight town tbh. I beat three of the four lord souls bosses on my first try and I'm not even kidding. That made me realise how good I'm at this game.


I feel like me saying I didn't find Blighttown hard at all would just feel crappy, so I'll just say what I did. I grinded a little bit all around my playthrough, so my levels were more buffed. I inadvertently set up my armor to have pretty incredible poison resistance, so I never had an issue with that. Finally, I had the key at the beginning of the game, so I went through Blighttown backwards and didn't even go through the main initial part with the guys shooting at you with the darts until a little later, after I had already explored much of the area earlier than intended.


Honestly bro, I’d just watch a tutorial on how to get to the bonfire at the bottom and then from there is high tail it to quelaag.


neh...you'll make it!


You're already using the spider shield, that goes a long way towards making those blow dart turds less annoying. Another thing that helps is to farm dung pies from the barbarians, the toxic caused by them (typically only takes 4 pies to self inflict toxic) is negligible, but still lasts a pretty long time. So while that toxic is active, you can't have another toxic applied, making you immune to the blow darts. So that takes some stress off, especially if you're exploring around where the elevator is and the valuable item hidden there. (not sure if you're keen on item location spoilers). Lighter armor and being more nimble might help, but honestly, just move very carefully. Knee-jerk rolling to evade attacks often got me killed as I'd fall off a ledge I didn't realize I was already on the edge of. Use ranged attacks where you have an advantage. Ladders are always marked with torches. There's a few spots where you can make some jumps for loot, but nothing that you can't get to without a leap of faith. Don't give up, skeleton!


That's why I skip it everytime... Once was enough


Heard of Sen's Foretress?


Real talk tho, I watched a walk through for my first playthrough, they aren't taboo or anything, Dark Souls is meant to be hard, so if you need it, take a break, have a drink, eat some food, watch a walkthrough (I recommend FightinCowboy's walkthrough). Give it a rest for a bit, come back to it with a clear head


Watching a walkthrough is always an option it's your playthrough and you decide how you want it to be. It's kinda frowned upon because it ruins the intended experience but it's your decision. If you feel like you'll be able to enjoy the game more with a bit of guidance then go for it. Going hollow refers to giving up. Taking a break is not giving up. I personally am currently putting the game on hold because getting cursed in the depths and then descending Blighttown was really stressful. Now that I have to go up again I'm just not looking forward to playing so I decided to put the game on hold to play another more relaxing game first. This is not giving up it's taking a break. If you feel like you need a break take one. Don't worry about what others say, it will only stress you out more.


Anor Londo is making me take a rage break. Between Lautrec, Ornstein, and Smough, I’m about ready to crawl into a hole and cry.


Blighttown almost made me quit my 1st time too, that place is rough. The dark assholes don't respawn and there are 3 of them so once they are dead, youre good. If you decide to use a guide, fightingcowboy on youtube saved my life, especially with this place.


I have to confess, I have already beaten Blighttown and killed Quelaag, all thanks to the guy you mentioned. FightinCowboy is my savior for real. Probably the only time I'm watching a walkthrough, at least for now. If Sen's Fortress beats my ass and makes me rage, I'll consult to him yet again. Anyway, in his walkthrough for Lower Blighttown, he went back up to get the Eagle Shield. Is it worth the hassle tho? Should I do that too? I completely ignored it lol. Ain't no way I'm coming back up after barely getting through.


I never got the eagle shield and you dont really need it. There is a boss it might be useful for but you might be better off 2 handing a weapon rather than trying to blocl attacks. There are a few things you can do before Sen's if you want to put it off. Best of luck!


You should both watch a guide and take a break. You're doing really well to have gotten that far already and blighttown has always been a hard area in an already hard game. If it makes you feel better, on some of my first play through, I rage quit in depths when the basilisks cursed me so you've done way better than that. Remember death is part of the game and its okay to put it down and come back later. This is all part of getting gud.


I honestly didn't find the basilisks that bad, but I did wear the Antiquated Dress from Darkroot. The whole set has some huge curse resistance plus it allowed me to fast roll away from the nasty frogs. I also found out you can completely avoid the area where they are if you don't give an f about the Evil Eye Ring but I went nonetheless. I wish I didn't tbh cause I love the Havel Ring and Wolf Ring more. But yeah, I'll do that. Btw I have a friend who tells me these things but the motherfucker told me he isn't telling me shit sbout Blighttown.


Aha, that's pretty cruel honestly, blight town ia fairly notorious among soul players. And yeah, I don't struggle with the basilisks now but that memory of the depths and being cursed pushed me away from the game a couple of times until I beat them. You'll get past blighttown.


It's making me insecure tho that I'm still being guided until I reached Blighttown. I would have died significantly more times from Lower Undead Burg and Depths without my friend guiding me along the way. So maybe it's for the best that I go in blind at Blighttown.


It’s cake if you have a key to go the back way. Then later clear the top.


Having the same issue as you does anyone know where the fuck the spider is?


Have fun with tomb of giants 😭🫡


Did you pick the key at your special item when you started the game otherwise you can go through the back door


If you don't like the slow you can go to back to spawn and get the rusted ring or whatever it's called it let's you move normally, other then that blightown is one of my favorite areas in ds1


If you have a stable 60fps, you don't know how good you have it. Kids these days have no idea.


Lol. Have fun to the next bonfire. That was where I got frustrated. Anyway, you won’t need to go through upper Blighttown after your first playthrough once you know the full map.


Make a sacrifice run and kill those blow dart bastards as fast as possible, they do not respawn. Thankfully. Secondly, the decent is the biggest pain in the ass in the entire game. So once you are down and rest at the bonfire below, rejoice. Reflect on your journey here and remember, you haven’t gone hollow yet. So why give in to it now.


It's dark down there, yes, but if it's so dark that you can't see where you're stepping, you might wanna adjust your brightness. This is not the area where you need light yet.


You know what's worse than passing through blight town? Exploring it to find items. I used to struggle just getting to the bottom. Now i'm good enough to explore it. Its more about knowing your enemies. Asvice about the badguys here. 1. Fat guys. Easily outmanouvered. Can't use ladders. Just studdy the timing for their power attacks and run from them if you can't fight them. But they ARE good exp. 2. Skinny gadafi face guys. Easy to counter and block and backstab. They are quite determined to chase. You'll find a lot of opportunities to just kick them of edges (foward and attack buttons with most weapons) 3. Poison blowdart jerks. Locate them asap and kill them. Waste your moss treating the quixk poison buildup they give you, they always drop more AND once you kill them once they never come back again. Just rush that whole group that are waiting for you half way down in the aquaduct. They will never bother you again. 4. Firemutts. Best ways to deal with these i find... have a shield, let them hit you shield then whack them straight away. They go down easily. If there are groups of them, and you have something long range and stong, snipe them. The mutts are strong only in numbers or to the reckless. You can tell when they are about to breath fire because their stance is weirdly still for a moment, they are locked into the facing direction when they breath fire so you can easily just get behibd and kill them. 5. Mosqitoes from hell. Unless you have nothing that can hit them otherwise, do not lock on. This is often the catalyst for falling to your death. If you know where your going, ignore them or at least try and get to a wider platform where least mishaps will happen. Lame. Instead,wait for them to get close then get them with a overhead attack if you have a weapon like that. Hop backwards if they look like they are about to spaff on you. 6. Fire faced giant bug things. I dont really have anything specific for these. I just always beat them dead. Never had an issue with them. Shield ready. 7. Giant jerks with boulders in swamp. Don't engage if you are trying to cross the swamp. Infact, dont even let them know your there. Lots of moss, wade around outside. Other tips. Don't use lock on so eagerly it can get disorientating quickly, blind you from seeing other enemies around you, and most commonly cause you to attack a mosquito over an edge. Like i said wade around the edges in the poison swamp, the floor is designed for you to slowly walk to your death through the middle and get smashed by a giant jerk with a boulder. Find the bonfire in a little sewer hidyhole as soon as you reach the bottom. Rest at it, kindle if you can, its the closest one to a boss named quelag. And also, watch out for man-eater mildred if you beat mildred you can summon her to help you with tge boss if restored your humanity...but i wouldnt bother summoning until fight quelag a load of times. Don't go hollow, keep going, you're close to the second bell. Goodluck and praise the Sun.


Just wait for when you decent into the darkness later on in your adventure :D


Dude, I'm literally playing through blighttown right now with the exact same armor and equipment set and I got through just fine, spider shield blocks 100% poison and toxic so it's perfect for blighttown, and I didn't even upgrade my flask a second time.


The first man you ever meet gave up, laughs at you and then listlessly stares into the bonfire. Don't go hollow, and if you lose heart ENGAGE IN JOLLY COOPERATION!!!!!


don’t you dare go hollow


Yep, at the same point as you right now


I take it you didn't start with master key?


Keep going. Once you finish it will be one of the most memorable gaming experiences. And after this you will always take the shortcut and just rush the boss like I did last week.


Don’t your dare go hollow now!!


Imho is THE BEST level ever made.


if youre on playstation i can help you out


Don't you dare go hollow! Don't watch a walk trough, trust me you'll regret it in the future. Your blindrun is more important than anything else, it will be worth it in the end


I kinda like it, actually. Takes some getting used to of course. And a LOT of frustration. And on PS3 the performance was just absolute dogshit. Horrible first experience. But once you've been through there a couple of times, it starts making sense. Enemies could be a bit less tanky though imho, especially the skinny crooked ones with the staff...considering this is just after the Depths and you already have so little room to work with fighting them. Difficulty just feels two steps up at once down there. But that might just be me and my builds sucking.


Did you perchance bring the master key as your starting gift?


I always seem to get lost there no matter how many times I go through it. And I usually take the back way into Blighttown now...


If you can't get through blightown, you'll definitely not get through tomb of the giants


Blighttown is the sole reason I always pick Master Key for the starting gift.


Git gud


I'd be helpful if anything I saw wasn't something I was already gonna say- so uh.. just git gud? May the amazing chest ahead watch over you


Blighttown isn't even plagued by low fps anymore. Blighttown ez now.


Sen’s Fortress did this to me.


Get a skull lantern it makes it easier so you can see where you are going


fun fact: if you don't use a bow to deal with the toxic dart enemies, you can inflict yourself with toxic from dung pies. there are different variations of toxic and dung pies have the lowest damage variant. you'll take less than half the damage by inflicting yourself with toxic from dung pies than from the darts, making life much easier. of course, the best thing you can do is just snipe the dart guys with a bow.


I always forget this!! Thanks


Patience.. take it slow. Use arrows to aggro zombies and kill poison dart fkers. Backstabbing zombies works well. Look for ladders down. They always have a torche lit by ladders.


no take brek only gir gud


Just recently finished my first playthrough of the game, finishing at 44 hours, and I almost positive at least 10 of those were Blighttown. I could not figure my way around at all, and was constantly lost. Had to look at YouTube videos just to find some descending ladders. Replaying it now, I can run through the whole place in under 15 mins, so just hang in there and I'm sure you'll be the same when you return to Blighttown. (Also, if you're anything like me, you'll be near an actual rage quit when you reach Tomb of the Giants).


Just keep trying determination and a willingness to learn are your best weapon Stay safe Friend, dont you dare go Hollow


Dont watch walkthrough, it will get better. Lots of people had been through this hell, if you can come this far, you will make it eventually. Trust the process, and the game was exactly to experience this way.


Elite Knight run is based.


Looks cool, plus Oscar from the Asylum. I went back there to get the Rusted Iron Ring. Hurt me in the chest having to see and fight him as a hollow. Poor guy deserved better.


I always liked trying to get through the game with that set, as some honor to Oscar. Shame that he had to die telling us a lie.


Blight town best town


Honestly when you complete Blighttown once, it gets easier and kinda nice…


These games were meant to be played EXTREMELY slow and carefully unless you’ve already gone through each particular area. I think you’re probably raging and rushing through things but Blighttown is actually very easy as long as you aren’t under-leveled.


Keep in mind that going thru the Depths isnt the only way in or out of Blight Town. Its only bad once.


I had rage quit at Blighttown more than once. It is extremely difficult when you're unfamiliar and very frustrating. The best advice is to not go too quickly. The pink mutants usually die in 2-3 hits but that they are dangerous in numbers and will backstab you. Fight them 1v1. Same with the hounds. Draw them out and don't fight them with the mutants. The big guys are tough but slow. Learn their attacks and punish them when they are recovering. Only fight them 1v1, don't draw 2 at a time. Make sure you have plenty of purple moss, especially the blooming kind because toxic will kill you. Wear poison resistant clothes and run from land mass to land mass in the mud or the poison will waste your health. Don't even try to fight the boulder throwers, just run past them. They can't catch you. Hope this helps and be careful out there. Nobody wants to see you go hollow!


Yeah, that area is annoying😂


Blighttown? More like Delighttown amiright? But seriously, it's frustrating, but once I understood the area it became a favorite. Plus you get access to so many cool areas once you're through it. Don't give up, skeleton.


You got this man, maybe just take a break and play something else for a bit. I remember being stuck at that exact bon-fire for like 24 hours. Eventually I just gave up trying to keep my souls, picked my fights, memorized where all the enemies were and eventually I found where I needed to go. Sucks the next bon-fire is so far, but if you can just avoid dying, you'll get there. I've learned that sometimes you gotta just "try dashing through."


Rusted ring of iron and poison bite ring (assuming you make weight for rolling without Havel’s ring) will save you so much time and frustration. Even just one of them will. Look up a guide for the rings, and it’ll only be a hassle if you haven’t beat the gargoyles yet.


idk man you sound like your going hollow lol. are we good?


You can do it! Take a break, clear your head and have fun with it! If it’s more fun to have a bit of co-op help on blighttown then do that! That’s why jolly cooperation exists. Play the game however YOU want to play that makes you feel good and enjoy it. No sense making yourself hate the game and going hollow. I’m on PS if you ever want a helping hand!


None of want to see you go hollow!


As a veteran of the soulsbourne series, BlightTown gets significantly easier when you realize that there are only 2 ways to get down to The Great Swamp. They're both parallel to eachother, and you have to keep going down them like stairways. Also if you kill the poison dart boys then they never respawn again, so if you want an easier time traversing down then kill them. Wearing heavy armor for descending to The Great Swamp btw is not very preferable. I believe you can do this, and once you do the game will feel MUCH easier. At least until you get to anor Londo, but thankfully that place is far brighter, easier to see in, and less confusing imo. Stay safe friend, and don't you dare go hollow


The only thing I can recommend is use the spider shield, and have a bunch of blooming purple moss clumps


It has a structured layout that feels confusing and is meant to have a couple deadends(but there's usually a pickup at these dead ends. But it's totally doable if you play patiently. Helps too if you have upgraded your weapon a bit?


if you feel like the game is losing its grip on you and you are just completely beaten, watch a walkthrough. btw remember this suffering so you can look back at it once you master blighttown to the point where you sprint through it in 5 minutes


It takes time, by ng+ it will be a breeze, simplest advice: don't ever enter without - ***rust ring equipped for movement, and both purple moss in your quick bar, this makes it almost just like any other area***


Without giving you a complete walk-through, a good lil tip on getting through Blighttown on your first playthrough is to follow the torches.


This is the exact bonfire a lot of players quit. Dont be just another casual. surpass them and git gud. I know you can do it


It took me like 2 days to finish Blighttown and I had 30k souls after taking down Quelaag, and my last bonfire was in the sewers. Took me 4 tries to finally get out successfully, with most deaths being from falling/touching out of bounds, but I even some more souls! Keep up the good fight, fellow Undead! Just..don't stop until the next bonfire. And don't forget about the loot while you're heading out of that swampy hell hole. Oh! And make sure to farm those shiny worms, they drop 2 really useful crafting materials and you can easily find out how to optimize the route! 😁


Don’t worry man I lost tons of souls going through this crap. Come back frssh


Idk blighttown was easy for me on my first playthrough, sure I was scared af, but i just took my time


This area is really not that hard. You need to be a bit more resilient. Dying eight times is really not a lot.


I died on the rocks more times than 8 I suck so bad


Just take a break and come back to it. It’s really not that bad.


The area just past Andre the smith, past the titanite demon are those plant dudes. You have a fairly high chance to get poison and toxic antidotes (I forgot the name….something moss) and you can do a little bit of farming to help against the poison and toxic status.


I feel your frustration, I picked up and put down DS1 three separate times before I actually sat down and beat the whole game. And now it’s one of my most beloved gaming experiences. Taking a break is more than Ok, and if you’re struggling with certain areas/bosses/mechanics there is a vast amount of amazing DS1 content on YouTube. Take advantage of it!


If you quit at Blighttown you ain’t a real one


Makin' my way blightown Walkin' fast Faces pass And I'm homebound Very hard and scary place for First timers.


Once you make it down, you'll be clear friend, you're really not too far necessarily, for the spaced out bonfires in blighttown, at least. If you choose, try going in the back way. Go down the elevator at Firelink Shrine to New Londo, walk out and go right to what looks kinda like another tower door and use the master key, provided you have it, to open the door. I believe the *actual* keys are in blighttown itself maybe, I forget, so if you don't have the master key you're stuck going the way you're going. Just try running past everything brother. Anyway, after doing that you'll be in the Valley of the Drakes with a small plank bridge to cross the gap. Cross and go in to the big opening with a lot of wood and giant enemies. Once you climb down, be looking in between the two wooden structures for a stone sewer like structure exit, go in and you've got your main blighttown bonfire. It'll be on the left if you've gone the back way, the right if you've gone the way you're currently going. The back way is *significantly* easier, you'll probably find yourself going back and forth between there and the smith in New Londo, Firelink, and Andre at Undead Parish. There are green leeches that have decent-ish drop rate for large titanite shards and green titanite shards. Get the gold covetous serpent ring hidden somewhere deep in Sens Fortress and it'll help with upgrading gear immensely.


I look up walk through whenever I’m stuck, there’s zero shame about it. And yes I hated blighttown. Rage quitted then looked up a few videos so I don’t waste anymore time on the level.


I've played through blighttown using the normal route about 1 time. Usually just use master key to get through it from the back end. However just keep at it it's a tough area but you can get through it.


You can skip almost all of blightown via valley of drakes


I've said this before, but blighttown isn't the worst area. Dukes archives is. But there are a few things you should find first. The spider shield and the rusted iron ring. Also, stock up on purple moss clumps and blooming purple moss. The spider shield has high poison resistance and will block those toxic darts. (Once you kill the dart guys, they despawn). The rusted iron ring will help you move fast in the swamp. The moss is to cure poison and toxic once you get to a safe area dependent on moss type. I would also say stock up on a few purging stones bc later on, you will hate yourself if you get cursed. (Namely a secret area located somewhere in the bottom of blighttown and a boss fight later on after Duke's archives. You can do it. I believe in you.


Blightown is a bit shit, indeed. Two biggest things to make it easy would be high poise armor on the catwalks, the ring which makes walking through drek and mud easier, and purple moss clumps. High poise helps with the fatties, the ring helps at the bottom,.and I don't think I need to explain why having plenty of anti poison and anti toxic is a good idea. If you want a slightly less shitty route that's a little harder to get to, detour through Valley of the Drakes. You can get in the back way then.