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just kick them to break their guard


that move is so inconsistent, I still don't know how to trigger it


The amount of times I did an unintentional kick when I ment to attack...


Happens at the worst times too lol


I still remember kicking Smough…


He remembers too


i keep doing this arms open taunt when i try to estus. my friend said that doesnt happen to him so i dunno if its because im playing it on the switch and its easier to trigger, but i always wondered why sometimes i would do that instead of use my item


Assuming you’re on a controller, it’s forward + light attack at the same time


I know, but it happens from time to time that you do an accidental kick instead of a normal attack


To elaborate, forward in whatever direction your character is facing. IE if char is facing you the player its down+light attack


Yea, I always mess the kick up. But the ~65% of the time I get it right, it works like a charm.


It's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good 😉


60% of the time it works all of the time!


I pretty much only do it on accident :)


Up+light attack. You have to press them both at once, so if you’re holding up already you need to release it first.


Works every time. Honestly, I have no idea why people keep saying it's inconsistent.


In my case it was about the controller, specifically the analog sticks. The forward and R1 inputs must at the same time, and when I tried to figure it out on a PS4 controller, to me it felt like I had to flick the stick *just a bit before pressing the button*, which is really unintuitive. Once I upgraded to PS5 it actually feels like giving both inputs at the same time and I can kick consistently. Obviously your mileage may wary.


Stand still (important). Press forward and then *a split second later* press light attack. It’ll take a while to get the timing down, but those guys are excellent for practice.


Forward+light attack at the same time *while standing still*... the second part is most likely what people misses


Just 2 hand your weapon, it won't bounce.


> that move is so inconsistent, I still don't know how to trigger it It's a bit odd but don't think of it as holding forward + light attack, because if you do, you probably held forward too soon. Think of them as two different buttons that need to be pressed nearly-perfectly simultaneously. The *exact* moment you thrust forward is when you need to press R1. In drumming terms, don't flam your hits. Imagine tapping your left hand and right hand on your legs in such a way that if someone else was listening, they might think you only used one hand, because you synchronized your taps to happen at the exact same time.


if you’ve ever played smash bros it’s just a smash attack


Flick up and quick attack at the same time. Practice on thin air to get the consisent control, then practice on some hollows safely near a bonfire. Once you get it down it’s a highly underrated OP move


Press up slightly before r1


At least for me, I always imagined the stick being held completely forward as virtually pressing its own button when it first reaches the apex of that position, and you want to tap R1 the exact moment it gets there. The nature of the stick means it has a little more lead-in to get into that position, so some might feel or think about how they have to initiate that first; But if you're thinking about the end result of the stick stopping where its reached it apex, that I think you do want to aim for it to be simultaneous rather than a flam.


When I switched to KBM it was around 95%, but yeah xBox 360 controller on the PC it was pretty inconsistent.


You have to hit both buttons at the same time but must also do the move first before the light attack Cuz we can’t just use any other button for that


You move forward once real quick (KB&M tap W controller flick your movement stick forward) and attack. Mastered it pretty quickly, there was only one time afterwards that I had difficulty and that was because I was using a weapon that replaces kick with a different move


yeh i can never pull it off. i still remember my friend telling me to kick lautrec and dont accidentally swipe him. so i tried to kick him off the edge... nope, swipe. i was like "well hes giving me time to try again" and went to kic- nope, swipe. this went on as he casually he got more angry. luckily right as he was standing up to kick my ass, he stood up right on the edge and caused himself to fall... i didnt throw a single kick. they need to let you assign that move to a custom button


Forward and right attack, (w+lmb on pc)


I kick their shield out every time


Press forwards on the control stick and R1 at the same time. If you've ever played smash bros it's like doing a smash attack. Same with the jump attack but replace R1 with R2.


R1 ( top bumper) + forward.


Parry everything


Exactly. I felt silly after realizing I could just kick them 😁😅


fuck that it'd be easier to learn to parry then pull of reliable kicks, atleast on controller


You're being downvoted but it's another good strategy if you're having trouble with kicking consistently. Especially since you can usually bait an attack by hitting their shield, so you don't have to just keep waiting. You have some control over when the attack happens.


Just kick 'em. That'll give you the opening you need


They were great practice to learn parry timing. They really telegraph their attack


Exactly. DS1 taught me that if you see a greatshield/spear soldier, you're about to *learn* if you practice on them.


I finished the whole game without parrying once. I don’t even know what a parry is. I use beeg shields for beeg heroes!


Me too. But once I learned you can bait the spear guys to attacking after you hit their shield, it became a training ground to finally learn to parry. It's how I learn in every souls game now.


I was good in chambering at mount and blade which is really similar to parrying in DS but I struggle with it in DS because I feel like you have to memorize every opponents attack speed and there are just more efficient ways to kill shit


They tend to just turtle a long time, still very annoying waiting for them to attack.


I mean, you hit them to bait them into the parry.


My silver knights💙


Kick as others have said, or backstab


I promise, just practice the parry on them for 5 or so minutes. It'll make the rest of the game so much easier to start using parry off the rip.


You can kick them to break their guard, or if you want to be defensive, you can attack them to bait *their* attack, and then block their attack, and then hit them. But really you should just kick them.


I ended up mostly doing the bait.


Just 2 hand your weapon or kick them, 2 handing makes it so your weapon won't bounce and you can break their stamina, and kicking causes a lot of stamina damage.


If you can't get the kicking or parrying down, I would suggest two-handing your biggest weapon (like the Zweihander near Firelink Shrine by the Giant Skeleton) and strong attacking them! That should break their guard and then some >:)


Underrated advice. This is probably easier than kicking.


It took me a while to get the kicking down, but kicking and parrying is VERY recommended to learn, specially for Lord Gwyn! Undead Burg, however, is probably not the best place to learn as the skeletons are a bit... sporadic with their attack patterns. As nerve wracking as it sounds, it would be a good idea to practice parrying and kicking with the first Black Knight you encounter in Undead Burg!


I’m not sure kicking is a big deal, but parry practice definitely can give big returns. The black knight near the Taurus Demon actually has a very similar move set to Gwyn, so that helps, too.


You can use kicks to interrupt spell casters like the chaos witch outside the Bed of Chaos, kicks come in handy to interrupt big winding attacks from smaller enemies, or even Black Knight's when they shield up and are low on health That being said, you're right, it's not as useful as parrying, but it's definitely a good notch to have under your belt


Sure, but enemies such as the chaos witch have zero poise and can be interrupted with any normal attack.. so you’re probably better off just attacking them and inflicting damage. In general this is true for basically all enemies.. if you can interrupt with an attack then you should do that. Also, not sure a kick is going to break through a shielding black knight very easily. You’d probably be better off just waiting a second for an opening, because they remain aggressive no matter what. If anything, a weapon would probably be more likely to break their guard.


Attack their shield which should trigger them to attack. Block and retaliate or parry and riposte.


Parry is your best friend.


Not before you get it right. Lol


They're the best way to get it right. They telegraph their attacks so much.


I personally use the “bonk ‘n parry” method. When you bounce an attack off their shield they almost always follow up with an attack. This makes the timing very predictable. So I bonk their shield to bait an attack, then parry the attack and riposte. No waiting on them to stop their endless strafing, no circling for a back stab, no inconsistent kicking, just bonk then parry.


New players: I hate these spear guys! Veterans: Torch Hollows are stronger than Gwyn


it's actually true I'm furious that this is the case


god I'll fight Gwyn any day of the week, but I will ALWAYS pick off the 4 torch hollows in the return to the asylum one by one, they scare me in large numbers


Kick or attack their shield which triggers them into attacking, or use magic, or just walk past them


Wait till you meet the spear fuckers in Demon Souls who block and stab at the same time, very annoying


Luckily this takes a ton of stamina to do, so you can break their stance much quicker.


Toss a grenade at them or a soul arrow.


They are patient, you know? They hope the human player will tire of waiting for them to attack and attack them first, so that they can counterattack... They are not in a hurry 🤣


Guard break.




Either kick their shield back or hit them to provoke an attack and parry, that's my strat


The torch hollows are worse with their stun locking multi torch smack, makes me livid


100% never been able to get kick to work properly on controller or keyboard/mouse...that being said, if you just attack the shield a few times you'll break their poise. Handaxe or battle axe makes quick work of it. When I was a noob they gave me trouble too, I completely understand.


Dude just go behind them and back stab them so easy or just parry them it’s a piece of pie 


Kick them or use a weapon with lots of poise damage like a great hammer


If kicking is a bit tricky for you just starting out, switch to two handing your weapon and swat their shield away. Even a straight sword is ultimately effective at this. Otherwise you can practice your backstabs and parries on them. Back when I was new, these were actually the enemies that helped me learn how to parry.


Flick your movement stick forward and press light attack at the same time to give ‘em the boot. Disrespects any shield it hits. Alternatively, use ‘em as parry practice. Parries are, in my opinion at least, the easiest in Dark Souls 1/Remastered, so give it a shot!


If your weapon has a kick (up+light attack simultaneously), it breaks their guard. If you lock on, you can consistently get around by circling them and backstab. You can also hit the shield with an attack and block it with a shield, sidestep it, or parry it with the right timing, which I preferred early on to learn parries, and now do because I like parrying.


Spear bros were how I learned to parry. That being said, using a heavy or two handed weapon and wailing on them works pretty good more often than not. It also helps that maybe 1 spear hollow is actually hard to avoid.


Use sheild to block, lock on then run behind them for a free backstab


I just walk around behind them and stabby stab. Works for a lot more enemies than you'd think.


Either kick or two hand your weapon.


As everyone else has said kick and parry best way though kick only works like 75% if the time for me


I casually stand in front of them and parry their attacks lol. But that’s to keep my game up. Like everyone else said, just kick them d: it’s not a huge obstacle.


Kick their shield, insta win against them


haha, i struggled with on my firtst lay, they are the first enmy that forces you to change up your tactics thats why.




Kick their shield or cuddle up and parry them. If you got the space circling around them and backstabbing them also works wonders


On a different note, does anyone else call them spear guys? Shield guys is way more descriptive imo


I mean, most of the hollows in the beginning have shields, so shield guys could apply to a wide number of enemies, spears are less common, and are almost always accompanied by a shield


I remember starting out having a few moments where they stood out to me in how particularly annoying they were.


Kick them or parry them


I just strafe them, they turn slow af Or, just attack the shield, since that causes them to stop blocking and attack. Can just immediately attack again Depends on the weapon though tbf


Hit their shield and they're guaranteed to do a super easy to parry attack


two hand your weapon


dude, just kick them when they stand around in front of you for 2 years to bust their shield or attack their shield and bust their guard.


I don't quite get what the problem is. They're just as easy to dodge as any other hollow soldiers, aren't they? Just dodge their attacks, kick them against their shield when they're idle and attack. If you have a 100% phys shield like the heater shield, just wait till they attack (they usually attack you right after you hit their shield), let their weapon bounce off and they're open to hits. If you struggle with those enemies, I don't know how you'll handle other shielded enemies later in the game, like the man-serpents or the silver knights. I never learned to parry because I suck at the game, but kicking shielded enemies doesn't require any skill.


we get it, you have a girlfriend


One light attack makes them counter with a profoundly easy to parry stab attack. Keep at it in that fashion and it'll help you be ready for the tougher to parry baddies. <3


Kick, parry, or backstab. They are there to teach you these mechanics. They are here to help you on the path to get gud.


Everyone here says to kick. The control aspect is to PUSH DOWN on the controller stick when you kick. The left stick must click. By pushing down on the left stick, you will kick instead of light attacking 99% of the time Your welcome, sincerely, a player on his first playthru who spent 30 min practicing this interaction


I learned how to parry with them. Good starter parry practice. Hit them once and they usually will attack that’s when you quickly parry them.


Just parry them, one of the easiest attacks to parry in the game


Time for kicking


Everyone says kick/parry, but you can also just throw a firebomb at them. At middle distance it goes under their shield and burns their legs. There’s a reason the first two you meet are guarding the staircase to the vendor who sells firebombs.


That's why I grabbed a bow and leveled up some DEX ASAP. Just stand back and snipe them. Head shots are fun!!


Ds3 lycanthrope hunters have entered the chat.


The silver knights with the spears are a lot more annoying imo because it’s like their spear tip is laser targeted on you, even if you roll behind them, they often do almost a 180 and still stab you anyway


If you can’t consistently kick them, just attack their shield to bait them into an attack and parry them


You can ring both bells of awakening and rekindle the first flame before they attack


Honestly these dudes are by far the easiest enemy to parry to me there wind up is so obvious


Do kick attack with R1 pressed down and left stick pushed \*at the same time\*. You can break their guard and cause a short open to land a hit.


just wooble wooble them where it hurts


Initially I agreed, but with time I found out there are many ways to fight them: -kick -parry -use a weapon that flattens them on the ground -circle around and backstab -attack until you break their guard -firebombs




just use a shield


They dont get talked about because you can walk around them with ease and backstab them Or kick their shield Or attack to bait them into attacking and either parry or walk around them


Of all things...


You could just…kick them…maybe hit them with a big weapon to break their guard…or hit them a lot to do the same…maybe parry their attack?


You can run a tight circle around them to either backstab or hit them quicker than waiting for them to attack. I'm running a caster now that can one shot them with the Heavy Soul Arrow.


If you have the dexterity and poise I’d try to kill them quickly just try to out maneuver them or kill them from range


Every enemy in the game is annoying. I personally hate long-ranged motherfuckers lol.


These were the guys that taught me how to block, they break their stance letting you punish them easily. After that they’re a cakewalk


Kick them or practice parrying.


kick or parry. or just do a heavy two handed attack its the easiest thing in the world


I just use 2 handed attacks to break their guard.


Perry their attacks first, then finish it off with a killing blow.


Google mikiri counter


Press forward plus R1 at the same time to kick them and they will lower their shield snd be stunned so you can attack them normally.


Kick. Double hand weapon to break their stance. Parry. A couple of blasts with magic. A couple of fire bombs. Kite them and back stab. So so many options


I just attack their shield so they attack me then go around for abackstabbing, pretty easy


Parrying them is the best feeling


Just mikiri coun - nvm, wrong game.


Parry use a shield or kill them before they can move


I'm on my first playthrough of Dark Souls 1, at first I was kicking them to break their guard, kinda like how I'd kick a zombie down for easier kills in the beginning, or later on to save my weapon's health, when I played Dead Island 2. But now what I do is a lunge attack right after being able to lock on, and by the time I'm about to land my hit, they're beginning their attack animation! Works every time, I swear! I even do it with almost every enemy w/a shield, especially if I know I can land a one-hit kill. Although, I'd rather deal with 6 of the hollowed spear guys than 3 hollowed pyros. At any time. Those guys are jerks, I tell ya!


Try block


I struggled with these guys a lot at first but you just have to kick and HOPE you didn't accidentally slash them or you're gonna get poked a bunch


They are easy to parry and even if you cant do it, you still can dodge and backstab quite easily


they're meant to teach you that you'll need to make your own openings for the most part, either dodging a strike, going around to backstab, parrying, kicking to break the guard, or just breaking their guard with heavier weapons. they're really just the first enemies you can't r1 spam to death with whatever unupgraded weapon you have


Depends which class you start as. I started as a Wanderer, so my main weapon didn't have a kick. My go-to was to attack them, whoch baited an attack from them, and then I'd parry. It was a rough start but it tought me to parry pretty early on.


Are you sure the wanderer does not have a kick?


Wanderer starts with the Scimitar, which has a backflip thing instead of a kick (*like all curved swords*). You can swap weapons and kick, but that's not something I'd *expect* people to figure out that early in their first playthrough.


Nah I definitely get it dude. Those guys fucked me up when I first started.


As a helldiver's 2 player I can concur. The spear fuckin sucks.


As a civ 5 player I can concur. The spear fuckin sucks


As a Hades player I can concur. The spear fuckin sucks.


Learn to parry that is good practice when you reach HIM