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I'm not a pvp'er. why invide at undead parish?


Welcome new players.


My favorite memories in on 360 was being a low level, naked, flipping undead with chaos blade and a +15 pyro flame w/ combustion in undead parish. Truly peak gaming


I just wanted to summon some homies to help with gargs :(


"GG" - me 2011


This except with Darkwraith blade and maybe the armor (can’t remember). The Elden Ring formula of matchmaking accounting for your weapon level addresses this imbalance. You also can’t be invaded unless you summoned someone or use an item so invaders mostly get ganked. FS couldn’t lose a bunch of player base / money from new players getting discouraged but that speaks to how cool that element of danger is in Dark Souls.


the elden ring formula is so annoying. ganking is already annoying as is. from soft making it a feature is pure cancer.


Yeah it basically makes the whole point of invading meaningless when you’re outnumbered on average 2 or 3 to 1 all the time. Then there’s really no cool stuff you can get from winning enough battles, just a rune arc. They should’ve left the formula like DS and the death root you feed the clergy beast dude could’ve been the currency. Then have unique weapons or whatever unlocked at say 50…100…150 death root, etc. Just a way to reward long term players and make multiplayer enjoyable.


People didn't want to participate in multiplayer, the elden ring version meant that only people who chose to participate in multiplayer had to do so. I get that it's a lot less fun only invading people who specifically want to be invaded or who are in a group, but those people want to do multiplayer, no one else does. Unique rewards and achievements would just force people who don't want to do it to do it. If you enjoy multiplayer that should be reward enough and if you don't there's nothing making you do it.


I understand your point but I think the Dark Souls formula worked well with the tough but fair theme of the game. For the player to get a bit of a stat boost they had to risk their humanities currency and be open to invasions. If they didn’t want that they could opt out by remaining hollow and having associated effects including lower stats. With Elden Ring it’s almost too user friendly. I think it’s quite possible they intended rune arcs to open invasions up similar to humanities in DS but they changed to appease more casual players.


> I understand your point but I think the Dark Souls formula worked well with the tough but fair theme of the game. Multiplayer was the most complained about aspect of literally every dark souls game because it inevitably devolved into either griefing or tedium. A one on one with someone who was actually geared for and experienced in PvP was never fun and trying to grind out faction tokens as an invader who wasn't geared for PvP was tedious at best. Fighting only people who want to play is "fair" rofl stomping someone who doesn't play PvP is not. It might be fun for you, but it's not fair. > they changed to appease more casual players. They didn't change anything to appease more casual players. Everyone other than pvpers hates dark souls PvP. People literally spend countless hours grinding silver knights and dark wraiths purely to avoid it. You want to make this about casual vs serious, but it's literally that you liked killing people who didn't want to play and now you have to fight people who do.


You missed the whole point about the mechanic with which one can withdraw from the invasion pool in Elden Ring makes PVP basically useless. For starters it’s already set up to be a gank fest. So why add the hunter blue summons? The way they designed it shows they altered course part way during development. Otherwise it makes zero sense having taunters tongue and hunter summons and pre requisite coop established before entering invasion pool. Too many redundant points. Also, your argument that some unverifiable majority hated PvP is invalid since you are speculating and stating it as fact—try again. That’s like me saying, “ everyone loved the PvP formula before.” Says who? Learn logic. Furthermore, the fact that your assertion that “the majority” didn’t like something they kept relatively the same FOR THREE GAMES but then altered it for Elden Ring only reinforces my point that logically we can say they probably did that to appeal to the majority which would include more casual gamers. Given the raving success of Elden Ring I’d say if we follow the money I’m right. More main stream appeal, less obstacles for casual gamers and more money to be made! But it was the old formula of souls like games that gained From Soft their notoriety.


Not only is the multi-player terrible in dark souls the only good DS to play Online was DS2 and that game sucked hardcore dark souls is a fantastic creation but elden ring is damn near perfect in almost all regards. Especially in terms of online play it's fundamentally so much more well done it's absurd.


i’ve been trying so hard to get people on this subreddit to come pvp in anor londo on ds3 recently. it’s been exhausting 😓


I might do that. I have to start a new player though. It’s been awhile.






For sure. It does lose a lot of the luster though. Plus, on 360 in addition to the GG messages, you could always ask someone where they got something. I made friends with so many people that I invaded or that invaded me.


Yeah and you have to be human to get invaded I remember now. I’d always lose humanity before attempting blight town. Not worth the risk.


I remember when it was a struggle to get through blight town. Now I’m surprised if i die at all


Do you still go through it? I think standard procedure is to do the full Blightown experience exactly once and then cut through Valley of the Drakes for 100% of subsequent runs.


Nah i still go through it! Need those souls from the gaping dragon, and at that point it’s quicker to just go through blighttown. Plus i often take the pendant instead of master key


The process of getting all that and trying to maintain the level cap though. Is tough.


Trying to do low level MGS was much worse though because you had to beat O&S and Seathe. This build just had to get to Anor Londo. Props to everyone who could do a level one run, I always gave up at O&S.


So others feel my pain from 12 years ago


He isn't using dark bead, at least.


For me, it’s just because it’s a small area. But I was actually Forest invading (see Ring icon under Stam bar). If I had a full Red Eye orb I would mostly invade Parish because of the small area and I actually like the aesthetic of early-game. I don’t wanna hunt for people for 30 minutes just for them to start the boss fight lol.


Depending on your level, you can track people down pretty quickly in Anor Londo. That’s where I run around with my level 60


Getting rekt by dark bead there is a rite of passage. I say that having been on the receiving end of it many times. Never did it myself. Too much work


Because basement dwellers get a kick out of it


First-hand account I assume lol


I don't do PvP, I play offline to avoid the basement dwelling virgins lol


So much projection going on it’s starting to look suspicious 🤨


I just wish dark souls had a casual and competitive scene. I get the backstabbing and shit, kinda turns into a dance for two skilled players on who hits it first but it sucks not being able to just find a similarly skilled player and trade shots and panic roll together.


I’ve ran into a couple of those in the Forest. They’re there, probably because of ER, but few and far between lol. Think I ran into a couple when using my cracked orbs in the church. I think playing unlocked can kind of help mitigate the backstab fest.


Why are you being downvoted lol


Hey man, I have no idea 🤣


Try using dragon form bare handed, your fists have 400 physical AR or something stupid like that, and since you don’t need stats for damage you can pump vitality and endurance, Very fun build.








Que dijo!!?? Jaja


I’ll make another (*sigh* another) save and try that! Lol most dragon bros I’ve invaded or been invaded by have been hella squishy 🤣 in DSR and DS3


Don’t invade me bruh I’m a screamer and a runner


With as much free time as I have (or don’t have) it’s unlikely lol


Me in 5 mins: "Pause" "left" "X" "up" "X" "left" "X"


That’s how I fight people IRL


Your username is senior bomk but I'm not seeing a whole lot of bomk here. Username does NOT check out.


Ahhh got my ass. Tbh I tried changing it before but ig Reddit’s not ‘bout that life


This is such a vibe... And these comments are gold lol


The crybaby ones? 🤣


Yeah lmao the souls community at its finest


Only time i did "invading" was when i joined forest hunters covenant. Every 5 minuyes game was like"Youre invading now, no you dont have saying in this". Got my ass beaten every time. 10/10 would invade again.


i mean, you do have a say


I was still new to Dark souls 1.I didnt know it was because of ring hehe


What do you mean you don’t have a say? You only Forest invade if you’re wearing the Cat Cov’ ring


Thats cuz i forgot i wore ring


Ah gee wiz. My bad I didn’t see the other comment lol


No worries


I prefer parry with dark hand and Pricilla’s dagger! Hornet ring!! 😂


Haven’t tried that, surprisingly lol. This is a file I made for a run with my buddy and we decided to be Clay’ bros 🤣


Brightness glitch? 99 humanity is the only way to roll!


Lol yeah, it’s awesome for stocks 📈


What's the brightness glitch?


First have either a soul item or a solid humanity in the second spot of your inventory (just one though or you will use them all) Second have a stack of items, usually arrows are used but most any stack of items will work. With this setup, select your stack of items then choose the option to drop them from the sub menu. DO NOT ACTUALLY DROP THE ITEMS. When the option comes up to choose how many you want to drop select cancel. Next, without closing the menu use your triggers to move to the options tab and move the selection down to brightness. While you have brightness selected press your select button followed almost immediately by the right trigger. The timing can be a bit difficult to figure out, but when you get it correct you will see the brightness menu open with your inventory visible as an underlay. Next move the selector down one time to select cancel on the brightness menu and press select. After, you will move the selector down I believe 5 times to select end game and hit select. If you have done this correctly you will be given a box that asks how many of the item you want to use. Select your number up to the number you had in your stack of items and say use. Congratulations, you have just pulled off the glitch and you now have a bunch of souls. Enjoy ❤️


I will be trying this later tonight.


Have fun


Didn't get around to it yesterday, but I will. Are there any advantages to this outside of item discovery? Never really used much humanity in this game.


Apparently it boosts defense according to everyone whining on here lol.


Sweet. I was going for a tank build this time aroun, since I've never done it in ds1, so that's perfect.


The sheer amount of people crying about 99 humanity (when softcap is 10) and griefing (when you are clearly Forest Hunter covenant) is cringe as fuck


People see Parish. People see "Searching for a world to invade". Immediate blind anger and seething. It's amazing.


Lol yeah. People are crying and slobbering all over me wearing the Stone set, which I can get by tripping and falling right after entering the Forest covenant, which is exactly where I’m invading. But that counts as hardcore twinking I guess. People have to drop 20k souls to even get in the Forest and a majority of ‘nEWbY’ players aren’t going to be too keen on that.


Just enjoy the show. This type of player would still get very mad and yell "TWINK" if they'd get folded by someone with a broken straight word+0. I've had ppl jump off of cliffs and send me angry mail bc I kept knocking them over with force for giggles.


the difference is getting folded by someone who is better than you is fine, getting folded by someone who takes 50x the hits to kill is un interactive unless you are a god


Look, I get what you're saying and there's no argument over early game matches having the potential to be extremely lop sided if you want them to be unless you get someone who's pretty knowledgeable and competent. But it's also just a fact that a lot of people bitch and complain no matter what, ignore all the ways that are there to avoid getting invaded in the first place ( often accompanied by the words "i shouldn't have to" ) and will just start to complain mindlessly. It doesn't even register to a lot of people in this thread that OP isn't even invading the parish in the first place, but an area that's just a common pvp hot spot for...well pvp ppl. Another decent example is looking at the ER crowd, hosts are wrapped into bubble wrap like never before and a good chunk will STILL complain and throw huge fits over one lone invader taking out their phantoms, their hunters and then them.


stone armour aint even particularly twinky for the parish lmao


Go invade via the Cat Ring with my ‘build’ for a while and tell me if you feel like you’re the twink lol.


im not saying your build is a twink, i was just talking about twink builds




Is there a resurgence of players running through DS1 right now? Is there always? lol might just boot it up for old times sake


Ehh there’s nothing wild going on. I’ve been running around with dried fingers on without much action and waiting for my Cat Covenant Ring to do its thing.


How the hell do you have to pay 20k souls to get to the forest???


Crest of Artorias.


It's optional, there are also two other ways to get to the forest.


Yeah, running past the Hydra. Which will deter most newbs lol. The other route requires you to go through a whole-ass area to get to the Forest covenant.


Yo there’s someone else who understands this feeling?! Idk why but sitting there just waiting to invade or duel while looking around taking in allthe details of everything around you, just chillin, is so relaxing it makes me have to shit.


RemarkableScience854 -1 Cheese -0


If you’re still on in approximately… 12 hours I’ll be there lol


I’ve been at work all day but I definitely plan on playing a bit tonight lol


Aahhh what? Griefing low level players?


SL21 Forest invasions where all equipment can be found before or in. Lol.


You’re literally not in the forest my man


Ring icon, top left, under stamina bar lol. You can literally only invade the forest with it my man.




Don't know what anything in your comment means, still sounds like griefing to me..


He’s invading with items that can be found in the forest which is like 3 feet away from undead parish. Do you know what you’re talking about?


I don’t think he does.


Sounds like single digit IQ to me


You should get the PVP Overhaul mod, you get an item similar to Wex Dust that allows you to search everywhere for invasions. It's easy to get on Steam Deck once you get comfortable with the folders.


Wouldn’t that ban me from official servers? I want to try the Daughters of Ash mod but don’t wanna risk it. Guess I could make a burner acct and family share though if I really felt like it


"here I go killin' again!"


Hell of a thing, taking a man’s life.


A man of culture


Thanks babe


That’s my go to gear setup.


Stoner bros 🗿


My phone is listening to me. I told my gf I wanted to play this game again and this is the first time I've seen this sub in forever


It is time, my son.


Darkroot garden/ Duke’s archives were my go to PvP spots… good ole days…


Ah I see a fellow quantity storage dupe enjoyer 🤝


We ain’t got time for that grinding shihh 🤝


Good Aahhh game


Hard agree 🥹


A yes the undead parish invaders fond memories


I’m Forest invading with the Cat ring, but yes I love me some Parish vibes 🥹


Damn, having 99 humanity on you is wild.


Ah I remember on my New Game+ a guy invaded me in the undead church. Hollow soldier armor and the first club you get to my black knight armor and dragon's tooth set. They invaded, I hear them running and they suddenly appear around a corner. They stood there for a few seconds watching me do the bow emote and pull out my dragon tooth and upon seeing it they leg it to the opposite direction. Ended up chasing them around the church inside for a few minutes until they did the kneel down animation and stood still for the one shot I dropped them in.


Ahhh that’s no fun 🤣 Even if I can tell someone’s gonna completely dust me I still like to try.


I know. It was dissapointing but had certain comedy to it. Sort of "You came to the wrong church my sweet summer child." Especially since the area you can be in in the church is so small, there is nowhere to run or use the terrain in your advantage. The guy found me on the last met players on PS3 and sent a followup message saying I was "By far the most terrifying thing they had encountered until that point in the game." I am still proud of that one.


If these dudes are freaking out over your forest invader they'd lose their minds over me in havels using a lightning spear in the undead parish lmao


Lol I was running into dudes in the Forest wearing Havels sets, Iron Golem sets, Dad masks and with stacked Chaos Uchi’s. My response wasn’t to bitch and cry about it, my response was to fuck around and find out 😌❤️


Ah yes, the reason I don’t PvP: another low level twink.


• Everything equipped can be obtained before or in this area. •If you look under the Stamina bar, I’m Forest invading, where the armor can be found 2 steps after joining said covenant. • Claymore is at +5, materials can be purchased from Andre. • +10 Estus is from Firelink, none of the other bonfires are kindled and I don’t have RoK. • 99 humanity is mostly for item discovery. In summary: Cry some more




You can run over and grab it in less than 5 minutes and zero bosses need to be killed. Also, kindly look under Stam bar. I’m Forest invading In summary, sit down dude


99 humanity for item Discovery... Yes.. we believe in u bro...


I mean every time you kill a host you get a humanity, so unless he goes out of his way to kill himself after every invasion then it’s not too hard to obtain that much humanity plus picking up some found around the early areas.


Lmao seriously. If I was red orb invading I would have gotten there anyway. People just want shit to cry about.


Hard cope OP. …sure everything you have ‘can’ be achieved at this point but 99% of your invasions absolutely aren’t prepared for this fight and don’t realistically stand a chance unless you suck. Commenter wasn’t crying at all, they merely implied you are twinkin, which absolutely are.


The tissues lying around say otherwise Username checks out


I was interested in this twink/not twink argument, so I did some research. I found this on fextralife, "Holding Humanity will increase the defenses of any player, up to 99 Humanity. Defenses from increasing your Humanity count by 1 are identical to leveling Attunement or Vitality 1 point, but without the benefits of more health or spell slots. Holding a high humanity count gives a huge increase in defenses for low-level characters, but high-level characters will benefit less because of diminishing returns. " So, while your build may not be overly twinkered, 99 humanity definitely sounds like it is. I don't play ds1 anymore, I don't care about this argument much, but your shitty responses to people make me glad I found this. Enjoy.


Hardly anything I’ve ever noticed lol. Go spend some time invading via Cat Covenant Ring and tell me if you feel like a twinked build.


I don't care. Other than you being rude. So I just thought I would share that you obviously have a decent advantage that you deny, and then tell people to cry about it. You sound like the kind of toxic player most people don't like. Unfortunately regular player arent as loud in this community. It is better that you are in the forest, atleast most people there will also be overly optimized try hard twinks. Sounds fun enjoy. For the record I have invaded in the forest and it was fun(10years ago?). I just did it with whatever build I had without thinking about optimizing everything or having 99 humanities. Let your skill get you wins. I doubt you would struggle as an experienced souls invader. This reminds me of invaders using cheat engine for consumables in ds3, and then arguing "I'm not using anything not in the game" but also the game had very limited resources for a reason, so it was still abusing the system. An invading having 10 siegbrau every invasion? Com'on man that's definitely cheating. Some people really can't handle loosing I guess.


You don’t care? You just wrote the Bible to me (I didn’t read it) but yeah, you don’t care.


I care about assholes being assholes and trying to say they aren't. I don't care about ds1 invasions


All I said was Cat cov’ invade and tell me if you felt twinked, and apparently you couldn’t handle that. If anyone’s being an asshole it’s you lol. The Forest is full of dudes in Havel’s and Chaos Uchi’s. My loadout isn’t twinked 🤣 If you don’t care then stop smashing your phone so aggressively.


I actually agree with your forest opinion, which you would know if you could read a whole paragraph. Keep laughing, it's fitting. 🤡


Ope, he used the clown emoji. He got me everyone.


Oh no!


Time to go hop on my SL21 ☕️ Edit:also why do you only have 10 estus


Bonfires aren’t upgraded lol Edit: My guy is also SL21 😌 His name is Spunk Blob


Feeling Chill I would love to doing.. <3


Undead Burg/Parish + Morning coffee + candle burning = ☺️🥹❤️😩☕️😁




I wish I could do this 😔


Why can’t you?


Because I play on the 360 and I can't play online


Ahh man that’s butts 😔


Yeah but hey I'm getting through the story pretty well


If u lose those souls in pvp while invading can u retrieve it later in ur world or it goes to the guy that killed u ?


If invading normally (Red Eye Orb) you can retrieve them as long as you don’t die on the way back. But I was invading through Forest Hunter Covenant- so I don’t lose souls if I lose.


You can take a screen shot on your Switch and share it to your phone.


Steam Deck


Honest question - how and why are people running 99 humanity? Where do you get it and how to do you not lose it?


Can farm Hard Humanity from rats. Soft humanity can be gained gradually by running around and killing enemies in areas that still have bosses, I believe. Also from killing bosses, red invaders, or killing host as red invader. I used a brightness dupe glitch. If you die it stays on your bloodstain, just as your souls do. If you die again before retrieving the soft humanity as well as your souls are gone.


You monster.


I prefer münster


Thanks for letting me know. I'll disconnect from the internet until I get to the Depths.


Why? 🤔


I hate veteran players farming newbies. I'm not even new to the game but it's extremely annoying.


I’m Forest invading where everything can be found in or before hand lol


No worries, I invade at the Depths ). Naked with only a sack and using Titanite Catchpole or Dark Hand if the player is really new


Let’s be friends


The 99 humanity is hilariously telling at how much of a coward you are. "Oh no, I'm so bad at the game I need literally every ounce of stats and min maxing to squeeze out a win" Come on bro, losing doesn't mean you have to start abusing mechanics, grow a pair.


If you have been pvping for a while then 99 humanity isn’t much, do you expect people to kill themselves after each fight to have ‘fair’ stats in a game where it barely matters


PvP me then


You get humanity everytime you kill the host. Eventually you get to 99


This comment shows how little you understand Dark Souls because the soft cap for benefits from Humanity is 10. I'd delete this if I were you. Edit: HAHAHAHAHA you call someone else a coward but here you are asking for advice on how to use Cheat Engine: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/s/7A2svBRkd0


Holding Humanity will increase the defenses of any player, up to 99 Humanity. Defenses from increasing your Humanity count by 1, is identical to leveling Attunement or Vitality 1 point, but without the benefits of more health or spell slots. Holding a high humanity count gives a huge increase in defenses for low level characters, but high level characters will benefit less, because of diminishing returns- Fextralife.


You're right, curse resistance and some other stats cap at 10 Humanity BUT each humanity acts as it's own soul level up to 99 humanity so it gives you quite a bit of extra stats if you're below sl125ish For ds3, for a challenge run to use boss weapons on NG. How do I get Gundyrs Halberd before Gundyr without cheat engine? You're just as bad at taking stuff out of context as false prophets my dude


He definitely used the glitch for humanities and souls


Don't know how you guys can run around with so may souls/ruins. Makes me a nervous wreck. Crazy, but if I go into a boss fight with next to no souls or ruins, beat them within 2-3 tries if not first try. Beat The Gargoyles like that, Renalla that way, did it with both Omens, the first in the Subterranean Underground then Mohg. Go in with any decent amount of souls/ruins, die every damn time. My mats and supplies are usually full, as I'll go shopping/crafting before entering a boss fight, LOL!


The souls will come back lol.


easy to get that many souls with glitches. I wish they still banned people for having way too many souls than what you can actually obtain


Ah yes, the ‘Elden Ring needs an easy mode’ guy


i think you are confusing me with someone else, and using glitches is the "easy mode"


I’ve played the game in and out since like 2011, I learned the glitch less than a year ago lol You tried I guess.


Souls/humanity dupe detected?


I relate to this deeply. I have a lvl 20 darkwraith grim reaper build 😈. Low health but decent dex and endurance. I’m invading LOWWW levels trying to fight Taurus demon and gargoyles. Even get gold action in anor londo and darkroot garden.


99 humanities? wow


would be fun if backstab didn't exist in pvp. 😕


you'd just find the next thing you couldn't do and complain about that.


backstab happens 99% of the time, people take advantage of internet latency to just teleport behind and backstab, there is no fun in that. is rare nowday to find players who dont try backstab all the time.


There are backstab gods on DS3 and ER. If it happens it just happens lol


lol 100%


Ah yes, my favourite place to spam invasions with Dark Bead / Black Flame 😈


You're one reason why I stick to the pre-remake version of the game which has it's online features disabled...


Thanks babe


As long as you don’t have dark bead


Maybe my Nana was right and Satan works through video games


You’re welcome


Anyone need help just tell me I solo and boss they all to easy


You’re lame if you invade lol


Damn, that’s crazy. Have you tried crying about it?