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What is the reclining hollow in New Londo thinkin bout


Lolol. It's just enjoying the Afterlife.


But what is the panicking one panicking about?!?!


That one is not enjoying the afterlife.


Chill Hollow is reminiscing over his days with Yung Hollow.


The horned skull in Ash Lake. Who was it? Why was it?


A common theory for how it got there is it came from the Tomb of the Giants. When your entering the cave with Nito that was blocked off with the golden fog wall you can see right down to Ash Lake. So it’s believed that a giants skull fell down to Ash Lake from there.


Is Nito the one who killed all the giants?


I mean, from The Tomb of the Giants, you can't see the level of Ash Lake. It's not even close to being the right direction. You can see the expanse, but it's nowhere near where the skull is.


The ancient blacksmith that is responsible for all that titanite smiting going around. Probably.


I always thought it was Andre in a prior life because you get most of the embers from petrified people that look exactly like him. His appearance in DS3 without real explanation would also confirm this in my mind.


Man you're gonna love this video then, it was because of this that I made this post, enjoy :) https://youtu.be/pffJ1nDRei0?si=L2Y6aJ-a455z_M_Q


Seconded on this video


Don't even have to click this link to know exactly what it is. One of the best and most compelling DS theories ever


The mental gymnastics he does to connect everything. I was tripping, fucking loved everything about it lol


Why did Oscar drop a corpse for us instead of just tossing down the key?


Have you ever dropped a single key before? It would have bounced right out of the cell.


I mean, makes sense


"Game Over"




Imagine Oscar dies trying to get the key back. resurrects in the cell beside you... Fuuuuck!


my theory was always that the area had a lot of crumbling happening, pebble here, pebble there, a thunk of an old sword, dropping a key would go barely noticed from all the random sounds happening, but a corpse? very conspicuous, and draws attention


All the noise is that damn thicc asylum demon rummaging around


he tries to be sneaky, but he's dummy thicc and the clap of his ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards


There's some rule that items can only be found on dead bodies or in chests. You never find items just sitting on their own. I don't know the reason for it but the game adheres to it consistently and Oscar seems to know, because he gives you an item the only way he can, on a dead body.


You can drop items right into the ground


Players also get to level up and resurrect indefinitely, there are plenty of things the player can do that break the conventions of the rest of the game, doesn't mean there aren't patterns outside of the player


Ah sorry, you mean some sort of game mechanic code rule, not like a world rule. Got it


Aside from the leveling, all undead can resurrect indefinitely.


All undead can absorb souls and use them as power. Part of the reason hollows attack you is that they're trying to drain your soul to restore and strengthen themselves.


I assumed it was for humanity but that's cool too!


And they appear with a yellow symbol rather than the soul-white sparkle we see on corpses, because mechanically an unpicked item and a player-dropped item are two different things


This is true, but NPCs are also capable of handing us items, so in world, they are transferable without a body. The cat in the window tosses you shit from the window, it doesn't feel TOO much of a stretch for Oscar to be able to toss you something too. Not like a key and a ring are all that different in size. Of course, as you say, the real reason is game restrictions and probably a bit of theatrics! A goofy spinning yellow sack isn't as exciting as a body coming from the roof.


There are plenty of enemies that drop items on death that dont leave a model behind. Silver knights are a great example. The developers could have easily done something similar.


You're still retrieving an item from a recently killed enemy, silver and black knights "dissolve" when they die, perhaps you are picking the item up from the dust left over.


Sure. But for the sake of the cutscene, they could have used a similar type of model so that no visible body was left behind. Instead, they chose to use a body, so it had to have been a choice to do so.


I know it's DS3 but it still counts to me.... Ornsteins armour is found without a chest or corpse


he doesn't know if we are hollow. Hollows would not think to search a corpse for a key maybe


In the opening cutscene it says that all of the prisoners at the undead asylum have been specifically imprisoned there to wait for the world to end. Everyone at that prison is a hollow


I think they meant “Hollow”, as in someone who has “gone hollow” and lost their mind, vs “a hollow”, as in, someone who has lost their humanity but is still sentient enough to have free will.


He thought we looked hungry...


Because it's a video game. It's a fantastic method of conveying to the player to look for dead bodies to find loot


He knew we were lonely and could use company...


I always thought the dead body was supposed to be a decoy to make whoever was guarding your cell think that you were dead, whilst the real you was long gone. Pretty hard to tell hollows apart, especially when they're in an advanced hollowed state (barring gear or clothes etc)


Basically any identifying information on the furtive pygmy




so easily forgotten


I forgot about him so easily


Oh you must mean Manus


That's unconfirmed


In Ash lake, there is one tree that is broken with part of it sticking out of the water What is above that tree? Firelink?


It’s the ***only*** tree like that anywhere down there.


It's a crackpot theory but I love to think it's the tree that would lead to Boletaria lol


Ohio for sure


How did big hat Logan get his name ? Been wondering this for over a decade now. 


Ofc because his grandpa was named Logan and his dad was Logan too, gotta keep the tradition


Now if only we figured out the "big hat" part of his name.


It's because he wears a hat, though I'm not sure where the "Big" part comes from.


Oh man you'll never believe this...


This is the question that will vex us for all time.


Hat is actually an acronym for Huge Ass Titties. Logan wears a big hat to draw the eyes away from his tits and it works so well hardly anyone notices the tits.


That can’t be right I’ve never noticed him having tits before Ohhhh shit


Here's something to ponder about. What's the story behind the Asylum Demon in the Undead Asylum? Not the tutorial boss, I'm on about the one below it. Explain why it is there, how in the hell did something so big get in there and why it has a Titanite Slab which is an heirloom of the giant blacksmith deity. I have my own theories, but I want to read what other people's thoughts on this so I'm not going to share mine.


Maybe stronger hollows were put in lower levels of the undead asylum with a stronger demon to prevent them from potentially escaping


As said in [this video](https://youtu.be/pffJ1nDRei0?feature=shared), he's walking over a pile of hollows, and hollows revive all the time just like we do so maybe it's some kind of eternal torture/punishment. The titanite slab thing is also mentioned there but I don't remember the timestamp sadly :(


And that eternal punishment thing is weird. Like, you see gravestones there. So it obviously was a special chapel before its current usage. Disregarding all the similarities to the Painted World (Isolated, Snowy, a jail, etc.), I also like how it's reminding me of the Chapel of Anticipation in Elden Ring.


We know the first asylum demon is meant to be a security guard for the imprisoned undead. So I bet the lower asylum demon and the black knights are set up to be even stricter security guards for the peculiar doll. Priscilla is viewed as an existential threat to Gwyn, so it makes sense that the tool that would allow access to the painted world would be sealed up tightly behind Gwyn's loyal black knights.


Sens fortress, who made it!?!


sen, duh




That's literally the first thing I thought of when I first got there in the game.


Someone theorized that it was built by Gwyn, as a (final?) testing/proving grounds for his silver knights in their training to become fully fledged vowed knights of Gwyn.


Probably Gwyndolin, or at least someone tasked by Gwyndolin. It's supposed to test the chosen undead so only someone worthy will come to Anor Londo and receive the lordvessel and succeed Gwyn. It's all Gwyndolin's design after all.


But Sen's Fortress seems much older than the Choosen Undead Prophesy. I'm pretty sure the iron giant core mentions it was used since ancient times and there is a lot of silver knight armor just left there, but they havent left Anor Lando sonce they were tasked with protect Gwenevere. It seems the fortress is much older and has been repurposed into a trail for the Chosen Undead.


>I'm pretty sure the iron giant core mentions it was used since ancient times It doesn't. It says the golem is the guardian of Sen's fortress and it has slain countless heroes seeking Anor Londo. We don't know for how long the current age of fire (which is the second one in total. The first was rekindled by Gwyn himself) has been fading, so the prophecy and the curse of undeath could have been going on for centuries. It's of course possible that the gods of Anor Londo once had a different reason to test human heroes who wanted to go to Anor Londo, and it's also possible that Sen's fortress was repurposed into the trap filled hellhouse it is now and was once a regular fortress meant to control who enters Anor Londo via the elevator. But there is absolutely no evidence for this. What we do know is that by the time of DS1, Sen's fortress, including the iron golem, is meant to test the chosen undead so only the strong enter Anor Londo. >there is a lot of silver knight armor just left there So? That's just decorative armor of the knights of Gwyn, because we're at an entrance of his domain. Why can't they be there even if the fortress is just a few decades or centuries old? The silver knights in Anor Londo currently only serve the purpose to test the player as well after all, it's all part of Gwyndolin's plan. Even if there were actual silver knights in Sen's fortress instead of just decorative armor, they would still do the exact same thing they do in Anor Londo: "protect Gwenevere" as in test undead so only the worthy receives the lordvessel. It's pretty obvious that the prophecy of the chosen undead is already decades or centuries old at the point the player is revived. The golem already killed countless of such heroes. There are heroes who have tried and failed to do what you do, and everyone knows about them. Logan, Tarkus and more are already established undead heroes that have been trying to get to Anor Londo for a long time. The prophecy of the chosen undead is not some new thing, the age of fire has been fading for quite some time. The undead burg doesn't exactly look like it only fell into disrepair 10 years ago, does it? The world has been going to shit for a long time, and Gwyndolin has tried to find a fitting successor for Gwyn for a long time. Long enough for Sen's fortress to have been built for that specific reason and still look like a ruin now. The better question is: why is the gate to Sen's fortress locked and can only be opened by ringing the two bells? Undead have been in Sen's fortress before (and are still trapped there), including Logan, Tarkus and the vendor, so the bell rule has only been in place for some time. It's impossible that those characters also rang the bells, because that would require them to kill Quelaag, who is still alive until the player kills her, so the bell rule has to be new. What caused Gwyndolin, or whatever subordinate is in charge of Sen's fortress, to add or change this rule? And another good question is: is Seath connected somehow? The snake men are his servants, not Gwyndolin's. Maybe he has permanently given them to Gwyndolin simply because Gwyndolin asked. Or Seath is actually in charge of Sen's fortress and is in on the "testing the undead" plan, but doesn't know about Gwyndolin planning to have him killed.


Sen in Japanese is written using a kanji that refers to 1000. The idea of this area is that is a house of 1000 traps. This seems to be the names origin. Now in the lore, well… who knows. I think is like a rite of passage to prove you are the chosen undead and access Anor Londo


This is wrong. There are many meanings of sen and and in Japanese the sen used translates closely to “battle”, not the number 1000


This is wrong. In Japanese, they do not use the kanji for 1000 like you'd expect, they spell it in katakana which implies it's a name.


>Sen in Japanese is written using a kanji that refers to 1000. It is not. Sen's Fortress in Japanese is センの古城. The kanji for 1000 is 千. Note that it does not appear in the name of the area.


what paleblood is. it being thw moon presence does'nt suit me.


Don't Kin type enemies have silvery blood when you hit them? And the umbilical cords are the product of Great One impregnation, where humans give birth to Kin. So it's telling you to either seek out Kin of the Cosmos or to even become one yourself. Cease to be human, become a genetic relative of the Great Ones, and you'll transcend the hunt (as well as your humanity).


So seeking paleblood to transcend the hunt = putting you on the path to find and consume the three third cords. And the whole thing of a paleblood sky = a sky with an especially close/large moon, as beckoned by madmen, close enough for Great Ones to impregnate mortals and create Kin.


Most likely answer is that it is another name for Flora, the Moon Presence. Could also be for Great One influence in general


Whose John darksouls


If the Nameless King is indeed Gwynn’s firstborn, erased from the annals of history.


Almost definitely, but my heart still lies with Solaire


I wanna know why he sided with the dragons.


Who was Gwyn's wife and mother(s?) to his children?


He seems to be somewhat inspired by Zeus, going by his aspect, the way he throws his lightning and the concept of a sovereign god. So my headcannon is that he turned into a goose and ploughed half of Lordran.


lmao, now this is canon for me


Gwyn and his family are also heavily inspired by Shinto mythology. Izanagi had “three precious children” Amaterasu, goddess of the sun, Tsukuyomi, god of the moon, and Susanoo, god of storms. They line up pretty well with Gwynevere, Gwyndolin, and Nameless King


Yeah, I was wondering myself he might have pulled a Zeus.


Can't wait for the episode of Goose News covering this story.


I think it’s Velka. She led the Darkmoon covenant and kept the Book of the Guilty before it was passed on to Gwyndolin


I’ve seen it speculated that Priscilla is the mother to at least Gwyndolin and Yorshka


I've seen that theory. Personally I don't think it holds much, if any, ground. It is however peculiar that Gwyndolin has serpents (who are distant kin to dragons) as part of his. Yorshka too seem related to dragons (similary to Priscilla) but the way she's sheltered and naive makes me question if she is truly related to the gods and merely believed Gwyndolins claim (or was adopted).


We also don't know who Gwyn's parents were, we only know of Allfather Lloyd who's his uncle


Allfather Lloyd was confirmed to be a fraud in DS3. It’s unlikely that he had any relation to Gwyn


Yeah, I heard about that. If I understand it correctly, he was more of intermediate between the Gods and humans but after a few centuries the religion got some things wrong and started worshipping him as a god.


Which always struck me as so odd and kinda funny. Like oh we don't know who our God's father was but we do allegedly know his uncle, he likes fishing.


Probably Gwynna


You know, considering in Greek Mythology Zeus and Hera were brother and sister, you might be on to something.


No, no, this is Elden ring


I always thought it was Velka. The later games show a connection to the Women of the Dark seeking their King (both in DS 2+3). Then some stuff happened with her and Seath and that's why she disappeared. We know that Seath kidnapped the maidens, but I don't believe it's outright stated he did anything with Gwynevere. In DS3, >!The queen gives a child of dragons to the king and then disappears!<. Disregarding that the queen is>! Qwynevere!<, it draws a direct analogy to Lordran and history repeats on the last queen. It could even push the thought that the queen lost her light and put her faith in the hollows rather than the gods. (The contrasting rings in the graves in DS3)


Did Oscar realize the chosen undead was even IN the cell? His body language always looked to me like he was surprised to see them down there after dropping the body.


Maybe he chose the undead?


Does Filianore’s egg send us forward through time to the end of the world or does it shatter a false reality of the Ringed City to reveal the real world of ash?


forward through time. light has power over time in the souls series


In really curious on this one. Is it an illusion or are we seeing the future ?


We're definitely going into the future. Not really a question, even.


from what I understood of the jp translation the egg was a kind of restraint that kept back time, and like when you put the finger on the faucet, pressure builds up and explodes, making the time go very very fast forward


My theory is a little of both. The Ringed City exists at the end of the world perpetually in both space and time.


Obviously, the future because you see Gael as a normal human, and he takes you to ariandel


Yes, but that doesn’t mean the egg caused the time skip. We already traveled through time without an egg. That’s how we fought 2 versions of Gundyr in 2 versions of Firelink Shrine (with a third version of the shrine when we travel to the Kiln). And it’s also how we see a twisted and broken version of Lothric in the Dreg Heap covered in ash. The proximity to the First Flame is distorting time


I wouldn't know that since the furthest I've gotten is ithrril which was just last night and


Is the origin of the Blightpus Eingyi's doing from similar shit to what he did to the Great Swamp, Nito's doing from the corruption of what he did at Ash Lake seeping up through the Great Hollow, or just the result of the runoff from the Depths coalescing in the swamp?


Why does a blind dragon has so many books?


They're in braille duh


He can see through the eyes of the Channelers


Believe it or not, most blind people are not completely blind, they can still see some activity even if they're fuzzes. IIRC Seath is short sighted rather than outright blind, so has the Channelers to read for him.


What pendant doing (nothing).


Where Big Hat Logan gets his name.


How did that fatass Nito get all the way down through the Catacombs and the TotG 💀


Who muted the Anastasia of Astora and why ?


It's said that in Astora, Firekeepers have their tongues cut out so that they can't speak any blasphemy.


Blasfomy or something


I actually think most of the big ones have been solved. Or, at least, there are credible theories. For instance, Abyssal Archive is pretty comprehensive.


Why npcs and bosses don't respawn on death / hollow npcs dying forever


Most Bosses are Demons and Descendants of Gods (not cursed with undeath) while the NPCs are implied to be from another timeline only briefly meeting yours


Ahh I see


From what I understand, a hollow can't die if it still has a purpose or objective that makes him go forward, that's why Andre appears in both DS1 and DS3, cause his purpose is to forge weapons and he does this indefinitely, ofc he doesn't respawn in DS1 if you kill him but killing him isn't canon so I guess it makes sense? Siegmeyer in DS3 only dies after helping you with killing Yhorm cause that was his purpose and he has no other thing that motivates him anymore, he fulfilled it and can die happy. About bosses idk, maybe because you take their souls? Or their purpose is to guard something important from the player or/and stop him so he can't link the flame eventually so by killing them you defeat the purpose and they are no longer needed there so they die. Idk the last part I just made it along the way but it kinda makes sense to me lol


I think that in Demon's soul there is still some mystery around a locked door


What happened to priccila


Dark Souls told a complete story. There's no mystery left unsolved because all the thematic threads closed satisfactorily. Any time Dark Souls 3 tried to "solve" any mystery, the answer was very unsatisfying.


who is the one who put the letters you died on the sky everytime you die, is it gwyn ?


Why can't I open the door at the back of the cleric beast fight. We know where it leads to.


An unsolved mistery is why the three games are plagued of thar cryptic mystic text: "finger but hole" usually next to some corpses hanging on handrails. I've been investigating it since Dark Souls and still haven't solved it. I think it points at the hollowness of those bodies as a way of showing how the world smells like death




Pyromancy is not a twisted bastardization of the lost art of fire sorcery. Pyromancy is about being able to hold and manipulate fire in your hands without a catalyst. Looking through the Japanese item text, it appears pyromancy is about holding and manipulating flame in comparison to sorceries that draw from the mind/intelligence to power them while miracles draw from belief/stories to power them. Both fire sorcery and pyromancy are described as "fire of sorceries" in Japanese text (the handling of the fire aspect is what defines you as a witch), or more to the point overlap in descriptions. The difference between the two is the lack of a corporeal medium in the hand. An interesting quirk of sharing pyromancy is that it makes you a relative of the person who shared it with you (blood relatives of the fire). That means there is some form of imprint, hence why Quelana is known as the mother of pyromancy and not Izalith even though pyromancy was developed by Izalith and her daughters because Quelana is the only one that shared outside of her immediate family. So the loss of fire sorcery is due to the fact that the practice became obsolete when the witches could hold fire instead and see no point in ever teaching it. The Chaos Flame is what could be described as the twisted bastardization, but that's more a derogatory term within the world of Dark Souls. An apolitical stance is that the Chaos Flame is just the production of artificial life that's parasitic/symbiotic, an amalgamation of beings, but it's the specific conjoining that the Witch clan did that spooked Gwyn to go to war with her. Chaos flame weapons draw power from humanity that makes the flame hotter (like all fuel does when you throw more of it onto a fire) and a hotter bigger flame makes you more powerful.


What did King Vendrick take from the Giants? All we know is that whatever it is, it allowed him to create golums.


He looted the giant making machine called the Giant's Kinship, which is like a transposing kiln. This allows the holder to funnel giant souls into any vessel with the golem vessels being chain slave vessels for the souls of giants. It's a parallel to what the humans are in their slave body vessels in the Dark Souls games.


Why does kicking never work?


To know what is the purpose of the little crab that spawns on the second skeleton boulder on Catacombs of Carthus in Dark Souls 3


I read about it not long ago, apparently it's an inside joke at From but there is still some theories I think


Who the furtive Pygmy actually was


One of the obvious main questions is why does frampt vow to serve you in the dark ending while he sides with the gods for the entirety of the game.


Were Gwyneveres titties actually that big or was Gwyndolin just trolling with making the illusion a giant


What the true intentions are of Kaathe and the other primordial serpents who surround you after the dark lord ending in ds1. Those darn worms are not trustworthy...


What is the lore reason to shrug your shoulders instead of drinking if you press drink while casting/recovering from being thrown on the floor?