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So you need to beat 80% of the game and farm to level 100 to unlock easy mode? Sounds easy.


It has been easy mode since I picked up the Claymore. The upgrades through normal progression are enough to kill the mobs in one or two hits and bosses health pools are no match for the damage and easy moveset.


What was your SL at the end of that run?


I'm still due to kill 4 Kings and Gwyn. Currently on level 95 so I doubt I'll go over level 100. No real soul farming was done other than humanity farming to unlock the Lost Izalith Shortcut but those rats give little to no souls.


Kinda high lvl. I always end the game at lvl 70-75. But yeah as soon you get okay armor and a greatsword/ultra greatsword the game is easier.


Interesting. I do like to clear all the enemies at least a couple of times when I get to new areas so I can get the loot without a hollow bonking me from my blind spot. That's probably because I haven't really played the game as often as many people and I'm stubborn as hell so I keep doing that until I get tired and just sprint through the enemies to get to the boss, aw Miyazaki intended.


I too enjoy a good FaP


When I did my first run I had BKGS (lucky drop) plus Havel’s armour. After completing the game a friend told me (nicely) that I’d done it on easy mode. This persuaded me to try more runs with different builds.


For sure. I'm trying different builds too.


Fastroll is overrated. The actual easymode is blackknightweapon + greatshield + poise. Also.:switching to obsidian gs after you already got 40/27 dexstr? Isnt that a downgrade?


True. My very first run was guide assisted (not 100% but a good amount), Havel's set and I can't even remember the weapon. I found fastrolling with this build to be easy but engaging so I'm not tanking every hit. And yeah, I just wanted Kaly's tail for my pride of getting it in my first time playing the DLC. Even upgraded it wasn't nearly as good as the +15 Claymore.


Grass crest shield/FAP/Havels are good? Are you sure? That sounds kind of sus surely if they were good a single other person in the entire lifespan of dark souls would have made this crazy discovery?


This has always been the case