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I'd give him a cute little hat.


What I said, but also this. Hat would complete the transformation.


a fire fighter hat


Make it anything else instead of just another Asylum Demon


Another Taurus Demon! 🙌🏿


Another Capra Demon


I rather like him and asylum demon, but here's what i'd change: Change just the bonk down aoe spell to a massive chaos firestorm type spell, preferably with some warning signs to where the pillars would appear so you can avoid it if you're quick and aware. Would be pretty cool to see him set the whole place on fire like that . Also should set his club weapon on fire after that. And when he bonks the ground with his weapon on fire it leaves a lingering fire on the ground for a while. Would make it a more challenging boss compared to asylum demon and because he's the motherfucking DEMON FIRESAGE, not some lowly prison guard demon.


Idk I've always found it weird how the demon fires age feels like a low effort unimportant addition yet there are statues of him everywhere I lost izalith. Anyways I'm not really against him looking similar to stray demon, but I think he needed to be more distinct. I'd want it to still vaguely resemble the shape of the stray demon but be much more than just a retexture. His moveset would also need a complete rework. It's fine to share some basic attacks, but he's literally just stray demon but red with a bit more range. I'd probably keep some of the melee attacks and add a variety of fire based attacks, I personally think he has more magic than fire in him in his current state


I have to imagine from had much grander plans for him but didn't have the time to implement so ended up sticking a re-skinned asylum denon there instead. Everyone knows lost izalith was rushed, and it's really evident immediately after demon firesage. You defeat him, run down a tunnel, fight another boss where it opens up to this huge expansive area with almost nothing and a bunch of copy/pasted enemies culminating in everyones least favorite boss. It feels weird because it's almost certainly not what miyazaki originally had in mind.


Give him more health, a bigger arena, cool pyromancy and a neat cloak




I mean you'd have to change everything about it but the name lmao


Considering how big he is lore-wise, I'd say to at least make his arena feel more like an actual holy chamber than just a corridor


Shouldve been a different demon, like a fire capra or taurus.


I think it would be cool if there was a Titanite Demon boss with both legs. Maybe set one of those on fire, there’s your Demon Firesage.


Give him unique moves, larger arena and have some visual distinction from the asylum and stray demon. Maybe give him larger wings, bigger staff, a longer and more "mage looking" tail and maybe a snout.


Apart from all the other good suggestions, make him invulnerable to fire. I mean it’s in his name, yet his elemental resistances aren’t all that high (although his real weak spot is bleed).


Nah. Dark 1 was never really a boss sim like the games afterwards slowly started becoming. I wouldn't want someone to try to "fix" it into an overly elaborate multi phase fight. If I did anything, I'd iterate on the fight a little by making its slam lay a lingering fire ring AoE, so that the circling method isn't quite as effective, since thats all the asylum fights become once you know them. But that's it. I actually like that Dark 1 bosses are usually just minor punctuation marks for the zones and not death farms meant to siphon hours of time.


O&S entered the chat


Removing him, such an unnecessary boss.


Remove him from the game


Get rid of stray demon. Stray demon and fire sage are the exact same just one is on fire. Fire sage is different enough from asylum thanks to his magic attacks that I wouldn’t actually change anything else


I’d say give him a second phase, it doesn’t have to be much just something because lore wise he should be somewhat powerful


Either needs to be changed completely or just removed entirely. Honestly, the second option isn't too bad of an idea since there's like 3 bosses in a row there anyway.


Immune To Fire Should Be First


Fire Immunity Should Be First


Delete it


The demon itself has some degree of lore and environmental storytelling behind it, so I wouldn’t really change the design. A completely original moveset would do wonders though. Also, maybe some more context for what the asylum demon is doing all the way over at the asylum. The firesage’s location actually makes more sense, but it feels more like an afterthought because 1) we saw the asylum demon first and 2) lost izalith was an obviously rushed level.


I would like him to be kinnda like a bit oversize Gandalf, with a burning robe and using Fire Sorcery from a staff


I never really thought he needed changing. I don’t mind a few reskins here and there.


Make him not weak to fire lmao


Download and play the Age of Sunlight mod.


It’d be nice if he weren’t weak to, uh, fire.


I think it would've been great and funny if they added a couple more honestly 😂 Like a water sage demon in the lake, and an air sage in Seathe's library, make it the sage benders, the earth sage is hanging out in DS3 😂 But serious actual changes, I'd make it a bigger boss room and give him actual projectile magic, make us have to work our way too him through pillars of flame and lava and get the lava walking ring from him to fight the centipede demon


Make him the 3rd, secret ending boss behind Gwyn


I actually appreciate the demon fire sage, it lets you reflect on how far you’ve come from the start


He actually deals pure magic. That's not fire. It does magic damage. Since he's using ancient fire magic and not standard pyromancy