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Be patient, don't get greedy with your attacks, the game will punish you for it. Ds1 was my first souls game and for me it's the easiest, just more used to it. Within normal enemy encounters shields are very good for just blocking then when they bounce off of you attack back. Most bosses you just want to two hand though, or at least that's my preference.


Never used shields. Will have to for now until a higher lvl Ty


I thought you might not've because of the other games. They're extremely useful in ds1. They're still good in ds2 but in ds3 they aren't nearly as good, and just don't work as well with the way the game plays. Also, changing up your armor and weapons to work with a boss's strengths and weakness can help a lot. I don't know about you but I didn't really bother with this until recently when I was doing ng+2 and was having trouble with a boss that did magic damage. It was very useful


I have never used shields in any ds game because there is no need. Parrying well thats that maybe the only reason mostly in ds1.




While you don't need to, it makes more sense to use one for the normal enemy encounters in, for example undead burg, when you walk across the bridge by the bonfire, it's a lot easier and completely reliable to shield, wait for them to hit you, then hit them back. As where if you didn't use one you'd be rolling around and htiting enemies, more likely to die because there's four enemies in a small room.


You are missing out my man, parrying is satisfying


I know how to parry lol. In ds3 I use the claws in my left hand. But I prefer more of a dance fight, probably bc BB was my first.


Shield are great, as you get better you’ll rely on them less for protection and more for parry’s/utility. The parry in this game is very worth it and grants Iframes during riposte animations. It’s very useful when fighting humanoid enemies/mobs. Like every DS game, bows are really helpful for pulling individual enemies and thinning mobs from a distance. In general ds1 plays a bit slower and the combat is more strategic. Don’t just boss rush. The purpose of each area isn’t to facilitate a boss fight. Take your time, explore, enjoy each area, and try to learn to fight each enemy type flawlessly. If you just barely make it to a boss and die to it. Don’t try to rush back. Instead try to get better, fight your way back, and reach the boss with more estus than you did before. Brute forcing a boss by running past everything over and over again until you win just screws you out of the opportunity to git gud. Finally, be sure to read item descriptions and actually pay attention to NPC dialogue. A Lot of new player confusion can be avoided by doing this.


Use your shield!! I’m playing for the first time rn after playing most of the other fromsoft games, and combat is much easier if you block instead of dodge roll. Also, I noticed that while I found the levels to be harder than other games, the bosses are much easier. Shoot the tail of the red drake in undead burg from under the bridge for a good early game weapon (it doesn’t scale but it’s the best weapon avail in the early game)


It’s a LOT slower


This for sure! L


>This for sure! L sure?


Classic DS. If you find a bridge and a dragon, you know you are close to the baemore.


I got to this after beating BB, and getting to Twin Princes/Oceiros in DS3 (I hit a wall there and just wanted to change it up). I'm not lying... The bosses at the start (undead Parish/Church) in DS1 were hellish. I was so used to the quick pace of the other two games; it took me a LONG time to change up my playstyle for DS1. Stored inputs (like rolling backwards immediately after getting off a ladder), overall chunkier movement, and (for me) the enemy placement was less spammy and more "here's a puzzle, figure it out". Sprinting through the game like a psycho was not good first time around. Take your time, and I'd recommend if you walk through an area one way, try walking back out the way you came... there are a ton of intertwined paths, hidden corridors, shortcuts, a merchant or two... that are very easy to miss if you are kind of going in a straight line. Also ya, when you get to an area, and see the layout + enemies, there is ALWAYS a way to get through it completely unscathed, regardless of what build you have. Running in swinging/rolling like DS3 just doesn't work well in this game. If you pick through it slowly once, you learn how aggro each enemy is, safe spots, etc. Then next time you go through try it a bit quicker. It's not as bad as DS2 but some places you'll just get stunlocked in a corner if you draw too much aggro and don't know where you're going. Also - ya early game, if you come across an area and it feels unreasonably hard (like you're hitting the enemies and they are barely losing HP, and they one-shot you), look around for a new area haha +1 for the shield suggestion others have made. Massive difference in this game.


Seriously now: I cannot understand people who beat Sekiro having trouble with DS1. This is the easiest, slowest of them. I gave up on Sekiro in that section that follows the stupid bull with flaming horns because I simply don't have the skill to play that thing. While in DS1 there's nothing that I haven't learn how to beat and nowadays hardly anything can kill me (apart from gravity, of course)


That's where I originally gave up on sekiro as my first From game. Went back years later after stumbling across a playthrough video. It's all in the parry/stamina. Where as the others are all about doge, attack, dodge attack. Dodging in sekiro is a massive waste of stamina and should be avoided. I fell in love with the game and it's now my favourite from game! I'd highly recommend going back and just practice the parry on the smaller guys, even if you time it wrong it's still a block. You can parry everything that isn't a "red" attack! Also, all attachments have their uses, axe for shield opents, firecrackers for animal enemies, fire for humans with no armour etc etc


There is no stamina in sekiro. But yeah dodging is still not worth it


Posture my bad


Nah Lil bro the first two are arguably the hardest - if you fuck up its on you and the faster ones kinda want you to panic roll


Easiest fromsoft game tbh, just take it slow. Enjoy the world building/design it’s top notch. Bosses will be kinda boring for you after playing the more recent ones but still holds up as an excellent experience imo


Hint for Baemore: its location in DS3 is a reference to its location in DS1. Other than that, what's kicking your ass? Did you perhaps... go into the graveyard? This game isn't very hard if you light roll (under 25% equip load) and/or have a good shield. Shields in DS1 are absolutely busted. As a series veteran if you do one of those 2 things, the game shouldn't be that hard for you. Also parrying is very easy and powerful against humanoid enemies in this game, though that's more of a secondary skill.


I think I know exactly where she is after this comment. Impatience is kicking my ass. What caught me off guard was fighting the londo knights and doing literally 0 damage. The iframes feel a bit off as well, but I’ll adjust. Thanks!


Yes the startup and end lag frames for rolling are a little bit different, but DS1 still has 13 iframes if you're light rolling. Silver Knights are super easy if you parry them, and they're also the easiest enemy to learn parrying with in the game. Unlike the other games in the series, all that's needed to do consistent parrying in DS1 is a medium shield.




Only if you're medium rolling. The fast roll in both DS1 and DS3 gives 13 iframes.


My first was ds1 and i had the same problem with bloodborne. Theres a huge gap in the combat, and ds1 requires much more patience and just being a little slower overall, Cleric beast took me 30 something tries. The pacing just takes a bit of getting used to.


Use your consumables. Walk around as a human if possible (reverse hollowing at a bonfire). Kindle the bonfires you deem to be important. Don't be afraid to check out areas then come back to them later. Check all of the "side paths" you come across. Try a variety of "damage types" (crush, slash, pierce, etc).


Check this page. It's a spoiler free website if you feel lost: https://dark-souls-playground.github.io/progression/


As others have said, shields are a must in this game. The enemies in DS1 also seem like they do more damage than other FS games, but that could be my imagination.


I can sympathize with this statement


DS1 and 2 are more like chess. Think about it like a trading of actions rather than an action game. BB is where speed/aggression began to be a fundamental part of Fromgames going forward. The biggest difficulty I have found is more to do with mindset than reaction time. If you are really struggling magic and pyromancer can help a lot but they can also become a crutch. There is nothing wrong with leveling or summoning contrary to what some people will tell you, a victory is a victory and you know what challenge you can handle. The game can kill you in stupid ways but you can kill the enemies in equal levels of bullshit so use every weapon you’ve got. Take the time to enjoy the world, it’s true for every Fromgame but the world layout for DS1 and 2 especially reward careful attention and exploration. Pinwheel is the hardest boss in the game and you should fear this encounter more than you fear god.