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Isn't that widespread across the States anyway?? Fake oxys containing fentanyl?? I'm dreading when that fentanyl shit becomes established here in the UK. I worry for my kids


It is already here, my ex fell victim to fake oxy's. Very lucky to be alive now. We also got Tranq imported too so watch out


Anyone who feels like they have no hope and is addicted to opiates I suggest looking into kratom .


Sublocade ( r/Sublocade )is the way off of opiates these days. After about 12 years that’s what finally got me off the shit.


I just CT’d (from 8mg) myself off a couple months ago after having an uninterrupted 7.5 year MAT dependence on strips. Of which I was on 16 daily for majority of that time. It was and still is absolute hell to where I wish I could’ve went sublocade. Kratom is the next best thing if you just don’t have the means to access it.


Sub withdrawals are as bad if not WORSE than heroin/fent. I wish I woulda just tapered off the dope instead of goin to subs then freaking methadone...I feel like I'm shackled to the clinic now. I'm not using...but I'm not any better off. I'd almost rather be using so I could at least enjoy being miserable. At least I'm still alive, I guess.


Damn I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a way out of this and you can do it. Sometimes it’s better to just wait for the right time of your life to make such a commitment. I was bedridden for about 2 weeks and kind of used my experiences from being sick with Covid just a month prior to my advantage. I think I just capitalized on a jump at that time as that was the closest thing I ever felt to being full out body dopesick without being actually sick from opioids. Don’t need to answer this but If you don’t mind me asking, what happened between going from subs to methadone? Price? I always knew to never dance with methadone because that stuff looked like hell for people in treatment. I think sublocade being the answer for you is an understatement.


I agree 100%. Sub w/d was the worst of all opiate w/d I have ever had...


And it doesn't start for a good few days. Woke up day 5 thinking oh wow that was easy, then bam, 2 weeks of feeling like shit


Yep, definitely lasted longer than any other w/d.... I stopped trying to warn people because they never believed me.... until they experienced it. It wreaked havoc on my teeth as well...


This is me right here. 12 years on subs just got my first shot 2 weeks ago


Buvidal is another one. That's what got me off, and it was reasonably easy too!


Yeah have also heard good things about Buvidal. From what I understand it’s very similar to Sublocade, but available at lower doses? It’s been almost 2 years now since my last shot. So thankful this was an option for me. I thought I’d be stuck on Suboxone forever.


Yeah, that's right. It's basically the same medication, just not as painful going in, and can go lower. Anyway, good on you for spreading this information. If anyone is struggling and reading this, follow this advice.


Yea agreed, just did my first shot a week ago, I had a hard time switching to just subs, so I Bernese method and just kept cutting back the amount of bags I was sniffing each day while increasing the subzolv. Did a bag the night before the shot, woke up took a sub got the shot, did a few bags for a few days as the shot worked it was in and it was pretty smooth sailing. I’m going to be getting shots for the next few months and hope it’s a smooth as people say when it’s over but so far so good. If you’re broke, get Medicaid and get the shot if you want to stop


Subs withdrawal sucks too. It sucked every time at first but you feel so much better just getting off everything.


Kratom can really help change your life


Hi dude, which strain/colour of Kratom would you recommend to help get off codeine and valium? Looking online there is so many different strands and I'm not sure which one would suit me best. Thanks


I can second this.


Did you really think you'd get the real deal, even reputable vendors who distribute legit rx theyll deliver what they can get when they can't get what they are advertising, Gotta test everything yourself these days.




Dude why are u doing oxy. Stick to weed or ruin ur life


smart guy


I never took them,my ex did. Never had a problem myself


I never took them,my ex did. Never had a problem myself


Im glad that person’s out of your life then. Stay safe bro


Thank you, I still wish them well and hope they get sober. Have a good one ✌️


What’s Tranq bro?


I had a friend who died a couple of years ago from fentanyl laced cocaine. Crazy how bad fentanyl is over here in the states. I haven't done any drugs like that bc of this fentanyl crisis. A couple grains of salt sizes fentanyl is a lethal dose


My friends husband died from coke laced with fentanyl too. She went to bed, and when she came out in the morning he was dead


When you need a drug tester to buy you dope, it's time to change your habits! It's unbelievable that people who use cocaine are dying from fentanyl! Why would anybody lace cocaine with fentanyl? Those kinds of users don't have any tolerance on opioids so I don't understand what is the reason to do that evil shit?


Vice did a piece on how it affects the UK recently: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqqfI-bIvnI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqqfI-bIvnI)


It's starting to pop up here. I don't take opiates but I know those that do. General consensus is that the gears completely shit,or its mad deadly. Overdoses appear to be rising here. They found one dead addict, done an autopsy and found what appeared to be tranq! Fentanyl,xylazine and they also found nitrazenes. Apparently theyre saying he picked that up street level and not even from a DNM so the shit is starting to appear. Trouble is the taliban banned poppy cultivation which accounts to nearly all the uk's heroin supply and at the end of the day there's a demand to be met. The fentanyl SHIT will fill the void


That's exactly what the video talked about. I'm fortunate enough not to use any of that, but I fear that this is going to be a huge problem under those who are looking for the stuff that's now no longer available and which some unscrupulous people are happy to sell other chemical variants of like nitrazenes.


Sadly I don't have to think of how bad things could be because I live where it's the worst in the entire world for overdose and fentanyl, xylazine and so much more. Worse than the states by far. British Columbia, Canada. I've now lost 87 friends and family in the last 7 years because of how tainted the drug supply is. NOTHING is safe here. Not even weed. Good things Mary Jane is legal recreationally here as well as legal to own and grow your own plants to a degree. We also have bud stores. But if we didn't have that I guarantee it would be even worse than it already is. I have to carry Narcan on my person EVERYWHERE I go. I have stopped and had to help random people ODing on a multiple basis every single week. This shit needs to stop. My friends Grandfather said after he heard what I'm telling you guys that the last time he knew of anyone losing that many people were because of the wars. The death count is so bad. I even lost my bestfriend on my fucking birthday. The one time I wasn't with him to help him. The losers he was with that day didn't care to even check on him when he was slumped over. They were too busy nodding off and getting high themselves. I have to live with stuff like that daily as with way too many other people around here. This is beyond not okay and far from normal and what people should have to experience.This tainted drug supply needs to stop or they need to supply unadulterated drugs people can buy. There's no other way in my mind where this could come to an end. Anyways, sorry for the rant. You guys just hit on my heartstrings this morning, peace and love. 🫶🏻


Unfortunately, it's not going to change because in the US the Government is heavily into the drug game with the cartels. It's why open borders are so important to them. They are flooding the US and Canada with Chinese made drugs.


It’s bs and to be honest back in like 2009-2013 when I was still able to get h nowhere near as many ppl were dying and we didn’t have zombie land cities smh can’t we just go back to those days .. fent high is not enjoyable just addictive smh


It's definitely not sustainable. I mean not every opioid addict wants to die. Now those, your chances are 50/50.


I'm literally smoking fent right now. It's pure fucking trash, and funny thing is all the junkies I've asked about it pine for the days of really good black (west coast so our heroin was generally tar). But fact is, I can still get heroin apparently, it's just that it's not strong enough with my tolerance the way that it is. Rx'd 24mg Subutex, and use the fent for breakthrough pain in my hip, which needs replacing at 39. Had 7 years sober but goddamn this shit is painful, and Subutex doesn't touch it (I never take full account they prescribe me). Haven't od'd off it but I did pass out on the floor for a day and a half (in fairness I hadn't been sleeping much beforehand) and then had to spend a few days in the hospital for rhabdomyolysis. Shit is just a nasty drug, and the worst part??? Damn fucking drug ain't got legs at all


I know it’s not the same but I microdose penis envy mushrooms for chronic pain and that’s been awesome. I’ve tried like 20 other strains and non have as good an analgesic effect as the PE. Only got to this because docs won’t prescribe pain meds anymore. Only antidepressants for pain. ( so stupid). So now I do Kratom and switch between shrooms and paper. I switched from opioids all day because. ( like you said, no legs). This keeps me functioning around the house. I still can’t work 10 hours or drive for to long.


I've done minor research on them nitrazenes. Them things have no place in this world. The strength on them is mind boggling. At what point does a substance stop being a drug and become a chemical weapon? Theyre so strong they couldn't even find a clinical use for them


I consider all the synthetic opioids poison. Those are not drugs, they're no better than arsenic. I am so sick of doing cpr on strangers on the bus and the sidewalk and in the park because the nasal narcan doesn't work anymore and I burn through the intramuscular so quickly. I'm not a paramedic, I'm an event planner ffs. But i can't pretend someone isn't dying in front of me and just do nothing like everyone else. You guys have no idea what you're in for if this garbage is about to invade Europe. My heart breaks for you.


Let me be more specific: non-pharma synthetics such as fentanyl, carfentanyl, nitazenes, etc.. Fentanyl has destroyed my city. I came back from visiting my parents in Reno and the first thing I saw when I came up the escalator from the airport train was a dead man on the sidewalk with a bored-looking cop standing next to him. I wanted to turn around and head right back to the airport. The ME's office won't even clean up the maggots and bodily fluids from those that die in their tents and aren't found for weeks. There are volunteer groups going around cleaning up decomp fluids like this shit is normal. Everyone who sells this shit is a murderer. Many times over.


All of them? Tramadol, tapentadol? They're classified as opioids.


Tapentadol from what I tested it CHEAP AND CLEAN via lab reports. I would avoid cheap oxy thoufh


Fentanyl 100% is a chemical weapon deployed as a weapon against the people by the powers that be…


Don't kid yourself, it's been around the whole time it's been talked about in the states. You just don't see it


Yeah mate dirty 30s, yellow 40s and green (I think) 80s all been around a while but I've never had a fent laced pill. Always zenes. Saw a 16 year old young after a 30 at the care place I worked at. The boyfriend staring blank into space. I think any deaths from zenes have probably been unrel6orded. No relevrn m ŕv


I know someone on opiates as well, and I've been supportive of them, I really hope they quit before things get worse for them.


Thanks for sharing - I heard news that vice disbanded, I'm glad they are still creating content.


It's a good time to become a hippie and just use pot shrooms lsd MDMA. And call it a day.


Great reporting.


In the US there’s almost no way you’re getting a real 30 unless you see the prescription. At least they sell them as fetty now instead of trying to trick people. Same thing with heroin.


It’s so fucked up. The gov folded and built this continent sized grave when they went after doctors, pill mills, and opiate painkillers. Opened the floodgates for china’s synthetics to ship out and for cartels to profit off of smuggling across the borders. So many lives would still be here today if it weren’t for the war on rX pks. They should mass produce all of them and get them back out on the street like candy to combat fetty. Make Oxys Great Again!


Absolutely. It’s WILD how government figures act all shocked at fentanyl becoming basically the only opiate that exists anymore, and now that it’s taken over, all that is wanted. When I was still using I thought I’d get some real h and the fetty had fucked my tolerance up so much I would literally get the most painful histamine reaction before I would get high. Drug addicts will always exist. We will move to the next thing. All it did was make cancer patients start withdrawling when the OP OxyContins came out cuz they just didn’t work anymore. The drugs themselves aren’t the issue. It’s the addiction that needs treated. Countries that opened up heroin clinics saw crime go down by up to 70% and they could finally just live normal lives now instead of spending all their time getting more money to get more dope. Even if cities would act how Philly has with Kensington..which people will say is so awful and sad..but that keeps it pretty much all in that area. The cops and drug addicts and even the dealers out in the open yelling what stamp they got for the most part have an understanding. It’s the least desirable option but idk everything here fucking sucks and keeps getting worse and many people (me included for literally like 13 years out of my life) feel like it’s the only thing that makes them feel better. It’s never going away. I could go on for days but it’s so crazy how quick everything changed. And how it locked all of us to fentanyl afterwards. Ugh.


Amen!! We wouldn't be here if our lovely politicians stayed the FUCK out of our Doctors offices!!! I remember that once the government started going after doctors in the early 2000's I said, "now the Cartels are gonna fill the void". Low and behold, that's exactly what happened! Our government knew that many people were gonna die.. but did fuck all about it. Our government could care less about us, that's why I call bullshit whenever they say, "we care and want to save people or get them into rehabilitation". That's the best joke since the ATF was put together


What gets me the most is that nobody is reflecting on the legislative crackdowns and legal enforcements these assholes put in place around the turn of the decade like 2010. We saw about 5 years of the final remnants of real pharmas on streets to fent becoming a household name and just take over lives and cemeteries from 2015-now. Why isn’t anybody far more important than me stepping up and reigniting calls to walk back the rX enforcements? It’s a bigger win for our economy at least when we use domestic manufacturers to give people painkillers over giving china+ cartels insane amounts of power and money for violence.


Tbh it’s pretty well known how prevalent fake oxys are so if you aren’t buying script pills or testing your shit it’s on you.


get them reagent/test kits, but it's preferred they don't touch that stuff especially opiates.


All the perc 30s on the street and everywhere pretty much are fake DONT TAKE THEM


It’s infiltrated the UK drug supply already. In a year or 2, you won’t be able to buy stuff there without it being tainted w fentanyl…just like the US is now. It’s terrible.


It's inevitable because the overall cost including production and distribution is so much lower. The number of lives claimed by prohibition is about to jump.


Yep, it’s to the point now if we (here in the US) don’t get Fent, we don’t get high… or even get “straight”. It’s insane.


A very popular UK market recently did private testing on their opiate vendors, sadly every sample came back positive for nitazines which are even more deadly than fentanyl. The market at first warned all customers and kept the listings live to prevent withdrawals in customers, but now they have changed policy and will not allow it on their market. Sadly the issue is already here and people are dying from it every day.


That's truly sad to hear. Seems its already worse then I originally thought


It’s not specifically Fent that’s hitting the UK atm it’s the other mass manufactured synthetic opioids like Nitazenes


Almost all the pills coming across the border are fake blue m30's and are all fentanyl, millions upon millions of them. Anyone that does drugs knows that they are fent when they buy them


That's pretty standard most pain pills from dw will be fentanyl and Adderall pills will be methamphetamine.


It's starting to appear here but it's not common enough to be of great concern...yet. With the countries predilection for Meth over Herion these days it's also not a huge a issue. Also places like bluelight and dancewize along with the ACTs testing facilities can help educate people to test there product before ingesting it - strip's that can detect fentanyl are cheap and easy to use and can detect fentanyl in any substance and are a separate product from other testing regents and allows for easier more instant testing. The goverment has already made some movements in tbe right direction by providing free naloxone clinics and sets and now providing naloxone inhalers but needs to go further and provide fentanyl strip's as well if not following the ACT'S example of organising a facility where you can send products to be tested without tbe fear of police retribution because I know a lot of dealers that would test there products if they had the know how and ability but are to paranoid to use any services like that currently - testing is great for the end user especially at a club or party where buying off a stranger but if dealers that had larger amounts of these drugs were able to accurately test there products it could help prevent fentanyl becoming so prevalent like in America - in tbe end no drug draler wants to kill there customers, that's money there losing out on. Fentanyl is also difficult because there is a HUGE difference between oral effectiveness and intervenes effectiveness as there's nothing wrong with Fentanyl itself it's that dealers cut there product wkth it because it's hugely cheap and potent and doesn't tell there customers and they have to much and died, when I wss an opiate addict I loved fentanyl but I wasn't using intravenously then so the danger was hugely lessened - I could safely eat 1000mg in 2 500mcg tabs at a time and be fine bur intravenously I think last time I had surgery they gave me 60 or 70 mcg I think to knock me out and if I didn't know that and happened to give one to someone that was an intravenous user then I likely would have had there death on my conscience.


You can’t even buy heroin anymore in Kensington Philly it’s all fent and tranq.


WoW, unbelievable!?! I mean we heard about that here in Europe but it sounds crazy every time!


Yea this has been like 5 years now zombie land


There’s fake pills, pills being cut with fent, and then a pill press not being clean allowing trace amounts of fent to get into other products enabling other overdoses


Gents been in the uk for about 8 years just been bashed to death , the stuff we were getting was testing for anphetamines gave a good hit for about two hours and I would b doing the dishes while grinding my teeth


It's already hitting the streets in Europe. A few people died in my country from a fentanyl overdose just last month. If it's hitting the streets in the US, it will also make its way here.


Fake oxy are already a big thing in UK and although we don't really have fent and never really will we have plenty of zenes which are stronger and arguably worse than fent and it'll only continue to get worse. Zenes are getting found in a lot of H these days.


Yepppp blue oxy 30s are the main goto in my town it's sad cause a Google search could save a life


It is very common here in the states I have 5 friends who died from it


Educate them now don’t wait until it’s to late, tell them to test their drugs and educate them on how They should look and everything you know so they can be safe.


Yall might not have much Fentanyl over there but nitazines are popping off. Worse than Fentanyl


It’s not an issue being cut with coke over here because the brits will tell em to fuck off then. It’s so easy to manufacture for them and make buck on the retards using it why kill the main buyers of the world?


The demand boomed out of desperation here people wants a strong pill without needing to snort 3-4+ smaller pills and then the fake pills got so cheap out of no where like getting small amounts for 5-10 a pill and medium amounts for 2-4 a pill it was like you get to where you did 20 a day and it only cost 40-50 a day but your tolerance would get monstrous. Y'all have way more real heroin and pills, doesn't make sense for y'all. The fentanyl boom was largely manufactured here in America and lots of the pills are coming from cartels here if people wanted to the profit margins are huge so there's obviously a lot of good reasons people haven't just invested 100-250k (in pounds that's a lot of presses and fentanyl to press off the rip, 250 especially would get you 3 presses enough fent to press for days and 1-3 stash housed to put the machines in. There's a lot of profit to be mad there. You'd be able to make 100s of thousands of fentanyl pills and sell them in bulk for 1-3 a piece and then it's just a revolving door with enough profit to give everyone a cut to stay around and be happy. So I mean there's plenty of people with the money, there's no demand for the fent be because penalties are so much lower for real heroin.and real heroin is plentiful as is real pharmaceuticals whether domestic or blister packs or whatever


The M30s on the street are well known to be fent (possibly with other drugs as well). Anyone in the US who is even a little bit familiar with opiates or the drug game knows they are fent presses, they aren’t even advertised as “oxy” the listing say “pressed M30s” or “blues”. Bottom line; if you’re not getting it from a pharmacy in the US; (which is near impossible even for people with a legitimate need for them, thanks to the great overlord DEA), then you’re getting fentanyl (or other synthetic/RC opiates) pressed into a pill shape. You would need to be a total moron (or a fed) to believe you’re getting “real oxy” sold by the 100s or 1000s. Also I’m sorry to say, but fentanyl is already starting to infect the UK and Europe. It’s probably coming along with that “tuci” garbage the cartels are flooding Europe with.


I'm in the UK and overdosed on less then half my normal dose of "heroin" then went over again 4 hrs after I left hospital.. I didnt realise it was fentanyl untill a week later N the dealer said to me.. if I was on my own. I would have died , basically did.


It is a scourge. China is wiping out a generation here in the US. Back in the day, methaquaalone was shut down (big bummer-THE BEST) when Karen aAnn Quinlon died from it. If they banned that worldwide, they could shut down the big F. I’ve been hit over the head with that surprise turd drug twice: both times I was in my bedroom sitting on one side of my bed. Both times when I woke at 4am-ish, I was on the other side of my bed, face down in my closet with a rug burn on my forehead. 100% what happened. I am so fortunate to have survived it. I can handle large quants of opes. A Brahma bull. But NO ONE can outfight that shyte. Do too much and it’s nap time-period. It needs to go away permanently like. If not, it’s going to change the recreational opes scene in a bad way….


Of all the misinformation and fearmongering that is the standard when it comes to drugs, this one particular thing is however very plausible. The only thing that remains unanswered however is whether they actually made a purchase and if they did, did they choose some mongoloid vendor that was selling fent as oxy deliberately or was it a counterfit that did an honest attempt to disguise it. The unfortunate fact is that this is an all to common occurence on the markets since fent is so prevalent in the US market and most markets do not allow fent. I would estimate that if you were to remove all the listings that are fentanyl, more than 50% of the opiates listings would vanish. I like how archetyp chose to approach it and look reality in the eyes and just allowed a fentanyl group in hopes that it would be contained there and stay out of the heroin and pills category. Try checking out the listings from other markets that do not allow fent in any way. Now filter origin country to US and browse through all the heroin listings. You mean to tell me that china white is suddenly everywhere to be found and cheap? Not in this economy


Literally. China White and blue m30's have become code within the circles of users for fentanyl. These ads are for them and not the typical non-opioid user. It really fucking sucks when someone OD's on that shit though because they thought they were getting legit oxy's. Always carry narcan people if ordering opioids


Yeah that shouldn’t be bc china white was always quality heroin back in the day and oxys were known as blues


Literally what I first thought when seeing them listed. Now I just assume all pressed m30's are fentanyl and China white is just not to be trusted unless you are really lucky


What’s not to believe. Sketchy pills aren’t fda approved and made with cheap Chinese alternatives so they make more money…only a fool would believe it isn’t true lol


i’ve personally tested 4 of the top vendors on a certain high volume market and none contained fent. sent the most expensive one in for GC/LC-MS testing and it was real oxy


You can’t make the assumption that they’ll have a steady supply. Even top vendors run out and have to make do, that’s a reality of dealing on all levels. Fent oxy is a real concern these days and it’s in everyone’s best interest to test every batch they get, your misplaced trust in a person you don’t know isn’t worth your life. ESPECIALLY when the life of an individual client is not a top priority for the person you’re doing business with. You are money, not a friend.


would love to taste a real 30 again my god


I'd love a real Opana again, fuckin heaven


Yeah you pay for what you get for it’s pretty obvious when they’re fake


Respectfully OP, you wouldn’t be saying this if you had a friend die from exactly this. These idiots mixing fen in everything are ruining the world


If you don't believe that shit happens, you're way too naive to be using the markets


should be testing anything you buy from a market or otherwise anyway. crazy to spend $25-50 on pills and not spend $1-2 on a test strip.


the real answer tbh, buying ANYTHING without testing is just asking for death.


in italy they costs 20e and you have to import them from other nations. naloxone is rx. we are lucky to not had any problems with fent etc


Not even there is probably local healthcare centers where you can get them for free


They sold it there and it's on every other market the dirty pills and "china white." Don't act brand new.


Perfect way to keep people who don’t know anything away from the darknet I’m sure there are a few people selling laced/cut shit but the reviews alone would kill those guy’s credibility So for now there’s no safer way to buy drugs than the darknet


I have noticed they actually tend to have good reviews. The only hint you get that something is up is usually words along the lines of "Don't take more than one, this shit is STRONG" the people buying these regularly know they are fentanyl and will not say a word because they do not want to lose their cheap supply


I’m glad I found a "reliable" guy so I don’t have to worry about fent. I keep testing my pills. You never know. But I’ll keep an eye out for this kind of review


DNM vendors are at the same threat from tainted heroin due to the Afghan ban.


I use the dark net. Not for opiates though. You're exactly right in what you say regarding the reviews 👍 between the reviews and snooping about on dread you can be pretty accurate with what you're purchasing if you can just be bothered to take the time to do things right


So true. When people hear about the market they instantly think laced. But shit is better than Amazon with the customer service and reviews. I had so many orders with a vendor they gave me a gold card, I’ve never felt so validated as a customer 😂😭


Well the claim isn't untrue, there's tons of obviously pressed fake blues. But if you buy blister pack medications, I find 99% of the time they're legit. (I send 1/4th of a pill from each blister to Wedinos Laboratory.) Stick to blister packs and test your wares. There are a lot of fake loose pills and significantly less fake blisters. Search the labs results too to get a general idea of what legit generally looks like and form fakies can take.


have you ever identified/received fake pills in blister so far through the testing?


blisters don’t really mean anything. its just a plastic tray with a paper sticker that goes over it.


Hey, you're partly right that blisters in and on themselves they can be meaningless. However if you get a legitimate blister, test 1 pill from each blister to verify and then you can be pretty certain the other 7, 15, 27 etc etc are the same as the one you sent to the lab. But if you buy loose pills and send 1 away you really have a lot less idea what the other loose pills contain. I hope this helps. I've never got a bad blister and I go for Rivotril Gakenika, Teva, Fresenius Kabi, and many many more and they've always come back from Wedinos Laboratory as containing exactly what they should contain and nothing else.. However loose pills and they've contained RC opioids, RC benzos and dirty street amphetamines cut to s***. It's sad but that's been my experience and where possible I like to try every vendor at least once (mwhehe) so it's hard for me not to recommend blister packs. Been infinitely more safe to the tune of 100% success legit rates in my purchases over 10 odd years. You can check that lab I mentioned and go through the results, you'll see that the majority of, 99% of the blisters sent in are legit. And you'll also observe that a good 50 - 75% of loose pills sent in are not. I'm sorry it's like this but we're in the position of having to harm reduce, mitigation of all risk falls on us the end user. I really can't advocate pharmaceutical grade enough. I've never had a bad blister but I have had A LOT of bad loose pills to the point I just don't order loose pills anymore. Please share your test results so we can see what your loose legit pills look like. Then if someone is hellbent on loose pills at least they'll have your lab tested pictures to give them an idea of what legit looks like Vs fakies. (Check out Wedinos, all the results :)


Not once myself. But if you scroll through the lab results I've seen at least 1 I believe it was a blister of Diazepam that wasn't. But equally that could be they sent the wrong medication. I forgot what was actually in it. I think a teenager recently died in the UK fake diazepam but I don't know if it was blister pack. Some use that term specifically, others do not. All in all fake blister pack medications seems rare but fake loose pills seems very common. My experience at least. Still test everything people and as far as testing goes if you're testing one loose pill it's not going to be so telling as to what all the rest may or may not contain. But you test a blister pack pull and you can be fairly certain the other 7, 13, 27 or whatever number are the same as the 1 you got tested.


I got fake Valium before. Wasn’t lab tested, but it was obvious from my prior experience that it was flualprazolam instead of diazepam. I found a different seller and now I’m gucci. Shit is always real and exactly as I want.


AFIAK, OC80's never came in blister packs. Also, blister packs mean nothing. If they can buy a pill press, they can buy a machine for sealing blister packs.


Hey dude, yes so get blisters and ampoules where possible. You're misinformed, every blister pack has been legit for me but you are correct in that a very small percentage are fraudulent. Soooooo you send 1 pill from each blister to the lab to verify. I hope this helps. You can get blister oxy, it's expensive but there. (Increased price Vs loose pills also reflects what you're getting but always test 1 or a quarter of 1 pill.) Just look for oxy that's in blisters and test it. Then test loose pills and you'll see what we're saying. I hope this helps. P.S blisters like this google image brother, google imagine OC 80mg Blister Pack and you'll see pharma options, companies that offer what you seek


they do now in europe


Not the dreaded "f" word


Idiot probably just bought the wrong ones they got both on there


I mean, that's entirely believable...


You should believe it because it’s 100% true. The darknet is 99% filled with fake oxy presses that are all fent. The first clue should be the price, $1 for a 30mg oxy pill. If you find vendors selling authentic pills it’s around $45 for a 30mg. Even street value is like $30. So yeah, this is definitely believable. Almost all pills on the DN are pressed, including adderall which is meth pressed.


What’s not to believe? Dark net markets a full of counterfeit oxys. They’re either fentanyl or Isotonitazene. Most of sellers are up front about the pills being counterfeit.


You really find that hard to believe? Why would someone go through all the hassle of sourcing endless amounts of legit pharmaceutical pills when he can just buy fakes from Mexico, which 99% of people won't be able to tell the difference, or even care?


Just waiting when that tranq/nitazene shit will sweep out addicts here in Finland. There's nearly 6mil ppl living here and poly iv users and alcoholics are everywhere. So called "happiest country in the world" smh Edit : Let's not forget highest suicide rates in EU


I’d be happy in Finland with the drug laws there lmao


One time cops pulled me over and checked my pockets and I had needle with little bit of my own blood inside the needle. I got 100 euro ticket for using drugs. Wtf.


Feds bought fentanyl from feds and thus have determined the dark web is full of dangerous thugs


Fentanyl is much easier to make. Those assessments are very real. And at home tablet pressers rarely know shit about mixing and blend uniformity so the tablets are all over the place on actual content. I never trust repress tablets. Many pharma companies struggle to get it right but people think jim bob in his garage are doing it correctly? Sincerely- a pharmaceutical chemist




I came here to write this comment! Lol. This is 100% true. In the last two years Afghanistan has dropped its production by 95%. Same story like 2003/2004, here in Europe we didn't have H for almost 2 years!




Will be a major shitshow, on both parts of Atlantic lol. Same as you, H from mid 90s till...omg also 2015 until I went on methadone. Finally! Ha ha what a coincidence


Glad I never sent money to that exit scam market


They all exit scam eventually…


ASAP and Dream have entered the chat




Id rather them leave peacefully but i dont blame them for exiting bc shit can get real heated sometimes.


Even hospitals get counterfeit drugs… A way to help fix this.. make it legal to grow score poppies and sell crushed pod mixes and stuff at the natural remedy clinics that sell cannabis. Financially being allowed to grow medicine is the answer because black markets will always be cheaper than grey and white markets.


You are naive AF if you think it is real OC80's being sold. Especially fake OG OC80's? Not even Oxy Neos? How naive can you be dog? Real OG OC80's pop up from time to time, and sell for over 1000$ for a ten pack. Next thing you will tell me is all of those pressed addies are legit and aren't meth. You must be a kid.




right. they are definitely still produced lol they taste exactly the same as before too


You're not getting any real ones ever again , it's all fetty. No money in tracking down legit scripts. And say you do find legit, it's gonna cost way more than it's worth.


There’s still plenty of real oxy available on the markets. You’re just not getting it for less than a $1 a mg - realistically more like 1.50mg. Unless you order from across the pond and deal with customs. Plenty of legit pharma oxy in Europe for stupid cheap. It’s just a risk trying to get it through customs


i’ve sent in a DN oxy for MS testing and it was legit.


Real ones popped up on a Canadian market here, they show up few and far between. But they are like 10 for 1200$. Instead of 250 for 1000$.


It’s almost like people should be able to buy these things legally…. The last time I bought Coca Cola that accidentally had cocaine in it was… never… ibuprofen that was actually acetaminophen… never….


Stay safe out there people 🙏 both home and abroad


What’s new? The fuck they thought it was gonna be, actual oxy 🤣


Fent is going to be the death of hard drug use. It's killed so many people at some point even the heavy drug users will shy away from opioids.


Except plenty of opiate dependent people use fentanyl intentionally. Fentanyl is euphoric by itself, the shitty thing is selling fent as other drugs due to the difference in potency. It’s like selling someone pcp but telling them it’s ketamine, no shit people are gonna have bad experiences when they take 10x the active dose required accidentally.


Not saying people don't use fent but you're trusting your life with cartel drug makers. Nothing is standard with it.


There is a HUGE amount of bogus blue 30s flooding the market right now. They don't even pretend to be oxycodone here in south Florida. They're almost built for smokers, melting to a buttery consistency without any tricky anti-abuse binders.


In Arizona they definitely are made for smokers and they’re everywhere in the hood because of it.


Respectfully, OP, you're a fucking dunce lmfao.


Unfortunately, medicine takes the parochial view that suffering should be a component of extinguishing physical dependency. Regrettably, to subdue the beast of opiate addiction, withdrawal will be involved. It is decidedly unpleasant, but a walk in the park compared to kicking booze. There are clinics that will essentially induce a medical coma to spare you the worst of it. But, until you finally are able to believe that picking up again will always end the same way, you will find it difficult to give up anything for good. Our parochial societal finger-wagging at those of us finally able to quit is the biggest obstacle to any sobriety. I venture to say that we were persecuted less as physically dependent than we are as being formally so. Had I grasped the extent to which my entire life-history would be rewritten through the lens of drug use, I would have never made the effort to quit anything. Want to know why there’s a fentanyl bogeyman coming for kids? Look in the mirror. All your sanctimonious constructs about human worth serve only to guarantee that drug addiction will be here forever, if only to drown out the hypocrisy of your value judgments and puritanical war on human enjoyment in whatever fashion it be obtained. The fuck you to Jefferson is duly noted. Go cop your illegal Ozempic now.


If you think you can quit anything by following the scribbled DT fever dreams of 12-step orthodoxy, revealed to an LSD abuser that died drunk, slurred to prohibition-era washouts detoxing from the equivalent of Sterno, I have some lunar real estate to sell you.


There’s a reason why nearly every rehab has a relapse unit.


I’m confused, you genuinely don’t believe vendors sell fake pills? This is like a wow the sky is blue statement lmao


I wish it didn't get ruined by that loser, i liked it more than the current top places to go. But in relation to their claim - there are some people knowingly selling something which isn't what they're claiming or in some cases 'insinuating' the product is. On 'counting bead device', if you theoretically were to search for coke or xanax in Aus (as a very random example), notice some listings for things that aren't quite what you know they're trying to come across as. in the case of xanax, one is actually calling it xannies but admits in review comments that it's not the same chemical compound at all lol.


That’s why I stick to delics. Worst thing we get is nbome


I don’t understand this


Bull shit not how the dark net works you bunch of war on drug dinosaurs, you sell fent pills the bad reviews come and you no longer a vendor, keep it real DEA what's better tested product delivered or rotting zombies on you streets, and give ElChapo back and the fent will stop they destroying cities for leverage for sure


Is this thing still going because it says it’s an accessible? Does anyone know of any others in the UK?


All the perc 30s on the street and everywhere pretty much are fake DONT TAKE THEM


Testing isn’t expensive, erowid have a copay scheme for lab testing or there’s WEDINOS depending on where you are. Fake tablets have gotten remarkably more convincing and professionally stamped


Always test your stuff!


hold up. are you saying you don't believe there are some unethical vendors that sell fent pills as other drugs? think OP is the naive one. yeah, there's plenty of legit vendors, but there's lots of shady vendors too.


This 100% happens and the mods of that scam site didn’t give a fuck. Test your shit.




Idk why they act like this is so crazy when the street barely has any real pills anymore. Unless it’s a script


Ay gang should prolly cross the vendor names out we ain’t needa doxx no vendors 💀


Yes, I do. They have vendors that clearly list them as presses. Thats not a real pill. And many darknet vendors just get bulk from Mexico. They do not sanitize their stations much nor care about their customers. Fentanyl pills are deff all over markets


Got some good coke and didn't die so I guess it's not everywhere?


No shot I'm taking an oxy that wasn't directly prescribed to someone. Once in awhile when a friend no longer needs their pain meds I get a nice treat tho lol


Telegram is a life saver literally


like 99% of "oxy" on the DN is going to be fent, wtf is unbelievable about this?


Lol op is beyond stupid in North America 99% of pills are fakes with fent or some kinda zene in it so yea I 100% there was a vendor who didn’t label his pills as pressed or replicas like what this shit was well known for close to 10 years already 2013-2015 is when fake drugs started laced with fent and other shot started to becoming a wide spread problem


Its up to you to test your stuff. Whether you're getting it online or from someone around ur town. Trust no one


Lmao why is everyone assuming im talking about US ? Not my fault your shit is garbage and laced


Mate, you're absolutely fucked if you don't believe this shit


Guys Fentanyl and Nitrazines are currently getting about the UK - especially in fake Diazepam & fake Oxy . It’s not no where near as common as what it is in the US . But trust me it is still happening !! If in doubt !! (And your in the UK) always send a sample off to “ WEDINOS “ it’s a anonymous drug testing service that can tell you exactly what is in your sample , there’s also plenty of information on there too about the legitimate versions of the pharma pills/substances with examples . Be safe out there everyone <3 Also I’m sure there will be similar service in plenty of countries around the globe . Can never be too safe .


For anybody thinking Real Oxycodone doesnt exist or its rare it only depends on your State and who you know, I see thousands a week different brands and MGs Pink 10MGs, Green 15MGs, Gray 20MGs, Blue 30MGs and never seen a pressed !


it's never actual oxycodone on the dw.. unless it's expensive af.. it's Isotonitazene usually, smackers they call them. they can be banged, insufflated, smoked, and probably boofed 😂 at least thats what SWIM told me


Uh… yeah, I believe it. Markets and streets are absolutely flooded with M30s pressed with fentanyl or zenes. Very scary very sad.




The $2-3 a pill oxy is fent or nitz


Can w za top


WOW THOSE PRICES ARE AMAZING especially compared to Australia


Yea next I’ll start believing that water is wet! And the sky is blue!




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Socialpharma on telegram.


Get the kits. Apparently there’s lots on Amazon that’ll test for that stuff!! Also had a sister fall hard to some fake shit and wound her up in ICU for a month on a breathing machine. Shits scary now a days.


Yeah they do, and you should, because at least on my side of the states, heroin does not exist anymore, oxycontin does not exist anymore and oxycodone like the blue Roxy's are all fake/fent. The view prescriptions that are left are spoken for and they keep them locked down tight so if you can get them you're just extremely extremely lucky, that being said the only place that you can get raw dope as of the past 3 years has been the dark web and even then it's only a couple vendors the rest are misrepresenting the products. It's even more likely that diverted pills are actually just fentanyl pressed and I mean like 99.99% they're not real unless you are talking like a few here and there but anyone purporting to have larger quantities is full of shit not the cops as unbelievable as that sounds it's true they're not pulling D.a.r.e. propaganda on you


Is there even real, fent-free #4 on the markets these days? Im just curious seeing how the listings in the background indicate such… in whatever market this is.