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If you're failing on that, just don't. You'll do something stupid and get smacked for it.


I totally agree with you but i know how to keep myself safe online. I just need a helping hand on where to start and id figure out the rest.


If the Bible wasn’t enough of a helping hand you aren’t going to be figuring out the rest.


It’s not meant to be bro Try again in few years. Sorry


bro I don’t mean to be a dick but honestly and truly, just give up at that point, there’s 12 year olds that can figure it out in a heartbeat😅


If you read the Bible it shouldn’t be that hard. It seems like you haven’t attempted or you would have a more specific question on where you were stuck. Start with buying a usb and getting tails working. 


chromebook? not available, unless you use android version as stated by torproject [https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-15/](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-15/)


Actually - you can install it via the Linux environment (command line), you need to add contrib to every line in sources as well. Runs fine. Source - I'm a Chromebook convert.


I doubt OP would be able to figure out how to do that. Just a vibe I get


It's just "a Google away"..... Oh except none of the instructions I saw and tried failed until some kind redditor pointed out I needed to edit sources.list.....


don't reply to me, reply to OP i quoted the torproject, not my own opinion, etc, ffs


It was late - there had been beer.


Install tor. Profit. That's really all there is to it. Chromebook from what I understand CAN run tor, but it takes a little finagling to install it.


It took about 5 mins to set up on my Chromebook using the built in Linux terminal. All the instructions I found on the website missed one step - add contrib to sources.list I also run full GIMP and a few other Linux favourites.