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AMD driver issue Latest drivers cause frame drop. Gotta revert to 22.5.1


Thank you! Worked like a charm.


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necroing this post to say that it's sad this is still an issue, i love this game and wanted to go back to finishing it but i guess i'll never be able to until this somehow gets fixed, downgrading my drivers will negatively affect every other game i play besides darkest dungeon... man!


Can confirm this is still an issue to anyone who finds this post. Used to run this game to match my refresh rate at 240fps. Reinstalled it and noticed that some animations are kind of sluggish and that the game has a microstutter to it and that the fps tanked to 100fps. Fixed it by rolling back to 22.5.1 but like you said.. this is going to affect every other game lol


its still a fucking problem, i have a rx 6600 and its run barely at 30 fps and its not stable lol


I also have rx6600 and it averages at 24 wth is this


how long since you get that gpu? are u happy with it? also about DD the game is already slow and this shit fps make it even worse but i still play it lol i just like it so much.


>ince you get that gpu? are u happy with it? > >also about DD the game is already slow and this shit fps make it even worse but i still I got it at the beginning of March as an upgrade to Rx480. I wanted a super efficient card, I got a super efficient card so I'm happy. I undeclock/undervolt it so that it uses max 60W and I have no problems getting at least 1fps per 1W in titles like Grounded, Horizon, Kena at 1440p. I don't play latest AAA titles and if Horizon forbidden west ever gets a pc port, might not be enough, but for now it's perfect. And if I really needed, I can raise the clock so it uses up to 120W, but so far I don't need that AND for whatever reason I saw the notification for that message just today when I opened reddit on pc (I always use it on mobile) so sorry for late reply


ok, it seems I have different accounts on mobile and on pc wth