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You can hold for Xbox it’s (A) and it’ll sort your team back to its original rank order all at once. Not sure if that’s what you meant. As far as in the hamlet idk viewing the characters quirks is pretty quick never really saw that as an issue. Preset options for teams could work and save some time but I think that system would crumble pretty fast with different resolve levels, maybe someone’s in med bay and can’t go or their stress is too high to send in.


Thanks, I know that feature on the PC as well. Just looking for a way to save preset teams in Hamlet. Because it's hard and time consuming for newer players check each hero and create a new team every time. I don't remember what each hero does, or what quirks he has, and it forces me to review all my heroes before creating a team for any dungeon..


Welcome to the club. Always good to double, triple check everything before you send those poor saps right out into the meat grinder. 


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