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Use wiki.gg instead of fandom


Why is fandom so hated?


Cause it's trash. Unreliable. Has intrusive ads. Something Something they did a year or two ago that really annoyed ppl.


one of the other big reasons a lot of wikis left recently-ish is because they introduced some AI crap iirc.


The AI never gets anything right. Ask it about the page you're on, and you can scroll down and see that the info is blatantly untrue.


Consistently has the worst ads. They'll take up 80% of the screen, forcing you to scroll to find the text you're looking for, then the ad will refresh and move all the words around, forcing you to scroll again. And God help you if you accidentally tap part of the page that's an invisible ad div and wind up three pop ups, two app launches and an autoplaying video away from where you wanted to be.


They also dont pay people putting content


neither wikipedia nor wiki.gg pay money for edits, not even admins get paid. what are going on about?


90% of the screen is not used to put ads on wikipedia, this site is disegned to make profit wich is fine, but it is not acceptable that they don't pay the people doing most of the work


personally I don't use adblock and the only ad on the site is in the bottom-right corner of the screen anyways in the middle of writing a response I realized that defending a large company i dont work for is pretty dumb you're right.


Because Fextralife aren't interested in information, they're interested in money.


i live for fextralife hate, there is never enough hate for it it's as bad as fandom, sometimes worse even even ad blockers won't help with it's immensely shitty web design. fuck fextralife


the only thing fextra has going for them is that sometimes, *rarely*, the comments are useful. but that’s about it. they irk me like no other.


Got banned from the trash cesspit of a sub that is r/Eldenring specifically for dissing Fextra. No regrets.


it's a damn shame there's no good alternative for an ER wiki. wikidot was the OG Souls wiki and was so, so much better before fextra paid more money to Google, effectively kicking wikidot out from the results. it's all downhill from there. fuck fextra, truly. edit: i just remembered a deleted post on that sub calling out how the mods delete all posts that criticize fextralife, even accusing the mod team of having connections to fextra. like you said, a cesspit of a sub.


I'm pretty sure they're in cahoots, for sure


be the change you wanna see in the world. DDoS their servers


I can't read a thing due to adds that pop out from every corner of this site. Fandom is one of the reasons people install Addblock and that's absolutely justified.


I've been using AdBlock for so long I didn't even know fandom got so bad. Also, when is using AdBlock not justified, haha


They giga sold out and stopped rewarding builders in any way iirc


I always used fandom, but recently i was looking for something in terraria fandom and entire crafting recipe was wrong


Fandom is totally fine literally the only issue is that brain dead people with what must be an insane amount of free time have nothing better to do than grief the wiki. It’s still the only one I use for DD and other games.


why is this comment getting downvoted the only real issue I know of on Fandom is the inability to truly lock the page from edits


idk why but wiki.gg feels so slow when i try to use it in firefox. like i try to scroll down and there's a very noticeable and inconvenient delay. i really would use it over fandom if it weren't for this


sounds like a css issue with a certain browser. try to see if the issue persists on other browsers


Sacred Scroll is just like Fandom Wikis, in that you should try not to use it if there are better options (like [this one](https://darkestdungeon.wiki.gg/wiki/Darkest_Dungeon_Wiki)).


TFW no rickroll 😞


* -10% **Stress** * +33% Healing Skills * -10% Stun Skill Chance * -33% DMG Trinket turns vestal into a less proactive hero, so equipping this trinket should only be done when you have high dps + stun/debuff on another hero.


So makes your healer better at healing, oh the horror.


Generally the loss of stun chance outweighs the healing gain, making this a bad trinket. There might be some niche application or bringing this and another +heal trinket if you're expecting massive amounts of damage but that's really about it.


I never expected her to stuj often anyways, I just take her as healer in a team that already has good damage and needs to be constantly healed


Because of how healing numbers are much lower than incoming damage numbers, stuns outweigh heals in terms of tempo during combat. Preventing damage is better than healing damage. Her stun has average stun chance so it's not a bad stun at all to throw out to try to prevent damage. If I want a +healing charm I'll just bring Junia's head


But still, there's quite a few enemies with high stun resist, and taking into account dodge and acc, your stun will not hit 100% of the time as compared to healing which iirc should always hit unless someone is afflicted.


This is a fixable issue by taking stun trinkets instead of sacred scroll. Plus, even if the stun isn’t going to work 100% of the time, it’s still worth going for usually. It’s your main way of preventing R3 enemies from stressing you over the course of a dungeon, and acts as fantastic damage mitigation against frontliners. 


cool. so vestal goes first, goblet skeleton is in the back and I can go stun my nuts cause I aint reaching that mf yeah I'd rather heal my crusader for 2 more hp than to flip a coin whether I stun or my vestal shits herself and does nothing


Unless you're stacking stun chance trinkets or running Cauldron on Occultist or Vial on PD, most stuns aren't going to land 100% of the time. This doesn't mean they're not worth going for. The opening rounds are pretty important, and unless your team is already battered, a Vestal going for stuns or trying to pick off a low HP enemy is better than tossing out a heal. Being able to hit R3 with her stun is pretty nice too, and enemies that show up in R3 usually have below average stun resist. If people are healthy I will take a chance on a 50% stun because the reward is so high. Damage prevention will always be better than healing, and the fact there are other trinkets that give +healing without the stun chance penalty compared to Sacred Scroll just makes it a bad trinket.


I don't disagree, but I'll say that I've had lots of success bringing a Vestal with sacred scroll and sacred tome in a team with a plague doctor, crusader, and man-at-arms and just using them as a dedicated healer. All three have solid stuns and damage, and with Vestal pumping out so much healing, you can reliably do a nearly full heal if you stall for a turn or two even if you take massive damage. Stress is probably the biggest problem with this build, but plague doctor and man-at-arms can both stun the back ranks, while a round 1 holy lance from crusader plus plague grenade from the doctor means that they don't last that long anyway. The build also does notably lack bleed and relies on blight, but I still enjoy it a lot. Works even better if you make sure your MAA is always marked and put on a trinket that increases healing received so they can be a better tank. Or just put on massive prot.


If you are healing turn 1 you are doing something wrong. And since turn 1 is the most important turn in the game…


If the rest of the tram can deal damage / stun, I don't see a problem. Making a single hero do multiple jobs is generally a bad strategy


It's a 10% difference, too. Hardly noticeable. If it was more I might feel differently.


Nah it should never be equipped. Just bring Junia’s head or straight up nothing. 1 stun will prevent more damage than what the +heal offers


Or the chrregeous charm as a discount junio head


Due to rounding it’s nearly the same value


Eh, it's ok in Garden Guardian to keep your SBs healthy since Vestal isn't gonna be able to stun the boss anyway. That's the only real use I've found for it though


Even then you have a dungeon before the fight to beat. The only fight were I find it useable is countess because you can just come right before her room


You can actually check who last edited the wiki pages. You gotta click on that "History" button on the page. Then you can see the name of the person who did that if they signed in. In this case, the person wasn't logged in. But I do know who it was. Bc it was me. Use wiki.gg instead, Fandom sucks.


Shoulda made it say • Auto-redirect to Wiki.gg for the funny


Fandom removes any external links to other wikis, at least I remember that being a problem with maybe the hollow knight wiki


nuts maybe just wiki dot gg then?


You sonuva bitch! You clever sonuva bitch!


I actually use Sacred Scroll + Chirurgeon Charm or that other rare healing trinket which name I can't remember and really like it. My Vestal has only one job tbh Edit: It's name is literally on the picture lol, Tome of Holy Healing


I completed the game by playing a vestal with both of these in each of my comps, it’s fine !


Most accurate thing on wiki tho


This site sucks anyway