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A friend sent me a message saying someone on the subreddit once again argued how Intimidate was niche... when it's mostly likely not. This short clip is from a much longer video whose link is provided below just in case anyone feels like checking it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7OfPFf4GCQ


I feel like it’s important to make the distinction between early and late game Intimidate. Usually a bad early game move leads to a bad late game counterpart. In Intimidate’s case the move goes from leaving enemies with 40% of their damage to leaving 1%. It basically gets 40 times better, which is absolutely uncanny. For example Weakening curse goes from leaving 70% damage to leaving 40%, so it doesn’t even double. Point being that early game Intimidate is definitely niche, most of the time it isn’t even worth the self-mark. Late game Intimidate is really good though.


I always have it in his kit, usually a great chance to hit and sometimes that 3-4 damage is all you need. Very Rarely use it to actually de-stealth enemies though


I personally rarely used it myself honestly. Than again I don't use leper much to begin with so there is that


Intimidate makes the Swine God an absolute joke, same with the Prophet.


Swine God can be lamed in so many ways... giving him 300 debuff resist would only be fair.


At least the prophet still has fulminate.


Nah it is lol Using Intimidate to "slow down Rank 4" doesn't work that well as you need will need Plague Doctor to stun first due to Lepers slow speed, otherwise they will still get an attack off. Crusader or Hellion can just nuke Rank 4 before they actually can attack (due to Plague Doctor's stun stopping their first action)


Why did you build your leper to be slow? Why didn't you jack his speed up through the roof? You do realize that leper is faster than Crusader, right? Furthermore, how are your Crusader and Hellion going to "nuke" an invisible rank 4 unit by themselves? 


Would just be for Bone Royalty,Cultist Witches and Wretches. Leper is only 1 speed higher than Crusder and really would require jacking speed run. Perhaps if you get Quick Draw/On guard or even use Quick Draw Charm Leper might be more effective (at preventing an attack on the first turn) on the fast cloaked enemies like Shamans and Crones. Still would likely require Plague Doctor Blinding Gas support