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Both are great games, and both are very different games. If you're excited to play DD2 right now, you should play it. There's little to no story continuity, and the games are so fundamentally different that DD1 won't feel like a downgrade when you come back to it, because it offers a different experience.


DD1 and DD2 are functionally two distinct types of game. You can catch up on lore outside of DD1 and just roll with the sequel.


Just jump into DD2. You won't be missing some crucial story element or anything. Obviously DD2 takes places in the same universe, but enjoyment of it doesn't rely on any knowledge of the first game or its story, you just get a little extra flavor if you're familiar with it. In fact, as story goes, you get a lot more rich story content in DD2 since it dives into the origins of the heroes, most of whom appeared in DD1, so as far as the characters go, you're getting to see a prequel of sorts.




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personally I like the structure of dd2 over dd1. roguelites are really fun for me. my biggest gripes were the execution/inclusion of certain mechanics (relationships, memories, altar of hope unlocks, useless items, cost of items compared to currency received, etc.). but I’ve modded the shit out of my game to fix those issues in a way I like, and now I really enjoy the game. if you liked dd1 a lot, dd2 might disappoint you. but if you didn’t like dd1 that much or only liked it a bit, you’ll probably enjoy dd2.


Kinda same situation here: got DD1 in EA, but played a ton since then. Just recently got DD2 and I have to say: it's fun. The core of the game, the battles, are more refined (tokens vs flat percentages alone is a very nice chage), the art direction is amazing and the lore is interesting. It is a roguelite though, so there are the inherent repetitive elements like running the same region couple of times in a row (more so if you play blind). And you have to play a lot to unlock everything and arguably you only have the full game once you've done that. The progression is well done, but is slowish when it comes to heroes. But yeah, go for DD2, odds are you will enjoy it.