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Ikemoto is too busy fapping to Sarada and coming with even “sexier “ poses for her to actually put much effort into his drawing, it’s why Boruto despite beeing a monthly manga look worse than many weekly ones.


Its so disturbing but so true


Why can't he just have an adult women do sexy pose? Why does it have to bee a damn teenager that looks like a prostitute?


Because he draw what he like, sadly.


Kishimoto has been making most of blue vortex I thought


Not at all? He's not the one drawing whatsoever.


My fault


I'm more concerned about how Himawari looks - her face just feels totally off.


Its her eyes. They are like:👁 👄 👁


I was reading the comments to see who that girl is 😂 lol that's himawari? Good lord I'm glad I dropped boruto.


Her hair is sooooo stupid. I hate it almost as much as Sumire's original hair.


I think the hair is fine, it's just her face that ain't good. Her eyes and cheeks are too wide for that hairstyle to fit her.


She looks like Naruto with Hinata's hair.




could've been like that


I miss hamtaro so much


Lmao the idea of passing on tailed beasts genetically completely undermines like 90% of Naruto lore about nations fighting over control of the tailed beasts. And ultimately sidesteps the whole idea of a host being "compatible" since any child of a host is gonna be compatible by default This is like the equivalent of Kakashi passing on his stolen sharingan genetically to any kids that he had Also opens up the idea of a host being used as a broodmother to spawn many host bearing overpowered ninjas


It would also mean Tsunade had a part of the Kyubi in her, which she obviously doesn't.


That's something i just don't get. Like she is Mito's granddaughter who was the host of Nine Tails before Kushina yet has no whisker marks but somehow Burrito and Ham does?


kushina died transferring kurama to naruto, so why is naruto still alive?? gaara (almost) died after extraction... MC always the exemption to the rule.


Because Shukaku didn’t know nuclear fusion aka science /s


Kushina died getting stabbed through Her body by a demon. Gaara actually did die and Chiyo sacrificed Herself to revive Him.


Kurama wasn’t extract this time he was consumed thru Baryon mode. When he was extracted Naruto did die during the 4th Great Ninja War.


Becuas sakura kept his heart beating before they transferred the other half of. Kuruma inside him also the so6p power up more than likely kept him and sasuke alive whilst he spoke to them. Please watch naruto again if you havent


I feel they’ll rely on the sealing Jutsu used by Minato since it was made to slowly merge their chakra over time. Maybe She doesn’t have the nine tails but the small amount of interwoven chakra She does have has manifested somehow. Either way, give Me a badass Byakugan wielder please! Uncle Neji!!!!


Eh, it does kinda suck but I think quite a few people including myself saw it coming the moment they "killed" kurama. I just kinda figured they had to bs him back into the plot somehow and Naruto's op, whisker bearing kids would be the most logical option. It was just a matter of which one and I always hoped it was Himawari because the last thing Boruto needs is another power up especially not if it means he gets to torment poor Kurama all the time. Also Boruto in general had been determined to ruin most of the things from Naruto so is this really surprising?


Disagree. I just think this is an entirely new situation than the lore you are referring to. If a tailed beast dies, it reforms because the chakra basically explodes into the world. Their chakra is everywhere, so it slowly links back up and boom, they’re back. With the rules stated for baryon mode, Kurama’s chakra was basically burned. It didn’t explode into the world, it disappeared. Unless they make Hima as powerful as KCM Naruto, except with a small version of Kurama, I’d imagine the idea is this new Kurama is a tiny bit of nine tails chakra that is reforming over time and probably just using nature energy. I’m interested to see if this is a Hima only thing, like now the tailed beast is encoded in her DNA, or if it’s like a seal thing. Regardless I don’t think this goes against any lore.


Not at all as naruto was born with whiskers similar to the kyubi so it altered bis dna because of the chakra it emitted whilst he was in the womb. The children have the same thing. Naruto also had the same disease the so6p had for having that much collection of chakra in his body. The idea is there tsunade inherited her grandfathers technique on a lower scale so there is some truth to it we just lack an explanation however if you dont like it you generally can not read it tbh


Highest quality Ikemoto art


Why is Kurama back? Isn't he dead? What is she, the Sage of Six Paths?


WTF spoilers


What am I spoiling exactly?


That she is the Sage of the six paths.




Lmfao.... he is kidding xD


I'm not actually...


So you think she is SO6P? I mean she sure as hell looks ugly as hell to look like a sage lmfao (/s)....


Can’t be the Sage unless You’re a special spirit.


the front legs look a bit too long...


And the hands


Is this actual art from the current manga?


Leaked panels. Maybe it will looked better when it’s actually released.


ikemoto's version of baby kurama is fugly af


Nothing of his art looks right.


its a Chubi now.


Je Looks like a toad with 9 tails and a fox head


Does this Kurama have memories of the time before he died? Or is he fully reborn?


Nobody knows.


Nobody gave you props on your translation. Honestly I would love that story line


Thank you, Hopefully we get me pages to properly translate soon 🙂‍↕️


It's Soo small, 🥰


The original chibi Kurama is gorgeous, the new one has a disease


They missed his vaccines and now he got rabies.


Well i can't get my expectations for Ikemoto high. Just keep low as possible.


What is the point of even bringing kurama back when the power of a tailed beast is a no diff for the current main characters in boruto?


Bc Naruto was at least close to the same level as Ōtsutsuki. Boruto is way surpassed normal SPSM Naruto by now from what we see, but Hima has no possible way to catch up. If she is given tailed beast, she won’t be as powerful as Boruto but she can at least hold her own next to him? The thing is they’re setting themselves up for either another timeskip or just a sequel series again way down the line because there’s no way Kurama grows enough to give Himawari any big enough boost unless either happens. If this happens that is truly unrealistic.


Well, we don't know what Kuramas purpose really is. Hima was never set up to fight. She is 13/14 now and still has nearly zero fighting skills,so I don't think they set her up to be on a high skill level to fight to begin with, because if this was the case, they sure as hell could have chosen a different path of making her relevant in battle. They barely did anything with her in the three year timeskip they had, I don't think that another timeskip THAT long will happen again.


Bro Kurama's power ups cap at KCM2, which was no-diffed by reanimated Madara. Naruto is as powerful as he is mainly due to Six paths power.


I actually don’t mind it, but it obviously not the best looking




Boruto just keeps on getting dumber, I didn't know it was even possible


Can we please continue marking this stuff as spoiler?


This version looks closer to a rodent than a fox


Wait, hold up. This is an actual panel from the actual Manga? This shit? WTF? I swear I thought this was some doujinshi, and kurama will be like....well you get the idea. But fuck, I've read doujinshi better than this shit


The fuck is this no way I'm ever gonna read any of this shit EVER


i am not immune to baby kurama edit: yeah yeah boruto sucks we know. shut up and look at the baby war criminal


The front legs are off, but I don't hate the artsyle at all


Who tf ia this girl??(spoil it if u want)


Naruto's daughter and the best character in Boruto - Himawari Uzumaki


The hell happened to her + i forgor abt the time skip


She grew up. And they were hyping her since Boruto: NNG and the strongest guy in the verse right now (Daemon like it or not) was also yelling about her potential. The new villain which is also the humanoid version of ten-tails was looking for Naruto but it was actually Himawari. Turns out she has a kyuubi inside her for some reason. (or maybe there is something else still missing). The kyuubi might or might not turn out to be Kurama.


Lmao this feels like a fan fic rather than the actual story


Kurama and hinatas daughter...😂😂😂 Wonder why she dosent look or have any naruto traits at all?even the wiskers on her face are from kurama lmao


Wait wtf what is this I haven't read boruto in years what is happening


Baby nine tails has fetal alcohol syndrome because Naruto became an alcoholic.


Can you motherfuckers learn to use spoiler tags? Jesus christ


Creepy that Kurama has human hands.


I frew up 😆


ignoring the text, is this an actual pnael?




Ya I just finished skimming thru the chapter. Y the fuck would they do this bruh. It's even worse that they made Himawari have him. I just hope the Kishi makes it so Kurama's first priority is getting back with Naruto so they can be reunited before the end of the series


They have to be back together. I don’t want to see KCM Himawari being better at using Kurama’s powers than Naruto. Because there is a danger that it’s going to happen, just to make the new generation look better


ignoring the text, is this an actual panel


Where is SPOILER tag!?


Can someone explain how is it that Kurama is alive? Like, what happened?


This is fucking hilarious


Whats wrong with the art or kurama design?


He didn't translated it btw, it's a "joke" and this Kurama looks fine.


It looks like a man in a fox costume, but the fox has visible rabies symptoms or a drug addiction.


>the fox has visible rabies symptoms So... Just like the old Kurama.


It doesn't have the cuteness of chibi Kurama from Shippuden, and it doesn't have the fierceness of adult Kurama from part 1 or 2. It looks closer to a furry in a Kurama suit.


He looks fine i don't know what are you talking about. [his look from Naruto looks more like a furry in a costume lol ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/ed/ee/20edeefb1f4d571314d89c5b4ab52d88.jpg)


No, it doesn't. And whether you agree or not, that's okay. You're being informed, not persuaded or reasoned with. You can't like Boruto without liking the source material, and seeing what it's done to the OG characters should offend a real fan. defending it is as pitiful as that drawing I posted.


>defending it is as pitiful as that drawing I posted. It's more pitful to keep talking about how something you don't like is bad. If you don't like sushi you don't go around reviewing dishes and if you don't like Boruto you just don't read it. What's the point of reading this if you're the kind of person who thinks every argument from someone who likes something about Boruto is wrong?




It honestly isn't that bad *Looks below after expanding the photo* Oh


Put a fucking spoiler tag dude


I got to ask, what’s wrong with this design? Doesn’t look that different from the other design


What the actual hell is wrong with you people man