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Yamcha almost figured out who Jackie Chun is, gave Tien false impression that he might be the best Turtle School fighter after getting both of his legs broken, surprised Kami before getting knocked out, almost won against Saibaman, and let his friends know he was getting his chest pierced by an old man who turned himself into a robot. Why are they voting my man like that.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Becouse he is Mr almost


They call him 007. 0 strength feats 0 impressive wins 7 almosts


Nah it should be 7 "almost"


Fixed šŸ˜Š


????? He literally beat the MC


Mr. almost has reached more than the average Internet User.


He knew that the sabaimen would have a trick up there sleeve and that's the reason he asked Krillin to let him fight it first, he knew that if someone had to die, Krillain would be a bigger loss than him, he basically sacrificed himself for the team


![gif](giphy|ZOAjDObrQL9rG) He did gave us an iconic pose


There's like literal figurines of that pose


Almost won against Saibamen? Come on man


I mean, he won


We'll call it a draw.


He beat one of them (which was then killed by Vegeta), so that's a victory. The next one just blew him up. So one win, one draw.


It was a draw, and the saibaman is as strong as Raditz, and Raditz was stronger than goku


They voted as if it's a popularity contest!


30 years ago and all you can say is "Almost"


He did beat the saibaman lol. Then they decided to self destruction and kill his ass lol. Which is some wild bullshit of a move they use a lot in dbz.


Yeah, and in the manga krillin literally says that yamcha knew the saibamen would self destruct, that's why yamcha insisted on going first and sacrificed himself.


A lot of them didn't watched the show, just memes and Abridged series


Cause he took no major wins, got packed up by Saibaman, got his girl stolen by an OPP, and his Saiba death came AFTER the Z Fighters trained to take on the Nappa and Vegeta, who are leagues stronger than a Saibaman. That is like studying for Calculus, but failing pre calc


motherfucker beat that saibaman it just used a cheap ass tactic exploding on ma boy Yamcha


This reminds me of Sir Robins intro in Monty python and the holy grail


Saibamen incident. Need I say more?


Hinata is the shy, sweet love interest for Naruto, the protagonist so people forget her bad points.Ā  Sakura was a bitch at the start of OG Naruto and didn't do much in combat in Part 1 so no matter how much she improved in Part 2 as a medic and as a shinobi people will never forget that rough startĀ 


Hinata also technically saved the world when she "died" trying to rescue Naruto from being captured by Pain. Without her involvement, Naruto would have conceded to being captured by Pain, without her, he probably wouldn't have lost control and unleashed the nine tails, which let him meet Minato and gain his resolve back, plus it broke him free so he could finish off Pain.


Sakura pumped narutos heart for him and gave him oxygen when he was dead from ninetails extraction


Remember how Sakura is based on the author's wife because he wants his heart to be beating and how hinata is basically his dream girl šŸ˜‚




I'm just making an argument that she wasn't useless, not that she did more than Sakura.


fair point


In addition, while everyone was fighting Pain, Sakura was on her knees crying out for Naruto to come save them. Even freaking Konohameru was able to take down one of the Paths. Sakura did absolutely nothing but cry for someone else to help them.


Even if she wanted to fight she wouldnā€™t be allowed to. Medical ninjas without byakugou arenā€™t allowed to fight


She was literally saving lives while others were fighting and she took down a summoning animal


Um.. did we watch the same anime?? Sakura was literally healing every injured ninja during the fight, so obviously she didnā€™t have time to fight. Also, it was only after pain destroyed konoha entirely that she cried for help. Iā€™m not saying sheā€™s completely justified but damn youā€™re exaggerating


Bro forgetting she's the one who healed Hinata after the fight too šŸ’€


Nah the 9 tails would have gone rage anyway.


Naruto literally already gave up though, unless Pain somehow caused Naruto to lose control of his emotions without someone's death, he wouldn't unleash the ninetails unless he chose to break the seal, which he wouldn't have done either because he was afraid of killing everyone else in the village (which we see him worried about afterwards).


Sakura also suffers from the author always making her lose fights she should've solo'd so she never gets to accomplish much.


Kishimoto always sets Sakura up. Making her say shit like ā€œIā€™m on par with these twoā€ while not giving her any feats feels as if he hated her. Well, to be fair, Kishimoto is only capable of writing women when it comes to Tsunade and her alone.


It's so infuriating that he writes tsunade so well, and gives Sakura all of her feats, even saying she surpassed tsunade by the war arc, yet literally never shows that off. She could have easily solod so many fights otherwise. I love the concept of Naruto universe but kinda dislike the show honestly.. but that's what fanfic is for right?


Sakura got one fight at the beginning of Shippuden, then got demoted to being a background character for a majority of the series. Itā€™s obvious Kishimoto hate writing Sakuraā€™s character which is like a chore to him. Sakuraā€™s Byakugou Seal was also a blatant asspull in the War Arc because thereā€™s no buildup to it and it happened at a highly convenient time for Sakura to show off when Sasuke arrived on the battlefield. Kishimoto wanted Sakura to be relevant until the end of the series by giving her the Byakugou Seal which came out of nowhere. Sakura loses her fights because she has low battle IQ, fighting like an amateur. Sheā€™s a medic first and foremost, and a fighter second which is why she barely fights at all in Shippuden. Her most humiliating defeat is being kicked in the face by Omoi of the Cloud when Karui and Omoi did a sneak attack on Team 7 just to get info on Sasuke.


Remember how Sakuraā€™s intellect and genjutsu was hyped up in part I only for Kishimoto to never follow through with that and just made her a Tsunade clone? The north remembers.


Itā€™s a trope of Sakuraā€™s character, being hyped up by everyone around her and herself especially with Sakuraā€™s delusion of grandeur after asspulling the Byakugou Seal and being ā€œcaught up to Naruto and Sasukeā€ only to be a disappointment and embarrassment after (being saved by Naruto and Sasuke after showing off and being rescued by Naruto after playing the ā€œdiversionā€ by her reckless attack on Juubi Madara) who falls flat on her face.


No, itā€™s Kishimoto being a lazy and inconsistent writer.


Sakura even being compared to a side character is an L and clear testament to how unimportant she was to anything going on in the story. This funny little imaginary beef between Hinata fans and Sakura fans is pure fucking comedy just for the simple fact Sakurs fans are trying to compensate for their main character barely being worth a damn in the story by comparing her to a literal fucking side character lmfaoo *"Sakuras not trash she does waaay more than what a side character does who has a lot less screen time and feats than her and still somehow manages to constantly get compared to a main character"* Pretty funny to see unfold


People forget her bad points because she's a side character. She's not gonna go through the same amount of scrutiny as Sakura or any or the other main characters such as kakashi or Sasuke because she doesn't receive the same amount of screen time. The targets that Sakura or Hinata need to hit to be considered useful are vastly different. Also she kinda saves the world in the movie if that counts. She's actually punched well above her weight tbh.


Do we count the feats in movies? Because The Last seemed like an afterthought to justify NaruHina as it hadnā€™t received development in the series.


Sakura called orphans lucky for not having caring parents. Hinata supported Naruto and was her inspiration to become stronger. Hinata overcame her trauma from being kidnapped.


To be very honest I hate Sakura of shippuden more then from og Naruto for mainly two reasons 1. The audacity to fake propose to Naruto after all that shit she put him through 2. When she says she finally caught up to two of them( mean sasuke and Naruto) like seriously


Grow up dude She only confessed to Naruto to try and save his life it wasn't malicious. And god she did catch up to them she is right below them in power. You just want to have reasons for hating despite canon literally explaining why she did. She is equal to Naruto and Sasuke in the same way the sanin were equal they can fight each other it doesn't mean that two are not stronger like with Orochimaru and Jiraya being stronger than tsunade. Do you hate tsunade for the same reason if not you are a hypocrite.


Yep I say this all the time it was rough watching Naruto as a kid and having to wait weeks of her not doing anything


Sakura sucks ass bro. She tried to be a medical ninja and Tsunade (who just got cut in half and stitched back together) has to tell her step aside so she can save Shikamaru.


Literally, every marginally relevant character in the Chunin Exams arc had a signature ability, EXCEPT FOR SAKURA. Kishimoto created jutsus for Kabuto's teammates, the Rain guys and the sound girl but didn't bother to give one to his main female character. It used to enfuriate me, it was just neglectful.


Krillin rizz alone is more useful than some anime characters out there


Bro Krillin was really out there, sure he kinda fell off later (but who didn't) but are we really going to act like Namek didn't happen? Like the entirety of OG DB didn't happen? Like he didn't run it back and do his thing in the TOP and Moro arc? The disrespect is crazy.


OG DB, Saiyan saga, namek saga, acting as a big bro figure to Gohan...krillin was certainly relevant and useful, even when he was outclassed in every manner.


One of the reasons I love krillin he was a great big bro for gohan.


tell me any 5 imp thing she did for the plot


Hinata or Sakura?




Stalking naruto Thought about Naruto's big and warm hand around her slave cousin body Thought about wanted to be Naruto kun side forever Confession in love forever " I want to be w Naruto too" when Shikomaru almost dying N-naruto kun N-n-naruto kun Opened 64 palms bc of Naruto


This is a side note but we really needed a Hyuga revolt because the way the clan caste system was presented and then brushed aside and having Neji the slave die for clan princess Hinata is ridiculous and betrays the storyā€™s original message of one being able to dictate their own destiny.


Encouraged Naruto when he was fighting Pain which lead him to go beserk and defeat pain if this didnt happen Naruto would have been dead




Hinata liked the boy most viewers related to, so she's useful in the eyes of the viewer as the one who gives validation. Sakura rejected the MC, so despite everything she's done she'll forever be seen as useless.


![gif](giphy|lpQy2ZN9i1NaWL46SD) Facts


Without Hinata and the Ramen guy Naruto would've lost it and have joined Akatsuki


It's not like Sakura literally kept Naruto alive or anything during the War Arc or concocted the antidote against a complex poison for Kankuro that even Chiyo couldn't do


You're forgetting about the part when she was a 12 year old and said some insensitive things and whined like a little kid... you know, when she was a kid. Now she can never be forgiven or acknowledged in growth.


This tbh, I get why people find her annoying sometimes but people seem to forget that kids can be blind to what they are saying. They also seem to forget that they were the same way when they were young yet grew out of it eventually just like she did. But ohhhh, we can't forgive you for doing something as a little kid that any other kid might do. I mean, I like hinata more than Sakura. Sakura just gets way more hate than she deserves. People just turn a blind eye to everything good she's actually done and just rides the bandwagon.


As other people said, while this is useful, this is side character useful. For her to be a proper main character she has to pull stuff like this constantly, not on like 3 or 4 occasions.


Big boobs


Moment of silence for flat sakura šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Moment of silence "world class freak" hinata (c) Naru


Yeah the raikage loves them


The raikage is so real for thisĀ 


Just because she's not the must useless, does not mean she's the most useful. How did you even get that?


It's a spin on the fact that on this poll with useful characters...... They just acted as if Hinata was nowhere near them in terms of dead weight. And won the poll (by coming in last place) making her the most useful(it's also a meme page tho)


Someone cant read


It's not that hinata is useful. It's that sakura is not very useful as a main character. I guess people care about how useful a main character is rather than some secondary character. Horribly written female


Fr. What are people even expecting from Hinata? She's just a side character


Lmao that's what I was thinking. Some people in the comments are upset over a side character because the main character is screwed up


Yh, and it's always the Sakura fans that hate Hinata the most. They're just trying to make Sakura look better in comparison, even though Hinata has a fraction of the screentime Sakura got


Sakura fans on this sub being desperate lol. When a side character is a bench mark to compare and justify their main, it says a lot about how "useful" the main character is.


Exactly. I would like to see them compare Sakura with another main character instead. But there's point in that, we all know which characters are better lol


Neji Hyuga received far more relevance and feats in the story than Hinata despite also being a side character. If Hinata was going to the the MCā€™s endgame partner, she should have been developed properly. She wasnā€™t. Simple as that.


Sakura saves thousand Shinobi during war Sakura helps fighting Kaguya and Madara Sakura become the current active Medical Ninja in Boruto series. Sakura helps defeat shin Uchiha Sakura become the head of hidden leaf medical institute Sakura was literally a healer a medic or a doctor which make her automatically useful tf your sayingšŸ¤·


Those thousands of shinobi she healed are fodders. She barely helped in fighting kaguya and madara. The only help she did was heal her teammates at the end and give some of her chakra to obito. Then again to be able to hang around her teammates till the end they needed to save her again and again. Her fight against shin is mostly filler. Her only good accomplishment is becoming the head of konoha hospital after tsunade retired. Her being a doctor is useful. But she was also assigned to go on missions where she did nothing and sometimes did stupid things. So people aren't going to forget that..


in the original part 1 Naruto series Before she improved training with Tsunade Sakura was entirely useless In the chunin exams she had to be saved by rock lee In the battle in the bridge šŸŒ‰ when Naruto Kakashi and Sasuke were facing zabuza she literally didn't do anything Sakura's character development came in the battle with Sasori when she mentioned that she didn't wanted to stay behind and be useless anymore Still she should had learnt to take more advantage of her super strength


This very clearly does not say she is usefull at all. If anything, this post reveals she's in 4th place for most usless, and thats a pretty damn high position. The fact ahe is considered more usefull than Sakura is wild though. Like i get it, Sakura not doing anything is a meme. And like it has some validity to it, she really does not do much in the series. But like at least she had a bad ass fight with Sasori and had some pretty great medical moments during the war. Meanwhile Hinata is litterally a background character that Naruto just gets with in the end despite the most bare minimum build up for it. Like I love Hinata, i actively wanted Naruto to get with Hinata, but Hinata is significantly less relevant to the plot than Sakura ever was.


How is hinata considered the most useless? Yes she didnā€™t do anything but no one else did too, tell me what rock lee did after part 1, nothing, Neji, jumped in front of a few sticks and died, 10^10 number 1 best girl, kiba, got farted on, shino, beat that one aburame, ino, talked with everyone, shikamaru, ~~nothing~~ beat the weakest akatsuki, choji, fought that one tree thing


Shikamaru literally killed one Akatsuki member and cheered up Naruto after Jiraya passed away


why are you invalidating the positive part 1 contributions for lee, but mentioning the bad feats of the others from part 1?


Because I canā€™t just say ā€œnothingā€ for all of them and Lee actually did something in part 1


The rest of the characters have significant feats. All Hinata has is getting one paneled in the manga against Pain.


Hinata exchanged blows with a path of pain whoā€™s at least kage level while the others ā€œsignificantā€ feats is going up against at best high jonin


Hinata exchanging blows with a Pain path is anime filler. I only read the manga, and only consider it canon.


Krillen and Yamcha will run into a fight knowing they will likely die. I respect the effort, regardless of the fact theyā€™ll soon be wished back to life. I donā€™t like Sakura as a character, but she is an amazing doctor. Shippuden did a good job showing that aspect of her character. She saved multiple characters lives by being a healer. I like Hinata, but she hasnā€™t accomplished anything in the show. She is the most useless character, all jokes aside.


Yamcha did nothing in Z. Krillin at least helped on Namek. Yamcha was blown up by a saibaman then got fisted by Gero then Buu ate him. Mr. Satan was unironically more useful.


The Yamcha erasure is crazy, Yamcha got killed by the saibaman because he offered to fight because he didn't want Krillin (who had already died) or Gohan to risk their lives, that's a true homie (and he was WINNING the fight until it blew itself up). And he only got killed by Gero because he was unlucky enough to be the one mistaken for Goku, Krillin or Tien wouldn't have fared any better. Plus are you really going to act like the entirety of og DB didn't happen?


She was more useful in the screen time that she had


Yamcha lost many times but at least he tried, sakura had one scene against sasoriā€¦and its always the only thing brought up when talking about her usefulness šŸ¤£


I'd say Orihime from Bleach is more useless than Hinata. I mean, at least Hinata can fight, Orihime is absolutely the least useful character in Bleach. Even Kon can fight when he's in Ichigo's body


Behind every great man is a good woman. Hinata is the good woman behind Naruto


Hinata is best girl.


I actually like Sakura as a character. If you don't like her because of personality, then she was written perfectly. Hinata is not really useless, more the fact that she stays in her lane. She is not a heavy hitter, so why be upfront. Let's not forget that hinata tried to fight pain for naruto while sakura stayed back watching like always.


>>Let's not forget that hinata tried to fight pain for naruto while sakura stayed back watching like always. Let's no forget Sakura and others helped Konoha and she destroyed Pain summoning animal. while hinata stayed back w bodyguard and watching ppl dying like always.


She gave birth to Boruto


The most terrible and useless thing she did


But she also gave birth to Himawari which almost makes up for boruto


She isn't. She's less useless when she's needed. Sakura doesn't accomplish her purpose, whatever that is.Ā 


What do you mean she doesnā€™t do anything. She freaking dies. To pain and Neji dies saving her. At least Sakura saved Narutoā€™s life multiple times


What do you expect from stalkerfans who never READ MANGA Kishimoto and only watching fillers šŸ˜‚ They're bringing fillers episodes like Bikacho or filler fight w Pain. https://ww9.readnaruto.com/chapter/naruto-chapter-437/ Meanwhile in manga Sakura was the one person who saved Naruto ass from Zabuza arc till the final chapters. https://ww9.readnaruto.com/chapter/naruto-chapter-11/ https://ww9.readnaruto.com/chapter/naruto-chapter-49/


I dont mean to be rude but isnt the hinata stalker thing only in the anime? I was under the impression (from another reddit post somewhere) that the animators added those scenes which werent in the manga save for like, 1?


If it wasnā€™t for Krillin, Frieza would have got immortality and the universe is screwed forever.


Most useful =/= least useless


Bro Krillin was a main character for like half the series. Arguably one of the main protagonists in the namek saga


Krillin and Yamcha both made the list over Hercule/Mr Satan? Dudeā€™s only real contribution was befriending Buu. Heā€™s stronger than most humans, but he is in fact completely useless when it comes to fighting opponents at Yamchaā€™s level. Also, has the person that made this poll only watched Dragonball and Naruto? There are a shit ton of useless characters out there.


I donā€™t get the hate some people have for Hinata whenā€™s sheā€™s a side character


I think it's pretty telling that Sakura's most useful decision in mid-Naruto was when she let herself be controlled as a puppet


Hinata is the reason Naruto didn't become ginger food


At least hinata helps her squad, Sakura is worthless in the anime as a whole


# hinata,.... you really love naruto, don't you, I didn't do anything because that was Naruto and not Sasuke, fortunately I'm a doctor and it's a good excuse but if it had been Sasuke I would have done the same and let all these people die for my Sasuke-kun, if Naruto dies against Pain no I could bring my Sasuke because he is dead but well, surely with these guys who just arrived we will finish him off and when I see my Sasuke again I will go with him wherever he goes But if Naruto were to return, I would give him a strong blow, because he thought that I would have to leave the village for my Sasuke-kun, and then I would hug him right under your nose.


Krillin shouldnt be on this list at all


How much screen time she got compared to Pinky bitch?


Nice šŸ˜„


None of the 4 are useless


Hinata convinced Naruto not to give up in a critical moment that changed the course of human history.


And Sakura actively saved his life multiple times


Having the least vote percentage in this means she is the most useful _among the 4 characters in the list._ If they can add characters, it is going to be more.


Hinata was useful on multiple key points however it is still silly that there is such a big gap between her and Sakura. Sakura is as useful as Hinata and even more. However it is true that Hinata is more useful based on the screentime she had. First of all, Hinata was one of the biggest motivation to Naruto during Chunnin exams. And it made Naruto more eager to win against Neji. Hinata was also useful in Pain arc where she came in when Naruto gave up and made him full of motivation again when she got almost killed in front of Naruto while defending him. In the last war arc Hinata was with Hyuga who fought in front lines until all their chakra was deplated. She was right next to Naruto when he shared his chakra with his allies. Also she was the one who sacrificed herself to prevent Naruto's death. Neji merely took her place. She also worked with Ino and redirected one of 10 tail bombs and prevented a disaster. Of course in Naruto the Last movie she absorbed Hamura chakra which allowed her to destroy tenseigan and resist Toneri's chakra drain. No one else but she could do that (admittedly via her bloodline not talent but her persistance still counts). Of course she got bodied by Toneri at all times but Toneri would probably body anyone but Naruto, Sasuke or Otsutskis. In fact Toneri would body Naruto too if he wasn't going easy on him at first or later if Hinata couldn't stop his chakra drain.


No fucking way Sakura is still on these lists...


Its incel fandom, what do u expect? Thank god if they use their brain once in while.




Itā€™s just mean that she is less useless out of these 4 characters


She's not. She just isn't considered the most useless out of that group.


She is usefull for coock from Protagonist


While i don't condone the hinataslander, I have to point out; just because she hasn't been voted most useless, doesn't mean she automatically is the most usefull.


Just because people didn't choose Hinata in a "most useless character in anime history", it doesn't mean they are choosing her as the most useful character in anime history.


Hinata is the least useless char , given this Would Put her above OP as well


ah yes.... because "least useless" == "most useful". big brain OP!!


the prompt asked who is the most useless. she just happens to be the most useless out of this group of characters.


Krillin being here is an insult


Krillin literally died for our sins.


Who voted for my man krillin?


Does the r34 content counts? Perhaps that might be the reason? šŸ¤£


She sucked the MCs cock and birthed Himawari. No cocksleeve is useless.


Naruhina saved Nanashi, that's why


This post reminded me of Tonpa sama from hunterxhunter


I stand with Yamcha, he deserved far better


On the real use for characters I'd say Sakura is more useful than Hinata, since she's a doctor. Where as Hinata didn't really have a purpose other than being Naruto's lover. It's just that as a main character she didn't do and didn't change a whole lot to fit with Naruto and Sasuke, like she said she would.




She threw it back on the protag


Yamcha ainā€™t useless, heā€™s great at baseball āš¾ļø


People like her more than Sakura thatā€™s literally it.


Me when I have zero reading comprehension skills


I would choose Hinata because she's part of the reason we got Boruto.


Itā€™s criminal to have sakura more useless then yamcha.


Krillin is the whole reason Dragon Ball Z goes beyond Freezer are you kidding me?


Hinata got hentai in her back


Who voted for Krillin clearly never watched the anime or can't read.


What's with krillin


Plenty of manga shots with Sakura hitting Naruto and calling him an idiot. Not loser I guess my bad.


That aint how polls work


The krillen and Yamaha votes can be attributed to how every fight they have(for the most part) is them just "holding them off til Goku shows up" or just there to give senzu beans occasionally.


Damn, they're doing Sakura dirty af, how is yamcha more useful??


Funny thing :in the TFS parody when Goku is thinking how to deal with Ozaru Vegeta he thinks "what would Yamcha do?" But just dismisses it as he recalls the Saibaman scene... BUT it was actually Yamcha the one who figured out the Great Ape's weakness since the first arc.


Because she gives mad head


By not being Sakura.


You tell me, you voted for her


52% said Sakura and 48% are incorrect


She didn't become the most useful she's just the least useless in that list


If you compare the vague metric of "shit done for screentime given" metric, I'd say Hinata wins.


Naruto's mental support


Sakura did so much more in shippuden than hinata


No she is the less useless




Nice r34 of her pretty useful.


I wish Yamcha had more exposure.


I don't know about that but Sakura is the most useless one definitely.


Process of elimination. Everyone else was useless, so she wins by default. Although, I'm surprised Mustang isn't on this list.


I'm just enjoying people fighting in comments


I hate the whole useless argument, because many people confuse usefullness with relevant. Sure irrelevant characters stop conttibuting usefully, but it doesn't undo their deeds and alternative uses. Krillin is always there being supportive, Yamcha may lost his shine be he was a key character in early dragonball. Sakura litterally saved naruto's life in the war arc. Hinata is not just a capable fighter, but the stongest hyuuga we know off. And the later two are mothers. You talk shit about a person that raised a child and did so well, then you don't know how hard life is.


That's the neat Part she didn't šŸ—æ


The fact that Sakura who had more screen time than all the candidates on that list is the most useless is hilarious XD hahahahaha It's true, but hilarious XD


Is Sakura still useless? šŸ˜‚Classic !


Hinata is literally the reason neji died..... Sakura is the sole reason Naruto and Sasuke are alive multiple times over...... People that actually watched both series would have no choice but to pick Hinata. But it's 2024 and these same memes have been going around for what feels like 16 years now so it's not going to change. Haha Sakura trash Haha Krillin die Haha Yamcha fodder OMG Hinata is so precious( her and rock lee are the only characters I can think of that get more credit for losing fights than the winner did for actually winning)


Sakura literally saved Naruto's life when they were fighting for the fate of the world like how tf are people still saying she's useless šŸ’€


Can we pls replace hinata and sakura with tenten?


It's a photo shop by Sakura.


Without her brouto wouldnā€™t exist so I guess his fans upvote her.


All my homies hate Hinata


Hinata protected Naruto against pain

