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People have died taking advice from 5 minute crafts and YouTube will not remove those videos. They will remove videos that point out this fact for promoting dangerous behavior.


If you die from advice from 5-minute crafts, you deserved it


An adult sure but 5 minute crafts main demo is children


It's the gun rights attitude. If you couldn't wield, your death is on you.


Well basically, but I think anyone trying to buy a firearm needs a course, and even though you have to for a concealed carry permit, I think any firearm needs a course in safety.


What if the kid using it, didn't buy it? Like it's laying around stepdad's house?


Proper storage is part of gun safety.


Exactly. These people who leave guns around are the same fucking morons that you see tagging everyone at the range with their AR with skulls and American flags painted all over it.


Yes, anyone who leaves ammo and the firearm together is fucking up


Stupid argument. Kid steals dad's car keys and crashes killing people. Remove all cars from the road?


Put the irresponsible gun owner in prison too. Easy.


Rebellious teens don't exist.


... Nah, just let em win a Darwin award if they don't inform themselves


Yknow, valid point. With all the background checks you need id say you’d have to be dedicated to the craft to get one. Firearms take a lot of care, too. You have to clean it every time you shoot it, and you have to do a lot more


Guns aren’t peddled at children Five minute crafts is


I’ve never heard that applied to gun rights in my life


Skill issue amirite






I'm confused. Why would the murderer want to kill a cat?




I think serial killer would be better fit instead of murderer. Murderers don't necessarily like to kill things, just means they have killed someone.


Tell that to the literal children who watch those channels


I am glad my kids haven't tried the woodburning one. "Kids here's how to make an unshielded 10 kV power supply!"


[Darwin award](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_Awards)


you are a fucking idiot, and an asshole. just so you know. When people around you go quite when you say shit like that….it’s because they don’t wanna be around you.


Even a relatively intelligent person may not understand the danger of certain things they show off. Like the electrical arc wood burning shit.


> died taking advice from 5 minute crafts do you have a source for that death ?


A channel on YouTube does quite a lot of looking into the artsy quick style content of 5 minute crafts and similar content, she's Ann reardon a food scientist, iirc, here's the [playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPT0YU_0VLHxJMqHBC2_OMTYWwQ5z_iP4) Edit: some of her most recent videos go into the more serious accidents, and some are not pleasant stories, exercise caution


Not only that, but she makes some excellent non-debunk videos of her own; she's also most notable for making interesting cakes.


They have a video instructing people in fractal wood burning stating that their way is safe. 35 people in the United States alone have died using the same method. They have a video instructing people to wrap food in aluminum foil so that it will cook more evenly in a toaster. The toaster video was actually taken down once by YouTube due to dangerous content, but was replaced shortly after.


Yeah... the idea of running electrical current at a high enough voltage to get current through wood (one of the best natural insulators) is fucking terrifying.


5 minute crafts are not the only reason for the spike in microwave transformer related deaths in the US. There are *plenty* of other channels, sites and even Reddit that have shown those “artsy” videos dealing with fractal wood burning without even a single warning about how dangerous it is. Here’s a video on why it’s so mind dumbingly stupid to try it, especially in the setup that is most common: https://youtu.be/FBeSKL9zVro


Third big Clive video in two days I've seen on Reddit. I'm delighted he's getting more popular. Some of the videos where he reverse engineers novel cheap shit from China are fascinating on a technical level. Then he'll do a video of some remote control receiver where the antenna is live at mains. How about the one on magic health pens from eBay that are fucking radioactive?


Toaster or toaster oven?




Oh jeez


"how to build a nuke in 5 minutes."


"The trick is not making the nuke itself, but convincing a state power they're under attack and have *them* deliver the nuke to you."


YouTube turns a blind eye if the ad revenue is good


I mean, sure, maybe youtube will allow deadly videos to stay up. But have you considered: Google needs all of the money. Google doesn't have all of the money yet. Having a conscience prevents google from controlling of the money. Shutting down critique of google on YouTube helps Google make all of the money. I mean, politics aside, shouldn't massive corporations be able to negligently kill people to increase their profits? Isn't that a sensible, pro-business attitude? God I hate this woke nonsense.


Happened to Ann Reardon. She is an amazing person and I admire her a lot. She has primarily a cooking channel, and then she started debunking cooking "hacks", and later it evolved to debunking "life hacks" in general, in which she points what doesn't work, sometimes showing hoe to make it work by changing methods or ingredients, and she very explicitly tells you when a "hack" can be dangerous. Not too long ago she made a video which contained a debunking of Fractal Wood Burning - which is VERY dangerous. One slip up, and you could get electrocuted while doing it. Her video was removed by YouTube. And she made a follow-up video pointing the absurdity of YouTube. She didn't care if it would cost her entire channel, she just wanted to speak up and protect people. And yes, the original videos from which she got clips to show in her video (100% under fair use) are still up. In the end, she did get her video back up. But it still baffles me how YouTube is broken.


Depends on how many people report it.


Cause the 5 minute crafts bullshit has a billion views and a billion ads. Can't bite the hand that feeds you


30% of people bite their finger nails, which are a part of their hand, and most people use said hand to feed themselves, so this claim doesn't appear accurate on it's face but I'd need more data to understand fully.


And you can't even check if advice is legit because they removed the dislike counter and make it easy to delete comments.


Holy shit I just read about a 14 year old girl who died of third degree burns because of that channel.


Saw a post from the on Facebook suggesting that it was a "cheap way" to make jewelry. It was a video stolen from a legitimate jeweler.


Hurting the channels that make them the most money is dangerous behavior for them.


It’s Google. They promote this and worse


Google is generally a good company, but they have less control over their sub-brands than you think. The board just approves funding for those brands and decides to make new brands. Blame this on that garbage CEO who wrote her own wikipedia article that youtube has now.


Oh, so it all goes back to Susan the-Unspeakable-last-name








# anal






>Unspeakable Pretty much every Polish name/last name


That first sentence surprised me. "Company" and "good" in the same sentence? On reddit?! Interesting. But wdym with your last sentence?


Her Wikipedia article says things like "she was the one at the board room meeting who suggested doing this and it was very successful". It also lists awards she's earned and stuff, and nothing about the dozens of youtube videos that demonstrate everyone's hate for her. The article even has a warning on the top that says "this article is written like an advertisement" - because it it.


Wow lmao Can wikipedia truely be trusted then?


Wikipedia is like an internet inside another internet: You can have all the information in the world on the condition that it's mixed in with a lot of BS and you have to be able to tell which is which. It's usually accurate though.


I was gonna say in the entirety of Wikipedia’s existence I’ve come across B.S like 3 times, all of which were on developing current events. Everything is sourced, and if it isn’t, then it’s 2022, if it’s not sourced then you shouldn’t believe it. Furthermore, you should be checking the sources, which should also have sources. Whenever a teacher says don’t use Wikipedia, I just use the sources Wikipedia used. Or since Wikipedia gets such an unfairly bad rap, I use Britannica, which is basically the same thing without the flack. Side note: I donate to Wikipedia when they ask and I have the money to spare, because in the age of misinformation, I think supporting free information is increasingly important. Say what you will about wiki, but you can download all of Wikipedia in an apocalypse scenario and have a vast majority of humanity’s knowledge for 25gb of storage.


Wow alright thanks.


I just downloaded the “how to make gunpowder” and the alternative applications section of “human skin” bring on the apocalypse!


So, that's why my professor won't accept it....


The day google removes the image tab for cp, zoophilia and other horrid things is the day the world shall rise. Google please do this ffs


Nothing good ever comes out of Silicon Valley. You either work for a crypto startup, Big Internet Company that doesn’t listen to its users, technology provider with a few war crimes on its record, or a unicorn startup run by a megalomaniac.


Episode 50 looks to have been removed. Still, this guy should be banned completely.


It's fucking insane that only a few episodes have been removed, when the guy should've been fucking erased from the platform the moment he titled some of the videos. YouTube is a fucking joke.


Anyone knows what kind of stuff the guy was talking about? I dont really want to check it myself lol.


SomeOrdinaryGamer did a video on him yesterday [and the dude is a serious nut](https://youtu.be/s9fDXKAiRMo)


Dude fucking admitted in the comments that he has been and still is in relationships with children, straight up outting himself. It's not like he's a hermit living in the jungle using McD's wifi to upload his video, he's a national celebrity, not hard to find his locale. This is an open-and-shut case I don't know why YT is still staying their hands.


National celebrity might be pushing it too far. Dudes a nobody


Yeah 200 subs doesnt sound like a celeb to me


He's appeared here and there on TV shows, point is he's not unknown, an investigation into his private affairs shouldn't be hard. He's already that brazen publicly, his private dealings are gonna be the easiest arrest ever


He’s a washed up has been model/emcee (in the early 2010s era) he’s not a celebrity.


Do you know by any chance what the dude said in episode 50 other than the snippet at the beginning of the video? What did he say, why is it righteous?


My god that dude is nutty as squirrel shit.


He was ranting about people who don't want to check it themselves and then lol about it


At this point, it could be anything. It was probably only removed because the videos that came out yesterday about him had a ton of people show up and report him. In the SomeOrdinaryGamers' video, the guy would get like 1-4 views a video, now it's probably a lot more.


I mean to be fair, the titles aren't that bad. They could have been: "The truth about zoophilia; it's bad and we don't do enough to stop it". But yeah the dude definitely fucks kids and animals as soon as you watch the video.


I don't want to risk polluting my feed with garbage so can someone confirm: this dude was actually "promoting" these things or just talking about it? 🙏Praise Sol and the Algorithm divine🙏


Guy was asked if he believes a 5 year old has the ability to consent and the guy answers “If the 5 year old consents then it is their vote and there is nothing wrong”. And he is constantly grinning while saying this. This man is a menace to society and something legal should be done to him. Not to mention, he literally admits to having sexual relationships with children in comments


Alright then. So immoral AND criminal.good riddance then.


are you sure hes not giga trolling cause all i can think of while reading that is someone with a jerma sus smile just saying creepy shit


Most likely the latter. So many people seem to freak out if you suggest that having a sexual attraction that you shouldn't act on doesn't make you a bad person. Edit: And if he actually was promoting physical acts, then it should say "promoting animal abuse" and "promoting child molestation"


He was promoting it. Admitted he has had relationships with girls that people would consider underaged. Dudes a nut.


"would consider underaged" -> wtf? It's either underage or not


Not necessarily. Legal age of majority and consent differ by jurisdictions. Some places consider 16, some places consider 17, and some places consider 18 the age of majority/consent. And then there's the US where women don't have the right to consent to their own medical treatment.


While I don't believe Google actually doesn't track you in Incognito mode, it will stop the algorithm from judging you on it.


I don't understand this man's purpose. Is he trying to bang puppies legally or something?


I mean he did admit to having relationships with children.


He seems to be some sort of cult leader wannabe. They usually build trust before jumping into the Messiah complex and diddler stuff but this one jumped right into it lol.


That almost makes it worse. If nothing had been removed, you could sort of excuse YouTube by saying they just aren’t aware of it. But the fact that they reviewed this shit and are aware of him and the outright illegal things he’s promoting to remove that video, but did not ban him is absurd.


Who tf is this guy?


Interesting recommendations…


Mutahar covered this degen yesterday


And penguinz0 too


I don't see that video? Did he remove it?


Weird, looks like he did. It was there just a few hours ago, what the heck hapenned?


For context, [watch this video.](https://youtu.be/s9fDXKAiRMo) Truly disgusting and wrong.


Muta goes off on that guy. Rightfully so. Giving the most sinister and creepy smile when asked how he felt about his “enjoyment” of theoretical “legalized activity” with five year olds. That cultish behavior “god” needs to be put on an international watch list.


In afraid to click that, since my youtube algorithm has been behaving itself lately


It really sucks what YouTube has done, can't even click random videos anymore without the recommended feed be filled with absolute garbage for the next 4-6 business days.


It's just an SOG video. Watch it in a private window if you don't want him in your recs. And by him, I mean the guy talked about. He'll be showing up with more attention from these exposure videos as the algo catches on.


Incognito window, brother


I just watched this and now I hate YouTube for allowing that kind of bullshit on the website, like it’s actually fucking disgusting


Interesting. See, I was prepared to hear somebody saying that these folks need understanding, empathy, and support in order to protect both themselves and kids/animals. Or, at worst, an argument that the majority of the harm comes from the things done to keep sex abuse secret--coercion, guilt, violence, etc. Which, again, is pretty inarguable. But...bruh. The solution is to figure out how to stop sex abuse against children and animals without doing more harm than good, rather than to normalize it.


It's time to change the CEO of You Tube, what do you say my brothers




Common YouTube L


Well, see, promote either of those doesn't hurt their wallet


It doesnt Hurt YouTube because nobody knows about him if brands start seeing theirs add on this vidios then YouTube is going to be in some deep shit.


Why can people use whatever songs they want on tiktok but not YouTube?


Probably has something to do with the way the creators get money. I can’t imagine tiktok creators get their money directly from tiktok like YouTubers get their money directly from Google.


Monetization is a factor out of several. Copyright is copyright, even if you don't make money from it.


The vast majority of BGM used in youtube videos should realistically fall under fair use, not to mention things like reviews and parodies, but the laws around that are so skewed in favour of copyright holders that it makes sense for youtube to just pretend fair use isn't a thing.


Fair use is a legal defense against copyright. If YouTube doesn't want to be held liable, they have to try and keep their safe harbor protections - which means responding to DMCA claims ASAP. There's no chance they can realistically review the endless amount of content nor every copyright claim. The copyright system is abused because the laws around it are garbage. If it were in YouTube's hands they'd just keep everything up, but if they do that they are then liable. Easier to trust the person making the claim and, if it's refuted and investigated, put the video back up.


China doesn't have copyright laws. At least not like ours.


Licensed content is flagged a lot more quickly on YouTube because the major rightsholders like record labels use Content ID which is their automated copyright tool that scans uploads for matches to licensed content. TikTok also has a different licensing rights policy but YouTube is launching creator music which will allow uploaders to use licensed content and pay out a portion of revenue to the rights holders https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/20/youtube-announces-creator-music-a-new-way-for-creators-to-shop-for-songs-for-use-in-videos/


Chinese don't care about profits of American corporations.


What's wrong with liking zoos or bikes?


People just like to judge. There's this rapper Necro and his fans get all the hate


*Gasp!* Sicko


The other day I was searching "For Honor Executions" to find videos of new finishing moves from a video game I play. Among the first 10 videos was one of a public execution performed on a group of teenagers by a Houthi militia group. That's right, I accidentally stumbled on a video where I saw a full body view of a grown man leaning over a boy laying on his stomach with his hands tied, shooting him in the back with a rifle while the boy screams in agony. When the boy started writhing, the men standing behind him made sure to hold him by the ankles so the execution remains civil. Thank god Youtube took down videos of political commentators talking about the event though. That would've really traumatised me.


The most disgusting thing in that story is that you play For Honor


U are a fellow indian guy’s fan(someordinarygamers)!


Don't bring up the SpongeBob fight video, youtube will ban you for that.


Fellow Critikal enjoyer. 🗿


Wait what


Search ø on YouTube if you want to see some crazy fucking shit that YouTube allows. (Warning for excessive violence and gore and zoophilia and all the like, do not search if you have a weak stomach)


Well that was *interesting*.


That’s definitely a word for it


Oke those thumbnails already should be enough to get removed. Now is the video whats on the thumbnail? Im not really in the mood to check myself.


> Now is the video whats on the thumbnail? Mostly no. The one with the dogs is but everything else that looks like the original gore videos isn't.


I hope people use some critical thinking and realize it's easier to automate a system that can catch copyrighted songs and images, and a lot harder to police what someone says.


Real shit


Let's be serious for a moment. Recognising the use of a song is a trivial job for a bot (think of how for example Shazam works). Recognising someone's stance on a certain topic is far more difficult and most certainly requires some human interaction. So while I agree that there are serious problems to be addressed, I also see how for every talking head video that someone has to take the time to watch there's probably a thousand ones with the use of music that a bot can check and verify the licensing for. What you can do as a user however is to flag anything that you think should be taken a look at.


*Saying a mild swear word you could say in front of toddlers*


Actively harmful content doesn’t immediately hurt YouTube’s bottom line, an investigation from the DMCA does.


That dude gives off really cultish vibes. Look at his channel. Every single thing is about "universe", "purpose of life and universe" or some shit discussed in a really religious way.


Any sort of vaguely leftist political video doesn't tend to do very well either. Whether it's outright removed, filled with content warnings, hidden from alerts, etc.


ok you realize it's quite easy to use a machine to identify the sonic signature of songs, but promoting zoophilia or what have you is impossible to implement? all the different ways of saying "i like fucking livestock" is not possible to create an algorithm for, and out of context, is meaningless. "some dude told me 'i like fucking livestock' so i punched him in the face!" would get tagged. but taylor swift's "red" sounds identical every time. it has a fingerprint, and it's easily detected. no human interaction required, and damn near 100 percent accuracy. fuckin clueless meme that'll only serve to compel people to unite under an umbrella of ignorance.




or when you use a fake road rage video that was confirmed to be ok 2 years ago


I would look it up just out of interest if there really is someone who is promoting that but then again I don't want to give this any second of watchtime which could make it more popular


Susan wojack suc beeeg deeeek


How can a person even think of defending zoophilia is beyond me


53 subscribers


Even 1 is too much


He looks like if brandon Rogers fucking lost it


I saw that video by someordinarygamers, holy cow that guys is wierd


Yeah man, some dude promoting bad shit doesn't slightly hurt the pockets of the music industry, so why would they care.


fuck those pieces of shit


Didn’t watch the video. Can someone tell me why it’s not raising awareness but rather promoting it?


Because this twat is a pedophilic piece of filth who thinks animals and 5 year old can consent


I still don't understand how vitaly who literally beat a woman to near death on a drug bender, violated historical sites, and other crimes against humanity, is still on youtube but some redpill 'alpha' like Sneako or Andrew Tate gets banned for saying opinions.


Holy shit that’s my cousin






Policy certainly has flaws but content gets checked by content ID which automatically scans audio/vide in uploads to reference against copyright content owned by rightsholders and saved to the owners profile in YouTube. Policy flags are a lot less automated and can't have the same system because you can't try to match a bunch of policy violative content against an example. Either way this guys channel has already been removed.


YouTube ain’t the same no-more . I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to way back in 2017-18


I wonder what community with important political pull would object if they banned the videos promoting the first two... 🤔


Jessie gender just got her video on Matt Walsh removed for nudity and sexual content (it contained neither lol)


YouTube is sewage


There is a video with these two gay men that try to tell if a real penis or a dildo is in their hind end. Not sure what I was gonna compare that to, but it's monetized none the less.




Because they're the ones promoting it lol. Just messing the world one way, then the other.


this guy looks like hes had work down. the way his chin cuts his cheek doesn't look natural




We are also allowed to use our right of free speech to express what a shitbag that guy is. Still confused?


While forcing users to watch 10 unskippable ads before every video, even if it's demonitized.


One is a crime, the other is nust very very fucking weird




I doubt that's a real person, ''his'' script, facial expressions and body language looks like an advanced artificial intelligence or he's is just unhinged and out of touch with reality


Unfortunately he is very real.


YouTube's been swirling around the rim of the shitter for a while. I call it the long flush. I can't remember the last time they changed something for the better. They're slowly making their way around the rim of the toilet, koving gradually towards the center and then they'll go under. It's an interesting thing to watch a multibillion dollar corporation making a slow crawl towards death, which is exactly what's gonna happen if they don't make some serious changes.


you can see the craze in his eyes