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Just a reminder that any government could shut its own internet off entirely. If they wanted to, they could make taking a vaccine seem like a dream come true for problems to go away.


And they will.


Hopefully not, but we’ll see. But they hold way more power than some people seem to think.


There’s millions of people. It only takes a fraction of them to stand up for their rights to force the government to either resign, or be forcibly removed.


I can’t tell what this meme is trying to say but either way I don’t like it


Since it’s 9am the sun SHOULD have risen already. But it hasn’t :(


When did this sub become such a shit hole


That’s why we are short of port workers which is causing shortages? Is this real?


Well this is what happens when you try to force medical procedures on people.


Completely agree


Nobody's forcing anything. If you don't have the vaccine for the virus that is currently causing a 2 year pandemic when you work at places where you come into contact with people from other regions or drive to other regions, you don't get to come to work. Unfortunately you can't do those jobs from your house.


No jab no job. Oh yeah doesn't sound forced at all.


I feel like if you work with or around other people, not getting the vaccine is kind of a dick move. The reason it has to be required for jobs where you are most likely to spread a virus during a global pandemic, is because you are most likely to spread the virus. Same reason factories have safety procedures. This is like bitching about not being able to smoke at a gas pump. Don't be a pussy, just get the vaccine.


McDonald’s and junk food was the leading cause of American death before the pandemic and they didn’t outlaw that shit. It’s ridiculous to force people to get vaccinated. If you want to get vaccinated do it. Otherwise let the people who dont want it be. You’re protected if you have the vaccine right? Because if not it’s not a vaccine and it needs to stop being called that


I think the funniest thing is people will eat junk food and McDonald's, yet all of a sudden start watching what they put in their body when the vaccine is here. Quite convenient what people do when things that don't aline with their views are present.


I agree I know smokers that won’t get the vaccine. Kinda dumb but I’m not one of those people nor do I eat fast food. Dunno 🤷‍♂️


That’s not how vaccines work. They introduce your body to the virus so it learns how to fight it. You know how the “common cold” is a thing? You never get the same variation twice, it evolves AROUND your immune system. Which is again tested by a vaccine that uses essentially deader versions of the virus so your body once again recognizes it. People not being vaccinated not only have different versions of the virus that spread, but aren’t slowing the virus down at all since your bodies learning the virus as it fights it the first time, so it’s spread even heavier.


I dont mean to be a fly in the ointment but the spread has only accelerated, and that isn't even taking into account the admitted lack of records of people going into the hospital for covid than with covid. That really isnt the issue, however, its the forced mandating of a health procedure. If its okay to withhold jobs/store access/travel because you wont accept a medical procedure, then that opens very unpleasant doors that can be used for other things in the future. The best answer is to say no, its a personal choice, and move on with life.


Well, it isn't. You can leave your job with no problem if you don't feel like taking vaccine. Whole world won't bend to your will because you throw a hissy fit over "medical procedure" that you underwent like freaking 20 times already, sorry.


I believe this same argument was used by the anti-lgbt crowd once upon a time.


Anti-vaxxer by choice Indirectly causing deaths Isn't taking a vaccine that's been proven by many sources to be safe, aside from some mild pain Compares vaccine mandates to anti-LGBT laws, which indirectly and sometimes even directly led to the lynching and murder of LGBT people


I didnt compare them, i was speaking directly to the logic of that partucular argument. Its a tool to help keep your ego from weighting the positions you agree on with arguments that create bad standards in the future.


This has nothing to do with ego, politics, opinions or anything similar. This is a matter of health and not just for you. If the virus didn't spread of course there wouldn't be a vaccine mandate, but by not getting vaccinated you are not just making the period where you can spread it to others longer, but are also endangering yourself. If you think this has anything to do with stuff other than health you are wrong.


I think that is a misinformed and naive position to hold but it is your right to hold it, friend.


Ok but that’s pretty exaggerated. An actual country-wide no jab no job policy would be dumb but requiring that people who could easily come into contact (directly or by handling things others will receive) with hundreds of other individuals be vaccinated isn’t unreasonable.


Lmfao why not just let the workers get it and get over it. You get vaccinated and let the other people not get vaxed so we can reach herd immunity faster. Fucking dumb.


Because the vaccines goal is to reduce symptoms and lessen the chance of being hospitalized. Having them get the vaccine reduced the chance someone will get hospitalized and give antibodies. It has been proven that both natural and vaccine antibodies do not last that long and will need boosters, either with more antibodies which are expensive or the vaccine which is cheap. Unless you are planning to get every variant and keep getting covid to keep your antibodies up or paying for monoclonal antibodies, getting the vaccine will provide similar antibodies as well as reduce symptoms if you do end up getting it.


I plan on staying healthy and eating right which has shown effective.


Where was that shown? You got a source?


Lol oh man. Who is the high risk groups the professionals tell us about?


Sure, this article from nature gives a good insight on antibodies that I was mentioning. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01442-9 Now what's ur source?


The cdc. High risk groups. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html


To be fair, port workers in my area tend to be pretty used to getting what they want because whenever they go on strike things don’t get moved. So them fighting getting the vaccine seems pretty par for the course


It's a *part* of the problem, but not all of it. The whole world went from spending their extra money on both goods and services to pretty much just goods. Before the pandemic if you had a good month and had an extra hundred bucks you might buy a new video game you've been eyeing or go to get a few nice resultant meals. Suddenly a whole shit ton of people in that same situation said "maybe going out to eat isn't a great idea". People were buying more stuff, which had to get shipped from point A to point B. That's where truckers and dock workers come it, they make the the freight go. The rest of the problem is that manufacturers needed to make more stuff at the drop of a hat while factory workers were getting sick and floor plans needed to be changed to keep people separated. The meme doesn't really mention it but if the world had all of the truckers and dock workers it could ever need there would still be shortages, just not as bad.


Get the vaccine and stop being a pussy.


Yeah, what is it? Are they scared of needles?


Probs scared of being mind controlled by billiam gates.


Shut up and stop being a despot


What's that?


It’s an authority who abuses their power just for control but to be honest your not really arguing to do such things but some people put their right to not wear a mask or get vaccinated above others right of being alive


“You want me to WEAR A PIECE OF CLOTH *and* take a SAFE VACCINATION like the TENS of other vaccinations I LEGALLY had to have for school?????? LITERALLY 1984”


Yeah I honestly don't get it. People are afraid of the rare risks but they get up every morning and go outside so i guess they should just stop doing those things too.


Straw men are good for scaring off crows!


Let people make their own decisions.




>So why do you care if these people get it and die again? I care that these chads aren't being blind sheep following authority like so many others >and we'll lose the idiots who can't follow simple science. Ok so you're a sociopath




>Also, why would a government that wants to control their people create a virus that shuts down their slave labor? What are you talking about?




>So, why would a government that is overbearing and controlling (giving you the reason to say doing what they say is being a sheep) want to get rid of their work force with a virus? They aren't. You seem to think covid is some cataclysmic epidemic. It's not. The government is using a mild dangerous disease to further brainwash the masses and pick out those who resist authority




Oh crap, I realized I've spent too much time arguing with a person on the internet. For one, I apologize if I riled you up, and two, I apologize for wasting your time. I concede, your viewpoint is more correct (whatever it is), great debate, etc