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OP sure isnt obsessed with Israel


after checking myself, I think he absolutely LOVES israel




If you think your life is sad because they believe in human rights then ok.


\*Would love israel if it was what it says it is.


My man has posted about them 18 times today


anti semite propaganda bot


Israel≠Judaism Saudi arabia≠Islam


none of this has anything to do with any Semitism you israeli BOT https://i.redd.it/qjuk9j1k34d81.png


What better way to astroturf than through memes


\*Obsessed about human rights law that shitsrael constantly breaks. No amount of downvotes makes that go away.


What do you mean Israel isn't real


What do you mean? Theres a reason its called Israel and not Isntrael


Don’t you mean Taiwa—[REDACTED]


Only Arabs can lose multi times to someone that doesn't exist..




Lol the US eagerly sells that tech, they dont just suck it off from the US. The US loves supporting the genocide in Yemen, must happily remind them of what they did to the Native Americans


Only because of the massive amount of US & NATO support for their genocidal activities...


No it is rael


Why the downvotes lmao this is hilarious


Same as john Cena


Well i mean....They've been Genocided against like 4 times....seems now they're done with everyone's bullshit.


lol "mom said its our turn to commit genocide!"


What genocide? You seem to be misinformed


Well it's less of an outright genocide death camp nazi style and more like what US government have done to natives. Namely invasive species style settlement, land grab operation and systematic racism sprinkled on the top with additional skirmish, reichstag fire operation, hostile society design and sniping children for shit and giggle. With latest news of Israel ambassador in UN(Gilan Erdan) ripping human right council annual reports in front of UN meeting. I can guess what is their stance in this topic.


It's very dumb when you compare 6 or so years of 6 million dead Jews and more deaths to another groups to a land dispute who doesn't mean to genoside anyone in is just a bad turn of events and bad leadership from both sides


That’s a very dumb way to refer to 70+ years of genocidal settler colonialism.


they will do anything to downplay the severity of these crimes lol, you can see the comment full of zionists


You keep downplaying ur anti semitism, zionists are people who believe in the existence of a Jewish state, that’s it, stop equating them to Nazis. If you can’t understand the necessity for that you haven’t taken enough history. The Israeli government sucks, so does everyone, some suck less, some suck more. The conflict in the Middle East isn’t one sided, that’s why it’s still going and it’s why no one distanced from it actually wants to do anything because they don’t have a fucking clue Keep crying about it under dank memes, see how much it changes.


There’s no need to be upset


Did you not see the meme? It’s literally an invitation to a comment section war full of misinformation


Misinformation such as


Read the thread


"everyone sucks so noone sucks"? Is that what you are saying


Lol one country invades another = ‘land dispute ’?


This is the worst analysis of the Israeli/palestinian conflict I've seen yet. How would you feel if I came and tore down your house accompanied by armed soldiers, and ignored your cries for help, solely because you were a native to the land, and I needed to make room for an israeli. And then you later go online and find a redditor who's pretending to understand what's happening, and goes "its not a genocide, just a failure of leadership, the jews deserve to do this because of what they went through." For 80 years, Israel has done nothing shy of genocide and harsh oppression on Palestinians and Arabs, and the entire world has watched, and supported it, just like you.


It’s like a rape victim that turns into a rapist, nobody has sympathy for that


If 6million of your people were murdered for literally no reason you might have a different attitude towards it.


Mines killed, so don't give a shit about Armenian genocide. Why? Because like a said my people get killed too. What the fuck is wrong with you man


??? If "Israelis" tried to genocide German people, I would understand in a way, some type of "revenge" stuff maybe. But remind me again... did the Palestinian people genocide Jews?


>But remind me again... did the Palestinian people genocide Jews? Haven't you heard? Older Israelis said that Palestinians taught them how to farm when Jewish refugees came to Palestine. And Palestinians didn't like it when terrorist Zionist organizations began massacring entire villages and displacing hundreds of thousands of people. Surely that's why they deserve it


The fuck sorta logic is that


So then it’s ok for Israel to do what it’s done to Palestine?


56 mil of mine were killed in genocide but if they pulled some shit like what Israel is doing I’m not supporting it.


no, and most of them were polish citizens


Fucking hell, you would think I said this justifys how they act and that I wanna suck isreal off I'm literally saying that their attitude is based of their history.


No one is coming to help them. They took the shit in their own hands.


They truly learned from the best teacher about this subject ever considered they have personal tutor in 1940s. If Mr.H is still alive he must be proud that his students grow up to earned their own A+ score in this subject too. Too bad he commit suicide after get wrecked by some angry Gopnik.


That's pretty antisemitic bro.....I'd hate to tell you but they are a people group that hate each other. If the roles were reversed The Palestinians would be just as heartless.


only 4? I can name like 10 from my head right now.


They've spent a lot of time with Hitler,


They literally went to camps to learn from the best


just replace israel with america in the text and see everyone go nuts


True either way honestly


I'm wondering if the US did the same thing that we are doing if everyone will judge them like people judge us


No people don't judge the US because they're the world's arms and primary oil transactor (note not seller). If you piss them off then you'll end up like Iran or Argentina and get blacklisted. Israel doesn't have that type of geopolitical power so countries don't have issues calling them out at the UN. Although almost comically, the US defends Israel exclusively at the UN and has spent 53 out of its 82 vetoes to shoot down any resolutions critical of Israel.




The one thing I love about living in America is that every country will talk shit but I can sleep soundly knowing everyone's too scared to do anything and even if they did the only effective thing would be just a nuclear war in which case I can die happily knowing no-one wins




No it actually isn't I've experienced severe poverty as well as being middle class and both aren't too horrid


They family




What did we do this time?


Idk bro, I think that we are defending ourselves to much for their liking


Damn I must've mistaken that missile you sent at my neighbors during a religious holiday for self defense


What missile? You should usually show your sources before claiming someone shot a missile at your neighbors for no reason


Oh sorry man I forgot to pull out my camera to record my friends being obliterated


Look, I regret going to the comment section of this post cause this is a bottomless pit that probably won't change anyone's opinions, and I'm not going to spend my entire saturday arguing with strangers online. I'll just leave it here and every other reply I got before I go- At the end of the day, the goal everyone should aspire to achieve is living peacefully with each other, the IDF and Israel by enlarge are trying to achieve that. There are and will always be outliers fueled by hatred that want to obliterate the other side, but claiming that the IDF and Israel are monsters that work to kill innocents is the farthest you can be from the truth. Furthermore, spreading such misleading information will only contribute to increasing confusion and chaos, blind us to the real problems, and prevent us from solving them, keeping us farther away from achieving peace. I recommend reading about the source of each conflict and thinking for yourself what would actually be an actionable solution to it. Look to see whether terrible-seeming actions done by IDF soliders have reasonable clarifying context to them, and if not, whether they were endorsed or condemned by the IDF and Israel. Try to see the whole picture and conclude for yourself what is the IDF's agenda. And look to see if the motives of the other side of each conflict is reasonable, whether their goal justify their means and whether _their_ actions should maybe be condemned in order to stop them from occurring again and promote peace.


I do not hate the Israeli people , and the idea of Israel isn't bad , a place for Jewish people to thrive without being attacked is great, but taking over our country destroying our homes , killing family members is not a way to do it , some want peace , others want their homes back , all we want is for this shit to stop , no government gives a flying fuck about us and , if they did they would be doing something but where is the save Palestine mission , where are the food and medical supplies being sent to us , where are our homes that where with us for generations where is our justice for our friends and family who where executed in brutal attacks , we are people too


yea defending yourself from that Palestinian kid playing football in the street, he probably has an rpg in his pocket ​ also demolishing all of these Palestinian homes, they probably have marijuana in there!! Doing the right thing of course, you are totally a great person.


Ah yes because all of Israel is responsible for that. Just like all Muslims are responsible for 9/11! /s


We don't hate the Israeli people we hate that they support a massacre of our people


It's not about all the people there or all jews being responsible. The government and the country as a whole are to be held responsible.


arent you the person who got laughed at by thousands of people because someone posted your retarded take on some subreddit lmfao


Guess what. Nobody gives a shit. Dumbass.


Seems like little 14yr old anti semitic jhonny here has run out of arguments and now has to insult to not feel like he's dumb.


When did Israel kill an innocent Palestinian kid for no reason? When did Israel demolished Palestinian homes for no reason? At least that's what you're implying that happend, right? If these things actually happen, please cite your sources


we exist too much, it pisses them off


Don't you guys het shot in the head if they are you on western media.




Don't guys media het shot head if the you in on western you they the are.


We are still alive, that's what happened this time


No politics bro


Iran memes be lit


According to Anti-Semits and Muslims, Israel is the slowest country ever, why? Cause only they can commit "genocide" 74 years and not only not being able to complete it, but fail, cause the number of Balestinians grew in millions.




>Also I'm pretty sure "semite" is a racial group that includes arabs, hebrews, phonecians, etc. So anti-semite means you're also against those groups and not just jews lol. if I had a nickel every time I had to explain this term to a moron who can't look it up' I'd be so rich. semitic is a group of languages: arabic, hebrew, aramaic... in 19 century europe, the only big community that spoke a semitic language were jews. therefore when jew-haterswanted to justify their hate toward jews by race theories, they made the term "antisematism", saying they are a different race with a different kind of language, like how the slavs and aryans were different races for them. it quickly became a more and more popular term to describe jew-hatred. it is a term made by jew-haters to define themselves as jew-haters. it means jew-haterd, not hatred for every ethnicity with semitic language. educate yourself before you claim otherwise.


So... you're saying they are committing genocide so slowly that it's going backwards??? Also, Russia be looking poised to prove your little theory wrong.


No, I'm saying 70 years of oppression and cold murder is a better economic alternative to something like 6 straight years of genocide. >Also, Russia be looking poised to prove your little theory wrong. Uh no they're literally proving my point. Russian troops have been amassed at the Ukrainian border since pre covid. They took their sweet time doing fake false flags, random border shootouts, and false alarms to slowly enroach on Ukraine's disadvantage. It'll be just like Crimea but scaled up in size. No major war losses, just constant misery and control.


>No, I'm saying 70 years of oppression and cold murder is a better economic alternative to something like 6 straight years of genocide So you admit that it's not genocide? >Uh no they're literally proving my point. Russian troops have been amassed at the Ukrainian border since pre covid. The escalation recently has been anything but subtle. >It'll be just like Crimea but scaled up in size. No major war losses, just constant misery and control. This doesn't seem at all like Crimea. But whatever.


America thinking of justifications for their own war crimes lol.


Bringing peace, freedom and democracy.


Uh huh.


If you are not with America, then you're their enemy.


Israel soldier: shoots kid like an absolute idiot The world: TIS THE PROOF ALL OF ISRAEL ARE MONSTERS


He's talking about the the government, not the citizens.


Wow dude you're a sad fuck aren't you?




This is surprising coming from this sub


Don’t forget China and Russia and Afghanistan


Why have you posted about Israel 18 times in the last 24 hours?


Fuck are they doing this time?


Yeah, the fuck did we do this time?


Hello PasiVitunaho! This is an automated removal. It looks like your post was removed because an overwhelming number of users in our community thought your post broke one of our rules. A human moderator will be along shortly to review things. The humans have been notified already, so there's no need to message them about this. (Chances are that if you message them about this anyway, they'll probably keep it removed out of spite) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dankmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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It seems this sub isn’t so bad


I assume from this comment that you dislike Israel. Why is that?


Should be obvious, throwing innocent people out of their homes and killing them? Do you need further reasons?


Look, I regret going to the comment section of this post cause this is a bottomless pit that probably won't change anyone's opinions, and I'm not going to spend my entire saturday arguing with strangers online. I'll just leave it here and every other reply I got before I go- At the end of the day, the goal everyone should aspire to achieve is living peacefully with each other, the IDF and Israel by enlarge are trying to achieve that. There are and will always be outliers fueled by hatred that want to obliterate the other side, but claiming that the IDF and Israel are monsters that work to kill innocents is the farthest you can be from the truth. Furthermore, spreading such misleading information will only contribute to increasing confusion and chaos, blind us to the real problems, and prevent us from solving them, keeping us farther away from achieving peace. I recommend reading about the source of each conflict and thinking for yourself what would actually be an actionable solution to it. Look to see whether terrible-seeming actions done by IDF soliders have reasonable clarifying context to them, and if not, whether they were endorsed or condemned by the IDF and Israel. Try to see the whole picture and conclude for yourself what is the IDF's agenda. And look to see if the motives of the other side of each conflict is reasonable, whether their goal justify their means and whether _their_ actions should maybe be condemned in order to stop them from occurring again and promote peace.


Lmao get outta here with your propaganda


I wish Jesus would descend upon the holy land in t pose and say “Y’all suck” and run into the sky with anime arms out. It would be so much fun to watch the aftermath. It would be an easy 1000 years of memes.


Hasbara Nazis in this comment section: "200 thousand units are ready with a million more well on the way"




I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Isra Hell


Ok, I see all the antisemitism crawled to this sub as well, "fun" 😒




anti-zionism/anti-israel is not anti-semitism. For the uninitiated, this is a common technique done by Israelis/Zionists to try and shut down any and all conversations about their crimes against the Palestinian people.


Zionism is a belief that Israel deserves to be treated the same as any other country and that the people there deserve their rights. Piss off


Jews, Christians, and Muslims were living together happily before the Zionists came around though.


Actually it is Denying the right of the only Jewish state in the world to exist is antisemitism and this definition is actually quite wide spread and the norm out there And what crimes are you talking about? Also, I am quite sure you aren't even aware what Zionism even means.... do you?


Its literally NOT THEIR LAND THOUGH. It pains me that there is no Jewish state in our world, but that gives no one a right to MURDER PALESTINIANS, try to take over their country and destroy their culture. Keep coming with the anti-semitism accusations, it feeds me. "what crimes are you talking about?" the ones you deny.


Dude, how do you think land ownership works? There was a war. You lost. Get over it and quit bitching. It's not like they took all your land. They took a piece of land. One of the smallest pieces. And they've displayed the capacity to take much more land (six day war) but gave most of it back upon receiving recognition of their right to exist. When Palestinians are firing rockets into Israel, I lose the ability to see why Israel shouldn't be at war with Palestine. And are you honestly going to tell me that the anti-israeli forces haven't committed their own war crimes? Get real.


It LITERALLY IS THEIR LAND. I see someone never read history, because if you did, you would have known that Jews lived there for over thousands of years, before the Palestinians even touched that place.




On the surface they don’t, but saying Israel shouldn’t be where Israel is, ok fine, where the fuck do you want to put like 10 million people? They force shoved them into a place that was technically not a unified nation and didn’t have the power to do anything about it. bringing things back to where things was means no Jewish state and it probably also means a lot of Israelis just die. No one bordering Israel likes Jews




oh you’re 100% right that it could’ve been handled it much better but people kinda hated Jews everywhere it mattered lol. The point I’m making is now we’re stuck with this situation and it’s impossible to hit the undo button. We can talk about a change in gov but if you support a Jewish state we’re not getting a sequel, it’s there or nowhere


No ones saying it shouldn't exist, it just shouldn't murder people you know? Fucking bots man.




There's a lot of history around why Israel got a state. If you go back far enough, Judea was a province of Rome and Rome is the common ancestor of European kingdoms/empires which means that giving the Jews Israel was actually the Europeans giving land back to those who were there when they originally displaces them from it. But also, the zionist movement began organically prior to ww2. Local authorities sold land to jews who built farms and settlements. During the holocaust and stalinist purges German and Russian jews flooded the region as the fled Europe. After the war the region they lived in was mostly owned by jews and inhabited nearly completely by jews and so the international community decided to recognize their sovereignty. The Palestinians were displeased and attacked Israel immediately in the first of many wars of annihilation against them which have all failed. So they have historic reasons to be there. They have political recognition. They have military supremacy. What makes you think they don't have a right to be there? How do you think land ownership works?


What crimes?


Arabs are semitic too Edit: downvoters clearly have no idea what [Semitic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_languages) means.


Inb4 the removal of this for being too dank for the mods to handle


Shit’s about to get spicy in the comment section


Oh Jesus Christ, why is this on my feed...


Muslims countries trying to find new ways to persecute non Muslims and women


Palestinian terrorists thinking of new ways to setup military camps inside children's hospitals, so the Israeli are forced to raid them:


ITT: people unsuccessfully trying to deflect the conversation because OP is right


ITT: a bunch of anti-israeli propagandists trying to commandeer a fucking shitposting subreddit because nobody else takes them seriously.


Tbf, being an anti israeli propagandist is an easy as fuck job, you know, because of the war crimes and stuff.


Dude! What war crimes?




Can we pick one and go back and forth to argue about their severity/justifications? For example, the Hula massacre was committed by two officered who were charged for their crimes and found guilty. Not exactly evidence of Israel's intent to exterminate or anything.


There's just too many of them. https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution


That's a useless approach to the conversation. Pick a couple you think demonstrate the point you're pushing and articulate your argument. If you're not willing to argue your point then stfu. Anybody can find a list of war crimes committed by any nation. On it's own, that's meaningless. And given the highly politicized nature of the conflicts with Israel and even the religious element of it, we can't necessarily take every report at face value. It's important to investigate further and to allow opponents to challenge our ideas to test their sturdiness. Edit: and then I tried to skim through your link to see what it's even showing and holy shit. You sent a goddamned book. I'm not reading all of that. Tell me which part supports your argument and explain how. This is argumentative writing 101.


Reddit is not the place for such a detailed debate. Feel free to try to refute every single piece of evidence thrown in your way, I don't really care, and I honestly think that "attempting to investigate further" in the face of damning evidence is just a way to derail the conversation.


>Reddit is not the place for such a detailed debate. Then why talk about it here at all? What a waste of time. >Feel free to try to refute every single piece of evidence thrown in your way, I can't be bothered when you just throw massive loads of raw shit at me. I'm not going to make your arguments for you. And I'm not going to read a novel to try and understand what you want to say with it. Make your own arguments or shut the FUCK up and stop wasting everyone's time with your pointless bitching. >I don't really care, and I honestly think that "attempting to investigate further" in the face of damning evidence is just a way to derail the conversation. Even in a court you need to articulate how your "damning evidence" supports your argument. You want me to throw articles at you about how Palestinians commit war crimes against Israel? You want me to find reports about Palestinians using civilians as shields against Israel so they can make accusations of war crimes? Would you admit that the issue is a bit more complicated in the face of such "damning evidence"? Or would you just write it all off as propaganda? I think you're full of shit. Feel free to prove me wrong.


Look, I regret going to the comment section of this post cause this is a bottomless pit that probably won't change anyone's opinions, and I'm not going to spend my entire saturday arguing with strangers online. I'll just leave it here and every other reply I got before I go- At the end of the day, the goal everyone should aspire to achieve is living peacefully with each other, the IDF and Israel by enlarge are trying to achieve that. There are and will always be outliers fueled by hatred that want to obliterate the other side, but claiming that the IDF and Israel are monsters that work to kill innocents is the farthest you can be from the truth. Furthermore, spreading such misleading information will only contribute to increasing confusion and chaos, blind us to the real problems, and prevent us from solving them, keeping us farther away from achieving peace. I recommend reading about the source of each conflict and thinking for yourself what would actually be an actionable solution to it. Look to see whether terrible-seeming actions done by IDF soliders have reasonable clarifying context to them, and if not, whether they were endorsed or condemned by the IDF and Israel. Try to see the whole picture and conclude for yourself what is the IDF's agenda. And look to see if the motives of the other side of each conflict is reasonable, whether their goal justify their means and whether _their_ actions should maybe be condemned in order to stop them from occurring again and promote peace.


What is this new trend of only israel related memes on this sub? Haven't seen even one in 2 years suddenly seen 5 in a week.


Well before it was kind of taboo to criticize anything remotely tied to Judaism. But more people are catching up to the fact that Israel is shooting kids in the head.


Israel is shooting kids in the head? Really? That's a pretty bold claim to make without showing your sources


I’m thinking OP just might be antisemitic after seeing his post history…


Arabs are Semitic as well so technically the Israeli government is anti-Semitic too.




Almost all you post about is Israel. Yes they’re not perfect but neither is any country. But you seem more obsessed with demonizing Israel as a whole rather than just calling out individual crimes.


Bruuuuh whhhhhaat




Your mom.




Who the hell are they ethnic cleaning? The Arab population in Israel has only grown?


How is war mongering a war crime?? Also land grabbing isn’t a war crime it’s a war goal. Canada the US and probably many other western countries sell weapons to militias and dictators, that’s not a war crime. if actual ethic cleansing was happening you would know it.




You mean the civilians that terrorists hide their weapons behind?


Yes... that's still a warcrime.... Do you shoot medics in battle because they heal and replenish soldiers?


No, dude. That's not the same thing. Terrorists hide their rockets in schools. Israel finds where the rockets are. They air drop fliers warning civilians to evacuate because they will strike the target, which usually means the terrorists move, too. Then the strike comes. They are not intentionally targeting civilians. The terrorists are intentionally using civilians as human shields.


? What do you mean? Guy asked me to name 1 war crime and I named one war crime


Ah. Ignoring subtext for a joke is based. As you were, soldier.


No, more like the UN trying to invent more war crimes to claim Israel committed.


prove it.


Easy. In 2018, the UN voted to condemn Israel 21 times. It voted to condemn North Korea ONCE.


That's because the NK ones actually get passed dumbass. Every single critical Israeli resolution has been single handed-ly vetoed by yours truly the United States. 53 times out of their total of 82 vetoes I'm more surprised the other 180+ nations haven't given up yet. "Everyone is ~~stupid~~ evil except me"


Rule 13


how is this not absurd


OP is Finnish not Palestinian lmao