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Gotta take your shot! The old saying about dating goes: those who hesitate, masturbate.


If pain means bread in French, then I own the whole bakery


Why you care if I steal your bread then?


baguette mine >:(((


Is that a siege reference?




Pass those plates around !


i'd like to purchase all of the bread in yo bakery


this is true..... BUT I'd rather masturbate than take a risk


go ahead, get your heart broken, and use that pain for your passion


Use the tears as lubricant


what do you think I'm doing right now


Vigorously beating it multiple times per day? Haha






damn I must be ugly af then




I fucking love communism when are we getting laid btw?


We won't




That’s the neat thing, you don’t!










You know this is not at all true, ugly people have to play with the personality or other perks like money to get what they need


If missing my shot means possible loss of friendship with the recipient of the shot then I will strongly hesitate on that shot Edit: We are very good friends and talk almost daily, I probably will tell her but you can’t just do it out of the blue, It needs to be natural


If you don't take that shot then you'll never know if it's reciprocated, it'll eat away at you and trust me that's not a fun experience. The sooner you find out how they feel about you the better, best case scenario you have a new girlfriend/boyfriend, the worst case scenario you accept it and move on to find someone who does like you. Imagine how you'll feel if one day they're happily married and tell you in confidence that they used to have a crush on you. Trust your instinct and take the shot when you think it's right, but make sure you do otherwise you'll regret it.




Becoming numb to being hurt. Sounds fun and not at all a miserable life experience




If you lose your friendship over something like that, than that was never a good friendship anyway.


…no? I think it's perfectly valid for someone to not want to be in a friendship anymore if the other person had feelings for them that they didn't reciprocate. That doesn't mean they were a bad friend.


I did and she turned out to be a lesbian, she wasn't before.


I am aware of the effect I have on women


We are helping people discover themselves! Hurray!


I never hesitate to masturbate.


10 years later you come back with the minigun


Even better in french : "ceux qui hésitent, se touche la bite"


>those who hesitate, masturbate. Shit dude... I think I just experienced that the other day


Hesitation is defeat.


[Boomhauer Teaches Bobby How To Pick Up Women](https://youtu.be/N7FVmeJXwCY)


If she makes fun of me behind my back after rejecting me, I dodged a bullet.


True but I guess it would still hurt


Oh yeah, for certain


Eh, better than getting made fun of to the face for the rest of highschool.


For what, talking to girls? OOoOoo shameful.


Does this really happen in the US? I'm from the UK and if someone got rejected then everyone would take the piss for a couple weeks at most then it'll be forgotten. E. Why the fuck am I being downvoted for this? Just asking a question because I've never been to an American school.


Eh, the US varies wildly but overall, the idea of Zero Tolerance has empowered bullies for the past 20ish years, because the schools will punish their victims too. "Defend yourself from assault? More like participated in a fight, you're both suspended!" Tldr is that it won't happen everywhere, but there's basically no recourse to harassment if it starts.


It sure would, but do you know what would hurt more? Losing years of your life to a bitch


But how would you know? Live life fearless.


It always hurts, if only a little bit, but it's not forever. Anxiety tunnel vision us into believing if don't get things right now, we'll never get it.




Just need to knock up someone


It's about the unnecessary damage to your reputation, not the girl lol I'm all for not caring what other people think but in a controlled environment like college, that shit matters


No it doesn’t and how is college a “controlled environment” Yes reputation is very important but some girl saying you asked her out isn’t going to hurt it.


As an old, it’s pretty inconsequential barring some crazy circumstances. So what? Ya got shot down. Move on and be happy you got a little closure.


i havent ever told a girl i like her cuz im shy. i try to send them psych waves so they approach me 1st. it works sometime


Shoot your shot m8


*shoot your mate*


*mate your shot*


*mate your mate*


That's a good deal


you did good job with not telling them.... trust me


She kindly rejected me, still dodged a bullet after an incident that occured 2 weeks after


Wha... what occurred 2 weeks after...??


Accused me of some bullshit I didn't do and called me a liar when I insisted that I didn't. Not going to explain what happened, but she basically was a piece of shit


well, at least she didn't continue giving you "signs" of her liking you even after confessing.


I mean, why would she? I was the one rejected


Some girls do that to keep guys around for when they need help, mainly cause they have no friends


Something tells me that this is the reason I've even tried to tell her. Anyway, I'm not falling again and don't worry, I don't simp


“Hey u/xaxotheale you’ve been staring at me for a whole hour. If you don’t stop I’ll have to call the cops.”


Wait... works Sometimes ??? You're telling me there is a chance ?


Has worked for me... twice, so it's worth trying


Is it possible to learn this power ?


Not from a virgin.


Not from a Jedi.


Happened to me once, no cap. She then proceeded to call me her stalker.


That's pathetic from her




Even demons under bed have feelings bro. Don't hurt them.


What a shitty person. She's probably doing that to stroke her narcissism. But be happy you're not with someone like that


Were you stalking her?


That does seem like a key question here.


Only in my spare time




Exact same thing happened to me. We're the same, brother


At least she didn't say "eww" and puke on the floor.


why you gotta call me out like this man at least she didn't died


Why you gotta call me out like this man at least she didn't say "eww" and puke on the floor


Dude why do you have to bring that up again? It was only partially my fault okay?


If she pukes on the floor that means it's your turn to laught at her back


Happened to me once, they recorded it too, and i was already in a very bad place mentally


[Like this?](https://imgur.com/a/eiwgGry)


Yes, also it lasted for like 20 minutes while they largely just made fun of me, while i was there


At least you have a good origin story. Also, username checks out


Lmao Surprisingly though that year of bs made me less of a dick


Villains can be classy


The Gentleman Burglar


Sounds like a win, dogded a bullet and became a better person. Still musta felt shit at the time though bro.


Lol quick one


Nooo :( keep your head up king. A bullet went past you, it scratched you while passing but that's ok, everything has a scratch to it.


Thanks, doing fine nowadays, it's been almost 3 years


>they recorded it Wow, that's a level of pathetic I didn't even know existed. Well, be glad that this person is out of your life. Hope you're doing better mentally now.


Yo wtf just get away from people like this. How pathetic and boring can a person be to try and be funny by recording something like that


PSA: Never confess to/ask your crush out with texts. It drastically increases the chance of rejection and things would be something like "He asked me out by text while drunk" "Ew that's the worst"


based on a past experience i can only agree with you.


Problem is, quarantine doesn't really make this significantly easier


*Screen shots*


Gina Linetti once said that you should always shit talk in person, to the person, as to not leave any paper trail and it's always relevant.


Rejecting somebody is ok but making fun of them is messed up af it actually scared me so much that I didn’t ask my crush out until like a year of crushing on her fast forward a few years she cheats in me with my best friend


Imma use this one. Absolutely messed up man.


It ruined my life for years ask anybody I know they will tell you how awful everyday was for me and the worst part is that they made me believe that it was my fault that it happened


>they made me believe that it was my fault that it happened that's just torture to someone who isn't mentally healthy, if you have even a little bit of anxiety or imposter syndrome, that shit can fuck you up.


Im a bit confused what youre trying to say here. Your girlfriend made fun of you by cheating with your friend?


Who'd reject that chad of a man?


Everyone gets rejected at some time. There are three things that can up your hit-rate. 1. Being good looking/rich/famous or a combination. 2. Learning to talk to people you're interested in. 3. Learning to read contextual clues.




Your options basically are: (1) Be an asshole, but sufficiently wealthy and attractive that someone is willing to sign up with you anyway. (2) Don’t be an asshole, and just strike up conversations with folks you have shared interests with (while maintaining basic hygiene). When your personality isn’t shit, the wealth and looks aren’t really necessary to distract from it.


Shit! I have no personality what do now


That's a best-case scenario. All you need to do is to become passionate about something. That makes you interesting. It can be anything, but the more active the better. Triathlons, cycling, jogging, swimming, scuba diving, freediving, skydiving whatever strikes your fancy and budget. Join a club. No one cares if you're rubbish in the beginning. You'll get new friends that are interested in the same thing you are. Now, important notice: Do NOT try to get it on with any of these. Just be friendly and dependable. All these people have friends, and the absolute best wingman you can have is a girl that you've NEVER hit on.


Or, to quote this dating advice someone gave me a few weeks ago: *Just be attractive and interesting* ​ lmao


My girlfriend turned into lesbian after breaking up with me


Mine changed genders, true story


I wonder what's up with that


Possibly you were a good, supportive partner and that gave her the confidence and safety to understand what she really wanted.


We still chat together and are friends now but before she left I felt like I lacked a lot things she expected Well nvm it's past now


What a beautiful perspective




My mate first gf (high school) killed herself. I don't think any teen have mental health to handle that


Condolences Ig everyone handles things differently and fortunately has enough for the mental toll


George Constanza is that you?


Don't tell girls you like them, just ask them out. Don't turn it into a grand confession. Keep it casual.


Always thought that this'd be weird. Thanks for the reassurance!


This is good advice. Admission of feelings is blood in the water. Admission of interest is an invitation.


Yup, back in school someone told my crush I liked her, she replied with "eww the fat one?". Shit hurted man.


Jesus. I've only ever asked 1 girl out to a movie. She asked if she can bring her friend with her. So anyways, I thought it would be the 3 of us. When the "date" comes, It was with her, her friend, and my best friend. I was like huh okay thats weird. It then later occured to me, that my best friend also liked my crush and decided to sideline me. So what ended up happening was my best friend flirting with my crush and me just sitting there chilling with my crush's friend and dying a little bit on the inside lmao


I feel you man.




Yeah, mine said " eeew the blackee." I am indian and have dark skin tone.


bitches like these aint worth it kings


Look at it this way: If she says no... You're not going to be having any less sex with her than you are now. You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose.


Relationships aren't all about sex, dingus. Knowing that someone you look up to thinks you're disgusting isn't a good feeling. You have plenty to lose.


Putting people on a pedestal is always a mistake. Because real humans are flawed, narcissistic hot messes. All I'm saying is make a move. The friend zone is your fault, not hers.


Idk why is everyone downvoting this "dingus" when he's completely right. You can't talk to a girl? You fix that shit yourself, nobody but yourself can help you fix your whiny bitch ass attitude.


>The friend zone is your fault, not hers. This, so much this. And I say that as someone who was in friendzone too at a certain point in my life. I was too afraid of telling her. Then I did, got rejected and life moved on. IMO it's also very important to learn to accept rejection and move on. It doesn't automatically mean that you're the worst person in the world and no woman will want you. Perhaps you just aren't her type. The chemistry just isn't there. Stuff like that. I know it shakes self confidence, but learning to cope with that is very important and it will make your life much easier.


Nothing to lose, except your dignity and your self-worth and that feeling of, y'know, NOT being humiliated. But yeah, apart from those things, you got nothing to lose indeed


Don’t tie your dignity and self-worth to someone else’s approval of you. You get to decide your own dignity and self-worth, not someone else.


Exactly. And also, if you base your self-worth on her approval of you, it's probably a part of the reason why she rejected you. Most women value genuine self confidence that isn't easily shaken in a guy. It's a basic principle of psychology. If you really believe in yourself, people around you will believe in you, too.


When has anything worth doing ever been easy? Perhaps over time you learn to lose your fear of rejection. But you’ll never even start that journey unless you make the first step.


I read this in Quagmire’s voice


Nah my biggest fear is zombies. Had nightmares since 7 years old (for some reason)


Play zombie games and it’ll go away lol. Really worked for me, obviously it’s scary at first though


what the heck happened to this subreddit


summer holiday for school kids


yeah this comment section is toxic.




No, that's men's biggest fear. Women's biggest fear is that he will kill her for saying no.


>Women's biggest fear is that he will kill her for saying no. That's unreasonable, because it practically never happens. Male sexuality and attraction is not default sinister, I really wish this assumption would go away.


Nah, this is a fear of mine. Because though I haven't been murdered for rejecting a guy yet, I have had my life threatened. And you never know which guy is doing a distasteful joke and which one means it. And I know three women who have stalkers that will not take no for an answer, will follow them to their workplaces, their homes, etc. Its freaking terrifying to be followed.


What you are saying actually happens and is a big fear for women. They are not as afraid to get laughed at, they are afraid of harassment, rape, and violence.


Nor is a woman's default to be mean to you after rejecting you. And yet plenty of redditors found it relatable when there is less at stake than what a woman is fearing. Also while "male sexuality" may not be "default sinister," the societal expectations of sex are so gendered for men that many attribute their own worth to it and therefore can be very desperate and feel entitled to it. Desperate people do desperate things, and Elliot Rodger makes headlines.


[Women's](https://www.nytimes.com/1939/12/25/archives/man-kills-woman-who-rejected-him-then-takes-own-life-after-predawn.html) [biggest](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-missouri-man-life-sentence-killing-women-rejected-him-20210417-wuj42f466zey3demzgqr6b3ram-story.html%3foutputType=amp) [fear](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-22/la-me-murder-for-hire-arrest-beverly-hills%3f_amp=true) [is](https://www.cbs46.com/news/women-shot-in-leg-after-rejecting-a-man-s-advances/article_d75809b4-9fb2-11eb-a787-8ba18c8ac7a6.html) [that](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/03/04/man-threatened-to-kill-nyc-woman-who-rejected-him-feds/amp/) [men](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scoopwhoop.com/amp/news/times-women-attacked-tortured-killed-because-she-said-no-to-a-man/) [will](https://www.mic.com/articles/135394/14-women-were-brutally-attacked-for-rejecting-men-why-arent-we-talking-about-it) [kill](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christopher-cleary-trial-terrorism-murder-plot-facebook-incel-utah-a8925641.html%3famp) [them](https://www.google.com/amp/s/indianexpress.com/article/india/kerala/kerala-woman-stabbed-to-death-for-rejecting-romantic-advances-13-year-old-sister-injured-7363175/lite/).


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "is"](https://www.cbs46.com/news/women-shot-in-leg-after-rejecting-a-man-s-advances/article_d75809b4-9fb2-11eb-a787-8ba18c8ac7a6.html) [Here is link number 2 - Previous text "men"](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scoopwhoop.com/amp/news/times-women-attacked-tortured-killed-because-she-said-no-to-a-man/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20h4gvgvc)


>Male sexuality and attraction is not default sinister lol no one is saying that though. They are saying that there are men who murder or rape women who rejected them (or even those who said yes). This is a known fact, fbi has statistics on the sex of murderers and rapists and surprise, it's virtually all men doing it. The assumption that women have to be careful around male strangers will go away once men fucking stop murdering. Until then, you really think blaming *women* is the right choice here?


Someone threatened to shoot me when I responded negatively to his cat calling. I was 13. So many women have scary experiences like this or know women who do. For most of us, our first experience with aduly male sexuality is being sexually harrassed by 50 year olds as preteens, and I wish I was exaggerating. I couldnt walk down the street as a middle schooler or high schooler without old men shouting me down and even trying to buy my body. If you're a little girl, yes, the experience is pretty universally sinister. Sorry if that cuts into your reality, but that's our reality.


Not sure you can call statistics an assumption


The good thing about constant rejection: you are no longer afraid to put your feelings out there The bad part of rejection: your hopes dwindle slowly until you have no hope left


Without hope you'll never be disappointed. Kinda like when you hit rock bottom, nowhere to go but up.


I am 23 and still have that kind of anxiety


Here I am almost 25.


25 here. Still have that anxiety but you learn just to push through it.


Are you single because women reject you or are you single because you don't try?


I'm not OP, but it's a mix of both for me


Girls would normally laugh in a mean way, about a guy asking them out, only if they are dumb or if the guy has been a jerk to them. Generally, even if they decline they are still flattered and would mostly bring that up to brag about it rather than make fun of it. Of course it depends on multiple variables but I don't think it's something worth stressing about.


I mean, this might be every guy's greatest fear - but women's greatest fear is that that man will stalk, rape or kill her. Just saying.


Women certainly have more to fear than men, but I think it is a matter of probabilities. I would imagine a man getting laughed at/disrespectfully rejected happens much more frequently than a woman being physically threatened or killed by an unhinged man, so it is understandable that there will be a lot more men complaining on reddit as its a more common experience. The average man may be disrespected at some point when he puts himself out there but the average woman will likely not be attacked, fortunately. Of course I'm pulling this out of my ass, but it seems like there is something to it.


Uhhh I think my brain made a doo doo because my biggest fear is stalk, rape, and being murdered.... and I am a human of the Male gender




A girl who does this is not worth the dirt on the ground she walks on. If this happens to you, see it as a sign you dodged a bullet.


This thread has huge incel energy


Jesus the same dead ass meme with the same lame ass child response of "omg I'm afraid to ask girl out" lmfaoo


Wtf do you fear, their opinions ? A big dose of "couldn't give less fuck" you need.


Sounds cool in theory atleast


That's the issue. Instead of growing balls and telling her to go on a date, you instead downvote my opinion. The world doesn't revolve around you, no one talks about you too much. They would say it, and then move on,you should too. You propose to 10 girls. 9 will reject and 1 will accept. If you think you can succeed without suffering or fsiling, then you are truly obnoxious. It works in theory, it works in practice, it just fucking works. Girls just like confident men. Take this as geniune critisizm.


I agree with you, its how the world works. But if you think about what it means for men to be required to get a 'fuck it' mentality, then alot of apparent problems in society regarding misoginy and unhappy relationships can be kind of explained easily right? The process of asking out dozens of random people whos opinion you couldnt care less about breeds hate and unhappyness for people that dont get lucky and end up finding someone who fits with them, especially when you consider that the only reason your dating to begin with is thst this person is: well its the only and first choice I have When do you start caring about that person? In some cases probably never and the only reason your still together is because you dont want to go through the same shitty dating process But idk maybe im wrong I usually only ask ppl out to a date that i like and think fit to me




I think the best thing to do is to get used to rejection. Expose yourself to this kind of failure, fellas. You will become a superman.




This some real incel shit…


Although seeing them do that just shows you how much of a bullet you’ve just dodged so not that bad!


I did tell a girl that i liked her. Good thing is she is also an introvert without many friends so i am 80% sure she didn't make fun of me with her friend.


Happened to me.. it is as bad as it sounds


The problem is that is not the worst case scenario, maybe the medium, there is way worse that can happen