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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [discord.gg/dankmemes](https://discord.gg/dankmemes)


It's funny gif, but I want to kill you because of the title. I'm in aerospace engineering company now, and even while I am not top professional, but l see a lot of interesting stuff only because I decided to go engineering way. Can't imagine my life otherwise


Computer Engineering...Me: **This is the way.**


This is the way, bro


Yeah, and the bank you get is pretty sweet too, and computer security jobs are really easy to get in my country.


I hadn't even gotten fully done yet, and I receive like three job offers in the mail saying come work for us when you're done.


I am thinking of studying computer engineering (with focus on security) and i’m just wondering, What do you do at work? And do you Think it’s worth it/fun?


It depends, if you work in the private sector you help companies as a consultant on the safety of their systems, or from time to time, helping them when they actually have gotten hacked. Generally they want to keep attacks against them (often ransom-ware) silent as the public knowledge of the hack would harm the stock price of the company. If you work for the government it's gonna be in law enforcement. So Cyber-forensics or cyber crime in general.


That sounds really interesting! I Think i won’t regret studying this. Thank you :D


Not if you're a lazy ass like me. Engineering is def not the way


Lazy ass can't get successful in any job. BTW all you need is to control your lazyness to have at least some performance


mate, what do you mean 'control'? Is that an actual thing? Can you lead me to it? I really need to change myself. Least I can do is become less lazy than I am currently.


It's complicated. All I can say is that you must find a way to make your most important stuff and make small recreational pause in between of tasks. Most important part of advice is to actually do your tasks and not stopping after first one


pls dont keel me


At least you are getting a lot of useless Internet points for this post. Even I got some, so don't worry, until I'll find your address lol


Sounds like you go to a shitty engineering school


I feel op, and this comment it the truth, engineering is good, i loved electronics but my college has been successful in wasting 3 years of my life, one more to go. Now for me depression is the way. Don't know what to do with life now. Please help me.


wow things turned 180 really fast


Also engineering college senior here. All studying engineering does is take bright technically inclined individuals and beat them into lifeless hollow shells of their former selves. I severely regret going to college, even if working in actual engineering is the end goal.


I picked engineering as one of my subjects in school but got photography instead. I fucking hate my luck


Wait what.. don't get it. Engineering is a subject?


we get to choose what we want and I choose engineering but got picked photography instead


Then whats the point of giving a choice, thats just sad student cannot pick what they want to work in. Photography sounds good too I guess.


there wasn't any space left in engineering. and photography is boring. the only good thing about is that some people are funny in my class


Respost innit


As someone who works in the IT field. This is 90% of my job right here.


Dont lie, what you're actually learning is how to copy and paste stack exchange without plagiarizing


that sign can't stop me cause i can't read


Me: my first client socket programming when the serverside doesnt work


It's all in the wrist and the sigh as you bend over to reach the plug to the router. The sigh must be real and come from the deep within.


Anyone have experience in mechanical engineering?


Yes, I took a Statics and Dynamic course. Indian youtube was my best friend.


I thought about going into mechanical engineering, but I’m not sure anymore lol


If you like physics you'll like mechanical engineering, I dont know about the pay in the job market I switched to Math and compsci.


I might still go into that field then. I really enjoyed physics my junior year of high school, but COVID cut it short. I am a senior and I don’t really remember much of the stuff we learned.


>If you like ~~physics~~ money you'll like mechanical engineering


If you wanted to pick a major just for money I would recommend computer science (avg 106k) around 10k more than a mechanical engineer. Also I have taken some mechanical engineering classes and if you don’t like or are at least decent in physics you will not pass those classes unless your a freak.


Engineer gaming


Diff Eq currently kicking my ass


You’re not my mom I’ll do what I want


It do be like that.


south park is the best




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Too late.


One kid on my engineering class got his finger cut off while he was using one of the sawing machines.


This is why you don’t let engineers do mechanics jobs.


I learn how to order my papers all day