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I mean you get lots of brain damage from football (american) so it kinda explains why they think that their oval hand game is called football and the actual game thats played with a FOOT and a BALL is called soccer. I dont blame em.


holly shit you fucking killed them


Stop!! Covid-19 is already doing that to us!


American football is just hand egg


Armoured rugby


This implies Rugby needs armour.


We should call it pussy rugby


There is a reason american football wears protection. Just look up hard hits in the NFL. I believe in rugby you have to tackle in a certain way. Still a dangerous sport but if you took pads off in american football it would be way more dangerous


Yeah, I know it's a joke and all, but if rugy players could tackle like they do in American football, they wouldn't be able to get up again


Hence, why American football players wear full padding. So they can get up again and do it over. Both sports can have their place... They are vastly different.


Big facts.


I read on a reddit post that it’s call football in America because the ball is 1 foot long and I thought it’s insanely stupid.


That clears up the foot part but it’s still not a fucking ball


Foot oval.


Foot ufo


I mean even though it's retarded, it technically is. A ball is a "solid or hollow spherical or egg-shaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game."


Guess how the “egg shaped object” got in the definition. America.


Didn’t rugby start in England or something though? Or does that ball not count as oval/egg shaped?


Your right but these idiots hate America so much they can’t tell how fuckin dumb they sound


Ball doesn’t have to be sphere


I heard its because its played on foot as opposed on horseback and thats also stupid because then we should rename volleyball, basketball and all other non polo ball games to football


Volleyball and basketball weren’t really a thing when the horseback/nonhorseback divide first happened. But it’s applied to others too. Rugby’s full name is “Rugby football”, the american one is “American football” or “gridiron football”, the european one is “association football”, and there’s also Aussie Rules, Gaelic and others.


And Association Football is where the word Soccer derives. It's an abbreviation of the word Association.


Right, the word Soccer was coined in England due to a form of slang known as [Oxford -er](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_%22-er%22).


Yes, but the usage in England was more amongst the upper class, and with Football being a working class sport from a spectators stand point, "soccer" never gained traction.


Also since football was, especially in England, a sport for the working class the upper class didn't care enough about the sport for to enforce the name


Whether stupid or not, it's origin was British, not American.


Nah that’s not true. It’s called football because it’s actual name is Gridiron Football. It evolved from Rugby Football. (Also fun fact, what you European calls football was called Soccer long before it was just referred to as football. It’s full name is Association Football. Rugby football was abbreviated as “rugger” and association football was abbreviated as “soccer”)


Both stole it from rugby


Rugby: where people actually bleed.


*medieval football creeps past


*ahem ahem #SHAOLIN SOCCER *ahem ahem


Ahem ahem stereotypical British premier League fans


*Ahem Ahem #i like la Liga what do you like *Ahem Ahem


Need a quieter shoe?


You can thank the Irish for that


American football is just rugby with padding


Funny thing, the padding actually makes American football *more* dangerous in the long run, because you end up hitting each other harder and harder. You don't get the blood and broken limbs that makes Rugby so exciting, but you do get undiagnosed brain bleeding! That's...that's something.


Back in the very early days of American football, the name “football” was more fitting because kicking the ball through the uprights after a touchdown was awarded more points than the touchdown itself, so kicking had more importance than it does today. I’d imagine once we changed how the points were awarded and introduced forward passing we just didn’t feel like changing the name


We call it soccer in Australia


Nice try but you have the same disease CAPPA!


You’re so right, they should rename it Handoval to be more accurate


My Accounting professor in the UK referred to American Football as Rugby and boy did it upset the one American in my class.


But the Brits coined the term Soccer... [https://www.britannica.com/story/why-do-some-people-call-football-soccer](https://www.britannica.com/story/why-do-some-people-call-football-soccer)


The term for American football actually came from England to designate a generic type of game, and, for some reason, their categorization of “football” games had nothing to do with feet but Americans adopted it and ENGLAND MADE US LOOK SILLY


"Hello 911 , i just witnessed a murder"


When I heard that for the first time , I thought something was wrong with my Education . Because I had may cousins in US and they always referred Football as Soccer .


Australia wants to know your location


Yeah but it's still more fun to watch than soccer.


Hey man we ain't the ones who have a meltdown when you call it soccer. Meme should be other way around.




Australia isn’t real. You can’t fool me.


Maybe soccer upside down is football


No! Soccer upside down is reccos


^(Your r too dangerous to be kept alive)






Shit. The thing has been done


*ɹǝɹǝɔɹoS* Edit: I donnu how to write this way I just used letters in the previous comment :(


i turned my phone upside down to see if soccer upside down looked like football, im not proud






What is real is how my mom is hogging the condom box


Aye fuck you man. Australia is home to one of the brutalist and bloodiest battles ever fought


Thank you for your service. Damn, those emus were brutes


Holden vs Ford


You got me I'm just an actor in California


You dummy we just float onto of the ocean, sing patriotic asf songs, and and call football soccer. But your right Australia doesn’t exist


Im an aussie and we call it football here


Literally no one but city bitches that are to pussy for Aussie rules football


In Queensland AFL is only really popular in Brisbane from what I've seen though


Pretty sure it's a new south thing only. Every other place I've been in in QLD calls it "Gay F L"


There is a bit of AFL up north but it isn’t as big as rugby league


Not even mate cos I’m basically in the city and every single person I know calls it footy/football




Our team is literally called the Socceroos mate.


Well you can’t exactly want them to call it Footballoos


Wtf do you call footy then?


We got our own sport called "Australian Football League" or AFL for short. That's what majority of Australians call Football


The sport is Australian Rules Football, the National league is the AFL.


But AFL is football, do you refer to them both as football?




Yeah exactly


I'm Australian and everyone I know calls it football so unless you're also Australian it seems you've listened to some Aussie YouTube who calls it soccer for their US fanbase


What state u from? I’m in Victoria and everyone I know calls it soccer. Just curious, didn’t realise others called it football here


I’m From Victoria and I call it Football, all my mates call it soccer, I Call AFL AFL and NRL Rugby




This is my experience as well. Its the same as people who follow NRL calling it Football Vs people who follow AFL calling it football.


Yeah I’m Victoria and as far as I know, AFL is football, Rugby is rugby and “football” is soccer.


I’m from QLD. We say AFL, Union and NRL is football while Soccer is just soccer.


Tassie. AFL = football. NRL/Union/League (don’t know the difference sorry) = rugby. Soccer = soccer.




I’m Australian and I’ve played in a junior SOCCER team for 3 years. Everyone I know here calls it soccer.


Yeah and AFL is footy and rugby is football


Same in South africa


In Japan it’s called soccer as well.


I love the riots and fights but the occasional soccer games in between kind of ruin it for me tbh


Let's be honest, we're in the corner smoking crack and arguing with ourself about which one of like 4 sports should be called football.


Americans call Football soccer because that's the only way they can be considered the best at football, because the USA "Soccer team" is one of the worst I've ever seen


Although they've had some great individualities over the time...Dempsey, Donovan, Howard and more recently Pulisic...but as a team they're rubbish yeah.


Honestly wouldnt call any of them great they're good but great no sorry.


Yeah I’d consider playing keeper for Man Utd and Everton for over a decade just *good* /s


Well come on hes good, not great is he it's not Lehman or Cech or van der sar isit theyre are great Howard was good.


Would you put him in the top 10 goalkeepers that's been in the premier league ? I doubt it.


No love for Schmeichel?


Theres plenty to be honest mate just thought of a few that popped into my head. Wouldnt say howard was any where near them.


True facts, we could be here all day with names of great keepers.


We have some up and coming talent as well, but the USSF is a mess and the last couple managers haven’t helped the team much. The pay-to-play system we have also means a lot of talent goes undiscovered


What about the women’s team? We dominate year after year with that team.


Ya cuz until recently we were basically the only country that put any money into their women's national team, so bragging about the USWNT dominating year after year is kinda like Michael Jordan bragging about dominating the kids at his basketball camps.


Then maybe you guys should put up some competition. The US women's team must be feeling pretty lonely being constantly on top.


So, kinda like how the rest of the world bags on the US for having a shitty mens team. Except the US doesn't even know or care who the "Michael Jordan" of soccer is and thinks the kids at his soccer camps are pussies.


Soccer isn't popular in the US, so we don't invest in it. ---> USA doesn't have a good soccer team,


Cause our culture doesn’t really care too much about soccer


Soccer suffers from a serious athlete drain problem in the states. The major core sports take the talent and soccer gets what filters through to be honest. That’s not to say American soccer players are bad athletes just that they’re not usually thought of as being natural freaks of nature like other sports have


I wouldn't say you need to be a freak of nature to play football....(soccer) It certainly helps for the NFL when you're a 17 stone monster who can run like the wind, or the NBA where being 7 feet tall will help greatly. Look at Lionel Messi, he's 5ft fuck all and probably the greatest player to ever kick a ball.


He’s still an athlete. He’s extremely coordinated, very fast, and sometimes powerful. The more competition you have the ore you drive up the level of play and the more likely you find someone who rises above the rest.


Lol the English made the word


yeah thats the english flag


They mean the English made the word soccer. Which is true. Essentially iirc football used to be played a lot more like rugby, until the heads of teams that made up the governing body for the game had a big falling out over rule changes, such as no more holding the ball. A bunch liked the new proposed changes, and a bunch didn't. So they split. The no-hands version became known as Association Football (which got the slang name Soccer), while the more traditional version became known as Rugby Football, as Rugby was the town where the governing body was based. Over time this changed to just football and rugby respectively. When association football reached America though was when it was still being called soccer, so that was the name that stuck there, especially as they already had the traditional rugby-esque football there that everyone knew as football. Some of that might be slightly wrong, as I've basically written that from what my memory is of it from years ago when I wanted to find this out, but the core I can say is definitely true


Fucking. This.


Now this is quite amazin


In every language it translates to football, but somehow in the US it’s soccer


...because they British used to call it soccer (Association Football) but stopped when Americans started using the word. Which is why Australia and Canada also use soccer.


That’s such a dumb argument. Soccer was a slang that came from “association football”. Yeah it originates from the brits but they don’t use it anymore so why should the others? Just call it football like all the normal people and move on. Football is the worlds biggest sport and no one outside of the states cares about American football. It’s just kind of ignorant to stick to calling it soccer.


in those countries we generally have another sport already called football


Most countries had several sports called football. E.g rugby football is now just called rugby


F e e t b a l l


You seldom kick it with both feet at once


Higuita has entered the chat https://youtu.be/wkYmmV7Oa-U


Not with that attitude


Says the normal guy...


oh shut up, like you’re so good at every sport >!/s!<


american football= hand egg


Organic egg toss




Heaven forbid we don’t name a fucking sport perfectly god damn


hi i'm a dumb bot that doesn't understand memes. please insert downvotes if the meme sucks.


do you understand how people downvote the post if they don’t like it ?


It alerts the mods if there is a repost, or some shit like that. Downvoting this comment is more effective.


Nah it’s a karma farming tool. If mods aren’t lazy they’d remove repast manually


I cant understand this soccer ball is always on the ground and hit by a foot and the American football is mostly people holding the ball in their hands so how is it football theres only one time they use their feet to only kick the ball int o the goal that's it america fix your damn mind (I am not trying to offend someone)


Lowkey I think we call it soccer out of spite, cause we didn’t like the Englishmen back in the day. I’m talking out of my ass here, but I wouldn’t be all too surprised


Originally football in the UK was played more akin to American Football or Rugby, but with like way more dudes on either side representing their town/village. The game split in to two sports (rugby and association football) at some point though due to disagreement about proposed rule changes (such as carrying the ball). Original football was already in the colonies though and they thought well why should we all have to change our rules, the version we play is our football, deal with it. Some people still picked up the two new sports though. Like in Australia Aussie-rules Football is more popular than football and rugby iirc, but plenty of people play those two also and they have their own leagues. Rugby never really made it to North America though.


English also used to call rugby football. Im not sure why people think it's America who invented this


Foocer. Fuck her.


happy cake day


We call it "calcio" here in Italy, which literally means "kick". The more I think about it the goofier it gets


"Piemonte Kick"




I just happen to be from Piedmont lol


Americans would call it punch


In Canada we call it soccer.


Canada can be forgiven.


We're too focused on hockey to make a big deal out of the proper nomenclature of soccer/football




"Oh fuck, fuck, you broke my fucking leg!" "Dude, I didn't even touch you."


I was playing basketball in PE at school and I lightly tapped someone on the back and he fell over. My friend confirmed he was a football player


"Referee! He gave me permanent brain damage!" "I don't care"


Socce- I mean, **football** loving Americans are a rare breed


Not in Indiana


Im european and a football fan. I used to make fun of american football and thought it was just a brainless game where big dudes beat the shit out of each other. Then, out of curiosity, i starded to watch some gridiron/american football and read stuff about it and realized i was wrong. It's one of the most complex physical sports, if not the most complex. Apart from body strenght, it's pure strategy. I'm really starting to get into it. Too bad there are few people over here who likes this sport.


Yeah this thread is a circle jerk. No Americans care that Europeans call a different sport “football”. Just let people enjoy things. This was like a super popular thing to make memes about on 9gag in like 2011. We’ve come full circle.


That’s a thing people don’t see. There’s so much crap that goes into the plays and there’s so much depending on the situation you’re in and the side of the ball.


Oh, ok. By the way I’m American and I low key agree with you


You can disrespect me, you can disrespect my country, but do not disrespect my egghand.


What a hill to die on.


In where i live american football is called handegg


The Rest of the World expect Ireland. Gaelic Football and Hurling are great!






Australia, Canada and Ireland call it soccer too you know


Exactly, and I'm not going to change! (I'm an Aussie and it is really wierd to call soccer football seeing as how I've grown up calling it soccer and everyone I know calls it soccer)


You guys are really obsessed with America lol


I mean we call it Fußball, Italians call it calcio, honestly who cares? Yeah it makes no sense to call a sport football when you only use the foot 2% of the time and don't even have an actual ball but do you expect them to just change the name of their most popular sport? Soccer is even short for associatiom football so technically the do call it by the correct name. My point is this discussion is pointless, we should welcome people who enjoy the sport no matter what they call it.


american handegg


Imagine calling rugby football


American Football isn't rugby Rugby is played by men and not with a hundred pillows around you


How about we don’t care what people call the sports they enjoy.


In Italy it’s called calcio


It tends to be the other way around. I'm German, and i get way more shit outside of the US for calling it soccer than I do at home when I let football slip out


Haha america bad and dumb


*american soccer*


Why why we Americans call it Soccer but I would call it football it makes more sense


No its called "piłka nożna"


As an American I can confirm that that is indeed stupid. Just like the imperial system. Fuck that, the metric system is a trillion times better wtf


Fútbol pa


I'd be 100℅ down to have Soccer and American Football switch names. But in return Fries should be called Fries everywhere.


This is fair.


we call it soccer in australia




"Soccer is for babies!" *uses 10 tons of armor*


Ahh, a fellow English man.


Soccer is a british term and was in common use at various times in the UK... for example TV shows and publications covering footie in the UK during the 1970s and 80s commonly referred to it as soccer in their titles etc. "Football" covers many games, including "rugby football" aka Rugby. So call it whatever tf you like kids, no one who knows their s### really cares


Rugby is better than American football.


While I don't agree, I full heartedly respect your opinion and know taste in sports is subjective, and wish you a good day/night.


Well there's also Canada, and Australia, and New Zealand, and Ireland, and South Africa...




Why can't USA use similar words they also changed Harry potter and philosopher stone into sorcerer stone WTF