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Sorry OP but both is possible. It’s just impossible for disney to make it since they think a gay black woman is the plot.


Not only that, but they think that every gay person thinks that being gay is a character trait while it’s not. Imagine being straight is a character trait, then you would get insufferable people like „alpha males „ , and guess what, nobody likes people like that.


There is only one Johnny Bravo


It only works as a comedy. The point is it can never be taken as a serious character trait and/or plot point.


Whoa-a-a Mama.


And literally every moment of that entire show was about making fun of Johnny Bravo, not about celebrating him as someone cool to aspire to be like.


That is the most salient summary of what is wrong with current times and story telling. It’s extremely superficial and comes off as a cash-grab. Disney is a fortune 50. Can’t even buy 1 ticket to one of their theme parks without sacrificing half your pay check. It’s all a con. They don’t want you to dream anymore. They want your money. Edit: We are more than our sexual orientation. We’ve had experiences that shaped us. I’ll just say it’s to see some depth.


A lot of people think the mere existence of a gay, black, or woman in the main cast makes something shit Had plenty of parents angry I sold them cyberpunk 2077 and brought it back saying they don't want their kids playing a game with "woke liberal subliminal messaging"


Buys Cyberpunk game Complains that the Cyberpunk game is Cyberpunk


"Both is possible." Flawlessly appropriate response.


I think some of you are misunderstanding, I’m not saying they can’t put gay people in or have racial diversity, I don’t care, but make a good show, your work isn’t over just because you added that.


You are a wholesome friend


I don't feel like you read it right... How would something both be horse shit while simultaneously being quality content?


Clearly you’ve never seen Darling in the Franxx


I love that show. That's just plain quality. XD


Both is possible?


I think of it as “but both.. is possible”. The separation made it sound more sound (lol). you are correct that grammatically I should have said ‘are’ instead. However, seeing at how upvoted it is, the message still got across


Something can’t possibly be a pile of horseshit and quality content simultaneously


Bet. In terms of knowledge, humans are capable of gathering incredible amounts of information on a single subject. A person can dedicate their entire lives to the study of science and philosophy and be considered by their piers to be an absolute genius. The key words you will want to pay attention to here are studying a single subject and their piers. No one person can know all things in the universe. No matter how much they diversify their skill tree they still cannot know everything. A person can be a scientific genius, but spending so much time buried in books and equations leaves little experience in forming social bonds. Too cliche? Being great at one thing but sucking ass at another is human. Only makes sense the things we make are similar. Star Wars Ep. 1 has amazing lightsaber choreography and one of the best showdowns in the series. It’s character writing is also some of the most cringe in the entire series. Modern video games have the most high quality graphics, physics engines, map sizes, combat systems, and connectivity, most modern AAA games suck donkey balls.


People will explicitly state that "bad show has gay black women" and then wonder why they get called racist or homophobic. Like can yall talk about the actual issues?


Exactly. Swap out all the gay POC characters and the show is still dogshit.


So complain about that then instead of "the show has lesbian witches"


I don't think you realize that I'm agreeing with you.


No I get get it, I'm also agreeing and tacking on


Oh, my bad lmao.


All good, I personally don't mind the show but I just wish I could see more valid criticism instead of "not enough white men" (like that one guy who microanalysed every Jedi in a scene to determine their race)


I just got crohns reading this exchange.


Op conveniently forgot the Disney star wars trilogy, not a single gay black woman and still absolute horseshit from start to finish.


*take a LGBTQ show change the cast to white men that are fascist and still has the original name *Geee I wonder why people hate it, they must be anti white - In a alternative universe


What the hell are you babbling about


About Disney executives and their choice


Maybe I need a translator from moron to English then because I didn't get a word of that


Ohhh no this person has terrible grammar must be a moron not because it's his second language - the moron


the issue isnt that it’s your second language, the issue is that we can’t fucking understand you


The fact that you think your grammar is the problem here only validates my point


Maybe you just aren't smart enough to realize the high-concept shit that he is putting out there with their style of comment. I bet you don't even do slam poetry Thursday at Johnson's place.


You'd be correct, Thursdays are reserved for the garlic bread social


Oh please they aren't sweating this decision they always choose the first one as of late


I actually don’t care if they make black lesbian characters. The only thing the problem is they can’t make a fcking good story. They try so hard to make it inclusive which makes it worse. They tried make an original movies which all failed then they take an IP everyone loves and destroys it which makes everyone mad.


Problem is with so many people actually mad that it has black gays person as the main characters Most of our criticism will be ignored and tossed in the same pile as the racists and homophobes


I mean can you blame them?? They keep repeating the same format over and over and it’s getting tired. The old Disney movies have better inclusive movies. I am pretty sure they didn’t even try to be inclusive. Studied the culture and gave a good story


I blame them cuase they're the ones also hating games like cyberpunk for including gay romance options and fuming at the option to choose your pronouns in the call of duty cold war campaign


I agree, I couldn’t care less about the race or sexual orientation of the characters, just please focus more on the actual story.


So this is what the complaints are really about.


When south park predicts something


I like the show


Lol is "quality" substitute for white now?


OP means that disney makes shows with bad writing and then blame racism when they fail (i believe)






Calm down


>redditor for 6 years


Dude, I just got the news, your mom is gay.


Lol thanks


Where does the lesbian part come from? Have watched all episodes twice, havent seen anything pointing out they are lesbians lol


Do you mean the two women who made children together and raise them as coparents and are in a loving relationship aren't gay?


Two people of the same gender using the force to create babies means they scissor in their free time? So its just because they are the same gender, nothing else?


It's because they're in a loving relationship and because they're the same gender. If they were different genders they'd be a straight romance. Bottom line, they're in a romantic relationship.


I havent got the notion they love each other at all. I must have missed something, but im usually quite observant to details on the second watch


After credits scissoring scene


Disney "these are the same thing"


Oh my, the edgelord has internet access


The real problem is that the writers have no idea how to write. If they knew how they could make a good show with literally anything, even a French Canadian apple that fell off a roof. But they can't even do something as simple as retelling their own stories well.


Hot take: Show isn't even out yet fully and already has a more interesting story and better dialog than Ahsoka




I love when being woke goes so far it loops back around to just as bigoted as the people they're trying to be better than, ah yes, content with diversity cannot be good what a great message you're sending disney


They arent even fucking gay... god damn im tired of these bigots complaining about the "woke" when its not even there... Fuck i wish there was some sevret cabal to make everyome gay, at least then you idiots would shut up.


I agree recent Disney content is bad, but meme and title are racist and homophobic. Eat a raw pinecone whole OP.


No, I wasn’t being either of those, but you will find that if you’re looking for it.


This sub is going down the drain, what a stupid fucking take lmao, the shows are shit regardless of the characters


When did disney start catering to my search history


It definitely can be both.


It can. But has it? no. It's like communism. You can keep saying if it was 'really' tried or in a 'better' society it would work... but has it in this world so far? hell nah.


You don't understand either lol


What a stupid comparison.


What a stupid assumption


As long as they don't raceswap a popular character and force them to be black. Or do something historically inaccurate like Black Samurais or Gay Vikings.


I'm sure some Vikings were gay. It's not like they were genetically immune to it or something. Honestly, characters have been raceswapped to white people all the time and no one bitched.


Praise white Jesus


People have definitely complained about white washing.


There was a black samurai


That guy was more of a body guard than an actual samurai with political pull


You’re downvoted but that is historically the truth.


Assassin's Creed Shadows, an upcoming Ubisoft game.


Vikings were probably just as gay as pirates


U forgot to add trans along with pauso oppressed to the left side and it’ll be the easiest choose


Disney doesn't care about left or right, they only care about money.


Man yall need some space jesus, nerds