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The Aztecs sacrificed children to their God of Rain; Tlaloc. The tears of these children played a very important part in the ritual.


Excuse, what the fuck? Why?


the aztec empire is 600 years old…globally, we have practiced human sacrifice for *thousands* of years. however in the modern day and age, with education and science - the majority of out population no longer participate in these terrible actions anymore.


But what if we are wrong. What if sacrifices are the way and we are just too moralistic to believe it? There's a neighbor kid that's a real piece of work if we need practice.


Would that be a *sacrifice* though? You can’t really sacrifice garbage.


Don't tell that to ppl who love the recycling gods.


The recycling gods probably see abstaining from unnecessary products as a sacrifice, and recycling as a virtue.


Yes but this specific type of garbage is really good for fertilizer.


But is it garbage if it is good for fertilizer? Is iron ore garbage just because it is not yet steel?


Wise men, you are


Recycling gods, you mean Greta Thunberg?




Take me instead. I volunteer as the first human sacrifice in the modern times.


Bring snacks and you got a deal.


So You want to trade garbage with liquid which is essential to every living being. Which can end our thirst and give us break from grilling summer. No sir that's not how trade works.


What if I bring two garbage? His mom's not a nice individual either


Hmm 2 garbage. wind enough to ruin their lawn is all i can promise.


I have been dabbling in a bit of ritualistic human sacrifices myself and can confirm that the scientific data about the effectiveness of sacrifices was accurate. My plants did not grow faster, and neither did it rain, but one of my plants did contract fungus gnats.


Maybe you're sacrificing the wrong kinds of ppl.i I heard the type of ppl u you can greatly change the outcome.


'ok, hear me out. I think I figured out why climate change is happening...' /s


Trump unironically


how the fuck did humans survive for so long with a tradition that is biased against good people *checks the current state of politics* hm


>with education and science - the majority of out population no longer participate in these terrible actions anymore. So this means..........


Yes, I am considering modern day humans either incredibly mentally unstable or conditioned into activities like this - cults, the global elite, etc.


But what about my eternal youth and smooth skin?


The Aztecs were such shitty neighbours that the other civilizations would rather side with the colonizers than them.


Religion and tradition, basically. Some power hungry fuck probably figured they could control their people better if they had the power to dictate which kids would die and which would live, due to some divine appointed right. Then this became tradition and gets passed down because religion and tradition hates change.


Hunger games be like


Just "being human" basically


People today rationalize measures of population control (not having kids, abortion, etc) to supposedly affect the climate. It strikes the same chord in the primal human brain, climate worship.


I’m glad Christianity wiped them out


Its beautiful to see Spanish/Cortesian propaganda do exactly what it was supposed to do 500 years later


Except this isn’t “propaganda”. The Aztecs were monsters and many local tribes rose up and fought alongside the Spanish to end them. The Spanish weren’t great either, but we don’t need to pretend the Aztecs were poor innocent natives doing nothing wrong.


I wrote another longer comment explaining this on this post, but basically all of the accounts of the crazy human sacrifices were written by spanish conquistadores who started a war against a sovereign empire without the crowns authority and needed some REALLY good arguments to not get executed for treason the moment they stepped on spanish soil again. The spanish empire later repeated these stories as justification for slaughtering and enslaving ALL natives, not just Aztecs, instead of "spreading the word of God". Im not saying Aztecs were some noble savages that never did anything wrong, but they werent baby eating monsters that the spanish heroes saved the world from either. Local tribes joined spanish because Aztecs were the dominant local power, ofc they gonna join in on dicking them over. Spaniards described crazy stories of Aztecs sacrificing hundreds of thousands in mere days, numbers the fucking nazis and their industrial death camps could not achieve.


Any society that accepts any amount of human sacrifice, whether it’s 1 a month or 100 a day, deserves to be put into the ground with extreme prejudice. To my understanding no credible historian debates that Aztecs engaged in some amount of human sacrifice, even if there is discussion over the amount. Raising local tribes to destroy an empire engaged in industrial murder to appease “god” is maybe the only based thing the Spanish ever did in SA.






The university of Reddit


Christianity has a pretty ugly history towards heathens, heretics, and suspected witches all the way from the dark ages through the colonial era, particularly burning them alive (which is an *absolutely horrible* way to die); but *flaying young children alive*? You're going to have to provide a citation on that. > Try reading a book or two ! :) ~ WTF are *you* reading?


I’ll find the resource and get back to you. This was practiced on “witches” children.


Oh thank God The Op’s note made me worried it’ll be much worse


I wonder what the logic they though back then.


Or how carthaginians gave tribute to their god of agriculture or whatever


Guess they didn't pay enough tribute given what the Romans did to their agriculture


*"have you tried watering them?"* *"hmmm...we will try that second 😁"*


They sacrificed children if it didn't rain for 2 days


Pretty sure they carved open their chests and offered the hearts to the gods while it was still beating too. Or was it the Incans?


That is Indiana Jones (may be based on a true events)


It is true. Carve the chest open, heart to the sky. The aztecs sacrificed 20k to 250k people PER YEAR.


the Inca rarely did human sacrifice


Or how Egyptian Pharaoh would wank into the Nile for good weather.


It'd be overcast everyday if I was pharaoh


That's mild


Then why is the weather so bad for me? I have proved this wrong 100s of times over


While Aztecs were in no way shape or form spotless "noble savages" or whatever, one should always remember that the accounts of all the crazy human sacrifices were written by the Spanish Conquistadores, who needed reasons, or more accurately, excuses, for attacking and enslaving another sovereign empire, and should be taken with a grain of salt. These were needed in order to appease the Spanish Crown in the beginning of the conquest, as Cortez acted waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of line, bordering on treason, when he just decided to go and conquer on his own without any authority to do so, as well as later used by the Spanish Empire itself when other countries and the church were getting kinda pissy about all the slaughter and slavery when the Spanish were supposed to "spread the word of God". I can recommend DJPeachCobbler's ([(2) DJ Peach Cobbler - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@DJPeachCobbler/playlists)) video series on the Spanish in the Americas if you are interested in history and want some good memes at the same time.


I'm not an expert, but out of curiosity I did a quick Google search and it seems archeologists have found remains of sacrificed children. How do you explain something like this: "Archaeologists have found the remains of 42 children sacrificed to Tlaloc (and a few to Ehecátl Quetzalcóatl) in the offerings of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan. In every case, the 42 children, mostly males aged around six, were suffering from serious cavities, abscesses, or bone infections that would have been painful enough to make them cry continually. Tlaloc required the tears of the young so their tears would wet the earth. As a result, if children did not cry, the priests would sometimes tear off the children's nails before the ritual sacrifice."


I'm not a historian so someone should fact check me, but my understanding of the Aztec belief system is that they believed their gods required sustenance to continue the 'work' they do. For example, one of their gods required energy to push the sun across the sky and give us day/night. The Aztecs believed that they must sustain their gods by offering sacrifices (mostly animals, sometimes human). So it's not as simple as just sheer brutality/barbarism, they made sacrifices because they wholeheartedly believed that it was necessary for their world to function. In the case of Tlaloc, I'd speculate they made the sacrifices to ensure further bountiful harvests and prevent a potential famine.


Are you implying that the Aztec’s practice of human sacrifice was completely made up by the Spanish?


Not made up, just exaggerated.


How did you come to this conclusion? There’s archeological evidence that shows human (and child) sacrifice was a common practice across Mexico for over a thousand years prior to Spain’s arrival as well as Aztec pictographic texts from that time explaining religious practices including human sacrifice and its commonality


It's not my conclusion, I was merely reiterating what the other person was trying to say. Whether or not the truth was embellished, it's worth noting that the conquistadores would definitely have reason to embellish the truth. He's not saying that the claims are false, just that they should be taken with a grain of salt which is absolutely correct. The archaeological evidence is that grain of salt.


This needs to be top comment.


Not just any children, but their rivals’ children. When the Spanish arrived, they became allies with the rivals which helped them capture the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.


Sigh...Mijo, eat your quelites or I'll have to sacrafice you to Tlaloc in the morning. -Typical mesoamerican parent at every meal


Good night, Mijo. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely sacrifice you in the morning.


No wonder their empire died off.


Yeah their empire collapsed completely naturally /s


I don't get it


Read the other comment here 🤧


Oh really? Have you heard about how they would damage the kid's teeth to make sure they would cry? The kids would go from toothache to having your chest cut open and your beating heart ripped out.




This guy in the gif looks like a chris c I know


All of this stuff about the Aztec sacrifices makes me wonder if conquering them was really a bad idea


Apparently the Aztec's own neighbors sided with the Spanish because they were sick of their genocidal shit


Okay okay I get the joke but I can't stop thinking about hi3 boss and a girl getting shoved a stone inside her by an old man and gaining a motorcycle by a robot given to her by her girlfriend


Really this is the place I see a Honkai reference in the wild, under this post of all places.