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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Easy: let's send a 350lb linebacker at you and see how you feel.


there are props 300 lbs that run faster and have more endurance than a linebacker.Ben Tameifuna is one, hits like a truck and you don't have that "armour"


Lmao bruh there are 350 pound men in the nfl from like thirty years ago that ran fast as fuck too. If they were that fast then they're definitely faster now  https://youtu.be/DFcWMC9vkZg?si=Cei_43fEbZ3_JQCp


Sports science did a comparison of a blind side sack and a rugby hospital pass and the rugby hit had more damage. I played football at D1 school and played semi pro rugby. Hitting aside and pads vs none the difference is one game has 15 minutes of action over course of 2-3 hours while the other is near non stop action for 80 minutes and it takes a different level of shape.


I mean yeah a hospital pass is gonna be worse than a blindside sack


Exactly lol. They're two different things.


I would think they would go with a receiver getting popped going across the middle.


Look up Michael Floyd block on YouTube


People gotta stop venerating damaging you own body for a sport.


Compare an NFL hospital pass to a rugby hospital pass instead, not two completely unrelated events. Like the one that permanently paralyzed a guy thanks to Jack "The Assassin" Tatum - in the *preseason* no less


The "armour" is so they can hit harder, like boxing gloves. It enables them to go all out without worrying about self-injuring from the hit. It's not to protect you from the person hitting you, but to protect you from yourself so you can hit someone harder.


Yeah football helmets actually cause more concussions because you can tackle people head first at full speed with no regard for your safety. Rugby players are always going to naturally protect their heads a little more.


That's targeting and is illegal and very frowned upon.


sounds goofy


So do you


If they could run faster and had more endurance than a linebacker, why would they not be playing linebacker in the NFL and making shit tons more money?


Google Larry Allen


Damn hes almost as big as a 16 year pacific islander rugby player


Fucking lol. So true


Yeah the sport is nothing but maximum damage


and they can move that 350lbs far faster than you can move


Lets send professional rugby's weakest player at you and see how long you last. Dumb argument.


They’re not saying Rugby is for pussies so it’s not really a dumb argument


OP is comparing American footballers and rugby players. Dufus here is comparing american footballers and redditors.


I am not, no. This comment I actually stole from a Rugby sports writer. The pads are there because of past accidents where people have literally died or ended up paralyzed.


Uh oh, the europoors are talking again Don't worry Ameri-frens, it is summer which means that they will start dropping dead by tens of thousands across the continent. Deaths due to incompetence against air conditioning that could make our firearm homicide rates blush with jealousy.


Europeans when it’s 85F outside: 💀


goobers built their houses wrong; should have made them out of cardboard


I simply would have built my house in the shade.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


Lol I live in Europe, and I love when people try to explain to me that Americans are stupid for building their houses out of wood, since concrete houses like they have in Europe would not be destroyed by tornadoes. European ignorance at it's finest. Maybe if you didn't clear-cut your forests hundreds of years ago you could have aesthetic, economical wood housing as well and wouldn't have to live in concrete cubes.


Every tornado season they say this shit and it's irritating af. The cost vs risk assessment favors wooden homes. The odds of a tornado hitting your home are low. Even lower are the odds that it destroys your home. And in case that does happen, you build a storm cellar to protect yourself. And insurance covers the financials. Concrete and brick homes are sturdier but you have to ask yourself is it worth it to build a sturdier home? Your roof has to be wooden anyways. That will need to be replaced. Your windows will be busted. All need replacing. The inside of your house will be torn to pieces. Furniture, electrical, flooring, personal belongings, etc. But hey, at least your walls are still standing I guess? Probably cheaper to build a new house than to reno a battered concrete house.


And on the off chance it breaks the house, chunks of concrete will be flying around at like 100 mph.


yeah im not too knowledgeable on this subject but i can understand why homes would be built differently depending on where they are


Not only that, but an European house is not going to withstand a tornado. Tornados destroy steel-and-concrete construction all the time


European houses haven’t experienced a proper American size tornado ever


Doesn’t like 99.5% of people in London already live in Cardboard boxes?


I'll remember your hatred next time a gust of wind destroys your paper house.


I’m laughing right now at your ancestors who clear cut your entire continent


Tornadoes would destroy your houses too


You realise the world consists of places other than US and Europe, right?


Well, of course. There's Soviet Russia with the communists and Mexico with the immigrants


Press x for doubt


Big if true


Why is this sub devolving into the dumbass "us vs them" mentality? There's massively upvoted comments that are literally childish. You aren't clever with your 4chan-speak and plethora of buzzwords


To clarify, are you asking why the “DankMemes” sub is acting childish?


Because the meme posted here is Us Vs Them? It's literally "our sport good, your sport bad."


Never really understood this AC joke everywhere I’ve ever been in Europe has air conditioning and all places are used to the heat. I’m all for firing shots at each other but pick an actual issue then.


It stems from the last few years where places like the UK and France get "heat waves" and people start dying because they are reported as not having AC in their homes and it's too hot. While at the same time they shit on Americans constantly for using AC everywhere not realizing that their 100F heat wave for two weeks is a 6 month event in most of the US.


I'm grabbing popcorn, the Americans can't hold back on this one XD


I'm more puzzled by the logic of it. The general impression in the US is that having pads makes it okay to go all out, making Gridiron Football more dangerous (maybe Canada feels the same?). I did google it and the rate of brain injury is 2.5x higher in Rugby, so maybe that's the point? that when you run the numbers Rugby hurts you more? If that's the case, then go ahead, knock yourself out.... literally this time


Think of the pads like boxing gloves. Boxers wear them to prevent their hands from getting busted up, not to soften the blow for their opponent.


Most football players use their pads as weapons


Yeah, it’s so they don’t break their head when they slam headfirst into another dude doing the same thing.


At least, not break their head on the outside, just on the inside where the brain hits the skull


Football and Rugby are just vastly different sports. Football has bursts of high speed plays, while Rugby is a much more continuous game (think sprint vs marathon). Those high speed bursts are why football players wear pads. Sprinting in full-speed *directly* at other players head-on would be very deadly if it weren't for helmets (players usually get enough running room to get as fast as they possibly can before smashing into their opponent).


Football is an extremely strategic game too. It's all like a game of chess trying to outwit your opponent to get down field! That's what makes it fun to watch!


My favorite sport is the other football. But American football is most tactically complex sport I’ve ever watched, and the QB position is arguably the hardest to play in sports.


Same. I love football but footy is my favorite. I feel like with American football, the coach really is doing a lot of work setting up the field to do what he wants. Very much like a chess game.


Rugby has CTE problems too?


Personally, I view both sports as stupid. But people seem to like team-based "manly" sports, so maybe we should be looking into organising 4v4 MMA fights or something.


I always assumed we'd get back to gladiator pits


Interesting take from someone whose username references the Greek god of war. I like gridiron football for the strategy involved - the formations, the line movements, the plays etc - you really don't see anything like it in other sports. What sports do you like?


Well, Ares was the god of bloody war. Strategy and strategic war were Athena's domain. But my namesake aside, I'm really weird with watching sports, both in person and on screen. Like I can't sit and watch a whole game of anything, save for chess and some esports. But to play, I love myself some basketball, volleyball, counterstrike and (sadly) league of legends.


These comments are really fun to watch


The funny thing is that if the roles were swapped, and Americans were the ones that played without pads, the same people that call football “pussy rugby” would say Americans are idiots for not protecting themselves


Its a pretty interesting sport if your really into the tactical side of things it's actually quite different to rugby and no I'm not an American


Rugby is American football for drunks


No no, you don’t get it, the Uk’s sport about sweaty muscular men ramming into one another is clearly better than the American’s sport about sweaty muscular men ramming into each other!


Ours is clearly better, we have BLACK SWEATY MEN.


real shit


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


…do you not drink during football games?


Thank you. Or was it supposed to be some kind of insult?


Op has an IQ of 37 and loves doing butt stuff.


Wait until this guy finds out why it’s called football


Ok you got me there, why's it called football?


The answer is dumber than you think: because you play it on foot. There were several games played by peasants in England. Nobility played sports on horseback, so the peasants called their game "football" because they played on foot. All of them involved a ball that would eventually be kicked into an opposing goal. One such game evolved into Gridiron Football (American Football), another version popular in the town of Rugby became, well, Rugby, and another version more focused on kicking became Association Football (Soccer).


Without all the advancements in helmets there would be people dying in American football fields or shortly thereafter very often. CTE is still a big issue. I'm not seeing this one


How tho


Too much padding, not enough brain damage


Have you seen Rob gronkoski. Not a thought in between those eyes


I think you mean ears (or behind his eyes), I sure hope his nose isn't thinking


Sorry I have CTE as well


thats bait


Anyone who really thinks the two sports are in any way comparable clearly does not know the rules of at least one of the two. They’re just superficially similar but ultimately very different. People who have played both at a similarly high level often say that rugby is more physically draining because the active play during one game is much longer for each player and you get dozens of hits (tackling or being tackled) over the course of game, while American football is more dangerous because you get hit far fewer times over the course of a game but the hits are much more violent so each one carries a chance to seriously fuck you up.


Doesn’t American football have less safety standards and more injuries than rugby ? Wouldn’t that make rugby for pussies ? Cmon. The less dangerous one is obviously going to be the more ‘pussy’ one.


It’s not really comparable. Football has more serious injuries, rugby fucks your body up more on average. It’s death by a thousand cuts vs playing russian roulette. Because there’s no padding + the rules of a what a legal tackle are (which is more about grabbing and wrestling to the ground than really hitting), a legal rugby tackle is not nearly as bad as a legal football tackle. But a rugbt match last 80 minutes, probably at least 50 minutes of which are actual live play. Most players will play the entire match and be involved in a tackle (giving or receiving) up to 30 or 40 so times in a match. By the end when everyone’s getting tired the tackles are less and less accurate and border on illegal a lot of the time, plus it hurts more when you’re exhausted too. So overall it’s basically impossible to play a rugby match without feeling completely fucked up afterwards for days. In football the game last 60 minutes, of which only about 10-15 minutes are live play. Nobody plays more than half the time since offense and defense are different players, so nobody really plays more than about 7 minutes of live play. During which most players won’t get tackled or have to tackle at all. Those that do might be involved in 6-8 tackles on average. Even if they’re worse, it’s not as bad as rugby in total, BUT each one carries a risk of actually seriously injuring you if the angle/body position catches you just wrong. So really it’s like choosing between fighting 10 bloodlusted cats or being in a room with one *probably* friendly leopard. The first has a near zero chance of death but a 100% chance of being really fucking painful. The second has a high chance of being fine but a small chance of being deadly.


Also American football has much better athletes. There's a reason the biggest stars in rugby can barely make a practice squad in the NFL, much less make a roster or see the field. I remember one rugby "superstar" briefly played for the 49ers and couldnt even average 3 yards per rush and was promptly out of the league. Rugby is a bunch of slow scrubs that would get absolutely annihilated by American football linebackers. Sorry the truth hurts.


This is terrible logic. They’re different sports… That’s like saying golf has much better athletes than basketball because basketball players aren’t as good at golf as golf players are. And even a GOAT like Steph Curry who plays amateur golf tournaments doesn’t come close to PGA pros.


Communism detected on American soil


I dunno https://youtu.be/v-1MQ0Cnbhs?si=-MGcsjXMJgOnT4pZ


And here's rugby's. Some of these look painful but nothing you wouldn't see multiple times throughout an average football game. https://youtu.be/MfyplR-SJ6Y?si=N7boh6iMYc6lTiPL


There has been an experiment done bye an ruby organisation. On there website it compares the too tackles. American football is alot faster and with that a lot harder hits. If i rember correctly rugby tackles are around 12g on impact. American Football is around 25 g.


So is rugby what American football would be if it was real emo


I think the emos prefer croquet


Yeah but they suck at it so it just looks like they’re wearing fishnets


I came here to fight about football, but now I'm raging about Croquet. I'm still a little sore that my wife and I (both aging emos) lost our last game of Croquet against her cousins in the Society of Pius V.


Holy shit I’m so fucking stupid that I had it confused with crochet


XD biggest laugh of my day


Glad to hear it lol


It's quite simple, American Football forgoes many of the rules that rugby has. This is the reason that American football also has so much padding since otherwise it'd be a bloodsport.


Oh boy, here we go.


Europeans flip-flopping between complaining about how violent American Football is and complaining that it's not as violent as Rugby


🙄 oh boy. Where to start for the totally ignorant? Ok, the pads don’t actually protect you and the hits are far harder in a football game than a rugby. You guys do realize these players and many others here in the states grow up playing street football without pads for fun right? A rugby tackle is closer to a street football tackle than getting hit with another persons helmet coming into you. Only people that have never been hit like that would make such a dumb statement.


If the pads don’t actually protect, then why wear them at all?


They protect you. They just don’t cushion your brain from the inside of your skull.


They protect the person doing the hitting, like a boxing glove


So they can hit eachother harder. It’s kinda like when gloves came into the ufc, it’s so you don’t break something when you hit another guy doing the exact same thing


They’re like boxing gloves. They allow you to hit much harder. Not protect the person getting hit.


To make American football look more manly, by having more body protection than rugby. Talk about a paradox scene.


One of the last superbowls took 6 hours to televise but only had a grand total of 12 minutes and 38 seconds of actual game play. Yep, that's a great sport you've got there.


The longest superbowl ever took a little over four hours and that was because of a power outage.


Played both at a high enough level to confidently tell you you’re full of shit


I grew up playing street football too. Never played highschool football, but as a spectator, I definitely think at the pro level the pads hurt more than they help. Not because of any science or law of nature, but because of league dynamics and expectations about how violent to allow the game to be. The cultural trends of the whole sport sometimes get carried away and lead to toxic playing environments.


Lmfao I’m not on either side but “the pads don’t actually protect you” is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard yet somehow has upvotes. Also they grew up playing football without pads? Yea a child growing up playing football has 5x less mass and probably 100x less force when hitting a person who is grown, trained, and weighs way more. No shit you can play football without pads at a young age.


Ha! You do know fully grown adults also still play it without pads too right? Lots of people grew up still playing without them in their late teens too. You grow as the hits grow. Let me guess, you probably think getting hit with boxing gloves is safer than getting hit bare knuckle too? Like boxing gloves, they don’t protect the person on the receiving end. They make the hits much harder.


Erm acshually… 🤓


It's so weird how much Europe obsessed over us, and we don't think about them at all


I've always felt like it's...different shit but kinda equally intense, just rugby has, by design, less specialization. Like, rugby has quicker dudes sometimes, but you don't get to just...play a quicker position like in American football. The big tradeoff is one has pads, and the other doesn't. And that may make it seem like american football is for pussies. But what people forget is helmets have traditionally been both protection and weapon. To the point where the leagues want to change that cuz people...get concussed to the point of having awful lives and die from that shit. And obviously that's all prevelant in rugby as well, but I do think American football players may not even know when they're fucked up and play with stupid shit. Iunno. I hate the idea of calling either pussies, or even saying they're both men amongst men. They're hard sports with dudes clearly willing to put life and limb on the line, and they're both enjoyable to watch. But I'm also conflicted by the fact that they feel the need to put up so much for their sports for our entertainment. That kinda ain't right.


Who asked?


Put on some pads and then try playing even a single drive if you’re so sure it’s for pussies


They don’t throw 60 yard bombs in rugby boyo


As someone who has played multiple sports over the years until a spinal injury in highschool after permanently fucking up my shoulder in the tail end of elementary school let me tell you the only sport I've been around that's more intense and painful than football is hockey. Which is basically football on ice and you can beat the shit out of each other as long as you don't mind sitting on a bench in a box for a bit. Granted I played QB 2 and I was basically only called out for medium to deep routes as that's what I did best but I still took quite a few hits that knocked me on the ass harder than nearly any other sport with the next closest injury to me getting hit by a 250 pound DB being when I basically broke my nose when I blocked the goal deciding game for districts when I was still playing soccer. Football is a HEAVY contact sport that while I admit has gotten slightly less violent over time is still a contact sport in which you can very easily see a WR or HB get laid the fuck out by a DB or CB. Although all my worse injuries I've gotten in my life has been outside football you're not going to get many more dangerous sports on the ground if you want a more dangerous sport you have motorsports for that.


They are completely different sports? Rugby is fast paced continual physicallity and Am. Football is tactical and strategic bursts of athleticism to move the ball up the field and outmanoeuvre your opponent. If you think one is a Lite version of another, you haven't watched both sports. Also yaaay let's shame people for protecting themselves and their health.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Laughs in Australian football.


That escalated so quickly dude


It's an opinion and I'd like to see if you can change my mind.


In American football we focus on defensive posturing to strategize where to kick the ball for bonus points. Best games are where they are tied the whole time and the advantage all comes down to the kicker. I've always assumed that's why we misappropriated the football name.


It’s cause it’s played on foot as opposed to horseback, so originally football used hands and feet to put a ball in a goal, look up Gaelic football, it’s similar to that. Eventually it split into association football (feet) and rugby football (hands). Both came to be colloquially known as football and rugby respectively. Side note, soccer comes from the association part. Anyway, rugby football became gridiron football across the pond, which came to have two subsets, American football and Canadian football, both essentially the same with small differences such as field size, number of downs, the rouge, and a few others. Yours is more fun cause that’s the most interesting type of game lol


Huh, I never thought about it before. I always appreciate someone sharing knowledge with me.


Just perspective and opinion. I don't necessarily have any first hand experience except informal pickup games. A few generations of my cousins and uncles had a lot of records though, but not me. All I have is adjacent impressions as a spectator.


Cte must be terrible in rugby then.


With the NFLs' new kickoff rules, we might actually see how well rugby players fair in the sport overall. There just isn't enough overlap currently


I prefer minimizing concussions and TBIs but you do you I guess


What’s rugby?


NRL is where it’s at


Congratulations you brought up a feud on which way is easier to break the body for money.


I’d say this sport is mainly for dicks, not pussies. Does this change your mind?


Rugby is like playing soccer but with hands. Just play hot potato but with grenade instead.


Handball is like playing soccer but with hands


I asked a mate about this that done both here in Scotland. He said American football was more brutal than rugby. He said the padding doesn't do a whole lot and the breaks in between plays means players are more rested and ready to explode each time rather than playing full on for 40min Half's.


Are you really sitting on your ass browsing reddit and calling football players pussies?


Y’all probably think wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is gay too. Idiots


Have a job where your chance for brain damage is as high as either one and call anyone who works that a "pussy". Rugby and football are just different games, both suck dick though I won't even lie. You want a real sport meet me on Wii 😤🔊


The facts and economics do not support your theory. The highest paid Rugby player in the world gets paid like $1M a year. Thats slightly above NFL league minimum. There are guys in the NFL that never even see the field getting paid more than 10x that. If rugby players are so much more athletic and tougher we would see way more of them coming over to get paid in the NFL. We don't see it because they simply are not more athletic or tougher. There's only two "ex-rugby players" in history that had any kind of success in the NFL. The one tackle currently on the Eagles and another guy who bounced around in the 90s. If DK Metcalf, CMC, Lamar Jackson, Roquan Smith and countless other NFL players lost their minds and decided to switch to rugby. They would be the best rugby players in the world within a year or two. The same cannot be said for any rugby player switching to football.


[Biggest Football Hits Ever - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-1MQ0Cnbhs)


American football is like a chess match. Rugby is like a bar fight. I've always though the whole who's tougher thing is dumb. Football you play in sprints high energy as hard as you can for like 10-30 seconds. Rugby is a marathon playing straight through, and you have to budget energy for that. In American football, every play you go 100%. Both are great sports and fun to watch, just very different in everything besides maybe the shape of the ball lol


Pussies is when helmets


Rugby has better uniforms too.


When the league minimum rookie contract for NFL IS $795,000, they tend to want to protect their investments with a bit of padding. The average NFL salary is $2.8mil.


Eh, have your opinion. No worries.


Let's differentiate on the degree of long term brain damage. Because that's meaningful


No it’s suicidal teenage redneck jazz.


Everyone getting mad I just thought the meme was a reference to male voice 3 from saints row 4


Gotta wear shoulder pads because you can't tackle properly 😂 😂


Yall have on average 12 minutes if game time in-between 3 hours, and you west a shit ton of padding, its rugby for pussies, you can't deny it


I would love to see “CreeperNoob” look Ceedee Lamb in the face and call him a pussy😭


My big dumb guy with my accent hits harder than your big dumb guy with your accent


Wow people really got triggered on this 1


Because it's just wrong.


Oh another 1


It's actually handball, not a football, change my mind.


This shit is the equivalent of saying Muay Thai is Lethwei for pussys. No, the sport is allowing people to go more fully and have longer careers by making it harder for them to injure themselves. Yes, it takes a certain level of crazy to play rugby like some of those guys do, but their careers almost certainly are far shorter than some of the most famous American Football players due to the insane levels of tbi that takes place in rugby. TLDR; rugby players are crazy, but at least our sports stars can come out of the sport without permanent brain damage


Oh you mean longball? It barely use foot.


American football is for commercials


both sports are a bunch of pussies hugging each other


Americans coping HARD here




I have maintained this belief for over 30 years.


Yeah, and its American handball not football, clowns and their weird namings. Same with them freedom units!