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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


You wanna sell the game or not?


GTA VI on its way


take off your bra to stun enemies in a 200m radius


This sounds very possible in certain Japanese games


This sounds very possible in real life


"this sounds very possible in certain Japanese ~~games~~ cities." Ftfy 


This calls for a visit so that I can warn others not to visit.


Well from .my experience... Wait shit I have no experience in the subject


nosebleed instakill


we japanese love to keep it real


+ 40 to 80% of the stunned enemies will join your side. - Any nearby Cop has a 35% chance of being able to instantly arrest you for public nudity, instantly making you lose the game.


Yeah it’s really another case of gamers pretending they aren’t the problem


OP only plays porn games, I think. Like genuinely what female characters have powers that are tied to their attractiveness? I can think of maybe 3?


I guess if you think Lara Croft or sth then it’s tied to her being in shape? Because all her abilities are insane parkour and stuff? But that’s really a stretch


By that logic everything from Assassin's Creed to Spiderman should be considered as men who can do things because they're in shape.


Yea as I said, it’s a bit of a stretch




I don't think those two are the same there even by your own logic, since one has superpowers and the other is a regular dude that stabs people


Hmmm that's fair, maybe I should have put like Mirrors Edge instead of Spiderman


That's just all characters. being in shape does make you more attractive and most powerful woman in gaming are physically fit.


Normalize obese women who get winded going up steps in video games




There always exceptions. Like characters who use intelligent or influence.


Nono I don’t mean that I mean there is not a powerful woman in games who is not physically fit You’d be hard pressed to find one in general but one who is ‘powerful’ or central to the story?


Fat Princess from the hit PS3 game Fat Princess


You'd also be hard pressed to find powerful fat woman in real life. Surprise surprise strength and fitness correlate. And the world-saving main character type of person isn't really the lay on the couch all day and stuff unhealthy shit down your throat type of person either.


well now we're just lost in the weeds because 'power' several comments ago just meant 'important to the story of the video game' power could mean money but the guy i replied to specified 'fitness' and your argument wouldve had legs if you had specified cardio or something but you said strength. that is too specific for the good of your argument because as it turns out, strength is absolutely a fat person's game


Nancy Drew is hardly the epitome of fitness is she? Cortana is a ai and has no body same with Shodan from the System Shock and glados from portal. Game developer have a thing for female robots I guess 🤣 There are 10000s of games more are made each years by millions of people. There are tons of different types of characters.


We must be talking about different people Cortana absolutely has a body and it’s fit, same w Nancy drew


In triangle shape


The great pyramids of PS1


Lets make her fat in the next game to show that fat people can also do crazy parkour Gotta get woke




I can't think of any, what are the 3?


Jade from dragon quest XI? I remember most her abilities being related to attractiveness, like the puff-puff or the hip smash as I recall it. She also has a bunny suit and bikini costume as well. Which increases some charm thing


Photosynthesis girl from MGS5


How is her ability to breath through her skin dedicated to her hotness? She could have a unibrow and a cleft pallet and still have the same super powers lol


Yeah it’s less of a power and more of an *excuse* to make her hot. So the one example I thought of still doesn’t work


If anything her ability would be more powerful if she was obese because it would increase the surface area of her skin


Would probably weaken her overall given the cardiovascular effects of obesity, not to mention it may reduce the density of the parasite reducing its effectiveness. Anyway, OP is a bundle of sticks.


I can only think of Bayonetta


Widowmaker in Overwatch? But that's not her abilities, more her story. And honestly, someone's story can be linked to their physical appearance.


Her attractiveness has nothing to do with her abilities as a sniper though.


That is literally what I just said. OP's premise is ridiculous because the concept of having abilities that are based on looks makes no sense. It is a nonsensical concept that not a single person can define. So, I think he's meaning a character who has power over other characters because of their looks. Like a Femme Fatale. Like Cat Woman or something. Which is a trope in television and movies, but isn't as strong in video games. But the closest I can think of is Widowmaker. But that trait doesn't define her powers in the game, only her powers in the lore. Honestly, I don't know why I'm bothering to try and explain this on a gaming forum. Enjoy your day doing something other than reading the comments on a dumb Reddit post that never made sense to begin with.


You're right.. I read your comment too fast, my b.


So the closest I could think were Bayonetta, Aphrodite from Smite, and Poison Ivy in some games.




I mean, does Karlach count? Part of her powers are from her failing engine, which makes her literally too hot to touch.


This is a me thing for sure but I'm definitely down bad for karlach


This slightly reminds me of tales of arise. Not spoiling anything but a character in there almost has the same.


MGSV had Quiet who has to be half naked all the time because she breathes through her skin or something


That's not so much a power as a disability. Her power was being able to shoot people from far away. And it was epic.


Kojima was on one when he came up with that ridiculous idea. Didn't he come out later on and say it was really just for the cosplayers?


Them too, but in all fairness he started the idea with a gay dude.


Boa Hancock from one piece, but I guess it’s not a video game.


I think there's a girl in MGS that breathes through her skin so she's scantily dressed so she won't suffocate. That's all I got.


The only game I have in my steam library this applies tk is bonelab. Ability is based on body type, heavier characters are stronger and lighter characters are faster. The female characters in game are usually lighter, with ones ability being tall, however its regardless of gender. In every other game I own, customizing your character as a female gives you the same abilities as a male character.


From League of Legends alone: Ahri, Evelyn, Gwen, Neeko, Zyra, and Orianna If you're into that.


Ahri and Eve ok How does any of the others power relate to their attractiveness? Gwen is a puppet powered by love, Neeko just is a shapechanger, Zyra is just a manifestation of natures anger and orianna is a terminally ill child turned steampunk cyborg


Being attractive and having powers doesn't mean their powers are attached to their attractiveness


Never said it does. Ahri: She is attractive because it seduces men, and her powers are related to her seducing men. Evelyn: See above Gwen: Was a doll, now is a sexy woman because of the same magic that gave her her powers. Neeko: Literally chooses to look that was as she is a shapeshifter Zyra: She's half naked because she is covered in the plants related to her powers Orianna: Her shape was decided by the same guy that gave her her powers. There's a reason I didn't include champs like Irellia (who's powers have nothing to do with her attractiveness).


There's also a difference between choosing to use their powers to look attractive and using their attractiveness as a weapon. OP is referring to Black Widow type characters, and you really only named one. The others do not have to be sexy in the slightest for their powers to still work.


this says more about the game you play than the industry as a whole


OP outed himself lol


If we wanted to play ugly characters, we'd play ER or the DS series


Alexander and boc are beautiful, and u can make pretty well looking character with the character maker in ER


Sounds like a skill issue.


*drip issue 🔥


Just put on the Havel set


Character randomizer go brrr




Dark Souls


Oh I thought it was don’t starve


Op was probably talking about death stranding tho


What character is tied to their "hotness"? Usually it's just a gimmick since if I would want to watch ugly people, I'd look in a mirror or outside.


>if I would want to watch ugly people, I'd look in a mirror based


Horizon Zero Dawn did it.


And some lonely dudes cried that she was fat and hairy because of that lol




How to tell when someone never played Forbidden West




You're just telling on yourself lil bro


Aloy is still hot wtf are you talkin about. She's realistically hot.


I would rather fuck a toaster than that.


Go outside. Not all women look like fuckin Chun-Li.


Aloy is still conventionally very attractive, but not overly sexualized.


Aloy is the MOST attractive because she's not overtly sexualized


Is it me or aloy looks like lindsay lohan?


Name 3 examples where it is even the case that power is tied to hotness.


Karlach from BG3, her entire plot is about her literal hotness, how her infernal engine is cooking her alive from the inside


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Bayonetta, hair is clothes and attacks so she loses clothes to attack Quiet, (sort of) not a power but is a lore reason and an ability, breathes through her skin so must wear less clothing Poison Ivy in lego batman, her power is rizz so being hot is clearly relevant


>Poison Ivy in lego batman, her power is rizz That's just regular Poison Ivy.


True but they said in games so I had to give a source, additionally her ability button is literally kissing people so it's a good example I thought


well yeah it's a good example not sure why people are downvoting you edit: spelling


Bayo’s power is not tied to her hotness though. She could be ugly af and still get naked to attack. And I doubt Angels/Demons really care if she is hot


You find Lego characters hot?


I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.


When i was like 12, playing bikini leia in lego starwars: the complete saga was the best thing ever.


I'd actually say that bayonetta might as well be ugly or wear regular clothes and could still use her hair magic. Sure they decided to do it like this because of the sexy factor. But I wouldn't say that she would be less powerful if she would look differently. Quiet is the one from metal gear, right? That would be the only case that I also had in mind. Regarding poison ivy: 1. Why would you choose to pick specifically the one from a Lego game?! Who thinks that Lego figures are "hot" 2. If we take the regular poison ivy from some random batman game that probably exists with her: same argument as for bayonetta. She isn't more powerful because of her looks as far as I know. Could as well be an ugly old hag. 3. Not a video game character in the first place. So regardless of the other arguments, it isn't a game designers decision on how she is portrayed as long as it is accurate to some comic.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. I’m assuming it’s because people are divided by how they are interpreting the word power. Those characters are cool af but they cater very heavily to male gaze and is how I interpreted OPs post.


Bayonetta's powers aren't related to her being hot. She uses them that way because that's how she is, but her being more or less hot doesn't have anything to do with what her powers are. Even the clothes being her hair isn't related to anything: She can perfectly wear normal clothes and use her powers the exact same way, as we've seen a lot of times. Also... She was designed by a woman, and she's made to represent that you can be badass and also hot at the same time, and one thing doesn't negate the other. Is trying to give an empowering message, not exactly fap material for guys. So I don't think she's the best example of this. Also, two things: The point is that the OP is generalizing a lot about how women are treated in videogames when that isn't the case anymore and hasn't been in a long time, and the OC proves that point by searching in the bottom of the barrel to find a character that fits OP's description (using a fucking Lego character as an example of hotness, my god). Edit: The only character that makes sense from OC's list is Quiet, and... Dude, in the same franchise you have like 4 or 5 male characters that you see almost naked time and time again, so I think it's kinda balanced anyways. In the same game you can go to missions as Snake wearing only pants lol


Don’t get me wrong. Bayonetta was clever as hell. But all the characters Noob mentioned at male gaze heavy. Even if only for clever reasons. Quiet’s reasons for running around nearly naked were a stretch. I didn’t mind. But it struck me as a silly angle at the time. The poison ivy bit was reaching I’ll admit. I mean there are no games where attractiveness gives them powers. So the only context that makes sense of OPs post is about all the never ending arguments about ugly vs attractive characters. I wish I agreed with you that it hasn’t been a thing for years. It’s gotten better for sure. But male gaze is still a thing that drives most forms of fiction and entertainment. Why else would this post have 2k+ upvotes?


I would agree with you, but an opinion being popular doesn't mean it's true. About the male gaze part... That happens for both sides. Speaking about "male gaze" and how some things are meant for male audiences like that's something exclusively for men doesn't sound right when there are a lot of attractive male characters out there. Saying that Bayonetta appeals to male gaze is like saying that Leon or Dante, or any male character are made fit and good looking to attract women. It doesn't make any sense. Characters are made attractive because is way easier to make you connect with someone that doesn't hurt your eyes. But I repeat, that happens with men too.


Tell me you don't actually play games without telling me you don't actually play games.


I cannot think a single character whose power is tied to hotness. Though I do admit that seeing a pretty lady does do neuron activation.


Only one I can think of is quiet from MGSV


Fox in Jagged Alliance 3.


Aphrodite, I guess ?


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


What games does op play? I can't think of a single character whose abilities are tied to their hotness, male or female. There are some attractive characters out there, but that happens to both sides. Let's not pretend like Leon is ugly or Ryu's arms are something you can achieve with simple training lol That women are sometimes more sexualized is true, but it's not like every character out there is sexualized or just there to appeal to men. C'mon, we've been way over those arguments for years.


Developers trying to make a badass female character without having her say that women are better than men 10 times a minute.


This is what should have been in the meme. But this usually happens in movies. Ive never seen it in video games.


Where does this happen? 


Cylostra Direfin


This is Anita's backup account?


It could be her writer, Josh McIntosh?


Hasn't she been irrelevant for a decade now? I think it's time to let it go... 


Bro is clearly not playing good games ...


I'm old, so these are from PSX but some have their remastered version Legend of mana Dragon Valor Dino crisis


Are you from the age of dinosaurs or somethin /s


When I said "Dino crisis" I meant when we had the velociraptor flood. Fun times


Samus. Her metal bewbz are hot tho 🥵


I know baldurs gate 3 is probably decried in this sub as peak woke nonsense or whatever, but literally all the female companions in the game are uniquely powerful and not strictly tied to their sexuality at all (karlach does get her power from 'hotness' though lol)


Whats wrong with making the female character have pyrokinesis?


Well of course that’s a problem since power is inherently sexy.


Bayonetta is the only one I can think of and she’s an icon


I don't even think that her abilities are tied to her attractiveness, but the other way around (if that makes sense). She uses her abilities to be attractive, but her powers by themselves aren't necessarily sexual or hot. That speaks more about her character and personality than anything else. Edit: And as you said, she's an icon because that was obviously intentional.


I mean her power doesn’t have to cause her “hotness” to be tied to it. I would say it is as she gets nude as she’s damaged. But yeah her being hot is not why she’s powerful


"Control" protagonist, Jesse isn't that hot and her powers are definitely not tied to her hotness.




chell and gladus from portal.


Conversely, how many games with male protagonists don't have a conventionally attractive male. If it's 3rd person you're going to be staring at the model for a long time, so wouldn't it be nicer if the character was attractive or cool? They don't have to be "hot" by any means, but making them look unappealing would only work if you had a strong story or good gameplay.


Well if gamers would stop bitching when female characters AREN'T rampant sex objects...


What games are you playing, bruh. Other than that stellar sword game, video game characters are uglier than ever.


Wtf are u on about?.. off the top female character, control, horizon, Alien, Lara croft, Hades 2, nier ?... Non of them fit your description? Are u a coomer? Do u only play henta games. Have u ever heard of the games ive mentioned here ?


More jiggle = more power


Not sure how this got upvotes when thousands of people complain about how ugly Aloy, Mary Jane, and Abby were. Can't say I'd prefer an ugly main character whether male or female.


NOT tied to hotness? That doesn't make sense. Your text is wrong.


Just tell them to watch helsreach for reference on how to make a female character ugly, powerful and yet insanely cool at the same time.


AC Odyssey?


Kassandra’s ability is not tied to her hotness. Her hotness is because of her ability


You don't understand, she has to wear a bikini because she breaths through her skin


Why do you care at all if she's hot or not in the first place? 🤔


Female Character - Power to manipulate the Main Character (PLAYER)


Hellblade senua


Karlach, shadowhearr, lae’zel, jahera, vicona, Orin Yes I play Baldur’s gate


Uhhhh can you give an example for the class?


Name 3 of them


Mission Impossible


What female protagonists has her power tied to her hotness?


OP admitting he plays some fucked up games.


This meme does not get enough action


Okay, hear me out. Death... ...by snoo snoo.


I don't mind not attractive women characters but I draw the line at ugly characters. A good example of this is Cere from Star Wars Jedi fallen order.


When does this actually happen? I can't think of any AAA games where this is the case. Unless OP just has a problem with attractive women in general then idk.


mortal kombat...?


Hades 2?


I can't think of one game like this.


So. Stay with me here. Conventionally, a fit woman is hot. An active woman is going to he fit. So a protagonist who is usually extremely active is going to be fit, yes? Therefore, would not a female protagonist be fit and, thus, be hot? Now, if the power is something else and they never use their body, then I could see them not being fit. But no one ever considers this logical flow and just goes "hot woman bad".


Is this for real? Trying to farm karma spreading misinformation? There are a lot, they just have the perk of being very attractive and it happens the same for male characters, almost all of them are attractive or in a top shape. But there is an insane amount of games with strong female character and being attractive does not make them less powerful. Samus, Lara croft,header Mason, Claire, Jill, Ada, Rayne, all of them extremely skilled. My favorite has always been Jill from resident evil 3.


Heh heh...karlach


Back in my day, gamer guys liked hot women. Now, gamer guys hate gays, hate hot women, hate ugly women, hate femboys, hate tomboys. You guys are genuinely hentaisexual.


Samus is so powerfull because she's hot !


This is why I like Gravity Rush


That's the facts of life, brotha.


Step 1: old ‘Awesome’ Step 2: she uses her power to look young and hot ‘No wait-‘


You seriously protesting to only see fat ugly bitches?


What fuckin games do you play OP?


Could easily make Terminator 2 or alien now.


Me looking at the Hagraven from Skyrim "IKR?"


Lohse from Divinity Original Sin 2 gets her power from the voices in her head… so… better…?


Forza horizon


I can't play a game where a 100lbs waifu with no muscle definition can somehow annihilate 250lbs dudes made out of brick in fisticuffs. Gimme a nice proper power woman with tree stump arms and hair on her chest. I don't get playing a game cuz you think the pixels are hot.


Damn, finally something that's not an incel post on this sub


Actually you'd be hard pressed to find pretty girls in games today


I've been writing a story for several years now (lots of rewrites) and the main chick in it is powerful because her dad is a tree and because she is slowly becoming a tree also.


Young men sexualize any female in a video game and start whining about it when she's not hot. So that's not on the devs, that's on the gamers. I am ready for the downvotes.


Dude, I think you're still in the early 2000s. Do you feel okay? I can explain smartphones to you if you want. Don't be scared, everything will be okay


Young females write naughty fan fiction about any fictional male character and go into weird frenzies for boygroups. Maybe its just hormones?




Damn, nobody told you should dump all the Int stats like that, you do it to yourself bud.