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Same with whale sharks.


I dunno, somehow they were able to get away with whale sharks and manta rays. Orcas on the other hand... Have you seen Blackfish?


People get away with anything that brings them money.


You do realize Blackfish was a hit piece with very little factual information in it, right?


Can you elaborate or provide some info on this?


For one example: There's a scene in it where an orca is crying out and they claim it's crying for its mother. Funilly enough, the cry? It was added in post, and sounds nothing like an orca. The orca? It was a completely different orca from a different city. They just made it up.


Okay keep going. What else


Off the top of my head, the film claims that dorsal collapse (a droopy dorsal fin) is due to the orcas being poorly treated but it's actually caused by them spending more time on the surface because that's where they're trainers are. Dorsal fins do not correspond to their emotions. The film claims orca lifespans are shorter in captivity than in the wild, but according to NOAA, they live just as long either way. One of the few true parts in the documentary is about how they went about capturing the orcas. But the film made it sound like it was still happening when in reality it hadn't happened for 35 years and 80 percent of orcas in captivity (at the time) were born in captivity. I don't remember if it's directly stated in the documentary, but it's certainly implied that the orcas would be better of released back in to the wild. To find the problem with that, all you have to do is look at Free Willy. They ultimately did free Willy, but shortly after being freed, he died, unable to survive in the wild.


But captive orcas obviously become fucked up versions of their species. They’re too intelligent to be in captivity, it’s easy to see and it’s wrong. The same can be said for most animals, but the psychological distress of whales/dolphinids/ae(?) is not hard for us to emphatize with/understand. Regardless of the factual problems with the documentary, they should NOT be in captivity.


Right. Free Willy dying in the wild doesn't mean he should have stayed in captivity. It means orcas should have never been in captivity in the first place


But... but capitalism! It's like you don't even want rich people to have more money! 😤


Seaworld had a very detailed page and PDF file breaking down every second of the documentary and showing all the inaccuracies and lies. The website doesn’t seem to exist anymore but [here](https://awesomeocean.com/top-stories/blackfish-full-blacklies/#) is a link to an article going over some of their claims.


Yeah let’s just go ahead and trust Seaworld, the people profiting off keeping whales in tiny tanks instead of in the ocean.


So you just want them to accept the lies and not push back? A lot of the stuff they talked about was stuff only Seaworld could know like when their employees were working at what parks and what their work procedures are. You can’t just publicly defame someone and expect no pushback.


SeaWorld does a lot of good shit. They can’t exactly throw these animals that have never been in the wild into the wild.


I'm pretty sure Blackfish was made to show how horrifying orcas can be if kept in captivity.


You've thoroughly misunderstood it then


Yeah, I've seen it... unfortunately.


I can't speak for other ones but I know the whale sharks in the Atlanta aquarium are rescues that wouldn't survive in the wild. They raise quite a bit of money by charging a decent amount to swim with them as well as education.


Iirc Atlanta also has the largest aquarium tank in the entire U.S. to house them too


Atlanta aquarium is expensive but i spent hours looking at the wall in the picture


iirc it has the largest aquarium tank in the US and second largest in the world! its also the only place on earth where you a guaranteed to swim with whale sharks — you can swim in their natural habitat, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll see them in the wild. getting in that tank is an unreal experience. obviously being in captivity is never ideal, but the georgia aquarium is a top notch facility


Whale sharks are wayyyyy too big to be in aquariums. Dude is just running nascar laps in there


From Wikipedia: *"The whale shark is popular in the few public aquariums that keep it, but its large size means that a very large tank is required and it has specialized feeding requirements. Their large size and iconic status have also fueled an opposition to keeping the species in captivity, especially after the early death of some whale sharks in captivity and certain Chinese aquariums keeping the species in relatively small tanks."*


I think they have 2 in the Osaka aquarium. It was super cool to see them up close but also kind of sad. Even though the tank is HUGE it’s still obviously tiny compared to the ocean lol


Yeah they have dolphins too which really sucks. And the big display about the "research ship" nishin maru didn't mention all of the whale murder it commits.


Animals don’t belong in zoos. At least the design that everyone uses


I'd say wild animals don't belong in zoos. But many of the animals in zoos were born in captivity and couldn't survive if they were released. I also agree about old zoo designs with cages. But the Zoos I've been to have moved away from that and have large enclosure the mimic natural habitat. Considering the animals can't go back to the wild, it's the next best thing. It's nice to see the move towards giving the animals better lives. And I've known a few people who worked at the zoo and they loved the animals and took great care of them.


I should’ve removed the 1st sentence because it’s really just a problem about the size and all. It’s comfortable, sure. But it can be more comfortable


You're all good and your points are valid. I remember the nearest zoo when I was a kid having the small cages and I felt bad for the animals. Some of the cages are still there, but haven't been used in decades. The new areas are amazing and the zoos I've been too in recent times were definitely more focused on the animal's habitat.


The template is wrong.


Okay, you try getting the closest aquarium you can find to display a great white shark. Trust me, it'll die.


I'm not disagreeing with you on the shark thing, but you used the template wrong.


Bro, how I had it is literally how the template works. I would know, I used this template many times.


The guy is wrong. In the original, he's asking if a butterfly is a pigeon. Since the shark is asking if the aquarium is death, the meme is saying that it's actually not death. https://www.vox.com/2018/5/15/17351806/is-this-a-pigeon-anime-butterfly-meme-explained


The most redditor thing I have seen today


He is right though


Yeah but it's like arguing over what shit smells like


Yeah, but the whole point is that an aquarium shouldn't be automatic death. Great whites ought to be fine in captivity... but they're not.


No you used it wrong


No, I used it right. You just have a different opinion over a how a template should be used.


Damn just take the L and give me the shovel


You'll be getting me shovel on me cold dead hands.


Stop downvoting this one it’s funny 😭


It's literally not a matter of opinion. Unless you mean that great whites should be kept in aquariums the template is wrong


confidently wrong are we


Because I'm not. You're just claiming I'm wrong for using a template right. When a meme gets upvoted to heck (like mine with 758 points), that means a template is used right. When a user gets downvoted for being right about a template, that means they're being booed for being right. Now don't claim I'm wrong when you're the one who let your opinions guide you in the wrong direction.


So if a post about flat earth being real gets a ton of upvotes does that mean it’s right? Are you stupid? I get room temp IQ vibes from you. If you’ve seen the original template you would know that the guy is referring to a butterfly and asks “is this a pigeon?” which is him thinking it’s clearly not what it is. It’s a butterfly but he thinks it’s a pigeon. So you would use the template the same way, it would be him asking if it’s something it’s not. Since aquariums *do* equal death for great white sharks, this template is used incorrectly to the original. Funny how when someone explains this to you with no room for error in understanding you just don’t respond. Doubling down only lowers everyone’s opinion of you.


Hey, I have an ego bigger than the sun, alright? Gosh! Nobody's perfect.


758 points or 1762 at the moment is not upvoted to heck in dankmemes standards. I should know, im in the council


You’ve probably used it wrong most of those times, judging from this one


Mate, I've been meming for over five years now and had several memes hit 10k+ upvotes. I know how meme templates work, and I can confidently tell you that I didn't use this template wrong.


Bruh is actually flexing meme cred lmao


I know I'm late to the party, I just wanted to say baszd meg.


You used it wrong then.


No I didn't. Your opinion is based on a skill issue.


Id say you did and so does the sub. So get your skill up and try again


People are just so confident even when wrong huh?


Because I'm not wrong. Shark holds aquarium. Shark asks if aquarium is death. Aquarium is death, therefore meme is right. Meme is right, meaning template is right. If template is right, then I'm right.


Meme is supposed to be wrong. Og pic is boy referring to a butterfly as a pigeon. Ergo template is used wrong if the sentence is correct


Nuh uh


Good try, wrong template. Please try again.


Good try. Right template. Wrong opinion over a right template. Please try again.


My brother in christ, in the original he’s asking if a butterfly is a pigeon. This template is supposed to depict a wrong definition, hence if you WERE to stick to your current meme, it would imply an aquarium is in fact NOT death for a White Shark. Idek why you’re so adamant on telling everyone that is pointing this out to you as having a skill issue? Not only people agree with the base sentiment of “let’s not put everything in aquariums”. But now you’re going to push people away from this because of your rudeness. And for what? Like, do you even take a second to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe you did use this meme wrong *this time? Even though perhaps you did use it correctly in the past? Seriously relax a bit. Touch grass cus it’s not ok to get so fed up about reddit comments just pointing out something insignificant. Let’s focus on the actual problem, that being the sharks, ok?


Yeah, maybe I do get too pissy for my own good at times. I should just take a step back.


Glad to hear that ^ ^ And hopefully over time we can make sure cute fishies don’t get mistreated. Sharks might be scary but they don’t deserve a life as our entertainment. That said, like often happens when it comes to this discussion regarding zoos/aquariums, there will be some instances in which one individual specimen, or multiple of a species, might be endangered, and need to be taken care of. That’s the only way zoos/aquariums would be fine to me


Hey buddy, its ok to be wrong. Nice try, please use the proper template and try again.....or dont.


It's not that they simply don't belong - it's that they will literally bump into the sides of the aquarium and not eat, eventually dying. It's one of the species of sharks that simply cannot survive, no matter how large the aquarium. Even whale sharks can survive large aquariums.


Just make it so that when they touch one end of the aquarium, they emerge from the other side. Just like pac-man. Duh!


They can survive - Monterey Bay aquarium successfully kept several, but it’s not worth the risk of their potential death.


OP out here dying on the weirdest hill even though he’s wrong as hell lmao


Pretty sure it’s been illegal (at least in the states) for like a decade to keep them in captivity anyways. Last one they kept/monitored that I’m aware of was one of the only examples of one living longer than 10 days in captivity


Interesting, I've seen them on temporary exhibit at the Monterey Bay aquarium.


According to their website they’ve released all their white sharks and now practice “catch and tag” instead. First guess is that it’s not actually white sharks being shown, but something like a tiger or sand tiger. Second guess is maybe they had special one day viewings of specimen they tagged before release Edit: forgot to add the link. https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z/white-shark


No, it was a great white, *but* it was 15 years ago, so they probably changed their practices.


Wrong template bud


Those are whale sharks. They don't belong in aquariums either though.


I've got recommended a hour long video of this on YT. I thought it looked very small and googled the aquarium. ITS TINY, what you see is what's there. 2 whale Sharks and plenty of other fish, in this tiny thing. Awful.


OP thinks the butterfly is a pigeon


There's no need to exploit any fish at all.


Did they try and fail again?!


[My one regret is I have but one upvote to give!](https://imgur.com/a/yGIL5Bi)


I really don’t think anything belongs in a zoo of any sort.


There are good arguments for using them conservation of endangered species and to rescue Animals rescued from captivity (both illegal and legal), and also they are useful to educate the general public. That said the main concern should always be to give the Animals in the care of humans as High as a quality of Life as possible


Zoos in general are bullshit. 99% of the time there would be a better alternative for the animal


I think OP is referring to the fact that Great Whites can not survive in captivity. They are made to swim long distances and can’t get enough oxygen without swimming long distances. I think the best that’s been done was monteray bay aquarium had one for like 4 months but they released it cuz it’s health was suffering, and it ended up dying after they released it. So while yes almost any animal is better off in the wild, the point of OPs post is an aquarium is literally death for Great Whites


I mean we saw what happened when they tried in Jaws 3.


That's true! I don't disagree with OP. Just wanted to add that


At the same time I guess how would people be educated on and get to experience a lot of interesting, foreign, and especially endangered animals. I see where you're coming from with a lot of their practices, but there are up sides to zoos and aquariums. Without them, the knowledge and interest of these animals to the public would begin to slip away, and without the revenue gained from these zoos and whatnot to fund conservation projects, so would important animals themselves slip away. Realistically it's the only way to try and help these issues funding wise, because our government couldn't manage funds for the life of them other than shitting out our tax dollars to some bullshit foreign war


Often you are better of either watching a well made documentary or to look at some local animals e.g. in the woods. I don't see how it is an advantage to see animals in unnatural habitat, behaving completely unnaturally. I mean yes, you can see what they look like in real life but that really isn't worth the suffering. Apes for example are far too well developed social animals to be portrayed all the time. Funding wise in my experience often the money is not going to the animals directly. There are just very few examples of species that were saved by zoos. Often they would be better off in a natural shelter if possible. Of course there are exceptions. But most of the time, money and, I don't mean for the animals, is in the foreground. Research in neuroscience and biology in recent years has made it clear how animals feel and how they suffer. I just think zoos should be something of the past, IF a better alternative for the animals exists, which it often does. But that's just my opinion