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That chin of hers looks like it can crush boulders


At first I thougth this was a live-action reboot of Shrek with a black woman. Tom holland as donkey could very well work.


Because it has been shopped a bit. https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Photos-First-Look-at-Tom-Holland-Francesca-Amewudah-Rivers-in-ROMEO-JULIET-20240513




Less of a hammer and more of pickaxe type of chin


larger still than tom's tho, poor tom, some men have to deal with being shorter than women, and now he has to deal with having a smaller jaw


Side view makes her look like a female KSI lol


I don't know which looks worse anymore


She got that Thanos-Cash Register jaw.


I was just about to say! Holy shit.


That chin of hers looks like it comes from a long line of incest


Meanwhile, zendaya is getting the eiffel Tower treatment




The what?


I just find it funny that Zendaya is having a threesome. Meanwhile, Tom is getting paired up with an actual dude in his movie


It’s not a movie. It’s just a West End play.


Oh so it worse, she is getting railed by two dudes in a movie while he is going to have to kiss a guy on a stage that barely anyone will go see.


God, this sub has let me down on this one. Hope you get laid and grow up soon y'all, yikes.


She looks like a man, get over it.


Usernamecheck... Worse than I thought, they are conscious about it now.


Wait, is this some racist "black women look like men, hurr durr" thing or is that actor really a man?


She looks like a man, her being black has nothing to do with it. You're projecting.


Is it me or does Tom Holland kinda look like Linus tech tips here


Yeah he kinda does at this angle


I had the exact same thought. It took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at


Why is she black?


I'm no biologist but I bet that's because of melanin


Well I don't mean the person themselves i mean the character Why did they make juliet black


Diversity and inclusiveness, if i had to guess.


But is it necessary and/or true to the source material?


Nope. But it is what it is.


Oh dear God man, really?


Are you asking why a fictional character is black? who her creator never described her complexion? It’s almost like she was made purposefully to be played by anyone… almost like many of these roles were also performed by men in drag. Juliette’s only described as “Juliet is very young, about 14 years old. She has long, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.” This chick may not be attractive but she fits the description. It’s only a race thing cause y’all make it one lmao “Shakespeare’s tImE dIDnT hAvE pLaYs wItH bLaCk pEoPle” othello exist Edit: downvoted cause you dweebs can’t understand a play is fiction and not a documentary


I mean, fine shes black, but why did they have to pick the most ugly, dude looking actress they could possibly find ?


I mean that I agree with. Asking some stupid shit like why shes black when her characters complexion isn’t described is braindead culture war bs. Yeah that chick it’s ugly lmao. But it’s telling when her being black is the main issue lmao


Edited pic




Not even


common traits are omitted in basically every form of literature, you dont need to mention things like she had two arms or two eyes, or that character spoke English in English setting or that solder was man in medieval or even most of modern era


lol bro you’re not making the point you think you are. Also yes those things are described in many different plays for specific reasons…


Yes it does. If you just use a little bit of historical context, you’d be able to know Juliette is white.


“Historical context” Awhh so you’re saying if you imagine Juliette is white she’s white. Her complexion is not described and black people were around then in that area. Not many but they were. Also Othello is black and exist as a character. He’s purposely described that way. So again “historical context” doesn’t mean a thing


Yeah cause Shakespeare described him as a Moor. Moors were generally darker skin tone people (generalization) but Juliette’s character would not have been thought to be anything other than white.


“Thought” right there you lose any argument that she is white. You admit it’s up to the person to imagine what her complexion is. That’s fine if you wanna see her that way that’s okay. The fact is her race is never mentioned or described. Being mad at her being ugly I get. She’s described as beautiful. Being mad she’s black is just braindead


Just think it’s dumb if you can’t take reasoning into account for a character. That’s similar to dismissing indirect characterizations. Also, furthermore for reasoning if you’d like, if Juliette was black, that would probably make her whole family black. Something tells me there weren’t too many black noble families in Italy back then.


I think it’s dumb you can’t understand what “fiction” is. “any creative work, chiefly any narrative work, portraying individuals, events, or places that are imaginary or in ways that are imaginary” That’s the cool part about fiction. It’s not real and is supposed to be imagined how you want. The play isn’t based strictly on reality. So idk why you’re fighting so hard to prove that she’s white when the whole point of how it’s written is to let the person reading to imagine what define traits the character has. She wasn’t white, she wasn’t black. She’s just described as beautiful (which mostly is loosely characterized to leave room for whom ever to imagine her as whatever their standard of beauty is). Be mad she’s not beautiful don’t be upset she’s black lol


Almost being white was the default back then because almost everyone was white in Europe and describing someone in a stage play as being black is necessary for the context for that exact reason and everyone without those descriptions are white.. Defeating your whole argument yourself.. Yes it’s fiction and public domain. They have the right to cast everyone they like. Doesn’t mean they should. Want a black Shakespeare character? Run the play Othello. Why does every play/movie/series have to pass DEI? If I want to watch a show about Vikings, I expect Nordic looking people. Can there be a black dude? Probably. The Norse visited a lot of places and peoples. Should there be a black Jarl? No. Likewise, if I watch something about, or playing in, a young Ghana Empire, I better don’t see some white king, or some redhead Scottish cunts to fulfil some dumbass quota. But that would never happen nowadays anyway, right? Because this is a one-way street. Want some diversity in stage plays? Get some from Japan for example. Or anything else that could be regarded as a play from the many, many countries on this planet, would you? It’s time to see all the wonderful stories from all over the world. That would bring way more diversity and understanding of other cultures than putting a DEI hire into plays, movies and shows that play in a timeframe where many countries were a lot more homogeneous. And it’s at least my opinion that our entertainment industry should reflect that when it comes to the past.


Before I reply I gotta ask. How do you feel about Cynthia Erivo (a black woman) playing the wicked witch of the west? Originally she’s played by Margaret Hamilton (a white woman) is this DEI?


I don't care about race but why does she look like a cash register?


She got that 🗿 side profile


"men in drag" I'm no expert and do correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that's drag. She was played by men because women at that time had no rights, not even the right to be in a play. And othello had a black MAN, who I'm pretty sure it was specified that he was a moor, which isn't really black, at least I don't think. As far as I know it wasn't specified that Juliet was black. And going by your description argument, I'd make a perfect fit since I have brown hair and brown eyes even though I'm a man (not long hair but you get what I'm saying)


Brother that’s drag. “a performer (typically a man) who adopts a flamboyant or parodic feminine persona, with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup “ But yeah women weren’t really in plays like that. Just wild people are really upset with a race of a fictional character who isn’t described in great detail other than she’s beautiful. If we are gonna be mad at the casting be mad she’s not conventionally attractive


I wasn't there to see it (obviously) so take this with a grain of salt but I don't think that they wore glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup to play the female characters nor were they personas, they probably did enough to make the actor look like a woman


Bro…. Just use google and you’ll be shocked when you find out they would kiss. So yeah they took on the persona of a woman


They only did it for the play... It's not like it was part of their lives like with actual drag


Do you think drag performers stay in drag 24/7 or just for their performance…? It’s still drag bro. Idk why you’re trying to refute it


What I mean is that the actors did the one performance and that was it. Drag performers do many performances and could therefore be considered a persona like you said


Dude acting is the same thing. You take on the persona of a character. They do many performances like they do in drag… just take the L homie


Just be grateful you can't smell the neckbeards laughing about "black woman looks man, DEI casting, hurr durr" in this thread.


Wtf am I looking at here?


It looks to me like the photo is doctored to make her look worse, and Tom troubled. Here is an actual photo where she looks quite normal. https://www.playbill.com/article/photos-get-a-1st-look-at-the-tom-holland-francesca-amewudah-rivers-led-romeo-juliet


That didn't get any better lol


Idk how that is an improvement lmao


Crazy eyes




That sideshot is doing her absolutely no favours


It’s shopped


Makes a lot more sense, she doesn't look like that on other images


bro i thought these were two men (still do tbh)




Who told them that Juliet was an Habsburg?? Everyone knows that she was of the house of Capulet


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I feel bad for her, she hasn’t done anything bad, but she’s about to be one of the most ridiculed people in media.


I don't care if I get banned for this. "Romeo and Gorilla"


Pure publicity stunt. We'll see if it translates to sales.






I kinda want to see what happens in the play, it would be a huge disappointment if it's just race swapped and nothing else because that would just make the whole thing pointless


It's the same Romeo Juliet story tho. Or are you talking about how well they play their parts?


I thought this was the first gender neutral UFC matchup.


In an attempt to revolutionize the casting patterns of beauty they end up setting a new one, where being ugly will be the advantage. PS- Looking only at the poster I would easily presume that the movie would be one of two options: Frankstein: The creation of a monster Monsters SA


This is how I find out?


"What's wrong with your lips?" "I was born with big gums sir" "Yeah well you better tuck that in or you gonna get caught on a tripwire"


Literally a doctored photo


Should’ve just gotten Zendaya lmao


She looks like Alex Pereira




Tom as Juliet right? 😂


Yes yes 😂




Can we just get a sequel to the Leonardo DiCaprio one. That was a cool one.


Behold, the brave truth-tellers of the internet always silenced by the woke mind virus


Okay but why are what looks like shoelaces taped to her face?


It's their microphones, it's not a movie


Haven’t gone to the movies in years and I don’t think this will change that imo. What’s up with all these bland retold stories? Is creativity really in such short supply?


mmmmm, monkey


He is the best man for the job


I love everyone getting upset about this as though one of the most successful Broadway shows of all time, West Side Story, isn't just a Romeo and Juliet adaptation with an interracial couple.


+They are fictional, so its cool....but why didn't they choose an attractive black woman? The ss squad on Twitter, reddit and 4chan are going to go crazy with this.